

I need your help - and I believe it will help us all. I am working on a national project, Let's Talk America - which is based on belief in the power of dialogue and relationship and the need for us to come together all across America. "A nation divided cannot stand," was Lincoln's wise council. I want to come together with those who think differently than I do to listen and be heard deeply beneath polarized positions. I believe we will discover that what separates us is less than we fear and what we share is more than we imagine. I believe that by building this bridge of conversation across our differences we will find our way to lead our nation on a wise path, where we pay attention to the priorities of We the People rather than the whims and demands of politics. Will you join me in this vital initiative to find the voice of We the People?

The web-based meeting tool is ready to help hosts and conversationalists find one another so We the People can talk about what we think, feel, want. More than 50 conversations nationwide are ready for you to walk in the door. The link below takes you to where you type in your state and voila, your local conversations pop up. None there? feel free to start one. Indeed, the best way to help is to HOST! Check out Hosting Resources for suggestions and guidelines. Plus I conduct bi-monthly telephone trainings so it would be great to 'see' you at a training!

Here are some sample questions you might use:

* Ideals: When you were young, what did it mean to you to be an American? What does it mean to you to be an American now?

* Differences: Tell about a conversation you had with someone who saw things very differently from you - yet you learned and grew because of it. What made it work?

* Disagreements: If you were with someone whose opinions you opposed, what questions might you ask to make it safe for them to tell you how they came to their views? What questions are you longing for them to ask that would allow you to feel safe speaking about the values, passions and experiences that make your ideas dear to you?

* Democracy: Can you imagine one change in our political system that would improve our democracy? What makes this important to you?

* Freedom: In what ways do you experience freedom as an American? In what ways do you not feel free? Has that changed for you during your lifetime?

Here's the link to click to find a great conversation...

Soon you will find reports from these conversations across the land on the website so we can learn what's on the minds and hearts of Americans. Please get involved: sign up to receive periodic updates.

PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE WIDELY. We need your help to make this happen. Together we can create a living experience of democracy with all Americans across the land - the Town Hall of the 21st century.

Thank you for your support. Appreciatively,

Susan Partnow, Partner Coordinator
Let's Talk America
4425 Baker Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107
tel. 206-789-8697
fax 206-782-7786



"Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits. When minds meet, they don't just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in new trains of thought. Conversation doesn't just reshuffle the cards: it creates new cards."

Informant: Martin Greenhut


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Mai 2004

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