
Canadian Cancer Society advises on EMFs

While the various cancer organisations in Australia and elsewhere continue to ignore the EMF cancer connection, the Canadian Cancer Society now gives clear advice on the issue. This is an IMPORTANT breakthrough which will be communicated to the many thousands of cancer self-help groups worldwide. With the information that was presented at the recent BEMS conference at Cancun, Mexico (see: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=505 ) the old ICNIRP and WHO assurances of safety are looking a bit irrelevant, to say the least. Perhaps Repacholi was very wise to retire at this time.

Don Maisch

From Robert Riedlinger:


Advice from the Canadian Cancer Society

Electromagnetic fields

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device. Examples of EMF sources include power lines, electrical appliances and cell phones. Based on current research, a cause and effect relationship between electromagnetic fields and cancer has been neither established nor ruled out.

Precautions that can be taken to limit a person’s exposure to electromagnetic fields include:

Increase the distance between yourself and the EMF source

*The strength of a magnetic field does not depend on how large, complex, powerful or noisy the appliance is. (In fact, the magnetic fields near large appliances are often weaker than those near smaller devices.)

*Stand back from an appliance when it is in use. Magnetic fields from appliances drop off dramatically in strength with increased distance from the source.

*Sit at arm’s length from a computer terminal.

Avoid unnecessary proximity to high EMF sources

*Don’t let children play directly under power lines or on top of power transformers for underground lines.

*Correct any household wiring problems, or update household wiring in an older home.

Reduce time spent within the electromagnetic field

*Turn off the computer monitor and other electrical appliances when not in use.

For more information
Health Canada
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Source: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=508


Canadian Cancer Society...suggestions?

In your July 8, 2006 posting of Redaktion you cited - "Canadian Cancer Society advises on EMF's" and I was quite excited about that! However, they NOW appear to be taking a step backwards as they have updated their site as of July 13, 2006 with the addition of the words - "This position is now under review." Like my friend the nurse cited below the easiest option is to deny that this amazing technology could have made her sick or like Disney the lucrativeness of the cell technology is a financial sacrifice they now cannot pass up. The criticism reigned on the CCS by Wendy Mezley obviously made an impact (the CCS site updated at May 19 2006 was just in time for their major fundraising campaign Relay For Life in June - which I did NOT participate in this year), but now are they back paddling? I will continue to watch their site and see how/if their position changes. Perhaps they need a reminder where their obligations lie and who (citizens who generously donate) keeps them in business...or perhaps the CCS is kept in business by the very industry that is causing people to get cancer in the first place. This is a sinister thought, but this would not be the first time people are bribed for personal selfish reasons. Why else did the CCS not tell women that the Pill was implicated in causing breast cancer (July 2005) until Wendy Mezley pointed it out on global television (Mar. 2006)? Pharmaceutical companies and the cell industry benefit beyond measure if agencies like the CCS white wash the truth or hide the facts from the people.

I would like to know why the CCS is now reviewing its position on EMF's and for what purpose. Taking a precautionary stance with regard to EMF's was a step in the right direction. Suggestions as to what we can do?

From: Janice Burns

Subject: Canadian Cancer Society, Disney etc.
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:01:23 -0400

Greetings from Ontario Canada!

The Canadian Cancer Society who APPEARED to finally be taking a stand about EMF’s and advising a precautionary stance as of May 19, 2006, APPEARS to be waffling. They have now added this advisory to the beginning of their page on Prevention dated July 13, 2006 - “THIS POSITION IS CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW."


I will save a hard copy of this page as well so that I can see how long it takes for the erosion or even removal of this precautionary advice. Below is the original CCS text dated May 19, 2006:

Electromagnetic fields Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible lines of force that surround any electrical device. Examples of EMF sources include power lines, electrical appliances and cell phones. Based on current research, a cause and effect relationship between electromagnetic fields and cancer has been neither established nor ruled out.

Precautions that can be taken to limit a person's exposure to electromagnetic fields include:

·Increase the distance between yourself and the EMF source

· The strength of a magnetic field does not depend on how large, complex, powerful or noisy the appliance is. (In fact, the magnetic fields near large appliances are often weaker than those near smaller devices.)

· Stand back from an appliance when it is in use. Magnetic fields from appliances drop off dramatically in strength with increased distance from the source.

· Sit at arm's length from a computer terminal. Avoid unnecessary proximity to high EMF sources.

· Don't let children play directly under power lines or on top of power transformers for underground lines.

· Correct any household wiring problems, or update household wiring in an older home. Reduce time spent within the electromagnetic field.

· Turn off the computer monitor and other electrical appliances when not in use.

Last modified on: 19 May 2006

I have a friend who is a nurse. She got a brain tumour in the frontal lobe. I learned last year that when she was on-call at night, she would sleep with her cellphone under her pillow so that if there was an emergency at the hospital, an incoming call on the land-line would not disturb her husband. Apparently her doctor (a well known Toronto doctor) has warned her to stay away from “pesticides” as he felt that this was the cause of her tumour. When I told her about the possible connection between cellphone use and brain tumours, she of course thinks that I am misinformed.

As well, in the July 2006 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine published in the U.S. there is a full page Disney advertisement for cell phones, which offers GPS locating of your children. If you as a parent cannot visually see your young children in a mall for instance, a cell phone is not going to keep him or her safe from a predator. This is giving a false sense of security as well as encouraging lax parenting strategies, not to mention possible 24/7 radiation from cellphones.



Review of ICNIRP EMF exposure guidelines

‘The fight goes on’


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Juli 2006

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