
Tens of Thousands Urge Bush to Uphold International Law

The documented torture of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib underscores the need for President Bush to rededicate the United States to the Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that came about following World War II.

In three days, 10,000s of concerned citizens signed the HONOR THE LEGACY petition, including Grammy-award winning singer/songwriter Kris Kristofferson.

The petition has received national attention on CNN and radio stations across the country. (See below for more about the campaign.)

This Memorial Day, take a minute to HONOR THE LEGACY of American values, leadership and sacrifice that became international law.

IF YOU HAVE NOT YET SIGNED, please do so today.

Sign the Petition Now!

Printable Petition Now Available

Share copies of the "Honor the Legacy" petition with your friends and family over the Memorial Day weekend. Defending international law is everybody's job!

Honor the Legacy Petition (PDF)

About the Campaign

This week, Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) and a coalition of veterans, religious leaders and human rights organizations launched the HONOR THE LEGACY campaign. The coalition includes: Amnesty International USA, Oxfam America, the National Council of Churches (NCC), Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and Veterans for Common Sense.

The campaign began Tuesday with the launch of the HONOR THE LEGACY petition that calls on President Bush to rededicate the United States to international law.

On Saturday, May 29th, the President has a historic opportunity to do so when he takes part in the dedication of the National World War II Memorial.

Should that not occur, the petition will continue remain open for signatures until July 4th.


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Mai 2004

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