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Die Suche nach »affect sleep« hat 145 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Would you put your head in a Microwave Oven
Would you stick your head in a microwave oven? http://openpr.com/n ews/5356 http://at-de.i-ne wswire.com/pr15550.html " Would you put your head in a Microwave Oven" New book on microwave radiation &... ...
Starmail - 11. Dez, 22:50
Headaches in Sweden, films and recent stuff
http://www.omega-news.info /headaches_in_sweden.htm Iris: "Yes," it is extremely important to consider effects from cellular exposures, but to do that alone, without including information as to numbers... ...
Starmail - 18. Jan, 21:49
4 Neuroblastoma cases to investigate
----- Original Message ----- From: Eileen O'Connor Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:56 PM Subject: icCoventry - Very Important This email has been sent to you by Eileen Check out the following link. Can... ...
Starmail - 18. Jan, 16:40
Hazardous product warning: DECT phones
http://www.emfacts.com/web log/index.php?p=355 Comme nts on DECT phones From Katharina Gustavs: Don, Yes, wireless cordless phones using the DECT technology (or here in Canada it usually says 2.4 GHz... ...
Starmail - 7. Jan, 09:59
Tetra & telecommunication masts
Can you help us here. Eileen O´Connor of Radiation Research and SCRAM is trying to promote a new bill on mobile radiation here in the UK. See attached. I am asking if you will publish and distribute... ...
Starmail - 30. Dez, 11:09
Sleep Disturbances in the Vicinity of the Short-Wave Broadcast Transmitter Schwarzenburg - The Schwarzenburg shut-down study
Authors: Abelin, Theodor; Altpeter, Ekkehardt; Röösli, Martin Source: Somnologie, Volume 9, Number 4, November 2005, pp. 203-209(7) Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Abstract: Sum mary Objectives The... ...
Starmail - 26. Dez, 23:10
Widespread concern in Netherlands over 3G mobile phone masts
Dec 26, 2005, 12:45 GMT Amsterdam - Dozens of Dutch local authorities are resisting the erection of masts to carry voice and data for the new third generation of mobile phones (3G), citing health concerns. The... ...
Starmail - 26. Dez, 17:03
Mental Health Issues are growing across the Western World
The New Open Air Asylums The Injustice of Corporate Profits by Pharma Companies and Mental Health 'Experts' The Dangerous Practice of Prescription Drugs vrs Reality Much ado is made about the increasing... ...
Starmail - 20. Dez, 13:08
Can mobiles cause depression? Cellphone smog could aid depression
Cellphone smog could aid depression: Study Press Trust of India New Delhi, December 12, 2005 Concerns expressed on possible effects of mobile phones on humans have been dismissed by people involved... ...
Starmail - 25. Nov, 23:05
Research papers sent by Olle Johansson
Here are some research papers sent to me by Olle Johansson. Andrew Here is the list of papers: Johansson O, "Elöverkänslighet samt överkänslighet mot mobiltelefoner: Resultat från en dubbel-blind... ...
Starmail - 11. Dez, 09:09