
Roger Santini will not fight any longer with all of us for a better Life for all

----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Santini
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 8:41 AM
Subject: [Roger Santini]

This message is translated in English and spanish below

Sylvia et ses fils Paul et Alain sont au regret de vous informer que Roger Santini ne pourra plus participer au combat pour une Vie meilleure qu'il menait avec nous tous.

Il nous a quitté le Mercredi 14 Juin 2006.

Si vous voulez lui dire au revoir, vous pouvez vous joindre à nous par la pensée ou rendez vous le samedi 17 Juin - 10h en l'église Marie Madeleine, Place Wilson, Villeuranne -France.

Amitiés, Famille Santini
28 Rue Bonnet - 69100 Villeurbanne - France

----- English ----------

Sylivia and her sons Paul and Alain are sad to inform you that Roger Santini will not fight any longer with all of us for a better Life for all.

He leaved us on Wednesday, 14th of June 2006.

If you want to farewell him, you can join us in thought or meet us on Saturday, 17 th of June - 10h - in the Church Marie Madeleine - Place Wilson, Villeurbanne - France.

Kind regards

Santini Family
28 Rue Bonnet - 69100 Villeurbanne - France

------ Castellano -------

Sylvia y sus hijos Paul y Alain os informan que Roger Santini no seguira luchando a nuestro lado para conseguir una vida mejor para todos,

Se marcho el miercoles 14 de Junio 2006.

Si quereis acompañarle, podeis juntaros a nosotros por el pensamiento o venir el Sabado 17 de Junio - 10 h - en la Iglesia Marie Madeleine - Place Wilson, Villeurbanne- France

Saludos Familia Santini
28 Rue Bonnet - 69100 Villeurbanne - France

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Condolences for Roger Santini

For Buergewelle and the Santini family,

I would like to express my condolences on the death of Roger Santini, and sincere gratitude for the work that he did in his life studying the safety effects of mobile phone towers. He expressed a thought for human values in his work and an appreciation of timeless things. His work was well valued by many electrosensitives around the world, and we were grateful for that. Condolences and appreciations to his family on his passing.

Myself and electrosensitives worldwide.



Rest in Peace – Dr Roger Santini

I have received an e-mail from Dr Roger Santini’s son Paul saying Roger was diagnosed with pancreas cancer 2 weeks ago and died on 14th June.

I’ve been reading through all my communications with Roger, the last one was in February when he was wishing me good luck for meetings I was due to attend. It’s a sad day, what a great loss.

I sent the following message to Roger’s family, his son Paul said thank you for the sympathy and that Roger is no longer suffering and they will keep his memory in their hearts.

Dear Paul and family

I am so sorry to hear this, you must be proud of his achievements, he has left his mark in this world and his work will live on. I’m sure he will be sending us even more power from the Heavens above.

I hope you find comfort in the following passage written by Bishop Brent.

What is Dying?

A ship sails and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon and someone at my side says “she is gone”. Gone where? Gone from my sight that is all; she is just as large as when I saw her. The diminished size and total loss of sight is in me, not in her, and just at the moment when someone at my side says “she is gone”, there are others who are watching her coming and other voices take up a glad shout, “There she comes!” And that is dying.

By Bishop Brent

My love and prayers are with you, God Bless Roger and all your family.

Take care

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust


Message à Roger


I cried so much about him today, that I was surprised at myself how much he had touched me. We corresponded by emails, lately he wrote me that he suffered from health problems, but I didn't realize it was a sign of the worst. He was such a good man with good heart and all he wanted was to protect people and help them protect themselves. When he retired, he informed me he was not going to stop fighting also during his retirement. This issue was in his blood. He fought for other scientists that the industry and governments tried to shut up about the dangers of EMF pollution, and he could understand it well because he went through such an harrasment himself. He sent me articles and parts of his books always wanting to educate more and more. He was such a special man, when I write now I have tears in my eyes. He was a soul, a man of truth, and it is thanks to the people of truth like him, that we know we are living in a world of lie. His death made a huge hole, not many people in the history were great enough to make big holes when they left.

Iris Atzmon.


Goodbye to Roger Santini

Adieu à Roger Santini: son combat, les témoignages, un extrait vidéo . . .


Hommage National et International à Roger SANTINI, participer


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Juni 2006

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