
Wolves of Water: The sequel to Wings of Death


Low Level Radiation Campaign

Chris Busby has published Wolves of Water, the sequel to his 1995 book Wings of Death.

Wolves of Water tells the story of the last 12 years of our campaign on radioactive pollution and health in a way that is both scientific and highly personal.

Indispensable for anyone involved in confronting the lies, the control and the cover-ups that characterise the Science Wars.

http://www.llrc.org has the detail - a flyer and how to buy your copy (unbeatable value at £12, ($20/€20). Online content at http://www.llrc.org includes an index allowing the heroes to check whether they've been acknowledged, and the guilty to check whether they've been nailed. It also lists 86 ways to conceal the truth.



Re Prof. David Coggon -

Described in Dr Chris Busby's 'Wolves of Water' book -

p.281 on the Medical Research Council's three man committee on the health efffects of depleted uranium -

" The other two members of this coven are Dudley Goodhead and Prof. David Coggon of the MRC epidemiology unit at Southampton. Coggon is famous for having written in the BMJ in 1994 that 'there was no epidemic of cancer'. When I accosted him with this howler recently he was clearly embarrassed but tried to maintain that this was still the case. Coggon took over from Martin Gardner, the epideniologist who confirmed the Sellafield leukaemia cluster and found it was associated with the parents who worked for the nuclear site. Gardner died suddenly of cancer age 50. Coggon shut down the research. He is now a favourite of the establishment for Chairing committees on ill-health and pollution, e.g. the Advisory Committee on Pesticides (ACP) and the Depleted Uranium Committee of the Ministry of Defence (DUOB). Goodhead and Coggon got OBEs. I hope it makes them happy.

They will crop up again in this book, my point is to show that there do not need to be so many operators to keep the system going, just a few people in the right places. Nor am I saying they are anything but perfect gentlemen who believe what it is they say. It is merely that when someone talks about the science of radiation risk, what is there in practice is actually the beliefs and activities of rather a few individuals".

at p. 430 (summarised)

The Royal Commission on Pesticides recently took evidence and established health damage to people affected by crop spraying. Coggon's Committee (ACP) quickly pressured government to disregard this, so that it could be business as usual for agrichems and intensive farming.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Wenn Handys süchtig machen

Biologin Bleuel spricht über Risiken

Penzberg – Der Versuch im Rahmen einer Schüler-Studie ist simpel: Ein Junge telefoniert 20 Sekunden mit dem Handy und nimmt dann eine Blutprobe von seinem Ohrläppchen. Unter dem Mikroskop zeigt sich: Die Struktur seiner roten Blutkörperchen hat sich nach dem Telefonat verändert, sie sind verklumpt. So erzählt es die Biologin Heike-Solweig Bleuel. „Der Junge hat heute kein Handy mehr.“ Sie war gestern zu Gast bei den Siebtklässlern der Penzberger Realschule – zum Projekt-Unterricht über den Umgang mit Mobilfunk. Am Montag ging dem ein Abend für Eltern und Interessierte voraus. Thema: „Handy – Spaß, Nutzen, Risiken“.

Der Elternbeirat der Realschule und die Bürgerinitiative „Aktion Antenne Penzberg“ (AAP) hatten die Referentin aus Tübingen eingeladen. Seit vier Jahren geht Bleuel an Schulen, um mit Kindern über ihren Handy-Gebrauch, die möglichen Gefahren und das Suchtpotenzial zu sprechen. Bei über 90 Prozent liege die Handy-Dichte der unter 16-jährigen Schüler: „Und viele machen sich regelrecht abhängig von dem Gerät.“ Für die rund 40 Zuhörer hatte Bleuel mehrere Ratschläge: das Handy nur für den Gebrauch in Betrieb nehmen, zuhause eine Rufumleitung aufs Festnetz einrichten und Kindern entsprechend eine eigene Festnetz-Nummer einräumen.

Außerdem stellte die Biologin Versuche vor, in denen die Wirkung der Handy-Strahlung auf den Organismus erforscht werden sollte. So hätte sich im Tierversuch gezeigt, dass die Strahlung einen Effekt auf die schützende Bluthirnschranke habe, sagte sie. Diese sei bei Nagetieren, die einem Handy ausgesetzt wurden, durchlässig für schädliche Stoffe geworden. „Da waren Eiweiße im Gehirn, die dort nicht hingehören.“ Diese Ergebnisse würden vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz anerkannt.

Zu möglichen Gesundheitsfolgen sagte Bleuel bewusst nichts. Dennoch könnten die Probleme elektrosensibler Menschen nicht von der Hand gewiesen werden. Eigentlich sei sie gewohnt, vor mehr Interessierten zu sprechen, so die Dozentin am Ende. Auch Jürgen Loose (AAP) hatte mit mindestens 100 Zuhörern gerechnet: „Wir sind sehr enttäuscht.“ K nah


Datum: 14.03.2007



Recent Research on EMF and Health Risks

Comments on the Swedish EMF Health Risk Report


Comments on the Swedish EMF Health Risk Report

I would like to register a couple of additional comments relative to this latest Swedish review.

* The fundamental problem with this report as well as a number of other similar reports that appear a couple of times yearly is that they are focusing on the wrong types of data to predict human health risks. Risks can most efficiently be predicted based on mechanism based in vitro and in vivo studies, clinical observations and conservative risk assessment models. Those are the tools used in pre-market testing of potentially dangerous consumer products. Had the requirement for pre-market testing of wireless devices not been waived by regulators around the world, these data would have been in hand in time to predict risks and save lives. Now, those groups responsible for the breach of public trust are hiding behind these reviews to save their behinds politically.

* The 'elephant in the room' is that the human studies that these vested interest review groups are fond of focusing on are after-the-fact data that should appropriately be used to determine whether or not risk predictions were accurate. There has never been a public health threat identified early enough for intervention that saved lives based on epidemiological data. These studies essentially rely on body counts -- a very inefficient basis for public health action.

* Politically, the industry/lapdog strategy is to trap activist groups into engaging in the debate about the meaning of these studies in terms of proving health effects. The issue of proving the presence of health effects is relevant only in litigation -- and the industry has strategized that framing all of these arguments in terms of cause and effect gives them cover in the litigation which threatens their very existence. And that at the expense of not only taxpayers in various countries, but at the expense of countless lives lost that could have been prevented had time efficient intervention steps been offered.

* Thus, the Swedish report is a political compendium masquerading as science. Its purpose is to cover the behinds of both government regulators who have not done their jobs and mobile phone industry companies who face serious liability because of their continuous breaches of public trust. When these facts are considered, we see that the wireless industry and their lapdog groups are not so strange bedfellows.

Dr. George L. Carlo
Science and Public Policy Institute
1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW -- 7th Floor Washington, D.C. 20004 http://www.sppionline.org

Informant: Martin Weatherall


Funkstille über Strahlungsschäden: Wie von Werbung abhängige Medien mit den Gefahren des Mobilfunks umgehen



Wissenschaftler mundtot gemacht



Authors R. Paulraj, J. Behari


The present work describes the effect of low level continuous microwaves (2.45 GHz) on developing rat brain. Some 35-day-old Wistar rats were used for this study. The animals were exposed 2 hr/day for 35 days at a power density of 0.34 mW/cm 2 [specific absorption rate (SAR), 0.1 W/kg] in a specially made anechoic chamber. After the exposure, the rats were sacrificed and the brain tissue was dissected out and used for various biochemical assays. A significant increase in calcium ion efflux and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was observed in the exposed group as compared to the control. Correspondingly, a significant decrease in the calcium-dependent protein kinase activity was observed. These results indicate that this type of radiation affects the membrane bound enzymes, which are associated with cell proliferation and differentiation, thereby pointing out its possible role as a tumor promoter.

Keywords Microwave, Ornithine decarboxylase, Protein kinase C, Calcium ion efflux References

References secured to subscribers.


Informant: Sibylle Gabriel


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März 2007

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