
CEO of Sandy Steele Unlimited, Inc. Exposes Cell Phone Radiation Dangers On Her Radio Talk Show

Source: Sandy Steele Unlimited
CEO of Sandy Steele Unlimited, Inc. Exposes Cell Phone Radiation Dangers On Her Radio Talk Show

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Jan. 4, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) (PRIMEZONE) -- Sandy Steele Unlimited, Inc., (Pink Sheets:SSTU) announced that the dangers of cell phone radiation and its connection to brain tumors will be the featured topic of the "Honey, trust me on this..."(tm) internet radio show on Friday, January 5, 2007. The one hour talk show is streamed live via Modavox.com (OTCBB:MDVX) over its VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness channel every Friday at 11 a.m. PST. Host Sandy Steele's guest for this show will be Mr. Paul Fitzgerald, founder of the Research Center for Wireless Technology in New Jersey.

"According to the NeurologyChannel.com, malignant brain tumors are the second leading cause of death in children and young adults under the age of 34," stated Ms. Steele. "Furthermore, the World Health Organization issued a medical alert for children to talk less than an hour a day on a cell phone and recommended using 'hands free' headsets. At the same time, The Disney Company is licensing its cartoon properties to Sprint for a major cell phone marketing campaign, targeting 30 million children between 8 and 12 years old."

Ms. Steele added that, "Children are at greater risk for brain tumors because their skulls are so much thinner than adults. However, adults use cell phones much more, so their risk is also heightened. In fact, the famous defense attorney Johnny Cochran recently died from a brain tumor which appeared exactly where he held his cell phone. Cochran's neurosurgeon at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles attributed his death directly to his use of his cell phone and home cordless phones. Studies indicated that sexual reproduction for men and development of healthy fetuses for women may be affected by wearing a phone at waist level."

Mr. Fitzgerald, an expert and consultant in electromagnetic field radiation, has been educating the public on the dangers of radiation for ten years. He'll discuss with Ms. Steele the results of extensive scientific studies which appear to have been withheld from the public by the telecommunications industry. Mr. Fitzgerald will also advise listeners on how to avoid or reduce radiation in their environment.

"I feel strongly that this subject addresses the most important human environmental health issue since cigarette smoking was finally exposed as a mass killer. The amount of data is so vast that I will have a follow-up show, in the very near future, with even more notable experts in this field," said Ms. Steele.

Every "Honey, trust me on this..."(tm) radio show is archived in the Content Library at http://www.health.voiceamerica.com and available for listening on demand. It can also be accessed by a direct banner link on the Radio Show Page of http://www.sandybeverlyhills.com.

Sandy Steele Unlimited, Inc. (SSTU) is an emerging conglomerate that owns and operates companies in the beauty, health, media, financial management, and publishing industries (see http://www.steeleunlimited.com and http://www.sandybeverlyhills.com ). The Siegel Group, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of SSTU, is an international money management company with offices in Beverly Hills, California (see http://www.thesiegelgroup.com ), Grammaton Press, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SSTU, is a publisher of non-fiction literature in genres such as financial planning, human rights, and world history ( http://www.grammatonpress.com ).

The Sandy Steele Unlimited logo is available at http://www.primezone.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=1993

SAFE HARBOR: With the exception of historical information contained in this press release, this press release includes forward-looking statements made under the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including but not limited to the following: product development difficulties; market demand and acceptance of its products; ability to obtain financing; the impact of changing economic conditions; business conditions in the internet and direct marketing industries; reliance on third parties, including potential suppliers; the impact of competitors and their products; risks concerning future technology; and other factors detailed in this press release. The company currently does not report its quarterly financials to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

CONTACT: Sandy Steele Unlimited, Inc.
Richard Kent
(310) 284-4004

© 2006 PrimeNewswire All Rights Reserved.


Informant: Martin Weatherall



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