
Honeybees Vanish, Leaving Keepers in Peril



This is a potentially devastating phenomenon for agriculture (food) and biodiversity, and whilst presented as new, goes back some years, and is in many other countries.

It was featured in the UK's Independent and BBC radio today:

It's interesting that the interpretation of the bees left in the hive being so diseased is immuno-suppression.

Now this is interesting: if Nitric Oxide Synthase [ http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Nitric+Oxide+Synthase ] is affected by EMF in mammals, maybe it is in insects too? Because this is one of the really big trails: NO plays so many vital roles, and affects many regulatory systems, including the immune system. Then I turned up this:

Impairment of olfactory discrimination by blockade of GABA and nitric oxide activity in the honey bee antennal lobes.

Behav Neurosci. 2000 Jun;114(3):514-25

* Hosler JS,
* Buxton KL,
* Smith BH.

Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus 43210-1220, USA.

Honey bees readily associate an odor with sucrose reinforcement, and the response generalizes to other odors as a function of structural similarity to the conditioned odor. Recent studies have shown that a portion of odor memory is consolidated in the antennal lobes (AL), where first-order synaptic processing of sensory information takes place. The AL and/or the sensory afferents that project into them show staining patterns for the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, which catalyzes the release of the gaseous transmitter nitric oxide (NO). The results show that pharmacological blockade of NO release impairs olfactory discrimination only when release is blocked before conditioning. Blockade of GABAergic transmission disrupts discrimination of similar but not dissimilar odorants, and does so when the block occurs before condition or before testing. These results show that GABA and NO regulate the specificity of associative olfactory memory in the AL.

I must dig deeper later!


Informant: Martin Weatherall


"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years left to live." - Albert Einstein

At Cornell Univ. honeybees in a hive relocated into a new building became disoriented. After extensive research ruled out other causes, someone noticed the hive was next to the building's electric transformer. The bees were confused by 60 hz magnetism strong enough to interfere with homing and communication to gather nectar and pollen.


From Alfonso Balmori

In a recent study carried out with bees in Germany, only few irradiated bees (with DECT) returned to the beehive and required more time to reach the hive. The weight of honeycombs is also smaller in the bees that were irradiated.

Stever H, Kuhn J, Otten C, Wunder B, Harst W. Verhaltensanderung unter elektromagnetischer Exposition.Pilotstudie. Institut für mathematik. Arbeitsgruppe. Bildungsinformatik. Universität Koblenz-Landau; 2005.

See also

http://www.mikrowellensmog.info/bienen.html web
from Dr. Ferdinand Ruzicka, Doz University.




Firstenberg, A. 1997: Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution. Cellular Phone Taskforce. Brooklyn, NY 11210.

With best regards

Alfonso Balmori. Spain


The effects of EMR are being felt by wildlife and the environment as a whole, Birds, bees, worms, trees are all being affected. We need to fight for not only the future of mankind but for the future of the whole environment.

Vienna physicians are displaying information posters in doctor's surgeries. They state radiation from mobile phones is far from being harmless as they have been told by the cell phone companies. They have therefore, in order to act responsibly, the Chamber of Doctors in Vienna, Austria, has decided to inform people about potential medical risks.


His findings, and subsequent related work by Dr Cyril Smith (Smith and Baker, 1982), seem relevant also to the earlier and more generally accepted studies on bees and homing pigeons, both of which are known to have receptors which are able to sense the Earth's magnetic field and its variations, which they use to help direct their survival behavior. My own extraordinary first experience of complete disorientation below the lines may also be relevant; I had never experienced this before, though I have done so since, most notably after I had held up a fluorescent tube for over an hour, to be photographed under the lines; the next day, after a distressingly sleepless night, I found what looked like a burn on that shoulder.


Our cheap transistor radios can pick up and separate out hundreds of radio signals at levels of a few hundreds of microvolts/metre. More sophisticated communications receivers can work down to levels of about 10 microvolts/metre. Radio-astronomers work on informational signals from stars at less than 1 microvolt/metre - this is a power level of about 0.000 000 000 001 microwatt/cm2 (1 attowatt/cm2 !!). We can now detect and create pictures from signals from spacecraft at our outer planets using transmit powers similar to those use by mobile phones of a few watts!

Honeybees have been shown to be sensitive to magnetic flux differences of 1 nanotesla (10 microGauss) [4][Theoretically humans could also be sensitive down to less than this level (pineal thermal noise c. 0.24 nanotesla - Smith, 1985). Various sea creatures can detect voltage gradients of a few 10's of microvolts/metre.

Biological stochastic resonance from regular pulsing EMFs can effectively amplify coherent signals (like power EMFs) by vast amounts.

What arrogant nonsense to suggest that living systems need to be "cooked" before they realize they are being bombarded by signals and that microwaves of 100 volts/metre are harmless to us. http://members.aol.com/gotemf/emf/animals.htm

Honey bees navigate by observing changes as small as 0.6% in the Earth's magnetic field (2.5 mG out of 400 mG). Other studies have shown that other animals, such as sea turtles and homing pigeons, can navigate using the Earth's magnetic field as a guide. In order to navigate to precision, it is necessary to have many magnetosomes with a permanent dipole moment which are able to maintain their direction in the Earth's magnetic field while being buffeted by Brownian thermal fluctuations.

V.3. Animals: Honey bees follow B fields (Walker/Bitterman, J. Comp. Physiol. 157, 67-73, 1995, and Science 265, 95, 1994) down to a few mG DC accuracy and sea turtles turn when B varies at earth's locations (Science 264, 661 (1994). [DH: Note that detection of DC fields is not detection of AC fields, and it certainly is not cancer promotion. The honey bees are insensitive to AC fields. See introduction and Sec. VIII., Bibliography for more data on animals.]

42. "Honeybees Can Be Trained to Respond to Very Small Changes in Geomagnetic Field Intensity," M.M. Walker and M.E. Bitterman, J. Exp. Biology 145, 489-494 (1989). (A)

Art Kab

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"



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