
Microwaves 'are causing deaths': Masts 'to blame for suicides'



Midlife Suicide Rise Puzzles Researchers

In a message dated 20/02/2008 13:34:00 GMT Standard Time, YoRed24... writes:

I'm not puzzled at all. ES is hellish, and I know it's crossed my mind more than once. I also think this is why kids are walking into universities and killing their classmates, like what recently happened in Illinois, I believe it was.



By PATRICIA COHEN,The New York Times Posted: 2008-02-19 10:15:14

mastsicknessUK... wrote:

Here is another possible "caused by technology" case

Schoolgirl found hanged in Bridgend becomes 17th young victim in 'suicide town'


19 Feb 2008

A teenage girl was today found hanged in Bridgend - the 17th apparent suicide in the tragedy-hit Welsh town.

Schoolgirl Jenna Parry, 16, was discovered hanging from a tree at a beauty spot by a dog-walker out for an early morning stroll.

She is the 17th person aged under 27 to be found hanged in the Bridgend area since the start of last year.

Her father Paul, 44, said: "We are all traumatised and are too upset to talk about it."

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Schoolgirl Jenna Parry, 16, was discovered hanging from a tree at a beauty spot on Cefn Cribbwr common in the Bridgend area

Scroll down for more information on what parents can do to help

Jenna lived with her father, mother Anne, 39, and two brothers in an end-of-terrace house in the village of Cefn Cribwr which is part of Bridgend.

Her best friend's mother Lisa Jones said yesterday: "I only saw her last night at about 7pm and she was laughing and giggling, without a care in the world.

"That's the sort of person she was. She had everything to live for - this is just so awful. I can't understand what is going on around here."

Her mother revealed a connection between another of the tragic 17 and her daughter Jessica, 16, who has been Jenna's best friends for two years.

Jessica's cousin was another of the tragic apparent suicide cases - 17- year-old Zachery Barnes who died six months ago.

Lisa said: "The girls took Zachery's death very hard. It is all very tragic and impossible to explain."

Friend Daniel John, 20, said:"It has been an absolute shock. She was so bubbly and carefree, I can't imagine why she would take her own life.

"She loved butterflies and was very girly. She loved pop music and dance music.

"I last spoke her to yesterday and she seemed normal - perfectly fine. I can't get my head around why she has done this."

Today, Dave Morris, Assistant Chief Constable of South Wales Police, admitted that there had been an "exceptional" number of suicides in the area.

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Before today, Nathaniel Pritchard, 15 and his cousin Kelly Stephenson, 20, were the latest suicide victims from Bridgend

"It is exceptional in terms of being a cluster of young people who have apparently taken their own lives, all in the borough area."

He said a review into teenage suicides in the county borough area was on-going but added: "We have found no suggestion of any suicide pact."

The youngsters all used social networking websites, such as Bebo and MySpace.

But Mr Morris said: "We haven't found any suggestion of a link or influence through those sites."

Jenna Home

This is the home Jenna shared with her parents in Bridgend before her death He added: "What we have found is that these are vulnerable young people, and taking one's own life may be becoming an acceptable option to young people for issues that they are facing."

At the same press conference, the parents of 15-year-old Nathaniel Pritchard, who apparently committed suicide last week, blamed their son's death on media coverage of the suicides in the Bridgend area.

Nathaniel's mother, Sharon, said: "Media coverage put the idea into Nathaniel's head."

Nathaniel died in hospital after "harming himself" last week.

His cousin Kelly Stephenson, 20, was found hanged hours later while on holiday in Kent.

Jenna has her own personal pages on teenage social networking site Bebo - as did many of the others who have died.

Rachel White, 16, said she believed Jenna might have known several others of the tragic 17 who have died.

Sharon Pritchard

Sharon Pritchard made an emotional speech at today's press conference and spoke of the media coverage surrounding the deaths She said: "Her Bebo site will probably be turned into a memorial site as well. It is really hard to get your head around it - I can't believe she is gone."

Her heartbroken father Paul, 44, said: "We are all traumatised and are too upset to talk about it."

She lived with her father, mother Anne, 39, and two brothers in an end- of-terrace house in the quiet village which is part of the Bridgend area.

Jenna's body was found just before 8am yesterday by dog-walker Michael Bennett on the common less than half a mile from her home.

Security guard Mr Bennett, 61, said: "It was so shocking to find this poor young girl hanging from this tree.

"I feel shaken to the core by this. Why are youngsters around here doing this?

"I can't understand it at all. People of my generation can't explain it all - what is going on around here.

"They need to talk to people like their family not spend all their time on computers or watching television. I feel so sad for her and her family."

Mr Bennett was walking his border collie dog Max in a woodland patch known as the Snake Pit on Cefn Cribbwr common - a popular walking spot in the Bridgend area.

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Suicide cult? Clockwise from top left: Zachery Barnes, 17, Liam Clarke, 20, Natasha Randall, 17, Dale Crole, 18, David Dilling, 19, Gareth Morgan, 27, and Thomas Davies, 20

Mr Bennett said: "I must have been first on the common this morning and I imagine she was there from last night. She was so young and it is so horrible to die alone like that."

Jenna moved from the Brackla suburb of Bridgend to the nearby village of Cefn Cribbwr two years ago.

Earlier this month, Philip Walter, Coroner for Bridgend and the Glamorgan valleys, said that he had profound doubts about any "copycat" theory connecting the series of suicides.

"I'm of the mind that there is no commonality between these deaths, and preliminary investigations say the same," he said.

A special task force involving police, social services, health and education officials has been set up to look into the string of tragedies.

Local Labour MP Madeleine Moon has also called for a strategy to reduce Wales's suicide rate during a recent debate in parliament.

Welsh Assembly Government officials are preparing a Suicide Prevention Action Plan, Health Minister Edwina Hart said in a letter to AMs today.

The Assembly Government wants a 10 per cent reduction in suicides by 2012.

Plans for a national school-based counselling service are going to be published in the spring.

Suicide rates among men in Wales are currently the highest in the UK.

In Bridgend, three 15 to 24-year-old men committed suicide on average every year between 1996 and 2006.

Mrs Hart said: "I have also agreed that there will be some early pilot projects in suicide prevention work in those areas with the highest suicide rates and am aware that the rates vary across Wales and are not associated with one area.

"This is a national problem and not solely in one local authority area, so the projects will be in different parts of Wales."

Alan Briscoe, of the charity Mind Cymru, said: "We applaud this strategy - it's very definitely needed.

"Every suicide that happens in Bridgend brings it closer to those other troubled young people in that area.

"Obviously something very serious is happening in Bridgend. There's a local response to that."

Police are expected to examine Jenna's computer but sources say there is no immediate link between her death and controversial suicide websites.

Jenna moved from the Brackla suburb of Bridgend to the nearby village of Cefn Cribbwr two years ago.

Police and politicians in Bridgend were yesterday maintaining the
17 apparent suicides - all by hanging - are not linked.

All the victims hanged themselves in the apparent suicide spate which started in January 2007.

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Bridgend has been rocked by a spate of suicides since the beginning of last year

South Wales Police have also brought in their Major Crime Support unit to investigate.

A report on the latest hanging will be compiled for Bridgend coroner Philip Walters, who has a backlog of suicides dating back a year.

What parents can do to help

Charities have urged parents of teenage children to remain vigilant.

The Samaritans said youngsters most at risk included those who appeared withdrawn or who seemed to be bottling up their problems.

Parents should try to get their children to talk about their concerns at all costs, it said.

The charity Papyrus, which is committed to suicide prevention, said other warning signs in teenagers included being tearful, finding it hard to sleep and suffering from eating problems.

A spokesman for the charity said: "Parental intuition can be the key to spotting it. A lot of these parents might be thinking:

"These are just signs of a typical teenager".

"In many cases that may be true, but if you are in any doubt, give us a call for a chat."

Papyrus encourages parents who are concerned about the mental well- being of a teenage son and daughter to:

- Listen to what they say, don't be judgmental. Say that you love them and care about them, no matter what.

- If they won't talk to you, maybe they would talk to a friend or sibling, or perhaps write down how they feel. Reassure them that this happens to others.

- Encourage them to go to the GP or counselling service if there is one. Offer to go with them.

The charity urges teenagers who are feeling suicidal to tell someone they trust about how they are feeling.

It says: "This could be someone in your family, your doctor, a teacher, the school nurse, college counsellor, or someone from your church.

"If you reach a suicidal crisis where the desire to kill yourself is overwhelming, you must tell someone. Ask them to keep you company until the feelings pass."

The Bridgend branch of Samaritans can be reached on 01656 662333. Childline can be contacted on 0800 1111 and Papyrus, specialists in preventing young suicide, can be reached on 01282 432555.


Von: Carol Datum: 20.02.2008 18:13:48
Betreff: Re: Midlife Suicide Rise Puzzles Researchers

What a tragic story, but it doesn't seem they've made the connection between wireless technology - the frequencies per say - only a mention of networking over the computer. I'm sure it factors into the equation, but these frequencies are responsible for all sorts of hormonal, and thus behavioral imbalances.

I honestly think these frequencies are making people bipolar/ psychotic. I see it in myself and in my own daughter. No middle ground - either elated or tired of living.

Prescription drugs such as antidepressants are part of the problem too, but only a small part, and I have to side with the patients here. It's so easy to think that a person wants a no-pain life and that this is why he or she approaches a doctor in search of medications, but nobody knows what these people are feeling.

I'm pretty sure I read that the Illinois shooter left a new cell phone with his goodbye letter to his girlfriend. Why don't they see the connection?


Posted by: Christine Aschermann
Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:51 am (PST)

I agree! The radiation is causing a confusion in the brain (mind and mood), and often all of a sudden. I was told about a German engineer who worked at the Siemens building (Munich) and he testified the death of 12 (twelve ) engineers by suicide- jumping from the high building into the inner yard... The DECTphone was developed there you know. Long ago--I do not know the facts from the last 9 years... but I learned some months ago that 3 manager of the firm were found dead at their office rooms. In Japan it seems to be the same-many people are dying because of overstress at work (heart attack or stroke) or by suicide. See att., in German (I miss the source , sorry) A summary, my comments in red : In Japan, in one year 355 persons fell badly ill or even died because of overwork, 7,6% more than the year before. Karoshi is the Japanese word for it. 147 died by stroke or heart infarction. 819 suffered from psychic disorders (oh, I would suppose: cerebral disorders- because "psychic origin" was originally defined as that there is not any cerebral disorder) , 176 committed suicide. The government is suggesting teleworking (ironically? cynically?) In Japan the rate of suicides is one of the highest in the world.

Best regards,


Mobile phones 'cancer link': Mouth tumours 50% more likely after heavy use


Last updated at 19:17pm on 14th December 2007

Mobile phone users tend to develop tumours on the same side of the head as the phone was normally held

Mobile phone use raises the risk of mouth cancer, researchers claim.

Five years of frequent use increased the chances of developing a tumour by around 50 per cent compared with people who had never used one, scientists found.


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