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Die Suche nach »AGNIR« hat 10 Resultate geliefert.
Electrosensitivity: Caused by Wi-Fi and Mobiles?
The woman who needs a veil of protection from modern life http://www.dailymail. co.uk/pages/live/femail/ar ticle.html?in_article_id=4 50995&in_page_id=1879 Peter w-a-r-t You'll love this, although... ...
Starmail - 24. Mai, 13:32
Its alleged that a Southport Children’s Nursery has three children with leukaemia
Take a look at the enclosed news article about the 3 children with leukaemia it includes a photograph of the school and the mast. Also read the critique from Professor Dennis Henshaw which is at the bottom... ...
Starmail - 15. Mär, 13:59
Breast cancer and EMFs
Breast cancer and EMFs: The spin begins It is no surprise to the readers on this list that it is self evident that as evidence for a negative EMF bioeffect becomes stronger, the vested interests threatened... ...
Starmail - 30. Mär, 10:53
Power Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Melatonin and the Risk of Breast Cancer
From: Eileen O'Connor eileen@smokestack ltd.co.uk Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 12:15:56 -0000 Subject: Abstract by Dr John Walker Please see message received today from Dr Walker, responding to my recent e-mails... ...
Starmail - 12. Feb, 09:05
Mobile Phones Linked to Brain Tumors after Long Term Use
http://www.newstarget.com/ 022488.html Informant: Salvador Lourdes -------- Long-Te rm Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumor Risk http://aje.oxfordjour nals.org/cgi/content/abstr act/161/6/526 -------- Q uestioning... ...
Starmail - 15. Jan, 14:04
Masts and TETRA forum 19th July 05
Many of you are awaiting a report on Phone Mast and TETRA forum held on the 19th July 05. I found this on the Mast Action website, so that at least you have some idea of what happened. Sandi Mobile... ...
Starmail - 9. Aug, 14:48
Phone mast laws ‘must change’
Wanstead and Woodford Guardian By Charlie Stong NEW Ilford North MP Lee Scott has called on the Government to give local councils more freedom in deciding the fate of mobile phone masts. Mr Scott last... ...
Starmail - 6. Jun, 18:08
http://www.thisisbath.com/ displayNode.jsp?nodeId=163 061&command=displayContent &sourceNode=163044&content PK=12385354&moduleName=Int ernalSearch&keyword=Michae l%20Dolan&formname=sidebar search Grahame... ...
Starmail - 9. Mai, 19:24
The saga of Lord Bassam of Brighton
The saga began with this entry in Hansard during the debate on mobile phone masts. Lord Bassam of Brighton: My Lords, there will of course be some revision of the guidance, because the planning policy... ...
Starmail - 30. Jan, 15:07
NRPB 2004 Mobile Phones and Health
Mobile Phones and Health - Get off that mobile, expert tells children https://omega.twoday.net/s tories/465579/ See Press Releases below. A propos to mobile phone technology and children's health: We... ...
Starmail - 28. Feb, 11:11