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Die Suche nach »damage living cells« hat 70 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.
The Effects of Fluoride on the Thyroid Gland
by Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield MBBS LRCP MRCS Medical Advisor to Thyroid UK There is a daunting amount of research studies showing that the widely acclaimed benefits on fluoride dental health are more... ...
Starmail - 20. Sep, 22:57
Mobile Phones Linked to Brain Tumors after Long Term Use
http://www.newstarget.com/ 022488.html Informant: Salvador Lourdes -------- Long-Te rm Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumor Risk http://aje.oxfordjour nals.org/cgi/content/abstr act/161/6/526 -------- Q uestioning... ...
Starmail - 15. Jan, 14:04
MOBILE PHONE MASTS: The Awful TRUTH About Their Effects On Your HEALTH
We have finally put into motion our expose of the health risks involved with masts. We have got a certain amount of buy-in from the press here at the moment, plus with our own equivalent of prontaprint... ...
Starmail - 26. Aug, 22:34
On the Non-ionizing Radiation Red Herring
Response to Lloyd Morgan’s message from Iris Atzmon: Don, Lloyd wanted responses from the public, I think it would be very interesting for him to read what Dr. Robert Kane has written about the ionizing/... ...
Starmail - 13. Aug, 08:30
EMF RAPID Interagency Committee Report has never been presented to Congress
Dear Roy: We just spent a very nice night at the charming, new country home -- about 70 miles north of us in Hinckley, Minnesota, with my sister, Sue and her husband, Jon. One of Jon's "extended family,"... ...
Starmail - 4. Okt, 23:10
Pulsed microwave radiation emissions are causing ill health
Can we all put our heads together and see how we can assist the RSPCA. ----- Original Message ----- From: "stephen" To: "Jackie Ballard" < Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 5:26 PM Subject: Re: re pulsed... ...
Starmail - 11. Aug, 22:38
There is already proof of adverse effects
In a message dated 27/07/2005 10:34:40 GMT Standard Time, GILLARROW writes: Dear Stacy, My sincere apologies! I was interrupted, and when I came back I had somehow inadvertently sent your email without... ...
Starmail - 29. Jul, 22:22
Mast plan raises child cancer fear
http://www.beartown.co.uk/ newsviewer.asp?ID=19803 C ongleton, Cheshire 20.06.05 Anxious residents in Congleton are urging the council to reject plans for a mobile telephone mast amid... ...
Starmail - 20. Jun, 16:21
This is Bristol BY KIRSTY PUGH K. PUGH 11:00 - 09 June 2005 Bristol Zoo has unveiled plans to allow a mobile phone mast to be installed in its grounds. Bradley Stoke-based mobile firm Orange wants... ...
Starmail - 21. Jul, 22:39
Human-Animal Hybrids, Mad Cow Cover-up and more...(Organic Bytes #57)
Food, Consumer and Environment News Tidbits with an Edge! Organic Bytes #57 5/10/2005 CREATING HUMAN-ANIMAL HYBRIDS New guidelines set by the National Academies of Sciences would permit the development... ...
Starmail - 11. Mai, 16:19