


Karen (Green Party) opened the meeting and asked all present to lobby MEPs for EDM – (Early day motion.)

BARRY TROWER (He has 2 degrees, and he has been teaching maths, science, etc.)

He stated that with low level microwave transmission, people developed personality changes, depression, etc. etc.

He said:

“The Government has known this for 50 years. During the 70s, microwaves at very low levels caused these illnesses and could be used to turn them on dissident groups. He debriefed agents on this. The government does know about this. It has been going on for 50 years.

The Home Office rubbished his qualifications and he replied to the Minister and said “if you want to rubbish me, take me to Court,” and the Home Office wrote back “I am unaware of any letters that attack you personally.”

He was taken to London and asked if he would put everything he said in writing. The Police provided typists and he dictated it. To be “commissioned” means “being given authority to act”. Someone in the hierarchy of the police says it was not the case that he was given permission to write the report. This is a lie.

1) The police are witnesses to the fact he was commissioned.
2) Someone released it onto the Web, which was after the Lancashire police complained and it hit the Web.

We have the hierarchy of the police federation and the government who are working together to push Tetra out. The police say, “who do you complain to?”

In the Telegraph, August 2004, a Chief Inspector and 25 people living near a Tetra mast blamed this mast for their illnesses. The police have been told not to talk to people. At the Police Federation Conference, where it was mentioned that 212 officers were sick from Tetra, Dr. Murielle Levy said “I don’t believe they are sick enough to stop this trial and they could always leave the police force.”

The 2002 Police Magazine quotes House of Commons showing concern over this “if the illnesses proved to be genuine there was no system in place to cope with this.” What would happen if these illnesses turn out to be genuine and there is no back up system?

Children are becoming sick around the masts. There is a Judicial Review on this Barry has papers on this.)

List it, or run the risk of losing in Court - anybody remember what this item was as I can’t – sorry VB.

Barry quoted Sir William Stewart’s Precautionary Approach. The police Tetra handset, 3 watt version is often used for 6 minutes. A policeman asked “what about full power for 25 minutes in a shoot out?!”

Olle Johannsen said it could be a matter of weeks or months to promote a tumour being triggered off. Barry has 5 research papers. Low level microwaves can enhance progression in a very short space of time.

In 1999, the European Commission ruled that the Home Office with the police had acted illegally with Tetra. The Home Office said that policemen and women, being young and healthy would make a good subject for an epidemiological study.

Law makers and enforcers with a contract, push it (Tetra) out with non-proof and any officers that would complain are being silenced. In Hansard – 1st March 2005. It criticises hierarchy of police and the government.

Microwaves behave very differently to radio waves. Microwaves are used because they are more penetrative. That is why the military prefer microwaves.


Over 2 years, where the average age is 39, there were 19 cases (of illness) around masts.

Professor Aidie – a study of 1500 homes found people suffering from illnesses. There were a number of cancers and 8 cases of cancer in one area.

Ossifiah (spelling?) 4 years after transmitting, 165 people have died of cancer and they are now taking the industry to court.

There is a European study – it affects the DNA of living people. The non-thermal effect affects the water in the body. There are published reports that have been replicated 3 times.

The main beam should NOT fall on the school grounds.

Dr. Walker – cancer clusters form in the main part of the main beam.

China – 57% of people have biological effects – such as cancer.

There are spiralling cases of cancer of the mouth – teenage children with mobile phones?

Australasian report (before and after transmission)

2 papers say that women are more susceptible than men.

The Fenton reaction – hydrogen peroxide? Energy reaction. Hydroxide ion which is a free radical – you will get premature ageing of the brain. It is after exposure to the phone (mobile), you can get reaction which goes on for 50 days.

(Barry has all the research papers on these)

Safety Levels – based on how warm you feel!

Salzburg 0.1 U.K. 10,000

33 times above those lower levels are the police officers when on standby.

There are lots of illnesses that occur below thermal effects. If the microwaves are pulsed, the symptoms you get are quicker.

3G are more dangerous than the old phone masts.

All electro microwaves build up in our bodies. There is an accumulative effect.

Masts outside houses are wiping value off houses. There is a group of people that Barry knows of that are suing a farmer who has a base station on his land for approximately £5,000,000. (good luck to them!! VB)

In Spain, cellular companies are obliged to compensate for house value loss.


3% of people in other countries are electro sensitive. Some of these are affected by masts.

1989 Part 3, section 17. There is a legal obligation to protect children from a perceived risk. It must be illegal to put these masts near children.

1993 – European Directive for disabled people. “It must be illegal to put a mast near these children” and Alan Meyer says “this is probably correct.”

The landowner is responsible for any activities which he permitted or encouraged on his land.

(Barry mentioned a Planning Appeal – think it was the Beare case)

Childrens Act. The government have given encouragement to mobile technology.

May 2004. The American government will only give contracts if the results are coming back favourably.

This industry is worth ONE HUNDRED BILLION POUNDS11

There are animal studies showing suffering near transmitters. When animals are near transmitters, their growth slows down. We are affecting our food chain.

People will complain about not sleeping, but probably not be off sick and cancers will be up about three fold.

Many police officers are suffering some ill effects. You get the senior police officers standing up and saying it is a brilliant system and the police want it. This is not the truth. The policemen say “it is a piece of junk!”

The NRPB are not living up to their reputation in representing us with the mobile phone industry.

Salzburg say – you will operate at this level. The mobiles won’t work in your house and use landline in the home and if you exceed this level, we will pull the plug on your transmission and you will explain why it went over the level and if you don’t convince us, it will go off.

Take the power from OFCOM and look into the independent research that can give out the results.

Mike Bell – RRT (Radiation Research Trust)

What Board will regulate industry? There are 6 players and 5 members. 56,000 mobile users and 2 billion world wide users.

Saying, “oh, dear me – don’t do this”. That is useless when regulating the industry.

The Courts take a very narrow view re planning.


From Mast Network


Chief Airwave weaknesses

1) Vehicle mounted repeaters cannot co-operate. Two vehicles (police, fire, ambulance) at one scene, only one can operate.

2) Max capacity of a mast is 16 callers. Take police, add fire and ambulance and highways at a major incident and share it out.
3) The handset emergency button can take many minutes in the "queue" to have any effect, so not the immediate assistance claimed.

4) Encoding between towns is reduced, so signal jamming possibility drops to a permutation of 8 (compare "number of rings in your bicycle combination lock")

4) No signal fade as with VHF; it's all or nothing. If no weak signal, no awareness that anything is lost.

5) Data capacity is a feature of bandwidth. TETRA is inherently low, hence police resort to commercial phone network, without encryption, but depend on public capacity. New year's eve must be a very good time to call up for data!!

6) Masts are very public. If a terrorist cell can learn to fly a jumbo, they can spot a TETRA mast! portable devices are available that emit electromagnetic pulses to knock a mast out. Actually a single pin in a cable would, I guess, do the same and be very hard to find. Equipment required very sophisticated: a ladder and a pin.

7) You may recall the Manchester fire in a BT tunnel that wiped out phones and Internet links. TETRA is linked up by phone lines, and was temporarily knocked out regionally by the fire. Got priority of course. But what if the fire WAS the emergency, and the fire service and uncle Tom Cobbly and all were relying on Airwave to sort it out? What a great target, to simultaneously wipe the emergency infrastructure AND distract attention from a real target...

8) Viruses? Unlikely in TETRA because it isn't public access, but the more supplementary commercial kit is used, the more that is likely to suffer as it does for everyone else.

Oh, and if you're concerned:

9) All the police encryption keys are kept in the US, passed to Menwith Hill etc. and the US intelligence is listening to everything anyway. MI5 can't. Are the US security forces free from corruption? No chance that deals are being done? No inside jobs, like maybe for 9/11? Hmmm. You might think that, I couldn't possibly comment.


From Mast Network

Drivers immobilised by signals from phone masts

Todays Times carries this article about interference. Sian

Drivers immobilised by signals from phone masts

by Sam Coates

MOBILE-PHONE masts are inconveniencing thousands of drivers because they interfere with car locking systems and immobilisers, government documents have revealed.

The low-power radio signal from car keyfobs can be drowned out by the stronger transmissions of the masts, which use a similar frequency.

The RAC and the AA say that they deal with thousands of stranded motorists whose cars have been locked or disabled because of phone masts.

Cars are at risk from every type of phone mast but there are particular difficulties with the new high-powered police digital radio system, Tetra (terrestrial trunk radio), introduced nationally as part of a project known as Airwave.

A briefing document for ministers at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) says: “This problem has existed for some years, although with the roll-out of Airwave, it is not surprising we are now getting more reports of this. These stronger sources of radio transmission can sometimes block or overwhelm the signal from a radio-activated key.”

Range Rovers and cars made by Vauxhall, Chrysler, Jeep and Saab are believed to be especially at risk. Older models are vulnerable because they cannot differentiate between a keyfob and a mobile-phone signal. Motorists are advised to change the fob battery regularly and park away from masts and aerials to reduce risk.

The AA was called out to 114,000 key-related problems last year and the RAC dealt with 70,000 similar security problems, many believed to have been caused by mobile-phone masts.

In most cases the immobiliser can be deactivated by pushing the car 100 yards further away from the mast, but some drivers have to pay a garage about £50 to have the system reset. In the worst cases immobilisers have to be replaced at a cost of up to £600.

In one case, in Manchester, engineers found that the Tetra mast at the Trafford Centre operates at about 400MhZ, while key fobs run at 433MhZ, causing immobilisers to become effectively immune to a sudden burst at a similar frequency.

Vehicle manufactures have begun to introduce better-quality shielding for cars to prevent the interference. The problem has been exposed after briefing papers and letters were released by the DTI after a Freedom of Information Act request. The documents detail an exchange between Norman Lamb, the MP for Norfolk North, acting on behalf of a constituent who was concerned that the Tetra mast at North Walsham police station was to blame for her Land Rover failing to start. In his reply Stephen Timms, the Energy Minister, said that there was a history of car alarms being affected by radio interference.

He said: “If you are using kit that relies on or uses radio frequency it is your responsibility as owner to ensure it cannot be affected by outside radio frequency sources.”

From Mast Network



Tetra and Terrorism

TETRA: An Optimum Wireless Solution for Iraq’s Public Services

Sepura: $5m to $50m

That's the ordinary stuff; natural commercial interest (not to be confused with Tetra Tech in Iraq, out to make a real $$$ killing).

Conspiracist? Worried about those frequencies?
Not so far removed (dated 2001):
which is closely related to claims of 4g Gaiacomm:
scary military/commercial stuff, which factual or not reflects the possible future of global military control and remote "non-lethal" weaponry.


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 6:31 PM
Subject: [Mast Network] Tetra and Terrorism

from Vivienne B.

Even though we have very good reason to believe that the Airwave Tetra system is unsafe, we all know that this disreputable company needs to keep the farce going that the system works.

What could happen next is that during the next big event - the election, or Charles and Camilla's wedding, etc., is that there will be a big terrorist alert, BUT the day will be saved or salvaged by the use of the Tetra Airwave system - which just happens to be in operation at the time and the police and emergency services just happen to be using it and are able to liase with the military!! The poor punters will be impressed by the Government's grip on the situation and by the efficacy of Tetra and we protestors will be glossed over as though we never existed. By the way, the "terrorists" will either evade capture or be shot - so the truth won't come out for a long time - BUT it will come out eventually!

Think something on these lines can't and won't happen. Think again. This kind of thing has been going on for years. Where money is concerned, anything can happen. Don't want to worry anyone, but maybe thinking ahead may be of some help to us mastkateers and we can be ahead of the game - so to speak.

Know that this is repetition, sorry - but - some policemen (from Hampshire force I think) are earmarked to work for security in Iraq. Does that mean that the poor unsuspecting Iraqis, who have suffered so terribly, will now unwittingly and unknowingly suffer the effects of this dangerous system? Can't say for sure that Airwave Tetra will be/or has been introduced in Iraq - but come on folks - isn't it more than a probability? Anyone with anymore info - please let me know.

From Mast Network


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