
Wolfowitz and the Coming Wars

The inserting of Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank is actually part of a global war strategy. The idea is to put Bush loyalists and ideologues wherever they can advance the neocon agenda and undermine international organizations.


From Information Clearing House

Grass always covers the graves

We journalists are students of human folly. Palestine, Iraq, the Gulf, Persia; for more than a hundred years, our Western meddling in the Middle East falls under that label "folly". A "foolish ... and expensive undertaking that ends in disaster" is how one dictionary defines this. I suspect it also contains an unhealthy mix of vanity and hubris.


From Information Clearing House

They are afraid of you

John Pilger: They are afraid of you:

All over the world, people like you expressed their defiance and anger at the unprovoked attack on Iraq, a defenseless country, and the killing of more than 100,000 people and the theft of their resources and the poisoning of their land: all of it justified by demonstrable lies.


From Information Clearing House

Pentagon reaffirms globocop role

Combined with the nomination earlier in the month of super-unilateralist John Bolton as Bush's ambassador to the United Nations, as well as the US withdrawal from the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for cases involving the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the new Strategy strongly suggests that Washington's interest in its traditional alliances, multilateral institutions, and even international law is on a downward trajectory.


From Information Clearing House

'I'll hold Blair to account'

Reg Keys wasn't interested in politics until his son Tom was killed in Iraq in a war he insists was 'illegal and immoral'. Which makes him the ideal candidate to stand against the prime minister in his Sedgefield constituency, he tells Stuart Jeffries.


From Information Clearing House

Mass drugging of schoolchildren remains dark secret of public education, psychiatry


GOP Governors Cut State Workers' Rights


America Smells the Coffee

History is replete with examples of leadership tests that pit a nation’s military prowess against its economic base. Yale historian Paul Kennedy has long argued that great powers typically fail when military reach outstrips a nation’s economic strength. In that vein, there’s little doubt that America is extending its reach in this post-9/11 world.


Federal deficit a bigger risk than terrorism

The budget deficit has overtaken terrorism as the greatest short-term risk to the U.S. economy, and concern about the current gap is rising, a survey of U.S. businesses shows.


From Information Clearing House

Dying in Iraq is Not a Job Opportunity

Last Wednesday at City's job fair about twenty students stood in front of the National Guard table and began chanting anti-war slogans when, within moments, they were outnumbered by security, said Tiffany Paul, a City College student who participated in the protest.


Two years later, military is depleted

Two years after the United States launched a war in Iraq with a crushing display of power, a guerrilla conflict is grinding away at the resources of the U.S. military and casting uncertainty over the fitness of the all-volunteer force, according to senior military leaders.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Using Anti-Terror War to Gain World Oil Reserves

U.S. Using Anti-Terror War to Gain World Oil Reserves — Soviet Intelligence Chief:

Referring to his meeting with an unnamed al-Qaeda expert at the Rand Corporation, a nonprofit research organization in the U.S., Shebarshin said: “We have agreed that [al-Qaeda] is not a group but a notion.”


Resurgent Russia challenges US

International terrorism has been strengthened after three years of war as evidenced by the upsurge in terrorist strikes worldwide.

By Jephraim P Gundzik

Washington's "war on terrorism" is designed to militarily establish United States economic and geopolitical hegemony on a global scale. Rather than subduing Russia, the "war on terrorism" is encouraging Moscow to strengthen its relations with Washington's prominent foes. The war is also supercharging Russia's economy. Over the next four years, Russia will increasingly challenge the foreign policy goals of the Bush administration.


In a warped reality

Two years on, the occupiers justify the war by embracing the irrelevant and ignoring the inconvenient

Gary Younge

This is a tale of one war, two anniversaries, three different demonstrations - and inconsistencies, contradictions and civilian deaths that are too numerous to count.


An Indecent Administration Rolls On


Guantanamo Abuse 'Videotaped'


World Water Day: EU Urged to Stop Privatization


Iraq Invasion May Be Start of the Age of Oil Scarcity


Pollution Killing Asia's River Dolphins

Pollution Killing Asia's River Dolphins - WWF

Biggest Study of GMO Finds Impact on Birds, Bees


The Strategy of Empire: Endless war


Death Valley alive with wildflowers


Informant: Anna Webb

Women and Human Rights - Victims and Heroes

As we enter the second year of our global campaign to Stop Violence Against Women, we thought March - Women's History Month - was an important time to remind ourselves that women are not always the victims of human rights abuse - often they are the heroes.

This month on our website, we spotlight the all-important work of four extraordinary women who have made a difference. Two of them are among the twelve women who have received the Nobel Peace Prize. One woman, Mexico's Digna Ochoa gave her life for her cause. And another will receive Amnesty International USA's highest award next month. All have sacrificed much for the rights and well-being of others.


On every continent, women are rising up to end the abuse, torture and neglect that has long plagued their communities. Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi aroused an entire nation against decades of corruption and abuse. "It is not power that corrupts," she has said, "but fear."

Women are often uniquely able to appeal to everyday people and to engage them in collective struggle. Aung San Suu Kyi has written, "It is the cumulative effect of [ordinary people's] sustained effort and steady endurance which will change a nation where reason and conscience are warped by fear into one where legal rules exist to promote humanity's desire for harmony and justice while restraining less desirable, destructive traits in human nature."

Wangari Maathai has converted the seemingly mundane and domestic act of planting trees into a continent-wide movement aimed at empowering women and reshaping society's relationship with the natural environment. Says Maathai: "When you start working with the environment seriously, the whole arena comes: human rights, women's rights, environmental rights, children's rights, you know, everybody's rights. Once you start making these linkages, you can no longer do just tree-planting."

Bill Schulz
Amnesty International USA

P.S. GOOD NEWS! Last week's release of prisoner of conscience Rebiya Kadeer demonstrates that no government is immune to the persistent pressure applied by dedicated human rights activists worldwide.



Press release. 22 March 2005


News that the House of Lords has refused to hear the Byron Avenue phone mast case has left campaigners disappointed but not crushed. “We’ve had so many ups and downs in the four years we’ve been fighting that nothing surprises us any longer,” says Karen Barratt. “ We’re certainly not giving up.”

After the disappointment of December’s Appeal Court judgement, mothers Caroline St. Leger Davey and Diane Harrison applied in January to continue their legal battle in the Lords on behalf of their children; Phoebe St.Leger Davey and James Harrison both attend Western Primary School, which is situated close to the site of the proposed Orange mast. Caroline and Diane will now be discussing the Lords decision with their legal team.

It is too early to say whether the next step might be the European Court but Orange has given an undertaking to MP Mark Oaten not to erect the mast until campaigners have exhausted all their options. In any case the company originally said they would not disturb the birds nesting in the trees on the site, which means waiting until August. The drama of Byron Avenue looks set to continue.

Karen Barratt: 01962 864388
Caroline St.Leger Davey: 01962 865716


Orange originally applied to erect the 11.79 metre monopole in Byron Avenue, Winchester in December 2000 and was given the go-ahead by a local planning officer as full planning permission for masts under 15 metres is not required.

The unprecedented level of protest among outraged residents and parents with children at the school prompted marches, public meetings and a deluge of letters to local and national government departments. Local MP Mark Oaten gave the campaign his wholehearted support and made repeated attempts to persuade Orange to find an alternative site. Eventually local parents took legal action and Winchester City Council (WCC) was forced to reconsider the decision after the High Court gave permission for a judicial review on the grounds that concerns about health had not been considered. At the re-determination in March 2002, this time by the full Planning Committee, Orange’s application was rejected.

Community celebrations were short-lived, however, as two months later Orange lodged an appeal against WCC’s decision. The public inquiry, for which local people raised £20,000 for their own legal representation, started in November 2002, lasted for nine days with three adjournments, eventually finishing in July 2003. A few weeks later, Planning Inspector, Martin Pike issued his decision against the council, in Orange’s favour.

WCC refused to challenge the decision even though costs were awarded against them. Two local mothers, Caroline St.Leger Davey and Diane Harrison took up the challenge and went to the High Court in March this year in an attempt to overturn the Planning Inspector’s decision. Although unsuccessful on that occasion they were given a second chance and returned to court on 11 November in an attempt to overturn the judgment. The decision rejecting the appeal was issued on 1 December 2004. The application to the House of Lords was made in January.


From Mast Network

Crazy Weather: Northwest Drought Tied to Southwest Floods


Informant: Laurel

Schlechter lernen mit dem Computer

Wie deutsche Wissenschaftler herausgefunden haben wollen, fördert Computernutzung in den Schulen und Zuhause nicht die Leistung von Schülern in Mathematik sowie beim Lesen und Schreiben.


Drastisch weniger Schmetterlinge und Bienen auf Gen-Raps-Feldern

Studie: Drastisch weniger Schmetterlinge und Bienen auf Gen-Raps-Feldern (22.03.05)

Der kommerzielle Anbau von genetisch veränderten Pflanzen hat große Auswirkungen auf die umliegenden Gewächse und damit auch auf Schmetterlinge und Bienen. Zu diesem Schluss kommt eine dreijährige Studie im Auftrag der britischen Regierung, die im Wissenschaftsmagazin Nature veröffentlicht wurde. Nach den Ergebnissen der Forscher, die ein Rapsfeld mit genetisch verändertem Canola-Raps untersuchten, der einem bestimmten Herbizid widersteht, nahm die Zahl der Schmetterlinge und Bienen drastisch ab.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Verbraucherzentrale geht gegen Haustür-Werbung von "Arcor" vor

"Verträge widerrufen": Verbraucherzentrale geht gegen Haustür-Werbung von "Arcor" vor


Nach Angaben der Verbraucherzentrale Brandenburg beschweren sich schon seit Monaten immer wieder Verbraucher über aggressive Werber der Telekommunikationsfirma Arcor, "die Verbrauchern unvorbereitet an der Haustür Arcor-Preselect-Verträge aufdrängen". Ein solcher Vertrag verpflichtet den Telefonkunden, seine Gespräche mit Vorwahl nicht mehr über den bisherigen Vertragspartner zu realisieren - meist die Deutsche Telekom AG –, sondern ausschließlich über die Einwahl von Arcor. Angesichts der "aggressiv an der Haustür vermittelten Arcor-Verträge" rufen die Verbraucherschützer dazu auf, solche Verträge zu widerrufen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

BUND veröffentlicht Standorte von Gen-Feldern

Gentechnik: BUND veröffentlicht Standorte von Gen-Feldern (22.03.05)

Trotz Gesetzesänderung will der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) von Nordrhein-Westfalen erneut die genaue Lage aller ihm bekannten Gentech-Anbauflächen in seinem Bundesland ins Internet stellen. "Damit reagiert der BUND auf den Beschluss des Bundestages", schreibt Ralf Bilke, Agrarreferent des BUND NRW in einer Stellungnahme. Ein so genanntes Standortregister, das bundesweit alle Gen-Felder lokalisiert, sei am Freitag für die allgemeine Bevölkerung abgeschafft worden. Das erst seit Februar in Kraft getretene Register ist nur noch einem sehr beschränkten Kreis von Betroffenen wie Landwirten, Imkern und Grundstückseignern - auf Antrag - zugänglich.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Entsetzen bei Friedensforschern über Präventivkriege der Vereinten Nationen

UN-Reform: Entsetzen bei Friedensforschern über Präventivkriege der Vereinten Nationen (22.03.05)

Teile des von UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan am 21. März vorgelegten Strategiepapiers "In größerer Freiheit" zur Reformierung der Vereinten Nationen löste beim Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag "helles Entsetzen" aus. Annan ziehe die Möglichkeit in Betracht, Präventivkriege im Namen der Vereinten Nationen zu führen. In Ziffer 125 heißt es dazu: "Wenn es sich nicht um eine unmittelbar drohende Gefahr, sondern um eine latente Bedrohung handelt, überträgt die Charta dem Sicherheitsrat die volle Autorität für die Anwendung militärischer Gewalt, auch präventiv, um den Weltfrieden und die internationale Sicherheit zu wahren." Sollte sich diese Auffassung durchsetzen, fielen die Vereinten Nationen nach Auffassung des Friedensforschers Peter Strutynski "nicht nur hinter die eigene UN-Charta, sondern auch hinter den Kellogg-Pakt aus dem Jahr 1928 zurück, in dem die Vertragsstaaten erstmals den Krieg geächtet hatten."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Dictators, Tyrants and Fools


Fallujah: A “Horrid” Case of a Crime Against Humanity


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

A Threat Greater Than Terrorism


Informant: Our bill of rights

Victory in fight to stop mast


11:00 - 21 March 2005

Campaigners in St Werburghs have won their fight to stop a mobile phone mast being built on their doorstep. Brymain Investments Limited, which owns the proposed site at Minto Road Trading Estate, has written to campaign leader Reuben Woods to say it is withdrawing from its proposed agreement with phone operators T-Mobile to allow a 39ft mast to be built on the site.

Property manager John Turner wrote: "Whether or not the concerns of local residents are scientifically justifiable is not material to this decision.

"The objectors are sincere in their concerns and the directors have now decided that they wish to be 'good neighbours' and not the cause of fear and anxiety to people in the nearby community."

The St Werburghs Collective - 20 residents who live close to the proposed site of the mast - wrote to Brymain saying grave concerns about the health risk forced many of them to consider moving house.

The letter also threatened legal action if any of then suffered a drop in the value of their homes or ill health.

The withdrawal is also in response to meetings between the residents and the company.

Mr Woods said: "Our community is delighted with this decision.

"We feel that a blanket of fear has been lifted from St Werburghs and we would like to thank the directors of Brymain Investments for acknowledging our concerns.

"We will continue to fight any further proposals to build a mast in our area and will be keeping an eye open for any public notice of applications to obtain planning permission."

But it seems that the victory may be short-lived.

T Mobile spokesman David Hanney said: "We are naturally disappointed at this turn of events.

"However we still need to acquire a site in this area and will continue with our search for an alternative to upgrade our network."


Exeter and Devon try to help campaigners - More pressure for change

12:00 - 21 March 2005

703 back call for communications giant to abandon controversial mast plan in city

Here are 703 reasons why you should ditch your plan to put a mobile phone mast in Heavitree Road.

In just four weeks, 703 people have signed our petition objecting to your proposed 'third generation' mast which would be close to several schools and nurseries and almost directly outside the city's maternity unit.

Exeter City Council has already written to you asking that you seek an alternative site for this antenna. Devon County Council leaders are considering doing the same.

In Parliament, Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley is backing our campaign and our city MP Ben Bradshaw is also writing to ask you to reconsider.

He is also seeking a high-level meeting with Planning Minister Keith Hill in a bid to tighten up the development controls on new transmitters like yours.

Bumble Bee Nursery, Puffins Nurseries, St Margaret's School and Bramdean School have all expressed concerns on behalf of the hundreds of children in their care.

But we also believe it is time you heard from the ordinary Exonians who will have to live and work near your mast, who take their children to schools near your mast and may even give birth near your mast.

We have received support for our petition from all around the city, the county and further afield - mainly from others involved in similar transmitter battles.

And they all say 'No' to your antenna - not here, not now.

Like all your market rivals, you insist your masts are safe despite many international studies suggesting otherwise.

Many in Exeter do not believe your assurances, but even more, want the question of whether masts are dangerous finally settled before having to live and work near this one.

And many in our city are outraged that while independent research is ongoing, you are pressing ahead and putting up your masts next to schools and health units.

Whatever happened to the precautionary approach recommended in the Stewart Report? If it does not apply in Heavitree Road, then where?

Here are some of the comments the people of Exeter - and elsewhere - wrote on our petition.

Margaret Langdon, of Pamela Road, Polsloe, wrote: "This proposal is wrong. We must consider the vulnerability of the young in this area first."

Toni Holmes, of Charnley Avenue, St Thomas, wrote: "It's absurd even to consider a mast there. I do hope they realise this before more people are put at risk for financial gain."

Janet Parr, of Union Road, Exeter, wrote: "Give us proof it's 100 per cent safe!"

Andrew Buchan, of Exmouth wrote: "I have three children going to school in the immediate area. I do not want companies gambling with the health of my children. To put it next to schools, hospitals, day care units etc is an obscene dereliction of care towards those who need our protection the most."

Jennifer Cook, of Archibald Road, St Leonard's, wrote: "The installation of such a mast, with all the uncertainty that surrounds them, should never be allowed in such a location - how on earth can they be allowed to get away with it?"

Jackie Napper, of Hamlin Lane, Heavitree, wrote: "Don't play with our children's lives! What's more important?"

Perhaps now, after reading the views of the people of Exeter, you might pause to rethink your proposal. You have not yet made a planning application and we sincerely hope you choose not to do so.

Yours etc.

A total of 703 signed our petition objecting to Vodafone's plan to place a mobile phone mast in Heavitree Road.

And 307 filled in slips printed in the Echo or wrote to us, while 79 emailed objections.

Another 317 have signed petitions left at Lavis News in Magdalen Road, Costcutters in Heavitree and Bumble Bees Nursery, in Heavitree Road.

We will be presenting copies of today's edition to Vodafone, all members of Exeter City Council's development control committee and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Mobile Communications.



12:00 - 21 March 2005
City MP Ben Bradshaw is backing our petition and pressing for a top-level meeting, with the goal of tightening up planning restrictions on masts.

The Labour MP is writing to Vodafone urging them to find an alternative site for their mast and also requesting a meeting with Planning Minister, Keith Hill.

Mr Bradshaw told the Echo: "In the light of the strength of local opinion, and the case made by the Echo, I will be writing to Vodafone to ask them to to reconsider the location for the mast.

"And I will also be requesting from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister permission to take a delegation from Exeter to see Keith Hill, the minister responsible for planning issues.

"I am doing this because the Echo has made a strong case for a change to the planning guidelines which currently determine mast applications."


12:00 - 21 March 2005

Vodafone insists the Heavitree Road site is its only option after admitting that no other landowner in the area wants its mast.

The telecommunications giant says the proposed mast is key to meeting its licence commitment of providing 'third generation' coverage to 80 per cent of the UK population by 2007.

Although the company has confirmed it has still yet put in a planning application, Vodafone believes the site is "our only option in this area".

A Vodafone UK spokeswoman said: "We don't have a range of options in the Exeter area at the moment.

"We have had difficulty finding a site where someone is willing to accommodate us. We have done a large amount of pre-consultation in the area and written to the local councillors as well as the schools and nurseries. We have had 10 letters back so far. If someone can come up with an alternative site, we would consider it but there has been nothing suggested at the moment. We would like to share with other operators as under guidelines we are encouraged to do that and it could cost less, but at the moment we have no other options in the search area."

How Vodafone's planning application is dealt with will depend on the size of the mast.

If higher than 15 metres, it will be subject to the normal planning process. Lower than that height and it will be eligible for the 'prior approval' process.

If the local planning authority - Exeter City Council - does not respond within 56 days of such a 'prior approval' application, it is automatically passed.

Planning authorities can object but they are instructed to "first explore with the operator the possibility of modifying the siting and appearance of the proposed development".

Councils should also "take account of the obligations on code system operators to provide a service, and of technical constraints upon network development" when discussing alternative sites.

If applications are rejected, the operators have six months to issue a notice of an appeal.

Currently, under special planning guidance, Whitehall insists that if the proposed mast will emit at below international guidelines then "it should not be necessary for a local planning authority....to consider further the health aspects and concerns about them."

This applies to all mast applications regardless of height.

Critics, though, say the 15-metre high distinction is arbitrary and the prior approval process favours the applicant too much at the expense of local accountability.

The mobile operators say emissions from their masts are far below current, recognised international guidelines and in most cases they are willing to discuss siting issues with councils and communities.

Recently, city planners blocked a proposed Vodafone mast for Honiton Road - but on the grounds that it would be a visual intrusion.

From Mast Network

Covering Protests: the Iraq War and the Terri Schiavo Case

(On March 19, 2005, according to United for Peace and Justice, 765 actions to End the Iraq War and Bring the Troops Home took place nationwide. But on March 20, the front page of the New York Times was silent on the nationwide protests. Instead, it [in the national edition] included the lead paragraphs of an article "Protesters at Hospice in Florida Push Showdown over Schiavo" by Abby Goodnough. . . . Robert D. McFadden's article "Hundreds of Rallies Held across U.S. to Protest Iraq War" [so titled in LexisNexis], however, was buried in page 35. Worse yet, the title given to the same article online is "Two Years after Iraq Invasion, Protesters Hold Small Rallies." Why the prominence of the Schiavo case? Is it because the public support conservative protesters, who prayed outside the hospice, with three of them arrested "when they tried to force their way past officers guarding the driveway of Woodside Hospice to take bread and water to Ms. Schiavo as a symbolic gesture" (Goodnough, March 20, 2005)? Not at all. The public "supports the removal of Schiavo's feeding tube" by a wide margin, according to an ABC poll. In contrast, the demands of anti-war demonstrators give voice to the view quietly held by a majority of Americans) -- FULL TEXT:

-- Yoshie

From ufpj-news

Two Years of Bush's Acts against Iraq and the United States

by Fernando Suarez del Solar

March 19, 2005

Today marks two years since the Bush administration initiated one of the greatest crimes in recent history--the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Two years have passed without Bush clarifying his motives for going to war.

Two years later and the entire world knows that Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction. And that Bush’s lies have cost more than 1500 young American lives, scores of members of the ill-named coalition, and hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqis. Thousands of children have been killed by the bullets and bombs used by the U.S. military, and thousands of human beings have been killed by terrorists who flocked to Iraq after Bush invited them to "Bring it on."

Two years since the beginning of this disaster, we parents continue to weep for our fallen children, mothers live in daily anguish waiting for news about their children who may have died in combat abroad, thousands of families live with the reality of their children wounded or incapacitated by the war in Iraq, hundreds of Iraqi families live without enough food, medicine, or housing, and all thanks to Bush's endless lies. Two years have passed and the Bush administration has flip flopped constantly regarding the real reasons for the war, "Democracy" and "freedom"?

In elections imposed by the forces of occupation and under threat of terrorist attacks, the Iraqi people voted for an end to the illegal and immoral occupation of their nation. Now there is an assembly that will either support the occupation that is destroying the people or demand the removal of the forces of occupation.

Two years of my family's grief, of spilled blood, of a domestic economy in freefall. Must we wait two more years before Bush understands that the entire world disapproves and condemns his criminal war? Can he sleep at night without remorse knowing that the blood of my son was spilled because of vested interests and lies? Can his daughters be proud of a father who is a liar and a criminal? Only God can pardon his sins because the people of the world condemn him to an unholy moral death.

Que dios les bendiga.
Fam. Suarez del Solar.
Jesus Alberto Suarez del Solar Navarro Lance Corporal USMC
1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division


Congressional Farce

March 21, 2005

The Daily Show: Jon Stewart's perspective on Congressional farce (VIDEO)

A video clip on the legislation that Congress and The President enacted into law over the weekend. It's very funny.

Broadband in Real Media format (7 minutes):

Dialup format:

Here is a screenshot if you need to post it anywhere:


Catastrophic success

He Overestimated Soviet Power - Now he overestimates American power.

Michael Lind on Paul Wolfowitz

Conflict of Interest the Other Way


The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science

Where Is Your Money Going?


Why some budget cuts get less attention

by David R. Francis

Christian Science edition

March 21, 2005

It's hard being poor in America. It's not just the stagnant minimum wage, which Congress failed to raise this month, or the lack of unemployment insurance benefits for many, since legislators failed last year to extend them for the long-term jobless.

Future cuts in federal aid for the poor look even worse. President Bush's budget for 2006 would reduce spending on early childhood education and child care, home energy assistance and rental assistance, and nutrition assistance to pregnant women, infants, and young children, Washington experts say. [...] Read it all at: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0321/p15s01-cogn.html

Please let me know when we next "elect" a dictator. I have decided to run. You can read all about my reasoning at http://www.ginnyfordictator.net .


by David Podvin

March 14, 2005

Make Them Accountable web site

Ann Coulter is not merely eighty pounds of toxic sewage wrapped in six feet of reptile skin - she is the vicious ghoul that remains after conservatism has been scrubbed of its camouflage. Satan’s concubine has been vocal in her belief that torturing anyone identified as the enemy is good, and that torturing them using the most excruciating techniques is better. Coulter is not alone in the desire to feast on human suffering. Although she is considerably less circumspect than other right wingers, it is instructive that not one prominent conservative has repudiated her.

Invoking God and country, the Confederates who currently run the United States are striving to make Andersonville a global phenomenon. Since 9/11, Republicans have dispatched domestic agents and foreign surrogates to torture countless people on various continents. Unsurprisingly, the reprobates have not been content to torment their prey physically. Conservatives are implementing a policy to humiliate other human beings, shaming their victims in the vilest ways imaginable, apparently oblivious that the true shame of this outrage is being inflicted upon the United States. Our own pious moralists have disgraced America in the eyes of everyone who does not view savagery as a virtue.
[...] Read more at:

Go down far enough to see Bush cruelty to frogs, etc...

© Virginia Metze

Mr. Magoo goes to the World Bank

The problem with Paul Wolfowitz isn't that he's an evil genius. It's that he has been consistently, astonishingly, unswervingly wrong about foreign policy for 30 years.

By Michael Lind

March 17, 2005 | The nomination of Paul Wolfowitz to be president of the World Bank, following his commission of a long and costly series of blunders as deputy secretary of defense in George W. Bush's first term, comes as no surprise to those familiar with his career. Wolfowitz is the Mr. Magoo of American foreign policy. Like the myopic cartoon character, Wolfowitz stumbles onward blindly and serenely, leaving wreckage and confusion behind.

Critics are wrong to portray Wolfowitz as a malevolent genius. In fact, he's friendly, soft-spoken, well meaning and thoughtful. He would be the model of a scholar and a statesman but for one fact: He is completely inept. His three-decade career in U.S. foreign policy can be summed up by the term that President Bush coined to describe the war in Iraq that Wolfowitz promoted and helped to oversee: a "catastrophic success." Read the rest of this at:
http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2005/03/17/wolfowitz_nomination/index.html or http://tinyurl.com/3m8cq

© Virginia Metze

What are they thinking?

Submitted by Oliver Willis on Sat, 03/19/2005 - 1:41am.

What are they thinking? [...]

The Republican party has now made clear that in order to satiate those opposed to abortion and the religious far right, it feels no shame about propping up the broken body of Terry Schiavo in order to score electoral points. Our country is at war on multiple fronts, while our soldiers still do not have the equipment they need to keep them safe or a reasonable strategy to bring them home. Americans are without health care, our educational system needs funding - and this is the issue that keeps the Republicans burning the midnight oil? An essentially unconstitutional attempt to deligitamize the powers of the state courts and their related governments? [...] Read the rest of the "rant" at: http://www.oliverwillis.com/node/2100 You may want to browse this site a bit...

© Virginia Metze

Cut through the soul-less numbers and the face-less rhetoric that pro-privatization politicians use in the Social Security debate

We need your help to cut through the soul-less numbers and the face-less rhetoric that pro-privatization politicians use in the Social Security debate. This week, your member of Congress will be back in your home state, and we're going to make sure that they hear your story about Social Security, loud and clear.

Please share with us how you or people you're close to rely on Social Security. Our plan is to take every story we receive to media outlets throughout your home state, so that your Representative and thousands of Americans hear publicly why we won't accept having our benefits cut or put at risk on Wall Street.


Real stories from real people make news and change opinions. Consider Mrs. Siobhan Kolar, a mother from the Chicago suburbs, who was featured in the news last week after sharing her story at a rally to protect Social Security.

Mrs. Kolar's story is one familiar to many of us. She took several years off from work to raise her child, which didn't leave her with a large personal savings account or pension plan. That's why she's depending on guaranteed Social Security benefits to support herself in her retirement years. She's afraid that the benefit cuts in the president's privatization scheme won't leave her with enough to live on.

The Beacon News reported Mrs. Kolar's story last week to thousands of Chicagoans, driving home the point that privatization is just a bad deal for most Americans. Please help us tell your story in your state!

There is real power in showing the real faces of Social Security -- which pro-privatization politicians conveniently mask with their rhetoric and numbers games. When Congress returns home this week, let's greet them with thousands of stories of what Social Security means for us, and why we won't accept having guaranteed benefits replaced with a guaranteed Wall Street gamble.


How would the benefit cuts and risks posed by the Bush privatization scheme impact you or people close to you? Would you be forced to help pay the bills of a family member? Could you afford to live independently in your golden years? Would you have to work longer hours or continue working after retirement to make ends meet? Would it push you or someone you know into poverty?

Your story can help bring to life the risks posed by privatization. We will share your story with the media while your member of Congress is in town, and make sure that people nationwide know what's at stake.


We are making great progress in the fight for Social Security, but the fight is far from over. The President and his right wing allies are criss-crossing the nation, smearing the opponents of privatization and spending millions of dollars to drum up a false crisis and scare the American people into supporting their Wall Street giveaway.

The time is now to stand up, speak out and make sure that our Representatives hear from the real people they should be fighting for.


Thanks for all your help.


Adam Luna, Policy Director
Campaign for America's Future

Wonky But Worth It: State Of The News Media, 2005

by the Project For Excellence In Journalism

An extensive new report reviews the state of our media system--and highlights five important trends.


U.S. Defense Department is testing a tag that combines RFID, GPS and satellite communication

The U.S. Defense Department is testing a tag that combines RFID, GPS and satellite communication, so that military personnel can know a tag's location at any time.

By Jonathan Collins

Mar. 21, 2005—Exploring ways to extend military supply chain visibility, the U.S. Department of Defense recently tested a new generation of active (battery-powered) RFID tags with satellite-communication capabilities that enabled the tags to give their precise location even when in the most remote and inhospitable areas.

"The prototype tags function just as the current RFID tags that can be pinged at ports, depots and distribution centers by interrogators, but they can also phone home," says Larry Loiacono, an information technology specialist at the Defense Distribution Center, headquartered in New Cumberland, Pa. Part of the DOD's Defense Logistics Agency, the DDC oversees 26 military distribution depots worldwide.


Peace - Anna

Experts warn against PNAC neocons taking over World Bank


Spinning Media for Government

by Chris Raphael, Special to CorpWatch

February 10th, 2005

A television pundit gets secret payments to promote a new United States government education policy. Columnists are paid to provide support for a White House marriage stance. Actresses play news reporters to promote drug laws. A system of ranking reporters who criticize official policy. These, and possibly many other public relations stunts, are some examples of publicity contracts paid for by the U.S. government, which has spent more than a quarter billion dollars on public relations in the past four years.

For example Armstrong Williams, a conservative African-American broadcaster, was paid $240,000 to produce advertisements on the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and plug the law in his syndicated television broadcasts. (see Leaving Children Behind)

The deal was brokered by Ketchum public relations, a subsidiary of media giant Omnicom, and approved by the U.S. Department of Education (DoE). In addition to the Williams contract, Ketchum was also paid $700,000 to rate media coverage of NCLB and produce video news releases on the law.


Peace - Anna


We thank for the shipment of the news appeared in Cinco Días.com, that has arrived to us through Javier Aparicio and has deserved the commentary that we enclosed. A long time ago we observed that most of the warnings that appear in the tobacco small boxes could be perfectly applied to the nonionizing radiations.

AVECORN Association of Neighbors Against Injurious Radiations of L'Escala (Girona)

The Court of Appeals of Richmond, Virginia, has decided these last days to retake different judicial causes, that had like object demands against Motorola, Nokia and twelve companies more of telecommunications. The Court of Appeal has shaped in his resolution an incontestable censorship to the practices of those, before giving back to the corresponding courts the judgments that will have to be transacted. It insists on considering guilty to the companies of "... not warning of the risk of contracting diseases as cancer by the use of these apparatuses ", informed Bloomberg. (Five Days - Madrid 18/03/05). It seems to be that, in clear parallelism which takes control today anywhere in the world of the tobacco, it is not far the day in which in the U.S.A. the mobile telephones, wireless and the Wi-Fi computers will come surrounded with the warnings: "MOBILE TELEPHONE CAN CAUSE to CANCER" "MOBILE TELEPHONE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE USED BY the PREGNANT WOMEN" "MOBILE TELEPHONE CAN SUPPOSE RISK OF OCULAR CANCER" * and as Paul Sagawa, analyst of Stanford C. Bernstein & Co says to us: "The key of this subject is that the industry of the mobile telephony does not want that each cancer of brain that is taken place in the U.S.A. turns a demand that demands ten million dollars to the sector". Two questions assault to us: We will also surround with cellophane all the antennas that watch and threaten us from the next tile roofs? Or will we charge the operators to do it, placing, with mold letters, warning posters, so that nobody says soon, that they had not be warned?

Agustín Garci'a Andrés Licensed in Right and Lawyer in Political Sciences L'Escala, 21 of March of the 2005 *

The Institute of Ophtalmology in the University of Essen (Germany) has demonstrated that the use of the mobile telephone can be a leading factor of ocular cancer, melanoma intraocular of the uveal tract (structure that rainbow includes), ciliary body and coroides.

Version print in “Computer science”

Judicial the mobile telephony undergoes his first crossed legal Light Fernandez/Ines Madrid April (18-03-2005) Published in: Printed edition

Companies First were the tobacco, soon the food sweepings and now it seems that it touches the mobile telephony, that becomes at the end the new target of the collective demands in EE UU. A court has given back at the present time the controversy about the consequences of the exhibition continued to the radiations of the cellular phones, when recovering five demands against Motorola, Nokia and one more dozen of companies of telecommunications. This sector has denied whenever that radiations cause damages to the health, but has not been able to silence the complaints and investigations of those who think that the mobile telephones can cause cancer or other diseases. Thus, the decision of the fourth Court of Appeals of Richmond, Virginia, to retake four of the cases and to send them to the corresponding courts so that they are reviewed, comes to intensify these theories.

The sentence of the cut of appeals maintains that the companies of mobile telephony were at least guilty of not warning of the risk of contracting diseases as cancer by the use of these apparatuses, according to Bloomberg. These are the first demands interposed against the set of the sector of the mobile telephony. In the denunciations it is requested that the companies provide each user with some type of earpiece that it protects of the exhibition to the radiations of low intensity which emit the terminals. But this sanction seems inefficient for many experts since it does not suppose a great payment for the companies. ' The key of this subject is that the industry of the mobile telephony does not want that each cancer of brain that is taken place in the U.S.A. turns a demand about ten million dollars to the sector', comments Paul Sagawa, analyst of Stanford C. Bernstein & Co. The cases splash to the main actors of the sector, as much manufacturers as operators. Motorola, Nokia, VoiceStream Wireless, SBC Communications, Verizon Communications, Nextel Communications, Cingular Wireless, Sprint, Samsung and Ericsson are the accused by these denunciations. Operators and manufacturers insist that scientific study does not exist that demonstrates that the use of the mobile phones causes cancer. In March 2003, the five cases were not admitted to proceeding with the argument the denunciations entered conflict with the attempt of the Senate to define standards of security for the mobile telephony. The denouncers appealed before this decision until the court of appeals yesterday decided to send four of the cases to the courts where they originated and returned fifth to the judge who rejected the denunciations in 2003. The defenders of the denounced companies have insisted that any scientific study does not exist that demonstrates that the use of mobile telephones causes cancer. “The industry will fight with nails and teethes', assured of the lawyers who thinks no of the cases will arrive to be accepted to be put under a jury. The great preoccupation of the affected companies is that this precedent is translated in a new wave of civil demands in the style of the denunciations so common in the U.S.A., where somebody can superficially take to the courts an office companion to him to have thrown a cup of hot coffee. The denouncers are represented by Ken Starr, one of the independent advisors who investigated the bad actions of ex- president Clinton. But no, neither denounced nor denouncers, have wanted to comment out previous the judicial struggle. For those who have more memory, this situation remembers to the first confrontations against the industry of the tobacco. Also one questioned the relation between smoking and the appearance of different diseases in the beginning, whereas today the tobacco companies in the U.S.A. are tired to pay millionaire indemnifications. In fact, this sector faces civil denunciation never interposed by the department of Justice of the U.S.A., that requests fines by a total of 280,000 million dollars. In the field of the mobile telephony it is left much to discover. The World-wide Organization of the Health started a study in 1996 to know the effects the electromagnetic fields. With the present knowledge, it is 'little probable that the exhibition to mobile telephones or stations bases favours the appearance of cancers, although clarifies that the situation can vary as soon as the levels of the radio frequency of these apparatuses rise.

Fronts for the controversy: A report for each combined statement of the El Mobile Spanish extreme forces the controversy by the effect of the mobile phones to the health has been strong in Spain in the last three years and means, until the point of which the unfolding of cellular antennas in the country has paralyzed to a great extent. In order as far as possible to palliate the consequences of the social alarm, the four operators of mobile telephone - Telephone Moving bodies, Vodafone, Pleasant and born Xfera - were not united in March of 2002 to undertake a campaign of measurements and spreading of information. The result has been a luck of annual ITV of antennas, in which the operators have measured each one of the stations bases of the country to see if they fulfilled the norm. The successfully obtained data have been to a large extent positive and they have been used to try to tranquilize the population. Tranquillity: Lack of scientific evidences like there are information that prevent the use of the mobile telephone and the electromagnetic emissions, send reassuring messages for the population. Thus it happened in the Seminary on electromagnetic fields, mobile telephony and health, organized by the Spanish Association Against the Cancer in April of 2004, where the information of the World-wide Organization of the Health and the Committee of Experts of the Ministry of Health were studied. The conclusion arrived is that great parts of the population associates mobile telephony with injurious effects for the health, but that, in spite of it, 'does not exist scientific evidences that demonstrate relation' between this technology ' and cancer'. The seminary also stated that in Spain the levels of emission recommended by Europe in 1999 and gathered in a real decree of 2001 'suitably protect the population of the effects produced by the emissions of the telephony mobil'. Precaution: Taken care for the security of the boy the mobile telephony has been the subject of multitude of information on his effects in the health, as much to favour as in against. One of most recent has reopened the debate on the convenience of leaving young minors of eight years use this technology. The report is from William Stewart, member of the National Council of Radiological safety of the United Kingdom, and it clear requests to the parents that they do not let use mobile phones in any case the minors of eight years. The study insists there are still there no tests that the cellular telephony is injurious, but Stewart has added that several information have bought serious concern on it. For that reason, he alerts on the greater risk than the children run and advises not to put antennas near schools. Credibility: To the search of state organism the Spanish operators of mobile telephone have done all the possible to convince the population that the antennas and the terminals are not dangerous. They have made measurements and they spread all the information on the effects on the health - the positives that arrive at their hands. Nevertheless, they are conscious that their credibility is in jeopardize because they are the part more interested to lower the alarm and the installation of the greater possible number of antennas is allowed. For that reason, Telephone Moving bodies, Vodafone and Amena have begun to demand the creation of a governmental authority that is the one that pronounces when there is an controversial case and whose verdict, given its independence and entailment to the Government, cannot be questioned. It would be something similar to the Agency of Nourishing Security, that guards the conditions of foods and, in necessary case, retires those that are injurious. The operators consider that this new organism would have to depend on the Ministry of Health.

Translation Spanish-English: omega


Asociación de Vecinos Contra Radiaciones Nocivas de L'Escala (Girona)


Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Brains and mobile phones

USA: Hersteller von Mobiltelefonen vor Gericht

Ein amerikanisches Berufungsgericht hat nun fünf Verfahren gegen Motorola Inc., Nokia und mehr als zwanzig andere Mobiltelefongesellschaften wieder aufgenommen, in denen behauptet wird, dass die Strahlung der Mobiltelefone gesundheitsschädlich sei.

Catherine Blake, Richterin am Bezirksgericht, hatte im März 2003 die fünf Klagen mit der Begründung abgewiesen, die Forderungen widersprächen der Absicht des Kongresses, einheitliche Sicherheitsstandards für Mobiltelefone festzulegen. Blane Michael, Richter am Appellationsgericht, hob Blake's Entscheidung aus verfahrensrechtlichen Gründen auf. Vier Fälle wurden zurück zu den bundesstaatlichen Gerichten verwiesen, von denen sie ursprünglich kamen. Das fünfte Verfahren ging zu Richterin Blake in Baltimore zurück. Das 4. Bezirksgericht (Circuit Court of Appeals) erklärte in der Berufung, dass bei den Prozessen die bundesstaatliche Rechtsprechung nicht vorrangig sei. In den Verfahren heißt es, die Mobiltelefongesellschaften hätten nicht vor den gesundheitlichen Risiken der Geräte gewarnt.

In der Gruppenklage gegen die gesamte Mobilfunkindustrie wurde gefordert, dass die Mobilfunkgesellschaften jedem Nutzer eine Freisprechanlage zur Verfügung stellen, um die Strahlung zu reduzieren.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 17.03.2005

Krebshäufung in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen


Cell Phone Companies Sued For 'Unsafe Levels Of Radiation'

US federal court decisions involving the Telecommunication Act (TCA) of 1996

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Faces of the Fallen

Latest Iraq Body Count Number (Based on Verifiable Info):

Minimum: 17085
Maximum: 19457
URL: http://www.iraqbodycount.net
(This number is very conservative, other independent estimates put the Iraqi causalities over 100,000)

Latest US-UK and "Coalition" Forces Causalities (Based on DoD Info):
1600 Killed
11220 Wounded
URL: http://icasualties.org/oif/

The War in Iraq Cost the United States:
URL: http://www.costofwar.com

Artists Make Portraits of U.S. War Dead
.c The Associated Press

Faces of the Fallen: http://military.laws.com/

WASHINGTON (AP) - Row after row of photos in a newspaper, each the likeness of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, were the inspiration for an artistic tribute to those who lost their lives in the conflicts.

"Faces of the Fallen,'' 1,327 individual portraits of the dead produced by 200 artists, opens to the public Wednesday at Arlington National Cemetery.

The images, each 6-by-8 inches, are mounted on plain steel rods that reach to near eye level. Each rod includes a label with the soldier's name, hometown and date of death.

Five rows are arranged chronologically by the soldiers' times of death and stretch along a half-circle inside the small museum at the entrance to the Women in Military Service for America Memorial. The number of images does not represent all those killed - that figure now is more than 1,600.

Annette Polan, head of the Corcoran College of Art and Design's painting department, said she was moved to create the memorial after seeing all the photos of dead soldiers displayed in a newspaper. She hopes it can have the same healing effect as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the National Mall.

Polan, 60, said she wanted to show that every death is an individual, each with their own hopes and dreams and memories. Artists were encouraged to show their own individuality and that of their subject.

A portrait artist herself who has painted Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Polan did nine of the collection's portraits. She assigned the others to artists she knew, either personally or through their work.

The artists worked mostly from newspaper and Internet photos, and some sent by families of the dead.

One particularly poignant portrait was done by John R. Phelps, a Vietnam veteran chosen to design the World War II memorial in Lander, Wyo. He painted his son, Marine Pfc. Clarence Phelps, who died April 9 from head wounds.

The artists, who donated their time and paid for all the materials, plan to give the portraits to the families when the exhibit is over, Polan said.

A large portion of the portraits were done conventionally, in color on canvas, but in other cases artists experimented with the images.

"As you view the image of your loved one, please bear in mind that each artist's hand and way of seeing is different from another's, just as each of our fingerprints are unique,'' Polan said in a Web site note to families. "All the artists have worked respectfully and from their hearts.''

Jason Zimmerman, a Washington artist, said he took a photo, inserted it in a computer imaging program. manipulated it "to make a ghostly kind of image'' and printed it on a heavy cotton fabric by ink-jet process.

Another artist molded low-relief images in clay. Another did scratch board drawings. Another did not portray faces at all, just flowers. The dead for whom no portraits could be made, for lack of photos or other reasons, are represented by generic black-and-white silhouettes.

The portraits will be on view at the memorial through Sept. 5. Admission is free. A Tuesday evening reception was planned for artists to meet family members of those they memorialized.

03/22/05 02:06 EST

Useful Links:

February 2005 Peace Zine
Special Counter Recruitment Issue
The Monthly Newsletter from Peace No War Network
URL: http://www.peacenowar.net/PeaceZine/Feb05.pdf

Photos of U.S. Military Torture in Abu Ghraib Prison

Los Angeles Times has a complete biographical Information on U.S. Soldiers Killed:

For more photos and Videos from Iraq, visit:

"Report from Baghdad" July, 2003

Peace, No War
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the World, please visit: http://www.PeaceNoWar.net

Please Visit the Website: http://www.actionla.org/Iraq/IraqReport/intro.html

Informant: SIUHIN

Prof. David Ulansey: Talk on Mass Extinction Crisis

Life itself is at stake...

To listen to a talk by Prof. Ulansey on the current mass extinction crisis, click on the link http://www.well.com/user/davidu/greenfestival.html

The talk, which lasts about 45 minutes, was presented on November 6, 2004 to an audience of several hundred people at the San Francisco Green Festival, a large gathering of environmentalists and supporters.

Note: there is a 10-second silence about 3 minutes into the talk when Prof. Ulansey was working on getting the video projection from his computer to function properly.

Also, in his talk Prof. Ulansey mentions the name "Scott Peterson" several times. Some listeners, especially outside the United States, may not know who that is. He is a man who has been the object of a "media frenzy" in the United States for the past year. He was on trial for murdering his wife (like O.J. Simpson), and the story has been given endless coverage by the U.S. media while they have ignored completely the imminent mass extinction.

Listen to Audio at:

Informant: Friends

Miscovering Anti-War protests (Again)

by Danny Schechter

Common Dreams


Not surprisingly, the absence of members of the political elite in the streets was mirrored by the paucity of coverage in the elite press which is not particularly partial to covering grass roots activism. The NY Times focused on one small civil disobedience protest at military recruiting office in Times Square, just down the street from the Times office, a protest at the Times itself may have made real news. There were more Antiwar actions in more cities than ever but that proliferation of protest or the presence of military families seemed to not too newsworthy. A media that routinely plays down the size of all protests in this case seemed to be obsessed with nothing more than their size, as in the protests were 'smaller than ever.' What were they saying?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The assault on free choice

by Roger Ream

Foundation for Economic Education

Personal freedom of choice is an important aspect of the case for limited government. To the extent that responsibility for self is surrendered to or usurped by government -- to the extent that one loses freedom of choice -- the individual is thereby diminished. The freedom to choose is part of the very essence of man. An assault on the peaceful exercise of free choice has been the consequence of most government programs. Whether advocated by conservatives, present-day liberals, or doctrinaire Marxists, all government activity rests on the power to coerce. It removes decision-making power from the individual and vests it in the hands of the state. This is an awesome power, best left in the hands of the many, acting voluntarily, than concentrated in the hands of those few who would compel obedience. (1981; reposted on 03/21/05)


Casting aside the separation of powers

by John Conyers, Jr.



There is only one principle at stake here -- manipulating the court system to achieve pre-determined substantive outcomes. By passing this law, it should be obvious to all that we are no longer a nation of laws, but have been reduced to a nation of men. By passing this law, we will be telling our friends abroad that even though we expect them to live by the rule of law, Congress can ignore it when it doesn't suit our needs. By passing this law we diminish our nation as a democracy and ourselves as legislators...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The domestic Bolton

by Michael Tomasky

The American Prospect


The first wave of protest against President Bush?s nomination of John Bolton to be his ambassador to the United Nations centered, plausibly enough, on Bolton's international track record, and specifically on his long history of bellicose commentary about the world body. But there's a domestic Bolton, too. While the international Bolton gives cause for concern, the real problem is the domestic Bolton, and Democrats and moderate Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who have reservations about the nomination should be looking at the domestic Bolton's background, because it suggests not mere rhetorical bellicosity but possible sleaze. To cut to the chase: Did Bolton play any role in helping to conceal a foreign campaign contribution channeled to the Republican National Committee that may have helped the RNC prevail in the 1994 congressional elections?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Spirit of 1994

by John Samples and Chris Edwards

Cato Institute


As the 109th Congress settles into its normal rhythms, Republican leaders face crucial decisions on the policy direction of their party. After 10 years in power, the exact things that Republicans said were wrong with prior Congresses have become worse under their control. The GOP is responsible for record high deficits and their policies have intruded even more into state, local, and private activities. Now many Republicans are saying that even the limited spending restraints in the new Bush budget are dead on arrival. The reformist spirit of 1994 has been lost on many careerist GOP politicians who have burrowed into the Washington power structure and now resist change. The GOP's Contract with America promised the 'end of government that is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with the public's money.' But such sentiments sound quaint after the 31 percent increase in federal spending during the past four years...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

DiLorenzo is right about Lincoln

by Walter E. Williams



In 1831, long before the War between the States, South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun said, 'Stripped of all its covering, the naked question is, whether ours is a federal or consolidated government; a constitutional or absolute one; a government resting solidly on the basis of the sovereignty of the States, or on the unrestrained will of a majority; a form of government, as in all other unlimited ones, in which injustice, violence, and force must ultimately prevail.' The War between the States answered that question and produced the foundation for the kind of government we have today: consolidated and absolute, based on the unrestrained will of the majority, with force, threats, and intimidation being the order of the day...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A republic, not a democracy

by Pat Buchanan

The American Conservative

If Bush believes he and we are popular in the Islamic world, why has he not scheduled a grand tour of Rabat, Cairo, Beirut, Amman, Riyadh, and Islamabad to rally the masses to America's side, rather than preaching democracy at them from the White House? If one-man, one-vote democracy came suddenly to the Arab world, every pro-American ruler in the region would be at risk of being swept away. Yet there is a larger issue here than misreading the Arab mind. Whence comes this democracy-worship, this belief by President Bush that 'the voice of the people ought to be determining policy?' Would Bush himself let a poll of Americans decide how long we keep troops in Iraq? Would he submit his immigration policy to popular vote? (for publication 03/28/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A wolf in banker's clothing

by Fred Foldvary

The Free Liberal


A non-economist with no experience in economic development, who has not been brainwashed by dysfunctional conventions, may be just what is needed. Of course the best option would be to appoint a geoclassical economist, but that is beyond the bounds of imagination. Second best is a World Bank wolf whose wits are not spoiled by bad doctrines.

Wolfowitz did say that the oil of Iraq is the property of the Iraqi people. Will he generalize that to all natural resources, and will he recognize the corollary, that a worker's labor is not the property of all the people? Wolfowitz also declared that the best policy is freedom. We will see what he means by that. As to bringing a war wolf into economic development, what opponents of war are overlooking is that this appointment gets him out of the Pentagon! What is worse: messing up some third-world economies, or engaging in war?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The end for GM crops

UK: The end for GM crops

Independent [UK]


Yet another nail was hammered into the coffin of the Genetically Modified food industry in Britain yesterday when the final trial of a four-year series of experiments found, once more, that genetically modified crops can be harmful to wildlife. The study was the fourth in a series that has, in effect, sealed the fate of GM in the UK -- at least in the foreseeable future. They showed the ultra-powerful weedkillers that the crops are engineered to tolerate would bring about further damage to a countryside already devastated by intensive farming...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Catholic bishops renew anti-death penalty efforts

Uniontown Herald Standard


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops announced a new campaign against the death penalty Monday, saying they will step up lobbying and educational efforts, and buttressing their arguments with polls they commissioned that find support for executions has weakened among American parishioners. 'We cannot teach that killing is wrong by killing. We cannot defend life by taking life,' Cardinal Theodore McCarrick told a Washington news conference. ... The bishops also released surveys from last November and this month showing adult church members, once supportive of the death penalty, are now evenly divided on the issue...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Status as a Slave in America


Continuation of the medical investigation with Saint-Cyr military school

Continuation of the medical investigation with Saint-Cyr military school the School Administrator, 22/03/2005 - 00:22:08 Date of publication 21/03/2005

Town hall Author of Saint-Cyr military school the School Description Antenna-relay Continuation of the medical investigation with Saint-Cyr-l' School

Joined together on last 16 February, the Town council unanimously requires the continuation of the medical investigation of the Institute main road of Medical Day before (InVS), carried out following the business of the antenna-relays.

January 27, 2005, were presented in Prefecture of Yvelines, the results of the survey into the medical signal carried out since December 2002 by the Departmental Management of the Medical and Social Businesses of Yvelines (DDASS78), with the assistance of the Interregional Cell of Epidemiology (WAX) of Island-of-France. This study was carried out following the description, by the Mayor of Saint-Cyr military school, of the complaints of associations of parents of pupils and defenders of the framework of life of the district of Gold Ear, about the abnormally high and worrying number of pathologies having been concerned near the installations mobile radiotelefony being then on the roof the primary school Ernest Bizet. This investigation drew aside upon the departure, the assumption of a possible relation between the exposure to the mobile antenna-relay of telephony and pathologies raised.

It has in particular noted: - the existence of a number of cancers of all types assigning the children from 0 to 14 years in the commune of Saint-Cyr military school over the period of January 1, 1990 to 31 December 2002 twice higher compared to the number of awaited cases (11 cases observed instead of 5 to 6 awaited) and of four times higher for the tumours of the central nervous system (5 cases 1 to 2 awaited against), - the absence of an environmental exposure on the commune being able to be at the origin of these paediatric cancers. The analysis of the data thus noted leads to conclude that these pathologies result from the only chance or are "compatible with the usual fluctuations of sampling". On the basis of this report, the recommendation suggested at the end of this investigation is not to continue the investigations.

Joined together during the meeting on last 16 February, the Town council of Saint-Cyr-l' School considered not easily acceptable the conclusions of this study and by an unanimously adopted deliberation, asked expressly the Authorities and in particular the Directorate-General of Health and InVS: - continuation of the investigations, engaged by the DDASS78 in collaboration with WAX of Island-of-France, to determine the causes of the existence of a number of case of cancers of all types assigning the children from 0 to 14 years in the commune of Saint-Cyr military school over the period of January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2002, - that the assumption of a relation between the exposure to the antenna-relays of mobile telephony and the pathologies raised on the children from 0 to 14 years with Saint-Cyr military school lasting the period referred to above, and beyond this one, if necessary, is actually taken into account and is studied in an objective way to determine the proven existence or not of that within the framework of the continuation of the investigations referred to above, a pilot case study is carried out starting from an exhaustive and anonymous census carried out near the population, with the assistance logistic of the town hall, in order to determine the causes of excesses of cases mentioned above.

Contact: 01 30 14 82 51.


Informant: Sylvie

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Veterans to Call on Congress for Freedom from Dangerous Oil Addiction

As the Senate prepares to consider a Bush administration energy bill that would increase America’s reliance on foreign oil by 85 percent, veterans from Pennsylvania will join with environmental advocates and security experts to call on Senator Specter to champion a secure energy future by reducing America’s reliance on oil.


Protesters voice anger at phone mast work


Glaube nur, was du filmst: Nutzen digitaler Medien für die politische Gegenöffentlichkeit

Kassette, SMS, E-Mail, Digicam: Die Kölner Tagung "Camcorder Revolution" erkundet den Nutzen digitaler Medien für die politische Gegenöffentlichkeit. Artikel von Silvia Hallensleben im Tagesspiegel vom 08.03.2005

Aus dem Text: "…So holen sich mittlerweile viele, die offiziellen Kanälen nicht mehr trauen, ihre Informationen selbst von alternativen Medienportalen wie labournet.de oder indymedia.org, deren Öffentlichkeitsmodelle auf unmittelbare Partizipation zielen. In den Gremien der globalen Ordnungsinstanzen wird allerdings mittlerweile hochtourig an Regulatorien gearbeitet, um auch diesen unkontrollierten Sektor zu kanalisieren…."

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 13

Bush - Schröder: Zwei Wege - eine Logik

Artikel von Winfried Wolf (pdf)


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 13

Treffen der bundesweiten Koordinierungsgruppe der Montagsdemonstrationsbewegung

Treffen der bundesweiten Koordinierungsgruppe der Montagsdemonstrationsbewegung in Bad Emstal. Pressemitteilung zum Arbeitstreffen am 05/06.03.2005 vom 16.03.2005:


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 13

Für 10 €-Jobs, 10 € Mindestlohn und ein entsprechendes Grundeinkommen

"Für 10 €-Jobs, 10 € Mindestlohn und ebenso ein entsprechendes Grundeinkommen! Zusätzlich als Sofortmaßnahme: 300 €-Alg II-Aufstockung"

Rahmenpapier der Arbeitsgruppe I des 5. bundesweiten Treffens der Sozialbündnisse, Organisatoren der Montagsdemonstrationen, Organisationen der sozialen Bewegung und von Vertretern der Gewerkschaften (pdf)

Aus dem Text: "Das Programm und die Aktionen in Kürze: 10-€-Jobs ohne Zwangscharakter, Grundeinkommen und Mindestlohn in gleicher Höhe sowie eine sofortige Alg II-Aufstockung um 230 € sind die Positivziele unserer Protestbewegung. Wir wollen sie durch 1-€-Job-Kampagne, Boykottaktionen bei "Lidl" für menschenrechtliche Arbeitsbedingungen und Demonstrationen unter dem Motto "Sich selbst eine Arbeit geben" flankieren."

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 13

Netzwerk Soziale Bewegung

Protokoll des 5. bundesweiten Treffens von Vertretern der Sozialbündnisse, Organisatoren der Montagsdemonstrationen, Organisationen der sozialen Bewegung und der Gewerkschaften am 12. März 2005 in Göttingen.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 13

Tetrawatch demands clarity


Euromayday 2005

Sozialpolitische Aktionen und Proteste 2005 > Euromayday 2005

euromayday call from the networkers of europe united for a eurowide mayday

Euromayday 2005 - ein Sonntag für globale Rechte. Der deutschsprachige Aufruf

1. Euromayday in Hamburg - Ein Sonntag für globale Rechte. 1. Mai-Parade: 13 Uhr ab Michel

sowie der Hamburger Aufruf als wunderschöne pdf-Datei

Freedom of Movement - Right to stay: Europäischer Aktionstag für Bewegungsfreiheit und Bleiberecht

"Freedom of Movement - Right to stay!" Europäischer Aktionstag für Bewegungsfreiheit und Bleiberecht am 1./2. April

Für Bewegungsfreiheit und Bleiberecht. Der europaweite Aufruf bei The Caravan

Aufrufe in anderen Sprachen bei NoLager.org

Das Aktionsposter (pdf)

Weitere Informationen bei The Caravan

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 13

"Gegenwehr die einzige Antwort"

Sozialpolitische Proteste

Sozialpolitische Aktionen und Proteste 2005 > Aktionstag am 19. März

Zwischen 60.000 und 100.000 Menschen aus ganz Europa beteiligten sich heute allein in Brüssel am europäischen Aktionstag gegen Neoliberalismus, Rassismus und Krieg.

Siehe Bilder von unserem Leser Heribert Hansen (danke!) - dort auch Links zu weiteren Berichten


siehe dazu auch:

"Gegenwehr die einzige Antwort"

Bei der Mobilisierung zum Aktionstag in Brüssel hat der DGB den Kampf gegen Krieg und Besatzung im Irak unter den Tisch gekehrt. Ein Gespräch mit Bernd Riexinger, Geschäftsführer des ver.di-Bezirks Stuttgart und aktiv im Netzwerk der Gewerkschaftslinken sowie beim bundesweiten Bündnis gegen Sozialkahlschlag, jenem Zusammenschluß von Initiativen und Verbänden, der im November 2003 die erste große Demonstration gegen Sozialabbau organisiert hatte. Interview von Wolfgang Pomrehn in junge Welt vom 18.03.2005

LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 13


"George Bush, Uncle Sam. Iraq Will Be Your Vietnam"


The World Bank: a Bigger Problem Than Wolfowitz

Development, Debt and Obedience to Empire

From Information Clearing House

2 Years Of Death And Destruction


From Information Clearing House

Exposing the Coming Draft

Young Americans need to be clear: both parties--Republicans and Democrats--are parties of war and parties of empire. Likewise, both ideological stances--liberal and conservative--rationalize and memorialize war and empire, each with a particular bent and emphasis.


From Information Clearing House

Army experiments with raising maximum age for Reserve recruits

Dubbed a three-year “test,” the new policy will bump up the maximum age for new enlistments from 34 years to 39 years, according to an Army announcement.


From Information Clearing House

Growing number of US troops refusing to return to Iraq

They can't train you for the reality of Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Another Shameful Navy Cover-Up

Family members of the dead reservists are furious that heads have not rolled. Their specific target is Kubic, whom they hold responsible for the loss of their loved ones even though he now denies giving the fatal order.


From Information Clearing House

Iraq toll keeps climbing

Two years after the invasion of Iraq the rate of US soldiers being killed is averaging 18 a week, almost double the rate in the first year after the war. Between 40,000 and 50,000 US military personnel are in Iraq despite serious medical conditions that should have ruled them out of combat.


From Information Clearing House

Media Downplay Historic Day of Protests


Informant: Martin Greenhut

Deconstructing Iraq: Year 3 Begins

by Tom Engelhardt

The most significant fact of our Iraq War and occupation (and war), which can't be repeated too many times, is that the Bush administration busted into the country without an exit strategy for a simple reason: They never planned to leave -- and they still don't.

Click Here to Read Article:

The world is waiting for an answer: Are we Americans, or human Beings?

by Robert Jensen

We have a choice: We can actually live the values that we say guide our country or we can abandon those values. We can work to make democracy -- that is, a system in which ordinary people have meaningful input into the formation of public policy -- a reality in our own country. If we don't, the unrestrained and violent use of U.S. power abroad will remain a danger.

Click Here to Read Article:

The Price Of Oil Dependence

Pass It On: The Price Of Oil Dependence

by Apollo Alliance

Didn't think America's dependence on foreign oil really affected you? $3-per-gallon gasoline might make you think again.


The Apollo Alliance has a plan for cleaner, cheaper energy—and good jobs: http://www.apolloalliance.org/

A View From The Peak

by WorldChanging

We may not know when global oil production will peak, but now we know when the major oil companies will.


Needed: Voter Rolls, Clean And Complete

by Rob Richie and Steven Hill, TomPaine.com

It's time for a coherent system that ensures all of us can vote, but none of us can vote more than once.


Large Quakes Follow Solar Spike

March 21st 2005


Large Quakes Follow Solar Spike

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

A 7.0 quake hits Japan and today a 6.9 quake hits Argentina . There is a rash of large quakes occur around the ring of fire. Nothing extraordinary, but I can’t help but think there may be a connection to what I am now calling “solar quakes”.

Something unusual (at least to me) is occurring on the Sun. This is now the second time I have witnessed an unusual spike in the Kp index, with increased earthquake activity to occur within 48 to 72 hours of this event.


I did ask Dr. Paal Brekke, Deputy Director of the SOHO project and stationed at NASA/Goddard Space Center, if there could be a connection. His answer matched what I had reported in two or three articles posted earlier this month. “At this time there is no data or current research which connects such events”. And again, I would agree in full, however, I am suspect there may be some unknown phenomena we just have not yet embraced.

I really cannot go any further than this at this time. I just wanted you to know I have turned my attention towards “solar quakes” and will venture into finding credible data to support such.



NRDC's BioGems News, March 2005

In Mexico's Upper Gulf of California, harmful fishing practices are driving the world's smallest porpoise, the vaquita marina, to the brink of extinction. To the south, on the coast of Chile's breathtaking Patagonia region, a proposed aluminum smelter threatens to contaminate one of the least polluted marine environments in the Americas and a possible breeding ground of the magnificent blue whale.

To ensure that these sensitive coastal habitat areas continue to thrive, NRDC has added them to our 2005 BioGems list. We are building public pressure on Ocean Garden, the Upper Gulf region's chief shrimp exporter, to help protect the vaquita by promoting truly sustainable fishing in the Upper Gulf. At the same time, we are demanding that the Canadian company Noranda help protect blue whales and other vulnerable wildlife by canceling plans to build an aluminum smelter in the Aysén region of Patagonia.

» Tell Ocean Garden not to purchase shrimp from the Upper Gulf until sustainable fishing practices are in place.

» Demand that Noranda abandon plans for the aluminum smelter on the Patagonia Coast.

Protest Stories




You're ALL invited to the Pepper Spray Trial!
Come witness the trial that will decide the fate of protest and chemical weapons in these times! We need a presence in the courtroom to show support!
Trial starts April 11th, 2005 onwards
San Francisco Federal Building, Judge Susan Ilston's Courtroom
450 Golden Gate Ave. at Polk (Civic Center BART stop)
**Must bring photo ID to get in**
Call 510-835-6303 for more info

We are the Pepper Spray 8, forest activists and plaintiffs in the pivotal civil rights case Headwaters Forest Defense vs. County of Humboldt, which interweaves the fate of our imperiled forests with the right to peacefully protest free from assault by pepper spray.

In 1997, while engaged in nonviolent sit-ins to protect old growth redwoods, Humboldt County and Eureka police applied pepper spray directly to our eyes with Q-tips. Shocking images from police videotapes caused international outrage. Amnesty International called the police behavior cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment..."tantamount to torture."

We've successfully fought numerous legal obstacles, winning appeals and making precedent, and going to trial twice, but the journey for justice is not quite over. We send this letter now at a critical juncture: We begin our new jury trial this April 11, 2005, and you're ALL invited!

There are two simple ways you can stand with us to protect the freedom of dissent in this country: 1. DONATE what you can to keep our case alive-every little bit helps, and donations will continue to be needed! 2. ATTEND TRIAL in San Francisco, CA starting April 11th. We need to publicly show our support and keep a presence in the courtroom for this important jury trial. For much more information, visit: http://www.nopepperspray.org

Last September, our case went to jury trial in San Francisco for the second time (represented by the same award-winning legal team that won a stunning jury verdict two years ago for Earth First! activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney against the FBI). After three weeks of trial testimony, the jury's deliberations came to a quick halt when just two of the jurors adamantly believed that police should be allowed to inflict severe pain on peaceful protesters. Although we had the majority, we need a unanimous verdict to protect the tradition of peaceful protest.

Let's make sure "the third time's the charm," because this case is more important than ever! We must not let the police open the door to using pain as coercion against nonviolent people, protecting the politically powerful Pacific Lumber/Maxxam Corporation in their devastation of ancient forests.

Civil rights in this country today are an endangered species just like the ancient redwoods we aim to protect. The fact that our case is a contentious one is the very reason we need to follow through with it and win the retrial, in defense of everyone's rights. Because as Frederick Douglas said, "Power concedes nothing without a demand."

Spring Lundberg, Terri Compost, Mike McCurdy, Sam Neuwirth, Maya Portugal, Lisa Sanderson-Fox, Jennifer Banka Schneider, and Noel Tendick.


Dear Pepper Spray 8,

The trial ended today as a hung jury. We deadlocked (6 -2). I am greatly troubled and disappointed about the outcome...creat[ing] an underlying current that it's ok to use excessive force on peaceful protestors. I am appalled and dismayed that this happened. I do hope there is a third trial and the plaintiffs win.

(One of the jurors)

Informant: Nicholas Wilson

Enron: Patron Saint of Bush's Fake News


Don't We Care Anymore?


Now Wolfowitz is Laughing All the Way to the World Bank


Tens of Thousands March Through London in Iraq War Protest


Anger and Grief Mark Second Anniversary of Iraq War


Stiglitz Warns of Violence If Wolfowitz Goes to World Bank


Could global warming 'lead to a deep freeze'?

[The *San Diego Union-Tribune* reported last month on a briefing given to the press in the course of the February meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C.[1] -- At the briefing, Tim Barnett, a marine physicist, said: "It's really undeniable that global warming is going on, whether you see it in the ocean or in the ecosystems," he said. "There's really a gazillion places to look for it." -- One concern scientists are expressing is this: "Melting snow and ice in the Arctic are adding fresh water to the North Atlantic, a situation that could disrupt the flow of warm water from the tropics to the north," journalist Bruce Lieberman wrote in the *Union-Tribune*. "This 'conveyer belt' brings cold and salty water from the Arctic to the south and moves warm water from the tropics to the north. A slowdown or shutdown of this circulation could drastically change the world's climate. For the U.S. Northeast and northern Europe, continued global warming could lead to a deep freeze." -- You may have heard that some are drawing even more alarming conclusions, citing evidence that global climate change can occur quite abruptly, in ways that would have an enormous and sudden impact upon human societies. -- How worrisome are such claims? -- You'll be better able to judge after you participate in Digging Deeper IV, a study circle on climate change and global warming facilitated by United for Peace of Pierce County. -- Among the books that will be discussed (available for borrowing or for purchase from UFPPC) are *High Tide: The Truth about Our Climate Crisis*, by Mark Lynas (Picador, 2004); *The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization*, by Brian M. Fagan (Basic Books, 2004); *Meltdown: The Predictable Distortion of Global Warming by Scientists, Politicians, and the Media*, by Patrick J. Michaels (Cato Institute, 2004); and *The Two-Mile Time Machine: Ice Cores, Abrupt Climate Change, and Our Future*, by Richard B. Alley (Princeton University Press, 2002). -- Digging Deeper IV will meet Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the Mandolin Cafe, 3923 S. 12th St., Tacoma. -- For more information, see here: http://www.ufppc.org/content/view/2449/ --Mark]


EU to Push for GMO Foods Despite Opposition

EU to Push for GMO Foods Despite Opposition - Paper

Our Synthetic Sea

A scientific investigation regarding the "explosive increase" of plastic debris in the world’s ocean that depicts how plastic is negatively impacting sea life in increasingly alarming ways.


Documentary and Talk
Hosted by Jan Lundberg
Wednesday, March 23rd
Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue

This 22-minute documentary traces the groundbreaking research conducted by the Algalita Marine Research Foundation (AMRF) regarding the exponential buildup of "non-biodegradable" plastic debris in the world's oceans, employing scientific papers and interviews with concerned scientists to reveal why toxic, estrogenic plastic debris is a serious, chronic threat to marine food webs.

Jan Lundberg is an environmental activist, writer, member of the Campaign Against the Plastic Plague (CAPP), and publisher of http://CultureChange.org

Call Janet, 595-1596, for information

Informant: Scott Munson

Logging Visits Rather Than Trees


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

The story of vanishing tigers


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Indian PM Orders Moves To Save Disappearing Tigers

Tiger Future Not Burning Bright In India

Blair manipulated intelligence to justify war


Illegale Abholzung: Umweltschützer warnen vor falschen Öko-Zertifikate für Gartenmöbel


Nach Informationen von Umweltschützern kommt das Holz für Gartenmöbel überwiegend aus illegalen Holzhandel. In südostasiatischen Ländern wie Burma, Kambodscha und Indonesien würden "in rasantem Tempo tropische Wälder zerstört", sagte Peter Gerhardt, Tropenwaldreferent der Umweltschutzorganisation Robin Wood. Funktionierende staatliche Kontrollen gegen illegalen Holzhandel fehlten in den betroffenen Ländern. Hier in Deutschland werde mit dem Holz Profit gemacht: Das Holz vieler Gartenmöbeln werde mit leeren Öko-Versprechen angepriesen. Das hätten Stichproben der Umweltorganisation ergeben. Denn das angeblich zertifizierte Holz sei in mehreren Fällen unklarer Herkunft.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Auto-Konzerne sollen Klagen gegen Klimaschutzgesetz zurückziehen

Umweltverbände gegen VW, BMW & Co.: Auto-Konzerne sollen Klagen gegen Klimaschutzgesetz zurückziehen (21.03.05)

Neun große deutsche Umweltverbände haben die Autobauer BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Porsche und Volkswagen der Heuchelei in Klimaschutz-Sachen bezichtigt. Sie forderten die Vorstände der Unternehmen auf, ihre Klage gegen das kalifornische Klimaschutzgesetz zurückziehen. Das Gesetz solle die Treibhausgasemissionen von Neuwagen ab 2009 begrenzen, um den Kohlendioxidausstoß neu zugelassener PKW bis 2016 um 30 Prozent zu reduzieren. Eine Allianz aus deutschen, amerikanischen und japanischen Autofirmen habe jedoch dagegen vor dem US-Bezirksgericht in Fresno/Kalifornien geklagt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

IBM and the Microchipped Population


Details on Depleted Uranium


Details on Depleted Uranium

The details about Depleted Uranium are emerging from the deep hole the US Department of Defense has put them. Rumor has it that the BBC will break the story over the next few days. If that happens, US mainstream media will likely pick up the story.

What I want to know is why its taken so long. Who put the blackout on US Media? I've found internet links to documents produced by the government as early as 1990 on DU and its potential consequences. There are extensive resources on-line on DU. There are also government commissioned studies that minimize it's risks. The Federation of American Scientists has a good set of links.

Remember all the discussion about Anthrax powder? The CDC describes how small particles of Anthrax the size of 5-10 micrometers can easily become airborne again when disturbed:

Although resuspension of certain settled particles requires substantial amounts of energy, lower energy activities (e.g., paper handling, foot traffic, mail handling, and patting of chairs) can reaerosolize settled B. anthracis spores (9,10). The clinical and epidemiologic presentations of anthrax after an intentional release vary by the population targeted, the characteristics of the spores, the mode and source of exposure, and other characteristics.

The size of the particles of DU are nanometers and therefore even easier to disturb and stay airborne for longer periods. The problem with even Rands conclusions are based on the assumption of episodic exposures where the body can purge itself of the particles as it do with natural occuring uranium. I can imagine battlefields that are occupied indefinitely producing continuous exposure that builds up in the body. I recall discussions of dust always in the air in Iraq . I can imagine a gradually increasing continuous exposure to DU in certain locations. With troops rotating in and out of hot areas, they receive continuous exposure while there. The numbers exposed would be very high.

DU along with the exposure of many troops to the traces of chemical weapons in southern Iraq early in the invasion when a munitions dump was burned probably accounts for much of the 56% disability rate in Gulf War II Veterans.

Explaining How

“The numbers are overwhelming, but the potential horrors only get worse,” Robert C. Koehler of the Chicago-based Tribune Media Services wrote in an article about DU weapons entitled “Silent Genocide.”

“DU dust does more than wreak havoc on the immune systems of those who breathe it or touch it; the substance also alters one’s genetic code,” Koehler wrote. “The Pentagon’s response to such charges is denial, denial, denial. And the American media is its moral co-conspirator.”

The U.S. government has known for at least 20 years that DU weapons produce clouds of poison gas on impact. These clouds of aerosolized DU are laden with billions of toxic sub-micron sized particles. A 1984 Department of Energy conference on nuclear airborne waste reported that tests of DU anti-tank missiles showed that at least 31 percent of the mass of a DU penetrator is converted to nano-particles on impact. In larger bombs the percentage of aerosolized DU increases to nearly 100 percent, Fulk told AFP .

DU is harmful in three ways, according to Fulk: “Chemical toxicity, radiological toxicity and particle toxicity.”
“Exposure pathways for depleted uranium can be through the skin, by inhalation, and ingestion,” Moret wrote. “Nano-particles have high mobility and can easily enter the body. Inhalation of nano-particles of depleted uranium is the most hazardous exposure, because the particles pass through the lung-blood barrier directly into the blood.

“When inhaled through the nose, nano-particles can cross the olfactory bulb directly into the brain through the blood brain barrier, where they migrate all through the brain,” she wrote. “Many Gulf era soldiers exposed to depleted uranium have been diagnosed with brain tumors, brain damage and impaired thought processes. Uranium can interfere with the mitochondria, which provide energy for the nerve processes, and transmittal of the nerve signal across synapses in the brain.

“Damage to the mitochondria, which provide all energy to the cells and nerves, can cause chronic fatigue syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Hodgkin’s disease.”

Complete Article

Radioactive Uranium Nano-Particles Pinpointed as Major Issue
in Gulf War Syndrome
Christopher Bollyn – American Free Press January 7, 2005

Depleted uranium weapons and the untold misery they wreak on mankind are taboo subjects in the mainstream media. There are indications, however, that the media embargo is about to be breached.

Despite being a grossly under-reported subject in the mainstream media, there is intense public interest in depleted uranium (DU) and the damage it inflicts on humankind and the environment.

While American Free Press is actively investigating DU weapons and how they contribute to Gulf War Syndrome, the corporate-controlled press virtually ignores the illegal use of DU and its long-lasting effects on the health of veterans and the public.

In August 2004 American Free Press published a ground-breaking four-part series on DU weapons and the long-term health risks they pose to soldiers and civilians alike. Information provided to AFP by experts and scientists, some of it published for the first time in this paper, has increased public awareness of how exposure to small particles of DU can severely affect human health.

Leuren Moret, a Berkeley-based geo-scientist with expertise in atmospheric dust, corresponds with AFP on DU issues. Recently Moret provided a copy of her correspondence to a British radiation biologist, Dr. Chris Busby, about how nanometer size particles of DU – less than one-tenth of a micron and smaller – once inhaled or absorbed into the body, can cause long-term damage to one's health.

Busby is one of the founders of Green Audit, a British organization that monitors companies "whose activities might threaten the environment and health of citizens."

Moret's letter was meant to assist Busby in a legal case being heard in the High Court in London where a former defense worker, Richard David, 49, is suing Normal Air Garrett, Ltd., an aircraft parts company now owned by Honeywell Aerospace, claiming exposure to depleted uranium on the job has made his life a "living hell."

David worked as a component fitter on fighter planes and bombers but had to quit due to health problems. He says he developed a cough within weeks of starting work.

Today, David suffers from a variety of symptoms like those known as Gulf War Syndrome, including respiratory and kidney problems, bowel conditions and painful joints. Medical tests reveal mutations to his DNA and damage to his chromosomes, which, he says, could only have been caused by ionizing radiation. He has also been diagnosed with a terminal lung condition.

Honeywell denies depleted uranium was ever used at the plant in Yeovil, Somerset, where David worked for 10 years until 1995. David claims that DU's existence at the plant was denied because it is an official secret.

David has asked the High Court for more time to gather evidence. The hearing is due to resume in April. “I don’t have any legal representation," David said, "so I am representing myself. It is a real David versus Goliath case.

“I am confident I will win. I hope to set a precedent for other cases of people who have suffered from the effects of depleted uranium.”

Moret's letter on the particle effect of DU is based on research done by Marion Fulk, a nuclear physical chemist and former scientist with the Manhattan Project and the National Laboratory at Livermore, California. Fulk, who has developed a "particle theory" about how DU nano-particles affect human DNA , donates his time and expertise to help bring information about DU to the public.

Asked about Fulk's particle theory, Busby said it is "quite sound." "DU is much more dangerous than they say," Busby added. "I've always said that it contributes significantly to Gulf War Syndrome."

When Moret's correspondence to Dr. Busby was posted on the Internet over the New Year's holiday under the title "How Depleted Uranium Weapons Are Killing Our Troops," some 6,000 people read the letter in the first two days. The following Monday, a producer from the BBC 's Panorama program contacted Moret to arrange an interview.

If the BBC follows up with an investigation on the health effects of DU, it may be hard for the U.S. media to remain silent. More than 500,000 "Gulf War Era" vets currently receive disability compensation, many of them for a variety of symptoms generally referred to as Gulf War Syndrome. Experts blame DU for many of these symptoms.

“The numbers are overwhelming, but the potential horrors only get worse,” Robert C. Koehler of the Chicago-based Tribune Media Services wrote in an article about DU weapons entitled “Silent Genocide.”

“DU dust does more than wreak havoc on the immune systems of those who breathe it or touch it; the substance also alters one's genetic code,” Koehler wrote. “The Pentagon's response to such charges is denial, denial, denial. And the American media is its moral co-conspirator.”

The U.S. government has known for at least twenty years that DU weapons produce clouds of poison gas on impact. These clouds of aerosolized DU are laden with billions of toxic sub-micron sized particles. A 1984 Dept. of Energy conference on Nuclear Airborne Waste reported that tests of DU anti-tank missiles showed that at least 31 percent of the mass of a DU penetrator is converted to nano-particles on impact. In larger bombs the percentage of aerosolized DU increases to nearly 100 percent, Fulk told AFP .

Depleted uranium is harmful in three ways, according to Fulk: "Chemical toxicity, radiological toxicity, and particle toxicity." Particles in the nano-meter (one billionth of a meter) range are a "new breed of cat," Moret wrote. Because the size of the nano-particles allows them to pass freely throughout the organism and into the nucleus of its cells, exposure to nano-particles causes different symptoms than exposure to larger particles of the same substance.

Internalized DU particles, Fulk said, act as "a non-specific catalyst" in both "nuclear and non-nuclear" ways. This means that the uranium particle can affect human DNA and RNA because of both its chemical and radiological properties. This is why internalized DU particles cause "many, many diseases," Fulk said.

Asked if this is how DU causes severe birth defects, Fulk said, "Yes."

The military is aware of DU's harmful effects on the human genetic code. A 2001 study of DU's effect on DNA done by Dr. Alexandra C. Miller for the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, indicates that DU's chemical instability causes 1 million times more genetic damage than would be expected from its radiation effect alone, Moret wrote.

Dr. Miller requested that questions be sent in writing and copied to a military spokesman, but did tell AFP that it should be noted that her studies showing that DU is "neoplastically transforming and genotoxic" are based on in vitro cellular research.

Studies have shown that inhaled nano-particles are far more toxic than micro-sized particles of the same basic chemical composition. British toxicopathologist Vyvyan Howard has reported that the increased toxicity of the nano-particle is due to its size.

For example, when mice were exposed to virus-size particles of Teflon (0.13 microns) in a Univ. of Rochester study, there were no ill effects. But when mice were exposed to nano-particles of Teflon for 15 minutes, nearly all the mice died within 4 hours.

"Exposure pathways for depleted uranium can be through the skin, by inhalation, and ingestion," Moret wrote. "Nano-particles have high mobility and can easily enter the body. Inhalation of nano-particles of depleted uranium is the most hazardous exposure, because the particles pass through the lung-blood barrier directly into the blood.

"When inhaled through the nose, nano-particles can cross the olfactory bulb directly into the brain through the blood brain barrier, where they migrate all through the brain," she wrote. "Many Gulf Era soldiers exposed to depleted uranium have been diagnosed with brain tumors, brain damage, and impaired thought processes. Uranium can interfere with the mitochondria, which provide energy for the nerve processes, and transmittal of the nerve signal across synapses in the brain.

"Damage to the mitochondria, which provide all energy to the cells and nerves, can cause chronic fatigue syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Hodgkin’s disease."


March 14, 2005 06:38 PM

Informant: Carol Wolman

Nightmare Vision of North America


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Conditioning for the real thing?


Informant: Ronda Zeoli

The Price of Patriotism


Thin Skin Of Earth That Stands Between Us And Total Disaster


Informant: Friends

Where Do We Go From Here?


Informant: Friends

Explaining How Depleted Uranium Is Killing Civilians, Soldiers, Land

The following article, written a year ago, condenses much useful basic information about depleted uranium. It might be good to read over. An informant from UK says the BBC is planning an expose' about DU for the coming week. If the story goes forward, says Karim, it is bound to be picked up by US media.


Informant: David Diggins

The character assassins


It's important to understand that the War Party is not interested in debate, but only in demonization, and Schwartz is a perfect example of this method. Opponents of the war aren't just wrong, in their view -- they're 'Nazis!' Nor does it matter what one writes about them, since it's all for a 'good' cause. Schwartz just makes stuff up and flings it at his opponents: and naturally, David Horowitz, who has absolutely no moral or journalistic standards (some things never change), has no compunctions about providing a platform for outright fabrications. In this holy war against those they deem their political enemies, these two old commies haven't changed their spots one iota: for them, the ends still justify the means...


from AntiWar.Com, by Justin Raimondo

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A wilting coalition


The coalition of the willing is losing its will. Italy just announced it will withdraw its 3,000 troops from Iraq by the fall. The Netherlands, Poland, and Ukraine are also in the process of pulling out or preparing to pull out an additional 4,750 troops. When Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, says, 'We have to have an exit strategy,' he is not kidding. With the departure of those nations, the coalition will be down to 21 countries. That is a massive cut from the days when the administration boasted the window dressing of 38 fighting countries and nearly 50 total allies (even as the United States accounted for 85 percent of the troops). President Bush downplayed Italy's imminent abandonment in a press conference this week. Bush said Berlusconi reassured him in a phone call 'that there was no change in his policy ...


from Boston Globe, by Derrick Z. Jackson

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Minimum wage fraud


In the United States, federal and state politicians are eager to raise the minimum legal wage -- again. They have raised the minimum legal wage a dozen times before, but they complain that it is never enough. The prices of food, clothing, and shelter keep going up faster than wages. So politicians offer to solve this problem with a new law to raise wages. Don't fall for it. Politicians are the cause of the problem, not the solution...


from Butterbach.Net, by Ken Schoolland

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Reigniting the anti-war movement


This weekend marks the second anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. Over 1,500 US soldiers have been killed, more than 100,000 Iraqis have lost their lives, violence continues unabated, and we -- the US taxpayers -- have sunk over $200 billion into invading and occupying the oil-rich nation. Many Americans feel this war has been a monumental disaster; others feel the US has brought democracy to the Iraqi people. But despite these opposite perceptions, according to the latest Harris poll, a larger majority than ever before -- 59% -- believe the US troops should come home in the next year. The anti-war movement, which now represents the sentiment of the majority of the American people, is poised to mark this second anniversary by launching a new peace offensive. Here are several ways you can help...


from Common Dreams, by Medea Benjamin

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War is unacceptable


As I see it, humankind is at a crossroads. Religion and politics have failed. Corporatism, imperialism, nationalism, communism and a whole smorgasbord of 'isms' have separated us rather than united us. Modernization has failed to reduce violence in the human race. In reality, 'we' can do nothing; only 'I' can do anything. Humanity comprises 6.5 billion 'I's' -- most are responsible for war to one degree or another. I may influence others with my actions, but I control only one person ... me! Stopping war begins with changing 'me.' ... Getting the mind in a quiet state so that I may achieve personal liberation is something I do every day to help eliminate violence from my personal life...


from Activist Magazine, by Joey King

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The forgotten Ninth Amendment


The case Scalia makes has a good deal going for it because it is indeed part of the theory of politics in the USA that the role justices play does not include making laws, only interpreting the Constitution when some legislation is challenged through the courts (and reaches the US Supreme Court). The living constitution idea is, indeed, destructive of the rule of law and of democracy itself because it encourages arbitrariness, the departure from governance by law toward governance according to the justices' own convictions. Yet, there is a problem here because Justice Scalia ignores the Ninth Amendment to the US Constitution, the one that states unequivocally that aside from rights enumerated in that document, the people have others, as well...


from SOLO HQ, by Tibor R. Machan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Out at first


We're fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, threatened by al Qaeda, mired in budget deficits, facing gargantuan liabilities in Social Security and Medicare, struggling to sustain the our military forces' fighting capacity -- and what did this committee think warranted its urgent attention? Whether a few overpaid entertainers take forbidden pills to improve their performance. The hearing rested on two well-worn premises that should offend the conservative sensibilities of Republicans, who control this committee and Congress. The first is absolutely everything is a federal responsibility. The second is the private sector needs incessant guidance from government...


from Washington Times, by Steve Chapman

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Afghanistan: "One huge US jail"


Outside Kabul, Afghanistan is bleaker, its provinces more inaccessible and lawless, than it was under the Taliban. If anyone leaves town, they do so in convoys. Afghanistan is a place where it is easy for people to disappear and perilous for anyone to investigate their fate. Even a seasoned aid agency such as Médécins Sans Frontières was forced to quit after five staff members were murdered last June. Only the 17,000-strong US forces, with their all-terrain Humvees and Apache attack helicopters, have the run of the land, and they have used the haze of fear and uncertainty that has engulfed the country to advance a draconian phase in the war against terror. Afghanistan has become the new Guantánamo Bay...


from Guardian [UK], by Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Anti-war activities

Website lists anti-war activities for students: "On the week of the second anniversary of the U.S. led invasion of Iraq, we the students and youth believe it is time we make our presence felt within the greater antiwar movement. During the fifties and sixties, students led powerful civil rights struggles. We were amongst the leadership of the anti-Vietnam War struggles during the sixties and seventies as well. In this spirit, we are again standing up against the unjust and illegal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere...


from Campus Resistance -- Hat Tip to CounterPunch

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Defendant Rumsfeld


On March 1, the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights First filed a historic lawsuit, Ali et al. v. Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense of the United States of America, in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (the defendant's home state). In all forms of media, there has been minimal coverage of the very existence of this legal action, and even less of the precisely documented charges, including the defendant's violations of American and international laws and the consequences of his continuing lawlessness...


from Village Voice, by Nat Hentoff

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congress drops ball on torture charges


According to Congress, investigating whether Mark McGwire was pumped up with steroids when he made baseball home run history is a question of vital public concern. But what the CIA and our military are doing to prisoners during overseas interrogations, well, that doesn't merit the same interest. After all, what's at stake isn't our national pastime, it's only our national soul. As human rights groups continue to compile evidence that prisoners held under U.S. control have been brutalized, and as new reports emerge that at least 26 prisoners have died at the hands of our military or intelligence services, Congress twiddles its thumbs...


from St. Petersburg Times, by Robin Blumner

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Media downplay historic day of protests


The second anniversary of the war was the impetus for major demonstrations throughout the world. In the United States, over 800 communities held events calling for an end to the occupation. CNN, however, reported that in the United States 'barely a ripple was made while large protests took place in Europe.' The New York Times reported that protests in the United States ranged from 350 people in Times Square to thousands in San Francisco. Later in the same story, the Times reported that several thousand marched from Harlem to Central Park. If thousands marched in New York, why did the Times highlight the 350 in Times Square? CNN's report was worse -- nothing about US protests. ... If CNN had been in Fayetteville, North Carolina, they would have seen what could be a major turning point in the anti-war movement. The largest Anti-war protest ever in this heavily military town took place...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

from TruthOut, by Scott Galindez

American dreams and nightmares


Driving in to Austin, Texas, in late 2000 I asked the taxi driver -- a jaunty man originally from New York -- which parts of town to avoid after dark. Don't worry, he advised, Austin is a safe place. After all, 'everyone carries a gun in Texas.' Not quite the answer I'd been looking for, but strangely reassuring. I was fresh in the US and it played exactly to my preconceptions of America as a violent, gun-happy culture. But the matter-of-fact manner of the driver's comment made everything seem normal...


from The Australian, by Roy Eccleston

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Restore the rights of clergy in America


The power to tax is the power to destroy. How did the power to destroy churches whose preachers tell their congregations the truth as they see it -- that some politicians are advancing God's Kingdom, while others are violating God's commandments -- end up in the hands of the Internal Revenue Service? Because LBJ put it there. He had not intended to, but in 1954, an election year, LBJ was bedeviled by tax-exempt groups who were pointing out the alleged communist connections of some Texas liberals. LBJ had inserted in the IRS code a penalty -- loss of tax exemption -- for any organization whose leaders endorsed or opposed the election of a politician. His amendment was not intended for churches, but it bound them just the same...


from WorldNetDaily, by Pat Buchanan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No child left unrecruited


One day in the next two weeks, a uniformed colonel from the U.S. Army is expected to pay a visit to William Cala, the superintendent of the Fairport Central School District in Fairport, N.Y., east of Rochester. While Cala has not been told exactly what's on the agenda, he knows why the colonel is coming: To try to talk some sense into him about how he's handled the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act. It might seem strange that the Pentagon is sending an emissary to a school district, but it's actually the law." [subscription or ad view required]


from Salon, by Aimee Molloy

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

$3.2 billion a day -- $2.25 million a minute


This is brought to you by the man who wants to sell you his idea for investment accounts. A man desperate for money. A borrowholic through and through. A man who converts trust into debt. Step right up. Put your money down. P.T. Barnum, who told us 'there's a sucker born every minute,' must be rolling in his grave with laughter. Since his inauguration, George W. Bush has run up the national debt more than $2 trillion. Between February 1st and March 10th, a matter of 38 days, he's added another $124 billion to our tab. All while telling us that things are getting better...


from The Price of Liberty, by Ed Henry

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Human butchery


Mr. Porter Goss, the head of our CIA, was reassuring Senator Carl Levin that the deaths of four prisoners in American custody in Iraq and Afghanistan were hideous abnormalities. 'We don't do torture,' Goss said .... We can, I think, accept that disavowal. As long as the kind of thing that happened at Abu Ghraib gets front-page attention and universal denunciation, bringing the perpetrators to trial and imprisonment, we are relatively chaste. But the question arises whether the United States and indeed the other western industrial democracies are working convincingly to elevate human cruelty to the rank of infamy, where it belongs...


from National Review, by William F. Buckley, Jr.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's bureaucracy stiffs wounded vets


Not only did he use false pretenses to get Congress to rush into his invasion, not only did he send our men and women into battle without the protective gear they need to save their lives, not only did he grossly understate the depth of opposition our troops would face during the ongoing occupation, not only did he completely miscalculate the number of troops required to pursue his ideologically-motivated mission -- but now we learn that he rushed America into the hell of war without preparing for the medical needs of thousands of soldiers who are coming home with severe wounds...


from Alternet, by Jim Hightower

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's Napoleon complex

No two wars are ever the same any more than you can step on the same banana peel twice. That said, Napoleon's invasion and occupation of Spain, from 1808 to 1814 -- the war that gave us the word 'guerrilla' and was immortalized in Goya's 'Third of May,' the war that drained France's army, smashed Napoleon's reputation for invincibility, and left Spain thrashing like a broken-backed snake for decades -- has striking similarities to our invasion and occupation of Iraq. Both wars started under the influence of similar delusions. Napoleon thought that the Spanish would roll over and play dead as so many other European states had; he thought marching to Madrid and placing his brother Joseph on the throne would complete the subjugation of Spain. We pretty much thought the same: crushing Saddam's army would be easy; we would then install a pro-American government (Ahmad the Thief) and have most of our Army home by fall... (for publication 03/28/05)


from The American Conservative, by Gregory Cochran

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dirty tricks revisited


In a 'democratic' empire, as opposed to the later Roman version, it isn't very often necessary to round up one's political opponents and simply slap them in jail or throw them into the arena with a couple of hungry lions. There are more efficient, and ultimately more effective, ways to crush anyone who gets in the way of the powers that be, and this is where the fine art of character assassination comes in. I discussed this to some extent in my last column, but as it happens, a far clearer and much more important case has come up since that illustrates the corrosive effects of Empire on American liberty...


from AntiWar.Com, by Justin Raimondo

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Anti-war protesters hit streets nationwide


Thousands of anti-war protesters took to the streets of San Francisco and other American cities Saturday, chanting slogans, stopping traffic and carrying cardboard coffins to commemorate the second anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. In San Francisco, hundreds of protesters rallied in Dolores Park in the city's Mission district ... 'This is a war of aggression,' said Ed McManus, 54, a Marin County resident who served in the Navy during the Vietnam War but only recently began protesting the Iraq War. ... The San Francisco march was one of hundreds of anti-war demontrations around the country on Saturday -- two years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein...


from Mercury News
posted by Mary Lou Seymour on 19 Mar '05 19:49

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

London's stop the war march

UK: In pictures: London's stop the war march


The sun shone brightly as marchers gathered at Hyde Park on Saturday morning, helping themselves to the thousands of banners and placards provided ...


from BBC News [UK]
posted by Mary Lou Seymour on 19 Mar '05 21:42

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Peace Rally attracts about 3,000

North Carolina: Peace Rally attracts about 3,000


An anti-war rally organized in part by veterans and military families drew about 3,000 people to a park near Fort Bragg -- home to more than 40,000 soldiers and thousands of other dependents. ... 'I can't remain silent on these issues, slap a yellow ribbon on my car and call it supporting our troops,' said Kara Hollingsworth, the wife of a soldier serving his second tour of duty in Iraq. 'I support our troops by making sure they are not put in harm's way unless absolutely necessary.' ... The demonstration in a town where life revolves around the sprawling Army base, home to the Army's Green Berets and the elite 82nd Airborne Division, was met by about 100 opponents waving American flags and banners...


from ABC 11 News
posted by Mary Lou Seymour on 20 Mar '05 12:25

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

British troops "were supplied with blank ammunition"

UK: British troops "were supplied with blank ammunition"


British troops in Iraq have been supplied with blank rounds instead of live ammunition, one of a catalogue of failures during the occupation that have put their lives at risk, according to a hard-hitting report to be published this week. Inability to provide body armour and medical supplies in sufficient quantities are also understood to be among logistical shortcomings identified by the influential Commons Defence Select Committee. News of its findings came as tens of thousands of protesters marched through central London yesterday on the second anniversary of the invasion, calling for the Government to withdraw British troops from Iraq...


from Independent [UK]
posted by Mary Lou Seymour on 20 Mar '05 16:35

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Anti-war protests spill into second day


Crowds of anti-war demonstrators gathered in communities scattered across the nation Sunday to protest the war in Iraq, a day after larger protests in dozens of other cities on the second anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion. In Boston, Shalom Keller told about 2,000 protesters that he celebrated his 21st birthday in Iraq a day before his Army unit joined the first wave of the invasion. 'Instead of getting drunk, I was invading a country that had done me no wrong,' Keller told the crowd on the Boston Common...


from Detroit Free Press
posted by R. Lee Wrights on 20 Mar '05 22:08

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Anti-war protests held around world


Anti-war activists marched in the streets of U.S. and European cities Saturday, stopping traffic and lying down alongside flag-draped cardboard coffins to mark the second anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq. Some demonstrators were arrested in New York City as they demanded U.S. troops be brought home. 'This country was founded by acts of civil disobedience,' said David McReynolds, 75, of New York, as he marched along 42nd Street. 'We have an obligation to make our resistance public and to say as clearly as we can that the war is illegal...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Regierung knickt ein

Am Donnerstag kam aus dem Verbraucherministerium bereits eine Reaktion auf Eure/Ihre Schreiben: Bereits 100 E-Mails landeten im Posteingang! Das sollte den zuständigen Politikern zu denken gegeben haben. Und dennoch: Am Freitag beschloss der Bundestag die Änderung des Gentechnikgesetzes. Damit wird der Anbau von gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen erleichtert. Die Interessen der Industrie wurden voran gestellt ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste in der gentechnikfreien Landwirtschaft. Mehr dazu lest Ihr/Sie auf unserer Homepage:


Eure/Ihre Eigeninitiative war klasse. Da wir schnell reagieren mussten, konnten wir für die Mails in Sachen Gentechnikgesetz keine Protest-Mail vorbereiten. Trotzdem entstanden zahlreiche individuelle E-Mails.

Auch zum Thema Müller gibt es Neues. Das Unternehmen erwirkte vor dem Landgericht Köln, dass unsere Wortwahl mal wieder eingeschränkt ist. Mehr dazu erfahrt Ihr/Sie hier:


Bis bald,

Euer EinkaufsNetz-Team


Greenpeace e.V.
Grosse Elbstrasse 39
22767 Hamburg

Fayetteville march photos

We've posted 60 photos from the march - see the homepage first with photos of IVAW, CAN and MFSO reps. Rally photos and audio of the rally are coming.



Charles Jenks
Traprock Peace Center
103A Keet Road
Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-7427 (Traprock office line)

From ufpj-news

Die Bewohner im oberbayerischen Peiting streiken, weil ein weiterer Mobilfunkmast aufgestellt werden soll

Die ProSieben-Magazine und -Shows am Dienstag, 22. März 2005

http://www.prosieben.de/lifestyle_magazine/taff/, ProSieben Text Seite 405 Dagmar Müller, Tel. +49 [89] 9507-1185, Fax -91185, dagmar.mueller@ProSieben.de "taff"-Spezial montags bis freitags um 18.00


US-Forscher hacken Wegfahrsperre für Autos


Second thoughts on church masts


The Literature of Nonviolent Resistance and Civilian-Based Defense


Krebsfälle in der Nähe von AM-Radiosendern


Krebshäufung in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen

Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz


Krebshäufung in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen

Red blood cells lump by mobile phone


Two students of the Gymnasium high school in Spaichingen (Germany) have investigated the influence of using a mobile phone on the red blood cells. With a microscope they made 255 pictures of the blood of 51 testees. The students, Maria Ritter and Wasgan Wolski, received a regional award for young researchers, reports the Schwäbische Zeitung of March 7, 2005.

The testees were not allowed to use their mobile phones for 24 hours. Afterwards the researchers took blood from a finger tip and earlobe. Then the testees had to use a phone for 20 seconds. Immediately after that the researchers took blood again and ten minutes later again. The result: after using the mobile phone it was clearly visible that the red blood cells lumped together in 'rolls of coins'.

Also ten minutes afterwards the 'rolls of coins' still were clearly visible. The lumping raises the risk of thrombosis. Moreover the cells take up and transport less oxygen, report Ritter and Wolski. The research was directed by their teacher Dr. Markus Ziegler.

Full source of this article in German:

Something this report highlights is that it is perfectly possible to show the biological effects of phones/masts without waiting the 15 years or so for epidemiological studies. It is just that the Government do not want to know the answer that quickly! We should be pushing for actual testing in the known "worst" spots.


The micro blood clots are due to the increase of thromboxane in blood, during exposure to cellphone radiation as reported by Omura et al (.1993).


Dr. Zamir Shalita

This about red blood cells was reported as the "string of pearls effect" in a German study some time ago. This is where / how I came across it:

Much as the asbestos and tobacco industries have done, the telecommunications industry has suppressed damaging evidence about its technology since at least 1927, when colloid chemist Ernst Muth first discovered that red blood cells exposed to radio frequency waves (at levels far less powerful than permitted today by the FCC) are forced to line up in chains resembling strings of pearls.

From Firstenberg:

I wonder if it has any relationship to Hughes syndrome (sticky blood), which I have come across several times in relation to masts.

There are a number of effects noted on various constituents of blood, so it should be possible to devise blood tests for mast as well as phone effects from more than one indicator.


Our lab could easily perform this test to peer review publication standards. We are examining erythrocytes routinely every week. It would cost £500 to do this.

Roger Coghill
MA (Cantab) C Biol MI Biol MA (Environ Mgt)
Coghill Research Laboratories

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


CONGRATULATIONS to all of the students!!!! This is an important link toward confirming the same health problems occur whether caused by cell phones, powerlines or appliances.

After powerlines were forced upon us by restraining order, I soon developed high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and frequent adrenalin surges. I also was hospitalized 6-7 times due to thrombophlebitis in both legs. The doctors had numerous problems trying to adjust my prothrombin levels (clotting time) and after contacting a hematologist at the University of Minnesota, my doctor told me "you are a first in medical history" (my blood kept getting thinner and thinner in spite of adjustments -- "very sensitive to all medications").

Due to my inability to tolerate blood thinning medications as well as my inability to sit for extended periods of time day-after-day, my Internist told me to file for disability. Around this same time or soon thereafter, I also had been diagnosed with Lupus Profundus (a rare skin condition -- red scalding-appearance on the palms of both hands and soles of both feet). "Fibromyalgia" was also suggested to explain the "exquistive pain" I endured whenever my chest wall or parts of my legs were bumped or touched.

The health problems described above were not confirmed by "objective testing" and since evidence to prove my disability was "only subjective," I was denied disability and had to hire an attorney for an appeal. Social Security Disability Benefits were then awarded based on ".........my credibility in spite of the inability of medical science to diagnose the severe symptomatology."

It was not until many years later that I learned of one or more studies linking EMF/EMR to blood-clotting problems. I did not make "a connection" to EMF/EMR until my two grandsons were diagnosed with "rare immune" and we were told they may develop Leukemia or other cancers. No genetic link was found....the boys were moved away from walls opposite electric meters.....they "got well....!!!"

As with my own guinea pig studies regarding white blood cell changes (dramatic) after chronic, prolonged exposure to low levels of EMF/EMR (electric meter), these students have again demonstrated that "ordinary citizens" can do studies that "replicate" some of the "inconclusive studies" that many scientists don't dare to do because of fears of losing jobs/funding, etc.!!!! Take care -

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com


Cellphones may boost forces on biological tissue

Bo E. Sernelius: Possible induced enhancement of dispersion forces by cellular phones. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2004, 6 (7), 1363 - 1368


We derive the dispersion forces between objects in the presence of a non-thermal radiation field. We apply the formalism to a model system representing two human blood cells in blood. By focusing the same radiation density, as in room-temperature thermal radiation, in the microwave region we find a huge enhancement of the attractive force. Related effects are predicted to occur also in other types of biological tissue. The quantitative results should not be taken at face value, since the model is crude. The effects are so large though, that further investigation is motivated. The origin of the effects lies in the variation of water and/or ion content. In the microwave region of the spectrum both the dipolar contributions from the water-molecules, and the mobile-ion contributions are important parts of the dielectric function, and cause the enhancement.



Cell Phones May Harm Blood Cells

Red blood cells lump by mobile phones

Permanent mutations in fruit flies by cell phone radiation

Fünf Schüler leisten wichtige Basisforschung


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