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Die Suche nach »leukemia« hat 237 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Address The Issue, Or Not?
Elizabeth May Leader, Green Party of Canada 5 June 2007 Dear Elizabeth, For well over a year, I have been sending you regular e-mail updates about cancer and other health harm that is being caused... ...
Starmail - 6. Jun, 09:56
Link between exposure to microwave and other EMR and brain tumors
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/microwave_emr_and_bra in_tumors.htm Rising Incidence of Brain Tumors Is Drawing Attention and Concern Now this was published 17 years ago so now it seems that the government... ...
Starmail - 3. Dez, 11:33
Electromagnetic fields linked to cancers in railway workers
http://www.insidermedicine .ca/archives/Electromagnet ic_fields_linked_to_cancer s_in_railway_workers_1142. aspx Informant: Martin Weatherall -------- Magn etic fields tied to railway workers' cancer http://www.reuters. com/article/healthNews/idU SHO97905220070529 Inform ant:... ...
Starmail - 6. Jul, 15:13
Cancer Risks from Microwaves Confirmed
http://www.freemarketnews. com/WorldNews.asp?nid=4224 8 ISIS Press Release 24/05/07 Microwaves from wireless mobile phone transmitters may be more potent than lower frequency electromagnetic fields in... ...
Starmail - 6. Jul, 12:20
EMF-Omega-News 19. May 2007
Effect of microwave irradiation on neurocyte mitochondrial ultrastructure and mtTFA mRNA expression in rats cerebral cortex https://omega.twoday.net/s tories/3744629/ Epidemiol ogic evidence relevant to... ...
Starmail - 19. Mai, 20:32
EMF-Omega-News 12. May 2007
Nuclear cataract in calves by cellular telefone antenna in Switzerland http://omega.t woday.net/stories/3692338/ Hematopoietic neoplasia in C57BL/6 mice exposed to split-dose ionizing radiation and circularly... ...
Starmail - 12. Mai, 13:37
Uncertainty Over Leukemia Link Shapes SCE Power Plan
http://www.the-signal.com/ ?module=displaystory&story _id=48191&format=html ...
Starmail - 9. Mai, 14:54
Uncertainty Over Leukemia Link Shapes SCE Power Plan
http://www.the-signal.com/ ?module=displaystory&story _id=48191&format=html ...
Starmail - 9. Mai, 14:54
Death Of Lady Suffering From Extreme Tower Trauma Symptoms
----- Original Message ----- From: Robert Riedlinger To: localmla@uniserve.com Sent : Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:22 PM Subject: Fw: Very Important - ECOLOG: Phone cancer report 'buried' Dear Mr Penner... ...
Starmail - 27. Apr, 23:18
Norfolk doctors want cell tower moved
FYI: Watch for URL wrap. B. Norfolk doctors want cell tower moved By Cheryl Bauslaugh, expositor staff Local News - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Updated @ 11:41:46 PM Area doctors are asking Norfolk... ...
Starmail - 28. Jun, 05:55