Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC)




Let Freedom Roam: A Plea for An American Icon


Buffalo Field Campaign West Yellowstone, Montana Working in the field every day to stop the slaughter of Yellowstone's wild free roaming buffalo.

We are blessed to live in America. Can you spare 3 minutes to read the following, then act to save a beautiful & historic piece of it? PLEA FOR AN AMERICAN ICON: Pass this message on! He lay alone all night in the bitter cold with two broken legs before bullets ended his life. Others have been shot in their beds. Twelve were forced onto thin lake ice; they broke through and two drowned while their companions, in utter terror, struggled to pull themselves from the frigid water. Elsewhere, 300 were rounded up on their native soil, inhumanely incarcerated, and sentenced to death. Does this sound like a planned campaign of persecution and extermination? Perhaps a government-sanctioned attempt to destroy a population?

Something that could happen only in a repressive and brutal regime? Friends, it's happening in America. It's happening in Montana and Yellowstone National Park. It's happening to an American symbol of strength and freedom, to our nation's last wild, free-roaming buffalo, the American bison, who once roamed our land in the tens of millions.


Most Americans are unaware that only 23 bison escaped the mass extermination of the 1870s, finding refuge from extinction in the world's first national park. Yellowstone's bison are the genetically-pure descendents of those 23 survivors, our nation's last continuously-wild herd. Today, under assault again, they need help from people of conscience. In the park, they are beloved wildlife. But their migratory instinct leads them to lower elevation land in Montana to escape the park's harsh winter. Here they are greeted with capture, quarantine, experimentation, bullets, and slaughter. Family groups are torn apart. Mothers and babies are separated. They suffer terror and injury as they are hazed and harassed relentlessly with snowmobiles, ATVs, helicopters...


Where does this happen? In Yellowstone National Park and on surrounding public land...land belonging to ALL Americans, whether we live near or far. Who is perpetrating this? The State of Montana. The National Forest Service. Even the National Park Service itself!

Why is this happening? The politically-powerful Montana livestock industry sees bison as competition for grazing resources. They claim that bison will infect their cattle with brucellosis (a bacterial cattle disease), but this has never occurred in the wild, never once since cattle first infected bison in the early 1900s.

Who pays for this? YOU do "the American taxpayer" at over $3 million per year.


What can YOU do? If you do nothing else, pass this message on to your e-mail contacts across the country and around the world. But if you want to learn more, visit


Buffalo Field Campaign volunteers are in the field every day documenting the activities that pass for bison management in Montana (view video footage at the website), and working for the day when these beautiful native creatures are welcomed home onto designated habitat where they are truly free to roam America's public land. Sign up for weekly BFC up-dates at: bfc-media@wildrockies.org Subject line: "Subscribe. "Want to do more? Consider writing to one or both of the following: Gov. Brian Schweitzer: (406) 444-3111,

http://governor.mt.gov/contact/comments.asp (Montana is responsible for hazing, hunting, capture & quarantine, & slaughter.) In your own words, ask the governor to designate bison habitat and manage bison as America's treasured wildlife using science, not politics.

Suzanne Lewis, Superintendent, Yellowstone (307) 344-2002, suzanne_lewis@nps.gov (Yellowstone is responsible for capture within the park & shipment to slaughter.) In your own words, ask Ms. Lewis to stop killing bison to prevent them from leaving the park, contrary to everything the national park stands for.

Edward Abbey said, "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." In defending America's last wild bison, we stand up to greed and dishonesty. We stand up for justice and the enduring qualities embodied in our great nation's symbol of freedom, the magnificent American bison.



Learn More at: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/action.html

Buffalo Field Campaign P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758
406-646-0070 bfc-media@wildrockies.org http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.




17th Yellowstone Bison Killed in Montana Hunt

Buffalo Field Campaign
PO Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
(406) 646-0070 phone * (406) 646-0071 fax bfc-media@wildrockies.org;

17th Yellowstone Bison Killed in Montana Hunt

For Immediate Release, January 2, 2006 Contact Stephany Seay: (406) 646-0070

GARDINER, MONTANA. In spite of continuous national public outcry calling for Montana to cancel its controversial bison hunt, the state's zero-tolerance policy against the country's last wild bison continues. On New Years Day it resulted in another bison death in Gardiner, Montana, just outside the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park.

In the past ten years Montana and the federal government have killed 2,477 wild Yellowstone bison, more than half of the existing herd. Twenty wild bull bison have been killed in Montana since September; seventeen have been shot by Montana hunters, two by Montana's Department of Livestock (DOL), and another was shot by a Yellowstone National Park ranger inside the Park.

Nearly all of the bison that have been killed in Montana's hunt have been shot less than five miles from the boundary of Yellowstone National Park. Two bison have been shot at the site of the Duck Creek Bison Capture Facility. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks claims bison have access to 460,000 acres of Montana lands during the hunt, yet the terrain is mountainous and rocky and bison naturally require lower-elevation grasslands. Only a tiny fraction of the so-called "tolerance zone," or hunt-area, is being used by bison. Further, immediately after the bison hunt ends on February 15, the 460,000 acres will no longer be available to wild bison.

"Unlike other hunted species in Montana, wild bison are never allowed in the state without being subjected to harassment or death," said Dan Brister of BFC. "As soon as this bison hunt is over, the Department of Livestock will be out in force hazing, capturing and sending to slaughter or quarantine facilities any Yellowstone bison that steps foot in Montana."

The Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC), a Montana-based wild bison advocacy group, opposes this hunt because wild buffalo have no protected habitat in Montana and are never allowed in the state without being captured, slaughtered, shot, or hazed. Deer, elk, moose and antelope enjoy habitat in Montana as well as a respite from hunting when the season ends. Bison, however, are always targets of persecution at every time of year, whenever they step foot into Montana's borders.

"This hunt is a sham because wild bison aren't even considered a wildlife species in Montana, they are managed by the state's Department of Livestock, and they have no protected habitat in the state," said Stephany Seay of BFC. "Montana's illegitimate bison hunt is a disgrace to Montana and it's hunting heritage. Permanent habitat, wildlife designation, and management by trained wildlife professionals must come before a species can be legitimately hunted."

Seventeen of eighteen non-Indian permits have been filled during the first phase of Montana's bison hunt, which ends January 15, 2006. The Crow Nation has rejected the two permits offered by the state. Other tribes may follow suit.

Montana claims its bison hunt is popular among citizens, yet Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer is ignoring the thousands of phone calls and letters he has received urging it's immediate cancellation. Citizens nation-wide have been calling on Montana to end its zero-tolerance policy and afford lasting protection to the country's last wild herd of bison.

The state justifies its lack of bison tolerance on the unfounded fear that bison may transmit brucellosis, a European livestock disease, to cattle. There has never been a documented case of wild bison transmitting brucellosis to livestock. Bulls pose no risk of transmitting the bacteria.

The bison that inhabit the Yellowstone region are the last wild, genetically pure, unfenced bison left in the country. They are the only bison to have continuously occupied their native range and they are the last bison to follow their natural instinct to migrate. Like other wild ungulates, the region's harsh winters forces necessary migration into lower elevation lands where available forage is found. Yet, unlike other wild ungulates, wild bison are not allowed to leave the confines of Yellowstone National Park and face a zero-tolerance policy when they enter Montana and consequently it's killing fields.

Buffalo Field Campaign is the only group working in the field, everyday, to stop the slaughter of the wild Yellowstone buffalo. Volunteers defend the buffalo on their native habitat and advocate for their protection. BFC video footage and photos of Montana's bison hunt are available upon request and may be viewed at

Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758
406-646-0070 bfc-media@wildrockies.org http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.

STOP THE HUNT! Call Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer: Phone #: 406-444-3111

BOYCOTT BEEF! It's what's killing wild buffalo.

Speak Out! Contact politicians and involved agencies today!

Write a Letter to the Editor of key newspapers!




Update from the Field 12/15/05

Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field December 15, 2005

* TODAY IS NATIONAL CALL-IN DAY! Please Call Gov. Schweitzer, 406-444-3111


View Exclusive Bison Hunt Video Footage:


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New to the Issue? Check here for background:


In this issue:
* Update from the Field
* Today Is National Call-in Day!
* Comments Needed on Bison Quarantine Plan
* Last Words


* Update from the Field

Often times we here at the BFC tend to focus on the harder side of life. It is news and unfortunately for all of us involved a fact of daily life. But today I want to tell a different kind of story, one that we don't normally get to tell.

On any given day a group of volunteers will get up, get dressed, eat and head out to stand with our brothers in spirit the buffalo. Some of these days are as hard as any care to remember but then there are the days when we receive a special treasure that reminds us all why we are here. I personally have been lucky enough to see the sun rise over the Rockies, exploding into a kaleidoscope of pink, orange and purple. I have also witnessed herds of elk roaming across the fields, counted not in single number, but instead by tens and even hundreds. I have even seen days when eagles both bald and golden fill the skies with their graceful dance. Above this all, is in a word, the majestic buffalo and among the buffalo there is one that, in my mind, rose above the rest.

We first saw him nearly two weeks ago standing near a hill of golden grass and crisp white show. He stood strong and bold, fully encompassing the spirit of the buffalo but with wisdom normally reserved for elders. When he looked to me, I could see his age. His head hung low, and his horns were warn down to the bone. This by no means meant that he had given up on life, for he was a healthy as a bull half his age.

Grandfather, as some of us began to call him, had the ability to look right through you with no more than a glance. But this was not his way. When Grandfather would look at you it was not to look through you but instead to say, "Come, sit close to me so I may tell you a story of my life and of the Buffalo." He did not use words but instead used subtle movements, feelings, and his spirit to speak. For four days he stayed and told his story. After the fourth day he returned to safety.

Now if I have done my job right you too will be able to close your eyes and see the Grandfather Buffalo. See him as a young calf running and playing in the fields. Later as a strong powerful bull leading his heard from year to year. Then finally as an elder sharing his wisdom to all who will take the time to watch and listen. Let him tell you his story and when he does, keep it golden and pure.

After we win this fight, and we will win, It is my dream to walk into a meadow of gentle green and gold on a warm spring day to lay back and listen to the story of the Buffalo once more. It is then that I know they will tell us all of their story again, though this time they will be not just safe but as always Wild and Free.

To all my relatives, Kim

P.S. For more information about what happened in the field this week, check out our press release:



* Today is National Call-in Day!

December 15th marks the dark anniversary of the shameful assassination of the great leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota people, Tatanka Iyotanka (Sitting Bull). It also marks one month into Montana's "hunt" of the country's last wild buffalo.

Please join us today in a nation-wide call-in day to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer letting him know that Montana's bison hunt is wrong and should be canceled immediately. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the Animal Welfare Institute, and others will be helping in this effort. With everyone's participation this will be a powerful action and we'll make Gov. Schweitzer's phone ring off the hook! Please urge your friends, family and co-workers to participate.

Also today, from 2:00-3:00 pm, BFC will be in Helena, Montana, with other bison advocates including the HSUS and the Horse Butte Neighbors of Buffalo, holding a press conference inside the state's capitol building. We will offer common-sense solutions, show video footage from the field, and deliver to Governor Schweitzer the thousands of post cards that supporters like you have signed, urging Montana to protect and respect the last wild buffalo.


THANK YOU for taking action to help the last wild buffalo! Find our more about why BFC opposes this canned hunt at


Special thanks to the Humane Society of the United States, the Animal Welfare Institute, Colin and D.J. for your help and inspiration!!


Comments Needed on Bison Quarantine Plan

The plan to quarantine wild Yellowstone buffalo has once again resurfaced in the form of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for Phases II and III of the experimental protocol. Public comments are being accepted through January 13, 2005.

The Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) agency, in a joint project with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), are seeking to extend the currently approved and initiated quarantine project for several more years, including the addition of the breeding and calving phases of the plan. The stated goal of the proposal is to determine if it is possible to get "certified disease free buffalo" from the Yellowstone herd for relocation to other areas outside the Park. If successful, the agencies intend to modify the existing Interagency Bison Management Plan to allow full scale capture and quarantine operations as a method of population control.

This EA seeks approval for the construction of a second quarantine facility near Gardiner, Montana and modification of the existing facility for use during the calving phase of the experiment. As with the previous environmental documents on quarantine, the agencies are claiming that the original Interagency Plan covers all of the analysis relating to the concept of quarantine for Yellowstone buffalo and the impacts on the buffalo themselves. This leaves only the details of the sites selected and the impacts of having quarantine facilities on those sites as issues for review. Therefore, the government encourages your comments on the proposal to focus only on two issues: the inadequacy of the facilities selected in the proposal and an indignant reproach of the agencies decision to limit the scope of analysis to the specifics of the sites. (But if you have thoughts about the government capturing wild baby buffalo, stealing them from their mothers, locking them in fenced-in areas, feeding them hay and tagging them like livestock, experimenting on them, and perhaps slaughtering them when all the scientific "fun" is over, you should share those thoughts.)

As to the first issue, FWP and APHIS have selected the Slip and Slide Ranch as their preferred alternative for Phase II. They intend to lease 60 acres on the ranch to house 50 two and three year old buffalo in two groups within 30 acre pastures. 25 young buffalo on 30 acres for at least one year. This amount of space is far too small for growing young buffalo. When quarantine was initially proposed several years ago, the agencies claimed that they would have 400-600 acres available for the buffalo in Phase II. Now, in an effort to avoid the complaints from the hunting and outfitting communities over the use of elk winter range for the facility, the agencies have sacrificed the well being of the buffalo once again and want to consign them to a mere 30 acres, just over one acre per buffalo. Cattle would not even be raised in such confines.

As for the broader issue of quarantine in general, it is still entirely appropriate to express disgust with the agencies for even proposing such an inhumane and domesticating procedure for the last and only genetically pure, free roaming wild buffalo in the United States. The captured buffalo that survive the quarantine experiment will have been captive for at least 4 years before release. They will have been handled frequently by humans and accustomed to eating feed and hay. These will by no means be wild buffalo any longer.

Additionally, the experiment will encourage large-scale capture operations to get the required number of buffalo calves. Based on the figures from last year, it is estimated that nearly 2,600 wild buffalo would need to be captured and tested for the agencies to get 200 non-brucellosis exposed buffalo calves, 100 in each year. If the agencies release the other negative testing buffalo, then only half or 1,300 buffalo would be killed during the two-year period. If, however, the agencies kill all of the captured buffalo because the current population exceeds the target of 3,000 buffalo as prescribed by the Interagency Plan, then we are looking at a two-year buffalo slaughter of epic proportions.

Public comment for the quarantine proposal will be accepted until January 13, 2006. As is typical with these agencies, they have released a plan during a time when eliciting comments from concerned citizens is difficult at best. It is possible, however, to get a 30 day extension to the comment period if there is significant demand. Additional BFC analysis will be added in the coming weeks.

TAKE ACTION! Please send your original comments including a request for an extension to: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, C/o Bison Quarantine, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701, or via email to BisonQuarantineEA@mt.gov, or faxed to:406-444-4952. For Montana residents, there will be a public meeting in Bozeman at FWP Headquarters (1400 S. 19th Ave.) from 6 - 9 PM on Monday December 19, 2005. For more information contact bfc-advocate@wildrockies.org.


* Last Words

"Every time a buffalo is killed here, that brings back sharp pains of what happened in the late 1800s to our people. And, I descend from the people that were killed at Wounded Knee, and my family still feels that pain, that we were killed for no reason. And that's the same thing when a buffalo is killed here. My family feels that that mentality is still alive and well in America today"

- James Garrett, Cheyenne River Lakota


Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.

STOP THE HUNT! Call Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer: Phone #: 406-444-3111

Speak Out! Contact politicians and involved agencies today!

Write a Letter to the Editor of key newspapers!

Help the buffalo by recycling your used cell phones & printer cartridges! It's free and easy.


Nation-wide call-in day to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer: the last wild buffalo are a national treasure, not Montana's toy

* Thursday, 12/15/05 - Today is National Call-in Day! (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. MST)

Please join us TODAY in a nation-wide call-in day to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer. Let him know that Montana's bison hunt is wrong and should be canceled immediately. Governor Schweitzer needs to be reminded that the last wild buffalo are a national treasure, not Montana's toy, and should be respected and protected, not persecuted. Even if you've called before please join us today!


December 15th marks one month into Montana's illegitimate "hunt" of the country's last wild buffalo, the Yellowstone herd. Wild bison that must migrate to lower elevations for critical winter and spring habitat cross an imaginary line from Yellowstone National Park into Montana, where the killing fields await. There is never a time that wild buffalo are allowed to exist in Montana without being hazed, captured, quarantined, slaughtered or shot. The state's zero-tolerance against the last wild buffalo is a direct result of political pressure from Montana's powerful livestock industry, who fear wild buffalo re-inhabiting their former range. Livestock interests claim that wild buffalo "threaten" their livestock with brucellosis, a European cattle disease that livestock infected many native wildlife species with. Wild buffalo have never transmitted brucellosis to cattle - ever. Rather than persecute the wild buffalo, the state should take measures to ensure that their cattle do not infect our wildlife with diseases! Montana's bison hunt is the latest insult in a cruel string of tactics used by the state and federal agents to eradicate wild bison from Montana. Wild bison are native to Montana, yet because of the state's actions they are ecologically extinct here. Yet Montana insists on conducting an illegitimate hunt and masks it as a "normal, fair-chase big game hunt." As BFC's footage from the field demonstrates, there is nothing "fair" or "normal" about this hunt, and the element of "chase" is absent. See for yourself at

The governor of Montana, Brian Schweitzer, has the power and authority to cancel the hunt and create a "new Montana" that welcomes wild buffalo, values them as a native wildlife species, and respects them as the national treasure they are.


The Humane Society of the United States, the Animal Welfare Institute, and others will be helping in this effort. Our joined organizations represent over 7 million voices nation-wide and beyond. With everyone's participation this will be a powerful action and we'll make Gov. Schweitzer's phone ring off the hook! Please urge your friends, family and co-workers to participate.


Montana's Governor Brian Schweitzer has said that wild buffalo will enjoy more tolerance in Montana. In his statements, Schweitzer said that the DOL is "ill-equipped" to manage wild buffalo for the State of Montana. To date, Montana's only response to this has been the reinstatement of a bison hunt, authorized by the state's livestock agency. Governor Schweitzer is listening, but it will take endless pressure, endlessly applied to stop the current harm to our last wild buffalo.


Keep the pressure on Governor Schweritzer to CANCEL the bison hunt and bring lasting protection and respect to the Yellowstone buffalo, the country's last wild herd. Everyone who cares about wild buffalo should participate! Please pass this alert on to others.


On this same day from 2:00-3:00 pm, BFC will be in Helena, Montana, with other bison advocates including the Humane Society of the United States and the Horse Butte Neighbors of Buffalo in holding a press conference inside the state capitol building. We will state our opposition to the hunt, offer common-sense solutions, show video footage from the field, and deliver to Governor Schweitzer the thousands of post cards that supporters like you have signed, urging Montana to protect and respect the last wild buffalo.

With everyone who receives this message making a call to Governor Schweitzer, we will not be ignored. Please encourage others to participate! Dial now for the last wild buffalo!


TALKING POINTS: If you're a bit nervous and not quite sure what to say, here are a few suggested talking points - speaking from your heart is the most powerful!

* Tell him that the country's last wild buffalo deserve to be honored as a wildlife species in Montana. The Yellowstone buffalo are a national treasure, not Montana's toy.

* Tell him that livestock agents have no place in authorizing a hunt or managing wild buffalo. The Department of Livestock should inspect livestock and leave wildlife alone.

* Tell him that this hunt will be shown to the world, and Montana will suffer another huge public relations nightmare should it continue.

* Remind him that Montana's tourism industry depends heavily on dollars from the so-called "outsiders" who want these buffalo protected, and that those much-needed dollars will not come from you while this buffalo harassment and slaughter continues.

* Tell him the whole world is watching.

THANK YOU for taking action to help the last wild buffalo! For more information contact bfc-media@wildrockies.org or visit http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org to see video clips of what a bison "hunt" looks like. Find out more about why BFC opposes this canned hunt at

Many thanks to the Humane Society of the United States, the Animal Welfare Institute, Colin and D.J. for your help and inspiration!

With the Buffalo, ~ Buffalo Field Campaign

Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758
406-646-0070 bfc-media@wildrockies.org http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.

STOP THE HUNT! Call Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer: Phone #: 406-444-3111

Speak Out! Contact politicians and involved agencies today! http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/actnow/politicians.html

Write a Letter to the Editor of key newspapers! http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/actnow/lte.html


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