
Nanofood: Zwergenfutter


Warnung vor Elektrosmog in Schulen




Stadt Frankfurt lehnt drahtlose Computer-Verbindungen ab / GEW befürchtet Schulversagen durch Funkstrahlung

Sollen Schulcomputer drahtlos oder per Kabelverbindung genutzt werden? Das Frankfurter Schuldezernat und die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) warnen vor Gesundheitsrisiken der Funkstrahlung.

Frankfurt - Sie halten in immer mehr Klassenzimmern in Hessen Einzug: Laptops, die per Funk Daten übermitteln und es Schülern erlauben, ohne Kabelsalat miteinander über den Computer zu kommunizieren oder im Internet zu surfen. Die hessische Landesregierung favorisiert die drahtlose Vernetzung der Computer, das Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Das ist zwar billiger als eine Verkabelung, nutzt aber eine hochfrequente elektromagnetische Strahlung im Mikrowellenbereich. Die ist möglicherweise gesundheitsgefährdend.

"Solange die Unbedenklichkeit der drahtlosen Kommunikation nicht geklärt ist, kommt an den Frankfurter Schulen kein WLAN zum Einsatz", sagt Michael Damian, persönlicher Referent von Schuldezernentin Jutta Ebeling (Grüne). "Wir setzen bereits seit Jahren auf Verkabelung." Ein Standpunkt, den sich Christoph Baumann vom GEW-Landesvorstand auch für andere Schulen in Hessen wünscht. Ein entsprechender Beschlussantrag soll auf der nächsten GEW-Vorstandssitzung diskutiert werden. Darin heißt es: "Wegen möglicher Auswirkungen auf die Schulleistungen sollte eine gesunde Schule nicht nur rauchfrei sein, sondern den Schülern und Lehrern auch ein möglichst strahlungsfreies Lernumfeld bieten."

Die strahlende WLAN-Karte des Computers befindet sich nahe am Körper. In einer Klasse funken zudem viele Computer gleichzeitig. Kritiker fürchten, dass dies eine nicht unerhebliche Belastung der Schüler mit Mobilfunkstrahlung bedeuten könnte. Hinzu kommen noch die im Dauerbetrieb sendenden "Access Points", die für den Datentransfer in der Schule installiert werden müssen. Zur biologischen Wirkung von Mobilfunkstrahlung liegen etliche wissenschaftliche Studien vor, die einen negativen Einfluss auf den menschlichen Organismus aufzeigen.

Biologe informiert Lehrer

Grund genug für die GEW, Lehrer über die Mobilfunk-Problematik in der Schule zu informieren. Bei ihrer Fachtagung "Elektrosmog im Klassenzimmer" in Frankfurt sagte Siegfried Schwarzmüller, Lehrer und Baubiologe, dass Menschen auf die in der Natur nicht vorkommende Mobilfunkstrahlung in unterschiedlichster Weise reagierten, und das bereits weit unterhalb der gesetzlich festgelegten Grenzwerte.

Bei wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen wurden laut Schwarzmüller etwa Hirnstromveränderungen, Konzentrationsstörungen, negative Einflüsse auf das Hormon-, das Immun- und das Nervensystem, Störung der Zellkommunikation und die Öffnung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke festgestellt.

Ergebnisse der 2005 veröffentlichten europaweiten Reflexstudie zeigten, dass Mobilfunkstrahlung das Erbgut menschlicher Zellen schädigen könne. Für Schwarzmüller ist der Rückzug auf die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte aufgrund der inzwischen vorliegenden Untersuchungsergebnisse nicht länger vertretbar. "Forschungslage und Politik geraten hier in einen immer größeren Widerspruch. Ihn auszusitzen, ist keine Lösung", sagte er. Gerade bei Kindern und Jugendlichen, die noch in der Entwicklung sind, müsse die Gesundheit vorrangig sein. Strahlungsstärken, die nachweisbare Hirnstromveränderungen verursachten, "haben in Schulen nichts verloren". Karen Heinen


Frankfurter Rundschau 7-06-2006

Ausgabe Stadtausgabe Nr. 130, Seite 33


Weiter Kabelverbindung für Computer an Schulen

Frankfurt · An den Frankfurter Schulen wird es vorerst keine Funknetze für drahtlose Computernutzung (Wireless Lan) geben. Das Bildungsdezernat wolle an den Schulen „keinen Großversuch am Menschen“, sagte Michael Damian, persönlicher Referent von Stadträtin Jutta Ebeling (Grüne). Bislang lägen „keine eindeutigen Belege vor, dass diese Technik unschädlich ist“. Daher werde einstweilen auf sie verzichtet. Zwar gebe es eine Reihe von Laptops an den Schulen, die würden aber in der Regel per Kabel angeschlossen. In den vergangenen Jahren sind die Schulen speziell für den Anschluss an das städtische Computernetzwerk mit Kabeln ausgestattet worden. Inzwischen seien vier Fünftel der Schulen verkabelt, sagte Damian. Pro Schule kostete die technische Umrüstung im Schnitt 300 000 Euro. emem


Man says cellphone tower near home is making him and neighbours sick

Tower of anger

Samantha Craggs - SIMCOE REFORMER
Friday June 02, 2006

The Simcoe Reformer — Since February, Dan Currie hasn’t felt quite himself. An accountant by trade, ordinarily quick thinking and alert, Currie couldn’t concentrate. He lost his train of thought midway through sentences. Then came the dizziness, nausea, and a tingle that seemed to stretch from one side of his brain to the other. Currie worked every day in his newly-renovated century home under the looming shadow of the Union Street water tower, which since fall has had a Rogers cell phone antennae on top of it. His family was due to move into the home earlier this year. Instead, he packed his office and worked out of the family’s temporary apartment on Evergreen Hill Road. At first, Currie was skeptical that the tower could cause his illness. His wife had heard about the potential problems of radiation exposure. He thought it might be the power of suggestion. But the more he looked into it, the more neighbours he encountered with similar health problems, some of whom didn’t even know the antennae was there. He gets ill when he is near the tower. Each time he walks away, it takes longer to recover. He has had blood tests, an ultrasound and a CAT scan. No doctor seems to know what is wrong with him. Currie knows evidence of the health effects of such antennae is inconclusive. He knows Norfolk County followed Health Canada guidelines when leasing the space at the top of the water tower. But if there is even a chance that it is making him and others sick, he wants it moved. “I am mad. I am angry,” he said. “I may have to put a for sale sign on my home. And how could I in good conscience let someone else move in?” He will also not move his three children, aged seven to 14, into the home that has been in his family for more than 20 years. Some research suggests the effects can be more serious for children, including higher incidence of childhood leukemia. The tower is also near two elementary schools, a hospital and a nursing home. Reports say Elgin Avenue Public School is more than 100 metres from the tower. At recess, though, children play on the grassy slope that nearly reaches the tower’s base. On Tuesday night, with a staff report in hand, Norfolk councillors will vote on whether to move the antennae. The report, submitted by public works manager Eric D’Hondt and Glen Steen from the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit’s healthy environmental team, recommends leaving it there. It also says the county has no escape clause in its lease agreement with Rogers Wireless. The best it could do is ask Rogers to voluntarily move it, which Rogers has said it will not do. Requesting Rogers to remove the equipment, the report says, could impact “not only other telecommunications equipment installations on the Simcoe water tower but also the telecommunications equipment installed on other county water towers.” These leases mean revenue for the water and wastewater division. The health unit has also concluded that there is no conclusive evidence such towers, by current standards, are health hazards. Currie said it is the health unit’s responsibility to consider the people who are already ill, and to err on the side of caution. “I still have faith in council and that councillors will do the right thing,” he said. “All we’re asking is to not take the chance with me and my kids.”

* * * *

Currie and David Cole, a Simcoe Composite School law teacher who has been using the issue as a lesson in grassroots activism for his students, now have a chart. The names are cut off so as not to reveal individual identities, but along the top are symptoms. Abdominal pain. Itching and burning. Mood swings and depression. Floaters and spots on the eyes. Underneath is a check mark for each Simcoe resident experiencing the ailments since the antennae has been installed. Fatigue: three. Nausea: three. Headaches: nine. “We’ve talked to everybody,” Cole said. “I’ve spent time on porches and in living rooms, listening to the symptoms. It was remarkable how many people repeated similar things.” The team has an ally in Magda Havas, Trent University professor and expert in cell phone tower radiation effects. She likens cell phone tower radiation to asbestos. “In the future,” she said, “we’re going to look back at this era and say ‘why did we ignore that data?’” Health Canada regulations have been followed in the Simcoe case, but Health Canada regulations are lax, she said. “Our guidelines aren’t there to protect us from prolonged exposure, they’re there to protect flesh from heating up in the microwave,” she said. “They’re based on dead meat, not living people.” Regulations and research are lacking because it is a highly political issue with money and modern conveniences at stake. “A lot needs to be done,” she said.

* * * *

Health Canada has reviewed and re-reviewed its regulation, which is Safety Code 6. In 1996, The Royal Society Panel looked hard at it, then updated its findings in 2001. The conclusion is the same – when it comes to knowing for sure the health affects, there is no conclusion. Simcoe councillor Peter Black will chair Tuesday’s meeting. He does not fault staff or the health department, and will keep an open mind. “The health department has to rely on the factual scientific evidence out there,” he said. “Our authority says we are within regulatory standards. I guess it’s up to us as councillors to look at the anecdotal evidence and see if that’s enough to employ the precautionary principle.” Representatives from Rogers and the health unit were not available yesterday. Rogers confirmed that a representative will be at Tuesday’s meeting.

Samantha Craggs
(519) 426-5710 ext. 136

© 2006 Simcoe Reformer


Informant: Martin Weatherall


The wolf has taken on sheep's clothing

Read the important e-mail messages from Milt and Dr George Carlo, and see what the phone industry are now up to now, in Dr George Carlo’s words ‘the wolf has taken on sheep's clothing.’

Eileen O'Connor

Also download and listen to excellent interview with Milt
This is the URL for my radio interview on May 24, 2006.

Milt Bowling
Clean Energy Foundation
Phone: 1 888 436 2152 or 604 436 2152 in Vancouver
Fax: 604 436 2154

From: Milt Bowling Sent: 27 May 2006 18:12
Subject: Fw: Very important

A similar "independent" web resource was started in Canada a number of years ago by Roger Poirier, former head of the canadian wireless association [and therefore totally unbiased!]. CBC television program "Marketplace" did a wonderful expose on this "resource" a while back. It exposed a money trail to Dan Krewski, an "independent" researcher for IARC. Robert Riedlinger led the charge to get him kicked off. Then IARC replaced Krewski with Health Canada's Art Thansandote, unfortunately.

Have a good laugh and check out the site and Board of Directors and advisors of this unbiased organization. McBribe, Krewski, Motorola, Health Canada, Industry Canada, all in the same bed. http://www.wirc.org/about/board.shtml

As usual, if you hold your nose and follow the money you'll find out all you need to know.



----- Original Message -----


Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 7:37 AM

Subject: Very important

Friends: This notice was sent out late last night to millions of consumers in the U.S. The organization, mywireless.org, is a front for the cell phone industry under the guise of a consumer friendly non-profit organization. If you dig deep enough you will find CTIA behind this, with the usual suspect CTIA lap dogs in the coalition. While the surface issue seems to be costs to consumers because of inconsistent state laws, the real purpose is to address the health risk issue which the industry believes is spiraling out of control by putting together a grass roots mailing list of millions who they can then contact directly. I am sad to say that from my experience, I recognize this as Washington Politics 101. The bad news for consumers is that it is very effective if allowed to gain momentum. We need to stop this in its tracks.

I have known this was coming for some time from my "stealth" contacts within the industry. The industry pulled the trigger last night. The industry is concerned about the growing membership numbers of members in the Safe Wireless Initiative, Wireless Consumers Alliance, the EMF Forum, as well as other consumer advocacy groups, and the new willingness of the media to talk and write about studies that show health problems. An industry issues management task force was put together to deal with the problem and this is what they came up with.

It would be very helpful if you were able to put the word out into your contact groups that this new organization is not what it appears. The wolf has taken on sheep's clothing.......and the plan is not consumer or public health friendly.

Thanks for spreading the word.


Dr. George L. Carlo
Science and Public Policy Institute
1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW -- 7th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20004



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