
Modern technology may be bugging SA insects

Tony Carnie

January 04 2008 at 11:43AM

Are cellphone masts and the electronic fuzz from radios and televisions destroying some of South Africa's valuable insect life?

While it may be too early to judge for sure, early results from a study commissioned by the Oppenheimer family suggest that some forms of electromagnetic radiation appear to have a measurable impact on ants and other creeping, crawling or flying insects.

Preliminary results of the five-year project by entomologists Max Clark and Peter Hawkes are due to be published later this year.

The two insect specialists were asked to investigate the possibility that increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation around the country could be harming the health of insect life.



Re: Fwd: Modern technology may be bugging SA insects

Posted by: karlmuller30
Wed Jan 9, 2008 12:04 am (PST)

We're definitely going to follow up on this when we get a chance. Our resources and available time are very thin, but we have some extremely good people here, including environmental activists who've become aware of the problems of EMFs. It's a very strange thing that the environmental lobby in general is so unaware of the issue.

Any more info on bees and insects generally is very welcome, please post any available details. I'm sure it's a "multifactorial" situation, but as with so many others, the final push into outright massive pathology comes from EMFs.

As an example, Rudolf Steiner apparently said in 1922: please observe a natural beehive, it is ROUND. He said if we continued to build square beehives, the bees would all disappear in 100 years. This timetable seems to have been speeded up by "something". The fact that wild bees are also disappearing shows that there are other factors operating. (An organic farmer here reported that wild bees, once common, have basically vanished from his fields -- he counted two wild bees over six months.)

Another story involving animals -- a friend was travelling over Christmas and visited a vet who had contacted her. He's had two dogs (German Shepherds) die of cancer, and thought a nearby cellphone mast may have been involved. A third dog was now ill. Using an Elektrosmog detector, very high radiation levels were measured throughout the house. Looking at the whole property, there was one relatively "cool" spot, in the garage. Put the dogs there, my friend said. "That's exactly where they used to spend the day", she was told. She told the vet to move, and said on her way back she would measure any new property he was looking at. On her return, he hadn't found anywhere new, but in the meantime had had to put down the third dog.

I have seen at least half a dozen dogs in my neighbourhood die of tumours in the last five years.

It's a funny thing, but I've noticed that some people respond more to stories about trees and plants showing damage than they do to human illnesses, because they think we are being "neurotic". We are a weird species.



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