
OLG Karlsruhe: Verweigerte Zustimmung eines Miteigentümers zur Errichtung einer Funkfeststation auf einem Hausdach widerspricht nicht der ordnungsgemäßen Verwaltung

Nach einem Urteil des OLG Karlsruhe kann ein Gebäudemiteigentümer vom anderen nicht die Zustimmung zum Abschluss eines Mietvertrages mit einem Mobilfunkanbieter zur Errichtung einer Funkfeststation auf dem Dach verlangen.

Die Kläger und die Beklagte sind Miteigentümer eines Hauses, wobei die Beklagte Inhaberin eines Anteils von 5/9 ist. Der Kläger Ziffer 1 erhielt im Frühjahr ein Angebot eines Mobilfunkanbieters zum Abschluss eines Mietvertrages über das Dachgeschoss zum Zweck der Errichtung einer Funkfeststation auf dem Dach des Hauses. Die jährliche Miete sollte 4.000,00 EUR betragen. Der Kläger Ziffer 2 hat dem Abschluss des Mietvertrages schriftlich zugestimmt, die Beklagte weigerte sich, den Mietvertrag zu unterzeichnen. Da die Strahlenwerte wohl messbar seien, aber man nicht wisse, wie sie wirkten, sei sie vorsichtig. Die Kläger haben beantragt, die Beklagte zu verurteilen, der Vermietung zuzustimmen. Das LG Heidelberg hat die Klage abgewiesen. Zur Begründung hat es ausgeführt, der Abschluss des Mietvertrags sei keine zur Erhaltung des Gebäudes notwendige Maßnahme. Voraussetzung einer Verwaltungsregelung durch das Gericht sei eine Uneinigkeit der Mitberechtigten, die auch durch Mehrheit nicht behoben werden könne. Die Beklagte habe allerdings als Inhaberin der Mehrheitsbeteiligung den Abschluss des Mietvertrages abgelehnt, so dass ein Mehrheitsbeschluss vorliege. Dieser widerspreche der ordnungsgemäßen Verwaltung nicht.

Die dagegen gerichtete Berufung der Kläger zum OLG Karlsruhe - 1. Zivilsenat - blieb ohne Erfolg.

Im Gegensatz zur Meinung der Kläger entspreche die Mehrheitsentscheidung der Beklagten, den Mietvertrag nicht abzuschießen, einer dem Interesse aller Teilhaber nach billigem Ermessen entsprechenden Verwaltung und Benutzung im Sinn von § 745 Abs. 2 BGB. Die Beklagte habe die Verweigerung ihrer Zustimmung mit der Befürchtung begründet, der Verkehrswert des gemeinschaftlichen Gebäudes werde sich verringern, wenn die Mobilfunksendestation auf dem Dach installiert werde. Diese Befürchtung sei nicht unbegründet und lasse die wohlverstandenen Interessen der Gemeinschaft nicht außer Acht. Zwar könnten aus dem Nachbarrecht Unterlassungs- und Beseitigungsansprüche gegen Mobilfunksendeanlagen in der Regel nicht hergeleitet werden, wenn die Grenzwerte der 26. BImSchV eingehalten seien. Die Einhaltung der dort geregelten Grenzwerte indiziere regelmäßig die Unwesentlichkeit der auf ein Grundstück einwirkenden Beeinträchtigung. Deshalb könne auch ein Mieter von Wohnraum die Beseitigung einer Mobilfunkantenne oder die Einstellung deren Betriebs nicht verlangen. Der BGH habe aber in einer Entscheidung dazu ausdrücklich ausgeführt, dass nach der Verkehrsanschauung gegebenenfalls die begründete Besorgnis einer Gesundheitsgefahr die Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Mieträume zu Wohnzwecken beeinträchtigen könne. Die Befürchtung einer Wertminderung des Gebäudes sei daher zumindest im Hinblick auf die Vermietbarkeit einzelner Wohnungen und die Aufteilung des Gebäudes in Eigentumswohnungen und deren Verwertung gerechtfertigt. Bei einer Vermietung könne wegen der Besorgnis der Gesundheitsgefährdung möglicherweise nur ein geringerer Mietzinsertrag erzielt werden, auch wenn ein Mangel der Wohnung im Rechtssinne nicht bestehe. Die Verweigerung der Zustimmung zum Abschluss des Mietvertrages widerspreche daher nicht der ordnungsgemäßen Verwaltung, weil die Nutzung des Gebäudes durch Vermietung oder seine Verwertung durch Verkauf durch die Installation der Mobilfunksendeanlage beeinträchtigt werden könnten. Da bereits die Möglichkeit einer Wertminderung in diesem Sinne ausreiche, komme es auf deren tatsächliches Eintreten nicht an.

Die Revision wurde nicht zugelassen.

Urteil des OLG Karlsruhe vom 12.07.2006 Az.: 1 U 20/06

Quelle: Pressemitteilung des OLG Karlsruhe vom 13.07.2006

LNCA 2006, 97872

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Haus-Miteigner kann Mobilfunkmast ablehnen

Gericht: Miteigentümer kann Mobilfunkanlage auf dem Dach ablehnen

Miteigentümer kann Mobilfunkanlage ablehnen

Mobilfunkmast in der Eigentümerversammlung

Charity Children with Leukaemia

Mike Bell and I attended a positive meeting yesterday with senior members of the charity Children with Leukaemia in Great Ormond Street, London.


We received copies of leaflets containing valuable information which could be used to help families with children suffering with leukaemia.


In order to take research into leukaemia and electromagnetic fields forward they are prepared to help parents with children who have been diagnosed with leukaemia by working with a small number of families, visiting homes, taking measurements and making observations to see if they can identify any common factors in the homes of children with leukaemia. This may lead to new avenues of research that will help them understand the link between electricity and leukaemia.

If you are interested in taking part in this study and think it might be able to help, please call on 020 7404 0808 and ask for Edward, Larry, Maggie or Pippa.

I would like to thank this excellent charity for their commitment to saving the lives of children who are suffering with this terrible disease.

Kind Regards

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust


Cancer risk for radiation workers


New problems with cellphones

Please read the enclosed paper by Dr Andrew Michrowski, sent by Martin Weatherall.


I found this paper interesting as it says there is a 6 - 10 fold amplification of microwave power after heavy rainfall. I have been saying for a long time that rainfall intensifies levels of radiation as I can feel it if I am in a hot spot and it can be debilitating. I am fortunate that I know what is causing my symptoms and can avoid exposure; unfortunately I fear many people will be suffering with similar symptoms without knowing the true cause.

Kind regards

Eileen O'Connor Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust


New problems with Cellphones

by Andrew Michrowski, Ph.D.


Situation in Japan – as a precursor to ours

The worldwide proliferation of Alzheimer's is diagnosed reluctantly in Japan, due to a national stigma attached to the condition. While Japanese TV has health-topic programs on brain aging, noting that younger people show deterioration of mental faculties similar to the elderly and that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and depression are rampant, these are ascribed to psychological factors. The shows point out missing nutrients or indicate mental exercises to keep "thinking young". The condition occurs in over 2 million Japanese, affecting all ages. Among the young, it manifests as social withdrawal, and they shut themselves off in rooms. At first, the media named it "jiheisho" (autism), then "hikikomori" or withdrawing and hiding. The sudden onset coincides with a major expansion of cell phone service. Teruhisa Miike of Kumamoto University Medical School notes that 75% of "withdrawn children" have CFS with reduced blood flow to the brain, accompanied by disorders in central nervous system function and immune function . "If you force them to go to school, they risk having real psychological problems as a result", he says. Ryoichi Ogawa, Kobe MD, reports that 80% of his CFS patients are frequent users on a daily basis of cellular phones, personal computers, TV games , etc. He decided on a clinical study to test a cause-effect relationship of cellular phones and computers to CFS. Ogawa chose 40 from his young CFS patients (to compare them with 50 healthy persons) to measure their blood flow in the upper eyelid ophthalmic artery that branches off from the carotid artery carrying blood from heart to brain), with the super Doppler method – a test that verifies blockage of brain blood vessels. Subjects held a cellphone, at their left ear for 30 seconds. Prior to use, all showed normal blood flow of 10 cm/sec. in the arteries of both eyes; after phone use, the flow dropped to less than 5 cm/sec. for all those tested – a rate indicating reduced brain blood flow. Exposure from sitting within 1 meter of a video screen for 15 minutes also reduced brain blood flow to less than 5 cm/sec. in both eyes for all CFS patients; among the healthy, 78% had a reduction to less than 5 cm/sec. in both eyes. Healthy participants resumed normal flow within 30 min.; only 2/3rd of CFS ones recovered normally.

Perhaps, we are due to expect similar health patterns in such areas as the Toronto region, Brantford and perhaps Hamilton and Ottawa within the coming years. Clusters may be expected where analog telephones are widely used, in high traffic zones and near building complexes surrounding large shopping malls, hospitals, police, airports and educational facilities.

Art Kab

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"


Health Effects Of Electromagnetic Fields In Housing, Schools And Offices

Informant: Steve


BCUC approves power line upgrade Gulf Islands

Driftwood, Wednesday, July 12, 2006

By sean mcintyre

Residents opposed to the construction of high voltage power lines across Salt Spring remain shocked following the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) decision to approve the lines linking the mainland with Vancouver Island.

“It is truly disturbing and frustrating to see how the legal process can twist things around,” said Jackie Truscott, an Island Residents Against High Voltage Overhead Power lines (IRAHVOL) member. “The government obviously has a different program for the people of British Columbia.”

Islanders spent more than a year and a half trying to rally support against the British Columbia Transmission Corporation’s (BCTC) plan to replace the existing power lines that run along the island between Maracaibo and Sansum Narrows with a series of higher powered 230kV double-circuit cables.

IRAHVOL members argued that the BCTC plan raises potential health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields (EMF) and have a negative impact on property values in the area.

“People can now expect to have these lines here for another 50 years,” said Truscott. “This is really a missed opportunity for the province to show that it is open to more progressive alternatives.”

The fight to stop BCTC, Truscott added, proved a lengthy, costly and emotionally charged experience. Despite the disappointment, she and other IRAHVOL members will now await a response from the community before deciding what to do next.

“If anything we have learned a lot from this process,’ she said. “Unfortunately we cannot do anything without more community support. Either people get behind us or they don’t.”

Though final approval is contingent on a decision from the Environmental Assessment Office, opponents on the mainland are considering whether to appeal the decision. In the meantime, an e-mail circulated by power line opponents in Tsawwassen earlier this week asked property owners along the right-of-way to deny B.C. Hydro employees access to the power lines.

Construction on the Salt Spring portion of the upgrade is set to begin in early-2007. Project opponents spanning the route’s length from South Delta to North Cowichan asked BCUC to recommend BCTC, an independent Crown Corporation responsible for operation, maintaining and planning the growth of BC’s high-voltage electric transmission system use underground HVDC Light technology.

According to Donna McGeachie, BCTC’s manager of community relations, the newer technology would have added an additional $149 million to the $240 million project, has yet to produce any long term maintenance statistics and cannot be easily incorporated into the company’s existing network.

McGeachie added a BCUC-imposed condition on the project requires BCTC representatives provide reports outlining the latest EMF research conducted by agencies including the World Health Organization and Health Canada. “Certainly our position has always been that the proposed level of EMFs are well within the guidelines,” she said. “If the guidelines were to change over time, we would certainly take all the necessary precautions.”

As for worries over property values, the commission decided that, since property owners purchased their lands after the right-of-way was established more than 50 years ago, “the benefits of large lots and/or low prices were weighed against the presence of transmission lines.”

For more information on the project contact
http://www.irahvol.org or


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