
OPPOSING Project Aqua

Hi All,
Below is a Submission form for OPPOSING Project Aqua. http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/individual_submission_pa_final.pdf

Please can you:

1 Consider if it might be helpful for you to submit in opposition to Project Aqua.

2 Forward it on to anyone who you think might be opposed to Project Aqua. Hard copies of this form have been posted to every household in Waitaki, McKenzie and Waimate Districts so best to forward to people outside those areas.

Submissions relating to Project Aqua close at 5.00pm on Friday 12 March 2004, that is, Friday of this week. It is important that as many people as possible have their say. If you do want to make a submission OPPOSING all the Project Aqua applications, then you may choose to do so by printing the form and adding your signature and contact details in the spaces shown. While the submission opposes all aspects of Project Aqua it is also a good idea if you add any particular concerns you have to personalise it.

Please remember that for your submission to be accepted it must

* reach Environment Canterbury by 5.00pm on this Friday.
* include your name, address and signature, and
* a copy of your submission must be sent (can be faxed) to Meridian Energy as soon as possible.

You should also indicate if you wish to speak to your submission at a Hearing or not by ticking in the appropriate box. Ministry for the Environment has indicated that Hearings are likely to be in Oamaru. The addresses to send your submissions to are on the form. Environment Canterbury is postfree, but a letter to Meridian Energy is not.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this message from the following groups

* Waitaki River Users Liaison Group
* Save the Waitaki
* Waitaki First Incorporated

Informant: Denise Ward, Christchurch, N.Z.
check out http://canterbury.cyberplace.co.nz/ouruhia/
and http://www.neilcherry.com



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März 2004

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