
Visit to Montreal

I just spent 36 hours in Montreal - my first trip back here since summer '03. I wonder how anyone who is electrosensitive can survive in this city. I am now in the lush green mountains of Massachussets and plan to soak up some of the green-ness here.

There are many more towers and antennae in Montreal compared to Vancouver, where there are tolerable pockets between dense areas of electrosmog.

My 82 year old father lives in an apartment building across from a seniors care facility for the elderly who are unable to care for themselves (Maimonides Geriatric Care). From looking at equipment maps I had suspected - and was correct - that there is a huge antenna farm on the roof of the facility/hospital, 300 feet from my father's apartment. My father tells me that he has terrible, stressful dreams and nightmares and often wakes up disoriented. Has had poor sleep for years.This has to be the height of "insensitive siting" of cell antennae.

My hotel near the airport was another jackpot. I think the Wi-Fi router for my entire floor was in my room - luckily, I was able to pull the power plug There also was wired Internet in my room - unfortunately, it didn't not work unless the wireless router was plugged in. Every bulb in my room was a CFL. I simply did not turn them on.

I firmly believe that the percentage of the population that suffers from ES is far more than three percent. At a social gathering in Vancouver last week I was introduced to a Realtor who has serious sleep problems. The Realtor's sister (who is a massage therapist) was asking me about symptoms of electrosensitivity and insisted that I speak with her. After asking a few more questions I learned that the Realtor, who spends a lot of time on her cell phone, has serious short term memory problems, heating and pain in her ear when she speaks on a cell phone, foggy brain and other classic symptoms of ES and has had no idea what was causing all these symptoms. I passed on some links to the Realtor, including one to purchase an air tube headset.

Those of us who are ES need to keep telling our story and breaking through the lack of awareness - it is the only hope for the kind of change we would like to see in the medical profession, all levels of government and the industry. My view is that it has to be a dialog - when we become combative we lose the opportunity to work collaboratively. I know how challenging it can be to remain calm in the face of so much indifference and even mockery - this situation is absolutely absurd, but as a good friend of mine continually reminds me, you can catch more bees with honey.


Informant: Martin Weatherall



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