
Summer of protest for Tassie's forests


Informant: Andy

Criminalising protest the attack on civil liberties in Britain


Informant: Andy

Le programme HAARP

Météorologie: le programme HAARP

Church spire aerial plan dropped

QS4 said aerials in church towers could give a "clear, strong signal"

A proposal to install a mobile phone aerial in a spire, which was the subject of angry opposition, has been dropped by a church council.

Police had to be called to St Luke's Church, in St John's, Tunbridge Wells in Kent, during heated protests by up to 100 people.

They reacted angrily when Vodafone went to the church to publicise the plans.

The Parochial Church Council of St Luke said it abandoned the plan "to avoid a damaging division in the community".

Kent Police were called when representatives of Vodafone and QS4 - a company appointed by the Church of England to negotiate such deals - were confronted by the protestors.

'Barrage of abuse'

The companies insisted the proposed aerial was not a health risk, while the church said local residents with 3G phones would benefit.

In a statement released on Friday, the church council said: "Ever since we were approached on this matter, we have followed the Church of England's national procedures which include consultation with the local community.

"Sadly our attempt to hold that consultation resulted in a display of rowdy behaviour and a barrage of abuse directed at our vicar.

"The Parochial Church Council of St Luke does not believe that there is any proven risk to health arising from the installation of such a mast.

Omega this is not true. See under:

"Nevertheless, in order to avoid a damaging division within the community, it has decided not to pursue the project."


Große Koalition will Telekommunikationsdaten angeblich speichern lassen

Für Ermittlungszwecke: Große Koalition will Telekommunikationsdaten angeblich speichern lassen (28.10.05)

Telekommunikationsdaten sollen zum Zweck der Terror- und Kriminalitätsbekämpfung in Deutschland künftig zwischen sechs und zwölf Monaten gespeichert werden. Darauf haben sich nach Informationen der Tageszeitung "Die Welt" Union und SPD geeinigt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Ganz neue Methoden, an Datenmaterial von Atomkraftgegnern heranzukommen

von BI Lüchow-Dannenberg


Ganz neue Methoden, an Datenmaterial von Atomkraftgegnern heranzukommen, hat die Polizei vor kurzem auf den Gleisen der CASTOR-Transportstrecke zwischen Lüneburg und Dannenberg angewendet. Nach einer friedlichen Protestaktion sammelte die Polizei Zigarrettenkippen von Beteiligten auf. Dazu hatten die Beamten Untersuchungshandschuhe übergezogen, und steckten nach Beobachtungen die Kippen einzeln in Plastikbeutel. Zuvor schon waren Aktionsteilnehmer fotografiert und wohl auch gefilmt worden.

Link zum Artikel: http://www.aku-wiesbaden.de/artikel_94.htm



Nach Informationen der Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow Dannenberg (BI) sind die ursprünglich für den 5. November anvisierten Castortransporte um zwei Wochen verlegt worden. Voraussichtlich am Wochenende des Totensonntag (19./20.11.) soll nun die hochradioaktive Fracht per Bahn aus dem französischen Verladebahnhof in Valogne rollen.

Link zum Artikel: http://www.aku-wiesbaden.de/artikel_93.htm

Rep Kurt Weldon: Able Danger and 9/11 Foreknowledge

Here's the AUDIO from Rep Kurt Weldon's STUNNING disclosures on the House Floor "Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowledge".

Most here already know about "ABLE DANGER". What Rep. Weldon, Republican from Penn, brought up late one nigh last week on the House Floor will make Bush Administration's recent troubles seem like child's play by comparison.

This time, even ardent conservatives, such as Michael Savage of "The Savage Nation" radio talk show, are calling for liberals and conservatives to put aside our differences and come together on this one. I included an excerpt from his show, in the first audio clip below, reflective of this appeal.

Because most people find it hard to make time to listen to audio clips, I condensed and highlighted the main points of Weldon's speech in the first 2 clips. The complete speech follows these excerpts. Following that, I included a link to a related article.

Finally, I re-posted the audio clips, from about 6 months ago, from Ed Griffin on C-Span 2, on the distortions and omissions from the "9/11 Commission Report". Maybe now, moderate conservatives will not be so quick in dismissing Griffin's own disclosures.

Please support Rep. Kurt Weldon's effort BY PASSING THIS INFORMATION TO ALL YOU KNOW!!!

Jack Topel

Michael Savage of "Savage Nation Radio Show on Rep Weldon
1) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231518&f=BSUADK&ps=13&p=1 (3 min) (plus begining introduction from Rep Weldon on the House floor)

Excerpts from Rep Weldon's 47 minute speech on the House floor
2) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231521&f=ICKHOY&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

3) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231526&f=GMGWDG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

The Complete Speech from Rep Weldon on the House Floor
1) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231530&f=IYGSRV&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)
2) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231526&f=GMGWDG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)
3) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231536&f=QHHAXC&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)
4) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231563&f=MLONEB&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)
5) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231565&f=ROJGEH&ps=13&p=1 ( 7 min)

For the whole article on: "Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowledge
by William F. Jasper -- October 31, 2005 For the whole article, go to:


Ed Griffins speech on C-Span 2 - "Distortions and Omissions by the 9/11 Commission Report"

1) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172819&f=MDXING&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)
2) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172837&f=ESRJLJ&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

Input that backs Griffin's last premise from John Lear
3) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172840&f=WXWOTJ&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

Balance of Ed Griffins speech on C-Sapn 2
4) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172847&f=GWUXUV&ps=13&p=1 (8 min)

2,000 US Troops Dead in Iraq: One Survivor Tells His Story

"I went to fight in Iraq to get revenge for 9/11... I found out Bush had led us into a war that was immoral and totally wrong..." - IVAW Member, Tomas Young.


Ohio Bush Campaign Donor Indicted

A federal grand jury has indicted Tom Noe, the former Toledo-area coin dealer at the center of a state investment scandal, of illegally laundering money into President Bush’s re-election campaign.


Passing 2,000

Celeste Zappala and Anne Roesler write that in Iraq, another soldier teetered on consciousness, drew the last breath and was gone. And all the hopes that rode on him and all the prayers that followed him from all the people who loved him are done.


Enttäuschung bei Pfarrkirchner Bürgerinitiative

INITIATIVE zur Verhinderung weiterer Handymasten im Feyregger Wohngebiet

Getreidestraße 13
4540 Pfarrkirchen/Bad Hall
Tel.: 07258/7579
e-mail: g.huetmeyer@aon.at

Enttäuschung bei den Sprechern der Bürgerinitiative

Nur zwei Dutzend bei Protestkundgebung

Dem Aufruf der „Initiative zur Verhinderung von weiteren Handymasten im Feyregger Wohngebiet“ mit einem stillen Protest an der gestrigen Gemeinderatssitzung (14.10.2005) als Zuhörer teilzunehmen, sind insgesamt nur 28 Personen gefolgt.

Da einige Zuhörer wegen anderer Tagesordnungspunkte gekommen waren, bleiben für die Protestkundgebung nur zwei Dutzend Besucher übrig.

Die zwei Dutzend Bürger traten mit einigen Protesttafeln und einem veränderten Gemeindewappen (anstelle der Heilquelle ein Silo mit drei Handymasten) auf. Über Ersuchen des Bürgermeisters wurden diese Tafeln nur kurz im Sitzungssaal präsentiert und kurz nach Sitzungsbeginn im Vorraum abgelegt. Bürgermeister Herbert Plaimer begründete sein Ersuchen damit, dass er eine Gefahr durch das Umfallen von Tafeln nicht ausschließen könne.

Einerseits war es zwar ein rekordverdächtiger Besuch, andererseits hätte die Bürgerinitiative insgeheim mit rund 100 Zuhörern gerechnet. Die Tische im Sitzungssaal der Gemeinde Pfarrkirchen wurden jedenfalls enger gestellt und auch eine eventuell notwendige Umsiedelung in den Turnsaal der Volksschule war vorbereitet.

Sprecher wirft das Handtuch

„Ich bin enttäuscht über die geringe Zuhörerzahl. Es ist traurig, wenn die betroffenen BügerInnen nicht hinter uns stehen und werde daher für die Bürgerinitiative nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen“, so Sprecher Gerhard Hütmeyer.

Und auch der zweite Sprecher der Bürgerinitiative, Franz WIESER, verlässt aufgrund der schwachen Beteiligung an der stillen Protestkundgebung die Bürgerinitiative, die zwar noch teilweise privat weiterarbeitet, aber nicht mehr für öffentlich für den Ortsteil Feyregg der Gemeinde A-4540 Pfarrkirchen bei Bad Hall auftritt.

Libby Indictment is the First Step


Informant: mojo_j_2000

Libby Indicted, Perjury, Obstruction - Resigns

Vice presidential adviser I. Lewis "Scooter' Libby Jr. was indicted Friday on charges of obstruction of justice, making a false statement and perjury in the CIA leak case.



22 pgs Libby indictment

Informant: mojo_j_2000

Stop Human Trafficking

Forced Drug Experiments On Black & Latino Children

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center is using Foster Care Children locked at the Incarnation Children's Center in Washington Heights, Manhattan as Guinea Pigs for their research on HIV Toxic Drugs & Experimental Vaccines on behalf of Drug Companies. Most of those Children are also given Psychotropics to keep them Docile while they torture them. Psychiatrists use them for a study of "Suicidal Tendencies in HIV positive Children".

These Children were taken away from their Mothers when they went to deliver and tested HIV+. We know that those tests are unreliable and crossreact with the Flu, Smallpox, 60 other infections (past or present) and with pregnancy. Many of these Children died and are still dying as a result of these Lethal Experiments. Children as young as 1 month old were intubated & daily force-fed these drugs, even in the middle of the night: plain torture before killing them.

Emergency Rally at 3:00 PM Saturday, October 29, 2005 Incarnation Children's Center 142 Audubon Avenue, Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York (172 & 173 Street, Trains 1, 9, A, C to 168 St. Stop)

There are 18,000 Children in Foster Care in NYC: 98% Black & Latino, less than 1% White. Foster Care is a profit-driven Industry, a subtle continuation of Institutionalized Slavery. It treats Children as Chattel, violating the 13th Amendment against Slavery and Involuntary Servitude. Family Court is an Institutionalized System of Injustice setup to "legalize" this Racketeering Scheme and Rubber Stamp the State Sponsored Child & Family Abuse to Terrorize & Subdue poor Blacks & Latinos. A Social Cancer that continually feeds the prison, homeless and mentally ill population. See:

Join Us in Defense of Our Children. No More "Tuskegee Experiments" Stop Torturing Our Children. Defend Our Children from Their Tormentors Close Down this Slaughterhouse. Let Our Children Go

Stop the Slave Trade with Our Children. Reparations Now!

Sponsors: Parents in Action, December 12 Movement, Millions For Reparations, Mothers of the Stolen Children, Parents Against Forced Adoptions, Circulo Bolivariano Alberto Lovera, Concerned Citizens for Family Preservation, Harlem Tenants Council, Descendants of Freedom, NYC Mothers Acting Up, The People Advocacy, International Action Center, National Action Network, Muhammad Mosque No. 7, ICOPE, The Defense Foundation for Children USA, The Miracles Of Hope Network, Altitudes for Community Excellence, Association of Black Social Workers, etc.


http://lostsheep1.com/newletter/newsletter4.htm http://www.nyclass.com/print.cfm?content_id=11944
http://www.nypress.com/print.cfm?content_id=10614 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/this_world/4035345.stm
http://www.altheal.org/toxicity/nurse.htm http://www.altheal.org/toxicity/icccont.htm

Parents in Action: 718-392-7485, 347-624-4830,
December 12 Movement: 718-398-1766,

Stop the Coward Attack on Poor Mothers & Their Innocent Children

Ärzte-Appell: Pfarrkirchner Appell


INITIATIVE zur Verhinderung weiterer Handymasten im Feyregger Wohngebiet

Getreidestraße 13
4540 Pfarrkirchen/Bad Hall
Tel.: 07258/7579
e-mail: g.huetmeyer@aon.at

Pfarrkirchen bei Bad Hall am 28. Oktober 2005

Pfarrkirchner Appell von neun Doktoren der Medizinwissenschaft

Nachdem Betreiberfirmen in Pfarrkirchen/Bad Hall Mobilfunksendeanlagen erweitern wollen haben sich in der 2100-Seelen-Gemeinde nun sieben Ärzte, ein Biologie-Universitätsprofessor und eine Psychologie-Neurologin zu einem Pfarrkirchner Appell zusammengeschlossen und fordern neben dem FREIBURGER Appell vom 9.10.2002, dem BAMBERGER APPELL vom 21.7.2004, dem HOFER APPELL vom 28.5.2005, dem LICHTENFELSTER APPELL vom 5.7.2005, der WARNUNG der WIENER Ärztekammer vom 5.8.2005 und der WARNUNG der österr. Ärztekammer vom 30.8.2005 nachdrücklich:

1.) Keinen weiteren Ausbau der Mobilfunktechnologie, denn es handelt sich um unfreiwillige Risiken für die Menschen mit wahrscheinlich dauerhaften gesundheitlichen Belastungen.

2.) Reduzierung der Funkbelastung für alle Sendeanlagen auf maximal 1 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter in Wohnräumen.

3.) Aufklärung der BürgerInnen, Jugendlichen und Kinder über die Benützung von Handys und Schnurlostelefonen und über die Gesundheitsrisiken des Elektrosmog.

4.) Kinder und Jugendliche sollten (unter 16 Jahren) Handys nur im Notfall benutzen.

5.) Bei aufgetretenen Schäden das Verursacherprinzip beachten.

Mehr als 1500 deutsche Ärzte, Fachärzte und Medizinprofessoren haben die obgenannten Appelle unterzeichnet. Die erfahrenen Mediziner beweisen eine signifikante Häufung folgender Krankheiten in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen: Lern-, Konzentrations- und Verhaltensstörungen bei Kindern (Hyperaktivität); Blutdruckentgleisungen; Herzrhythmusstörungen, Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle immer jüngerer Menschen; Hirndegenerative Erkrankungen; Krebserkrankungen wie Leukämie und Hirntumore; Kopfschmerzen und Migräne; chronische Erschöpfung, innere Unruhe; Schlaflosigkeit und Tagesmüdigkeit, Ohrengeräusche, Infektanfälligkeit, Nervenschmerzen, etc.

Der Pfarrkirchner Appell schließt sich den genannten Appellen an, hält den weiteren Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes für bedenklich und appelliert an Politiker, Wissenschaftler und Verantwortliche des Gesundheitswesens, dem im Grundgesetz garantierten Schutz von Leben und Gesundheit wieder den Vorrang einzuräumen.


Ärzteappelle gegen ungezügelten Mobilfunk

Schreiben von Vizekanzler Hubert GORBACH an die GdPfarrkirchen

Gerhard Hütmeyer 10/15/05 8:23 >>>

Sehr geehrter Dr. Stefan WEISS,

zur Problematik über Parteistellungen bei der Errichtung von Sendmastanlagen schreiben Sie für Vizekanzler Bundesminister vom 8. August 2005 an Bgm Plaimer der Gemeinde Pfarrkirchen:

Vizekanzler Hubert GORBACH GZ. BMVIT-907.001/0452-Büro HVK/2005 DVR:0000175

....... Die Problematik der Parteistellung der Anrainer resultiert daraus, dass die Errichtung von Mobilfunksendeanlagen durch das TKG (Telekommunikationsgesetz) als Bundesgesetz nicht umfassend geregelt werden kann, da derartige Vorhaben unterschiedliche, in der Kompetenz der Länder liegende Rechtsbereiche tangieren. Zu nennen sind hier u.a. die Bauordnungen, Landschaftsschutz- und Naturschutzgesetze, sowie Normen des Ortsbildschutzes.

Die Möglichkeit der Verankerung der Parteistellung im Telkommunikationsgesetz ist daher schon aus Gründen der verfassungsrechtlichen Kompetenzlage äußerst eingeschränkt.

Die Problematik der Nichteinbeziehung der Bürger im Rahmen dieser Verfahren zur Errichtung von Sendeanlagen ist bekannt. Eine Änderung dieser Situation obliegt jedoch aufgrund der erwähnten Situation den einzelnen Bundesländern. ....................

FRAGE: Mit welchen Landesgesetzen kann hier in Oberösterreich eine Parteistellung erreicht werden ?

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Initiative zur Erweiterung von Handymasten im Feyregger Wohngebiet Gerhard Hütmeyer Getreidestraße 13, 4540 Pfarrkirchen/Bad Hall Tel.: 07258/7579 od. 0699/81180410 e-mail: g.huetmeyer@aon.at

----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan WEISS" To: "Gerhard Hütmeyer" Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 4:31 PM Subject: Antw: Schreiben von Vizekanzler Hubert GORBACH an die GdPfarrkirchen

Sehr geehrter Herr Hütmeyer!

Um den betroffenen Bürgern Parteistellung zu verschaffen, müssten die jeweiligen Landesgesetze (wie etwa die OÖ Bauordnung, Landschaftsschutz- und Naturschutzgesetze) dies vorsehen und eben in diese Richtung geändert werden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Stefan Weiss

The Race to Execute Tookie Williams


Informant: Ashley Smith

Fitzgerald to Hold News Conference


Informant: John Calvert

Washington Post blasts Cheney for promoting ‘right’ to torture


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Update From the Field 10/27/05


Hurricane Tax Package Allows Wealthy to Deduct 100 Percent of Income

It allows donors who make cash gifts to almost any charity by the end of this year to deduct an amount equal to virtually 100 percent of their adjusted gross incomes, double the normal limit of 50 percent of income.


15,220 Live with the Wounds of War

As of Oct. 15, according to the Pentagon, 15,220 members of the US military had been wounded in action since the Iraqi operation began in March 2003 -- 542 during the war that ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and 14,678 since US troops began battling the insurgency. Nearly half of those wounded were injured severely enough that they could not return to duty within 72 hours.


DeLay to Appear in Court Again on Charges

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay will return to court next Tuesday for a hearing on whether the judge assigned to handle his trial should be recused. DeLay was indicted on conspiracy charges arising out of an investigation into campaign fundraising for the 2002 Texas state legislature elections. He and two associates are accused of funneling corporate money to Texas legislative campaigns in violation of state law, which prohibits use of such donations for electing or defeating state candidates.


Torture Permission to be Slipped into Law?

From: "Kathy Guthrie" FCNL Legislative Action Message

The vice-president of the United States is publically advocating giving a U.S. government agency statutory authority to use torture. Supporters of the McCain anti-torture amendment to the military spending bill have no time to enjoy the amendment’s overwhelming 90-9 bi-partisan passage in the Senate. The amendment may be rendered meaningless by loopholes under consideration in conference committee. We must act now, telling Congress that no matter which government agency, no matter where, and no matter how the president characterizes the circumstances, United States forces do not ever have permission to torture or use cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

Take Action: Please contact your congressional delegation, including both of your senators and your representative. Tell them that the McCain amendment must not be altered during conference committee to lessen its provisions. Tell them that every member of Congress has the responsibility to make sure that U.S. moral values and sound military principles are upheld by preserving the McCain amendment to the 2006 military appropriations bill, intact for the president’s signature.

See FCNL’s web site
http://capwiz.com/fconl/issues/alert/?alertid=8170141&type=CO to find a sample letter and contact your members of Congress directly. You will need to enter your zip code to see the sample letter.

Background: President Bush has threatened to veto the 2006 military appropriations bill (H.R. 2863) because the Senate amended its version of the bill to require that: (1) treatment of all Department of Defense (DoD) detainees or detainees held in DoD facilities must follow the Army Field Manual for Intelligence Interrogation; and (2) the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment (to which the U.S. is a signatory) governs all U.S. detainees. Read the text of the amendment.:


The president’s congressional allies were initially rumored to have plans to strip the amendment from the bill. However, the lopsided, bi-partisan vote in the Senate signaled a powerful political incentive for the conference committee to retain the amendment in the bill. Instead of working to strip the amendment, the administration and its supporters have suggested revisions to the amendment that would water it down to the point of meaninglessness. Vice-President Cheney proposed his own “compromise” plan to Sen. McCain last week (week of Oct. 10). The Cheney Plan would exempt the CIA from the provisions of the anti-torture amendment. This plan is so shocking, it bears repeating: the vice-president of the United States is publically advocating giving a U.S. government agency statutory authority to use torture. This proposal is especially dangerous in light of the administration’s support for moving all intelligence functions out of the Pentagon and the FBI and into the CIA’s portfolio.

Other proponents of allowing brutal treatment under some circumstances have suggested other loopholes to the amendment, e.g., presidential waiver (the president could, using his own judgment, waive the prohibition in the interest of national security); geographic limitation (torture would be prohibited only in certain locations, such as on U.S. soil); or non-applicability of the amendment during "classified" interrogations.

The president argues that the McCain amendment ties the president’s hands in his efforts to preserve national security in the post-September 11 world. He also claims that as commander-in-chief, he has the authority to determine the rules by which detainees in the "war against terror" are handled. Human rights supporters disagree, pointing to the U.S. Constitution, Art. I, sec. 8: "The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water." (emphasis added)

Human rights advocates reiterate that torture -

is inhumane; doesn’t reflect our country’s moral values; undermines human rights standards worldwide; creates legions of enemies of the U.S.; brings danger of retaliation on U.S. troops and travelers abroad; and does not work - it does not produce reliable intelligence information. Check the FCNL website for further background information about the use of torture.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Stop the Wild Bird Trade Worldwide

The European Union has issued a one month import ban and effectively stopped the constant flow of parrots and other pet birds from Africa, Asia and South-America, which are caught in the wild under mostly illegal or dreadful conditions. The pseudo-legal regulations at the market countries often only cover the the illegal and cruel practices at the countries of origin. Of late 1.76 million wild birds imported live per year used to supply the demanding and uneducated European consumer market, whereby it is estimated that at least a similar number already died in the trade-pipelines. The global ecosystems can no longer afford to loose nearly 5 million birds from the wild every year just to satisfy sick consumer demands.

This import ban for all EU countries has to become permanent now !

Please go to http://www.worldparrottrust.org to get all the background information and kindly sign the petition at: http://www.worldparrottrust.org/trade/tradegerman.htm !

But such must not apply for Europe only, though it counts for around 87% of the global trade in wild birds, but the treatment of wild birds as mere trading goods has to stop everywhere.

ECOTERRA Intl. therefore asks all environmental and health organisations to get similar import-stops in place worldwide and to initiate a crack-down on the illegal trade !

The deadly spiral of purely opportunistic and money-oriented trade of wild species, which bears in addition serious health-risks and gives opportunities only to further criminal medical scams must be broken - now, because already drug-resistant strains of the deadly H5N1 virus exist.


P.S.: And use this issue to check the credibility of your newspaper - if they just followed the mainstream scaremongering, financed by Big Pharma: Give them the boot ! The conning has to stop too!


Tamiflu-resistant bird flu found in Vietnam Burning culled chickens in Vietnam Catherine Brahic
17 October 2005 Source: SciDev.Net

Researchers have found a strain of bird flu that can resist Tamiflu, the drug that governments and the World Health Organization are stockpiling in preparation for a widely predicted flu pandemic.

The scientists say health authorities should consider stocking up on more than one anti-flu drug.

The Vietnamese and Japanese researchers, led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Tokyo, will publish their findings in Nature on Thursday (20 October).

They isolated the drug-resistant H5N1 virus from a 14-year-old Vietnamese girl.

Most of the virus strains found in her blood were resistant to oseltamivir, the flu drug sold commercially as Tamiflu. This resistance was the result of a single genetic mutation in one of the virus's eight proteins.

"We've been watching for this change [in the virus]," Kawaoka says. "This is the first, but we will see others. There's no question about it."

The researchers acknowledge that their findings are based on a single patient, but say the results suggest, "it might be useful to stockpile zanamivir as well as oseltamivir in the event of an H5N1 influenza pandemic".

It is not the first time flu experts have advised governments to stockpile zanamivir, whose trade name is Relenza (see 'Bird flu: in favour of contingency plans').

In August, Kenneth Tsang and colleagues suggested in The Lancet that H5N1, which has killed 60 people in Asia, would be less likely to become resistant to zanamivir than to oseltamivir.

Kawaoka calls oseltamivir the "first line of defence. It is the drug many countries are stockpiling, and the plan is to rely heavily on it."

It is widely accepted that the global flu pandemic experts have been predicting for more than a year could ensue if H5N1 became able to spread from person to person (see Time to prepare for bird flu pandemic 'running out').

Kawaoka and colleagues say that, as far as they could tell, the Vietnamese patient had no direct contact with poultry. She had, however, taken care of her 21-year-old brother while he was infected with H5N1.

So far, the World Health Organization has not confirmed a single case of H5N1 being transmitted between people.

Last year, researchers suggested that a Thai woman might have been infected with the virus while caring for her infected daughter (see Bird flu deaths raise fears of human spread).

The World Health Organization, however, never confirmed this, or other suspected cases of human-to-human transmission.

Reference: Nature 437, 1108 (2005)

Related SciDev.Net articles: Asian nations to stockpile flu drugs against pandemic Bird flu virus 'could be mutating in Vietnam'


Oh no! Say it aint so. Rummy's old company makes money on flu alerts?

TAMIFLU GILEAD CHAIR WAS ... RUMMY http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=1443 Friday, October 21, 2005 - FreeMarketNews.com


Readers can be helpful, and one just wrote in to inform us of a link that we had never imagined - Donald Rumsfeld, until he resigned and joined the Bush Administration, was the chairman of something called Gilead which just happened to make something called Tamiflu.

Now anyone who hasn't been on Mars for the last month or two, knows that there were only two things that were going to stop the human version of bird flu. One was a bird flu vaccine (which probably would work better if you were a bird) and the other was something called Tamiflu. Yes, that Tamiflu. In such short supply that the hundreds of millions of orders that have been pouring into Gilead probably won't be filled for another 12 months or so. But everyone has got to have it because somehow or other it became established that Tamiflu really worked.

This was the party line, anyway, for about a week, until word began trickling back in that maybe Tamiflu didn't work. In fact, the word on Tamiflu has always been positive at first and then eventually negative. It's a kind of pattern. We even find corroboration of it here on the Democrats.com, in what appears to be either a chat room or news roundup as follows, "Rummy was CEO of Gilead Sciences until named to the Bush cabinet and, like Cheney, still has ties that bind to the 'old company.' Now isn't it an 'amazing coincidence' that the drug Tamiflu patented by Gilead Sciences is being pushed by the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases as the NUMBER ONE choice for flu, which, wonder of wonders, is sweeping through in one epidemic after another."

The post from January '04 adds, "Tamiflu is now also being recommended to fight avian flu ... Scroll through this NIAID page and you will find Tamiflu listed as ahead of all other recommended drugs for both prevention and treatment of flu. Trouble is, Gilead has been accused of rigging the trials of Tamiflu as a preventive treatment. Meanwhile Gilead is making a killing."

The post then gives the following link:

We bet Gilead is still making a killing as is Big Pharma. Please notice now that the orders are in, the hysteria has died down a bit. Perhaps everybody is too busy counting the money. Or perhaps it was never about anything BUT the money. We weren't entirely sure, but we knew that none of it passed the old "smell test." In fact, in serial articles we claimed that bird flu probably wasn't going to turn into human flu anytime soon, that even if it did, it didn't mean that the world was in for a dose of 1918 influenza all over again. We just couldn't believe that the people bringing us Spanish Influenza Redux - with all the hype and horror - were remotely qualified to bring us even the opening of an envelope.

We questioned everything, even whether 1918 was all just the fault of a flu virus. Didn't seem likely to us then and doesn't now - especially since we've come to understand what hygiene was like for the soldiers coming back from the war, how vaccine providers apparently unloaded their stock after the war, lowering immunities, etc. and, finally how the new miracle drug, aspirin, was all the rage, prescribed by medical parishioners everywhere. Aspirin lowers fevers and allows flu to build until it bursts out all over the body with renewed and potentially mortal violence.

And that brings us to today. Bird flu still rages and, yes, it may mutate into human flu at some point and cause death, many deaths, or fewer deaths, no one knows. It may indeed sweep around the world. But of more worry immediately were moves of civil authorities to float trial balloons about mandatory vaccination and to start sending vials of superflu bugs around the world in the name of science. We demanded that our viewers call the Capitol Hill and get out the word that the government was to cease testing new vaccines, cease ordering TamiFlu and bird flu vaccine, neither of which work or will work against whatever it is that bird flu will turn into. Which at least some in government would love because then they could turn the President's apparent yen for martial law into reality. And Bush could use some martial law about now. Hell, he could use anything, maybe even a good book.

We hoped that this latest epidemic of hysteria would finally force the government to come clean about other remedies - super doses of Vitamin C and even the use of silver as an antidote. We're still waiting. Sigh.

staff&nbspreports - Free-Market News Network


More Tamiflu on the way, says drug giant

Thai researchers testing samples for bird flu Catherine Brahic
18 October 2005 Source: SciDev.Net The company that makes Tamiflu, the drug health authorities are stockpiling in case of a flu pandemic, says it will consider letting governments and other companies produce the drug. Roche Pharmaceuticals also said it would expand its manufacturing capacity to meet the rapidly growing demand. Tamiflu, also known as oseltamivir, reduces flu symptoms. It might be able to cure and reduce the spread of infection between people if the bird flu virus H5N1, which has killed 60 people in Asia, sparks a human pandemic. Because it holds the patent for the drug, Roche is the only company allowed to make it, but cannot keep up with increased global demand. The company announced today (18 October) that the US Food and Drug Administration has given it permission to open an extra factory in the United States to make more of the drug. A Roche spokesperson told SciDev.Net that the company was unable to say how much this would boost supplies. William Burns, head of Roche's Pharma Division, said in today's statement that to supply the world with more Tamiflu the company was prepared to discuss "all available options" with any government or company. Burns said Roche would do this "provided such groups can realistically produce substantial amounts of the medicine for emergency pandemic use, in accordance with appropriate quality specifications, safety and regulatory guidelines". According to Reuters, the Indian drug company Cipla wants to start making oseltamivir but has yet to approach Roche. Reuters also reports that Thailand plans to bypass Roche's patent and make a much cheaper, generic version of the drug by October 2006. Roche told SciDev.Net that an Asian government — but not the Thai one — had approached it about a production agreement for the drug. Also today, GlaxoSmithKline announced it would to increase production of another flu drug called Relenza (zanamivir), which some researchers have urged governments to stockpile in addition to Tamiflu (see Tamiflu-resistant bird flu found in Vietnam).

Regional Gateways


Waterbird culls and wetland drainage could worsen spread of Avian Influenza, BirdLife warns 20 October 2005 BirdLIfe International [1] today warned that hasty responses to Avian Influenza based on incomplete or unsound data could do great damage to birds and other biodiversity, while actually raising the risk to people and to the economically important poultry industry. BirdLife International’s Partners throughout Europe, such as the RSPB (BirdLife in the UK ), are working or preparing to work with their governments to monitor migratory wild bird populations and to provide scientific data and expert guidance. Recent outbreaks of the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of avian influenza [2] in Europe have occurred along migratory flyways (including the Danube delta, a great gathering place for migratory waterbird) during the autumn migration. There is no concrete evidence that migratory birds have helped transmit the disease between countries or regions, but the possibility cannot be ruled out. The spread of H5N1 within and beyond South-east Asia appears attributable to movements of infected poultry [3, 4, 5]. The patterns of spread are not consistent with the timing and direction of movements of wild birds BirdLife International strongly opposes any suggestion that wild birds should be culled as a way of controlling the spread of the disease, on grounds of practicality and effectiveness, as well as conservation. Any such attempts could spread the virus more widely, as survivors disperse to new places, and healthy birds become stressed and more prone to infection. The World Health Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organisation and OIE (the World Organisation for Animal Health) agree that control of avian influenza in wild birds by culling is not feasible, and should not be attempted.

Similarly, attempts to drain wetlands to keep waterbirds away are also likely to be counterproductive, as well as disastrous for the environment, the conservation of threatened species, and for vital ecosystem services such as flood control and water cleansing. Birds will seek alternative staging places and waterbirds forced to fly further and endure more crowded conditions along their migration route will be more prone to infection. Some Asian and Middle Eastern governments are reported to be already formulating proposals for draining wetlands. The most efficient control techniques involve improved biosecurity, to reduce the likelihood of contact between poultry and wild birds or infected water sources. Further measures include stricter controls or even bans on movements of domestic poultry, and on wild bird markets. Countries should also ban imports of wild-caught birds from infected areas. Such measures should be introduced worldwide. BirdLife International therefore welcomes the recommendations by the European Commission that surveillance and biosecurity measures at poultry farms in the European Union should be strengthened, and that the Member States and experts have been advised to increase resources and efforts to monitor migratory bird species. “We would like to offer our expertise in the Member States through our Partners and invite the EU state administrations to contact our Partners in country for help especially with the wild bird monitoring programmes,” said Dr Clairie Papazoglou, BirdLife International’s Head of EU Policy,. BirdLife International’s Director of Science, Dr Leon Bennun, stressed the importance of informed and balanced judgement in responses to the threat of avian influenza, and in the public dissemination of information about it. “It is important that discussions of the issues relating to avian influenza should differentiate between the real problems caused by the spread of the disease within bird populations, especially within the poultry industry, and the theoretical risks of a human pandemic.” ENDS Contacts For further information please contact: Ade Long, Communications, BirdLife International, tel: +44 1223 277812 mobile +44 (0)7779 7779018332 email: adrian.long@birdlife.org


[1] BirdLife International is a partnership of people working together for birds and the environment. It promotes sustainable living as a means of conserving birds and all other forms of biodiversity and is the leading authority on the status of birds and their habitats. Over 10 million people support the BirdLife Partnership of national non-governmental conservation organisations and local networks.

[2] There are at least 144 strains of avian influenza, many of which circulate in wild birds at low levels. Most strains are mild and are designated ’Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza‘ (LPAI). But a few ’subtypes’ can cause massive mortality in poultry and are designated ’High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza‘ (HPAI).

Wild birds can also be infected with, and killed by, HPAI viruses. They appear to acquire the virus through contact with infected poultry or with facilities used by them.

Subtype H5N1 evolved in poultry from Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza viruses that were probably acquired from wild birds. Conditions in poultry flocks (such as crowding, and prolonged contact with faeces, saliva and other bodily secretions) keep the viruses circulating as they evolve [3] The current series of outbreaks began in 2003 in South-east Asia , where a dramatic increase in intensive poultry production is sometimes combined with poor hygiene and bio-security in small “backyard” enterprises. Domestic ducks are commonly turned out to feed in rice fields alongside waterbirds during the day, and confined with other poultry at night. Birds from different areas are brought together in networks of poultry markets, and often transported hundreds of miles.

[4] Within south-east Asia , movements of poultry and poultry products are known to have been involved in the virus’s spread among flocks and between countries. Outbreaks in China , Kazakhstan and southern Russia are connected by major road and rail routes. The “transmission routes” between outbreaks in Asia do not follow migratory flyways. Many of these outbreaks also occurred in summer, when birds are moulting and do not fly far.

[5] There are several ways through which H5N1 might be transmitted, including movements of poultry (and feathers), migrating birds, the trade in wild-caught birds, and the movement of soil/mud on wheels and feet. The relative importance of each of these factors in the transmission of H5N1 is unknown, but to date, all outbreaks that have been investigated have been traced back to poultry movements.

Ade Long Head of Communications BirdLife International Wellbrook Court, Girton Cambridge CB3 0NA, UK adrian.long@birdlife.org Tel: +44 (0)1223 279812 Fax: +44 (0)1223 277200


Avian flu on the wing: are wild birds to blame?

21 October 2005 Source: The bird flu H5N1 virus is spreading fast, and the general view presented in the media is that migratory birds are to blame. Yet, writes Dennis Normile in Science, bird experts have been almost unanimously sceptical about this theory. They argue that sick or dying birds cannot fly very far, and that even if they were carrying the virus, H5N1 should already have arrived in places where it has not. Moreover, researchers in the US and China have been monitoring wild birds for several years, looking for healthy birds carrying H5N1. So far, both searches have found nothing. Rather, experts have been arguing that it is human movement of birds that is spreading the disease. Examples include poultry trade and, more unusually, a traveller caught smuggling birds of prey from Thailand to Belgium. Tests showed that these birds were carrying H5N1. But outbreaks among wildfowl in remote corners of China and Mongolia — where movements of domestic poultry have been ruled out as a cause — are forcing some to change their minds. A Chinese team, for instance, is speculating that mildly infected birds could be carrying the virus long distances. As researchers scramble to pinpoint the cause, surveillance remains patchy, and efforts to fight bird flu in Asia is failing to get adequate international funding. Link to full article in Science:



Order Broadens Surveillance Of Internet Users

by Mike Ingram

26 October 2005

In a serious attack on democratic rights, the US government has greatly increased the scope of legislation introduced in 1994, regarding the electronic monitoring of telecommunications providers.

The legislation, known as the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) obliges telephone companies to make it possible for law enforcement agencies to intercept any phone conversations carried out over its networks, as well as making call records available.

The act also stipulates that it must not be possible for a person to detect that his or her conversation is being monitored by the respective government agency.

An order issued by the Federal Communications Commission in August and first published in the Federal Register of October 13 extends the requirement of the 1994 legislation to cover broadband Internet access services, including wireless and voice-over-IP (VoIP) Internet telephony services.

Universities required to comply

The far-ranging implications of this are highlighted in an appeal being prepared by lawyers for the American Council on Education.

The largest association of universities and colleges is preparing to appeal the order before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

According to the New York Times, the universities do not question the government’s right to implement wiretaps but are appealing on the grounds of cost— in excess of $7 billion, according to estimates by some professionals.

But the cost is itself indicative of the extent of the threat to privacy and democratic rights contained in the order.

Universities provide Internet access from hundreds of buildings across campuses and entire cities, including lounges, dorms, classrooms, laboratories, libraries and other areas that offer either wired or wireless Internet access.

Universities already comply with requests by law enforcement officials who produce court orders requiring wiretaps.

At present, this requires them to work with campus officials to single out specific sites and install the equipment needed to carry out surveillance.

The new legislation requires universities to have every Internet access point send all communications to a network operations center, where the data packets could be put together into a single package for delivery to a law enforcement agency.

If this is done, then the government will no longer require the collaboration of campus officials to monitor the activities of students or staff.

The technology will be in place for automatic surveillance from a remote location without the knowledge of either the individuals being monitored or the institution itself.

Beyond the university campus, the order extends the 1994 wiretap provisions to Internet service providers, libraries, airports providing wireless services and municipalities that either provide Internet access to residents or plan to build their own Internet access networks, such as Philadelphia or San Francisco.

CALEA to cover Internet telephony providers

As well as extending CALEA to broadband Internet access providers, the order states, “We conclude that CALEA applies to providers of ‘interconnected VoIP services,’ which include those VoIP services that:

(1) enable real-time, two-way voice communications;
(2) require a broadband connection from the user’s location;
(3) require IP-compatible customer premises question; and
(4) permit users to receive calls from and terminate calls to the PSTN [public switched telephone network].”

This poses huge compliance problems for companies providing so-called peer-to-peer (P2P) services, where communications are not routed through a central server.

Though the legislation requires compliance only from systems that allow connection to the PSTN, it nevertheless requires that on such systems, all calls be wiretappable, not just those interacting with the phone system.

This would potentially require P2P telephone service companies such as Skype to re-engineer its system to make customers wiretappable because it offers the SkypeIn and SkypeOut paid services that permit customers to receive calls from and make them to the traditional phone system.

Skype is the best known of such services, which was recently purchased by eBay for $2.6 billion. The service registers well over 3 million users online at any one time.

The expansion of CALEA to cover VoIP services is the latest in a long line of attacks on democratic rights and civil liberties carried out on the basis of the supposed “war on terror.”

When CALEA was set up in 1994, it explicitly differentiated between telecommunications and Internet services. CALEA originally carried a complete exemption for all “information services.” This was in part a response to broad-based criticisms on civil liberties grounds and concerns that to place such requirements on an emerging technology would stifle innovation and leave American capitalism unable to compete against its rivals.

As the Internet emerged as a mass medium, however, there were increasing attempts by police and intelligence agencies services to undermine such a separation.

The terrorist attacks of 2001 provided the political climate in which this could finally be achieved.

It was demanded that all such concerns be put aside in the interests of the “war on terror.”

On September 13, 2001, just two days after the attacks on New York and Washington, the Senate approved the Combating Terrorism Act, which among other things extended the powers of the FBI and other police agencies to spy on the Internet using new technology to monitor e-mail messages as they pass through Internet service providers.

Previous laws on telephone wiretapping made it relatively easy for the police to obtain the records of incoming and outgoing phone calls, a procedure called “trap and trace,” resulting in a list of all numbers called from or calling to a target location.

A much higher standard of evidence must be met to get an actual wiretap that records the substance of telephone conversations.

In the past, the monitoring of Internet traffic was limited to this more restrictive standard, but with the Combating Terrorism Act, Internet monitoring was treated the same as a trap-and-trace, although the information obtained goes far beyond a simple list of phone numbers.

The expansion of CALEA to require that any institution providing broadband Internet services must implement the technical means to facilitate such spying on an automatic basis is an ominous warning of things to come.

The FCC’s own press release describes the ruling as “the first step to apply CALEA obligations to new technologies and services that are increasingly used as a substitute for conventional services.”

See Also:

Internet privacy threatened following terrorist attacks on US [24 September 2001]

Democratic rights in America: the first casualty of Bush’s anti-terror war [19 September 2001]

The FCC ruling can be found at: http://www.cdt.org/digi_tele/20050923fcc-calea.pdf


Informant: friends2b

DC Inmates 'Tortured,' Mothers Claim

A group of mothers said yesterday that their sons were "beaten and tortured" by guards at the DC jail during several incidents last month in which they were allegedly sprayed with mace, stripped, blasted with water hoses, and dragged from their cells and attacked - all out of the view of security cameras.


A Living Wage: No Longer on the Auto Industry's Agenda

Slaughter: There is only one decent response to these millionaires' proposal to steal workers' livelihoods and pensions: a strike that shuts down the industry nationwide, paid for with the UAW's enormous strike fund. The Big Three have been losing market share to other companies for years and can't afford not to have cars to sell.


Change 1872 Mining Law? Move Causes a Stir

The House Resources Committee passed a budget package Wednesday that would revise the nation's 1872 mining law to let mining companies buy Western land at fire-sale prices as part of a budget plan to raise funds and cut federal spending.


Republicans Try Again to Split Appeals Court in Two

Republicans in Congress are renewing their push to break up the San Francisco-based 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing the nation's largest federal appeals court - the frequent source of rulings that infuriate conservatives - has become too big to be effective.


House Panel Favors Expanded Drilling

In the latest sign of the political jitters on Capitol Hill over high gasoline prices, a House panel voted Wednesday to relax a long-standing federal ban on new oil and gas drilling off most of the US coast and to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration.


Big Brother Award geht an Ticketvergabe der Fussball-WM


The price of the crime

We read it in the newspapers, we hear it on the radio every day, every hour, that hundreds of thousands, nay, millions of chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys are being pitilessly exterminated all over the world. We see them on television running for life, desperately flapping their wings, we hear their cries of terror as they are brutally grasped by men in masks and overalls, piled on top of each other in containers and either gassed or burned alive or thrown into pits and buried alive. And we accept it. There is no outcry, no protest, no scream of indignation. Even the World Federation for the Protection of Animals (WFPA) is keeping quiet. Nobody dares to accuse the administrations who are responsible for this and raise their voices to say out loud that this is not a way to treat sensitive, living beings, and that this is a crime and a heavy collective guilt for which we unfailingly will have to pay.

The price may be the loss of our migratory birds, along with the devastating and unimaginable consequences for the environment and for our own survival.

Migratory birds with their potential to spread avian flue have suddenly become the mortal enemies of man. “Killerenten” – killer ducks – is the name given by a popular Swiss newspaper to the innocent wild ducks and geese that are flying into our lands at this time, day after day, to pass the winter on our lakes. And in certain eastern European countries we can already see hoards of humans roaming about destroying birds nests in panic-stricken fear of some hypothetic virus. In blind and furious determination they are demolishing and burning down nesting areas and barricading all openings to cow sheds with netting and meshing to stop swallows from building their nests under the roofs and beams – a clear death sentence for that already heavily threatened species of birds.

What in heaven’s name has yet to happen before we recognise in our unrestrained consumption of meat and our abject and highly dangerous methods of factory farming the very source of our misery? How much more hardship, suffering and catastrophes still need to occur before we understand that the vile and stupid maxim of “mankind before all else” is leading us to ruin?

October 2005 FRANZ WEBER FOUNDATION, Switzerland

Fondation Franz Weber
1820 Montreux Switzerland Tél. +41 (0) 21 964 42 84 Fax +41 (0) 21 964 57 36


Decision Day: Libby Indictment Likely

White House officials braced for the possibility that Vice President Dick Cheney's top aide would be indicted in the CIA leak case, but held out hope that presidential confidant Karl Rove might escape charges for the time being.


The Agnew Factor: Clearing the Impeachment Path

by Jack Random

Now, as we await the indictments to be handed down by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald in the Plame Gate case, we are stricken by the parallels to Watergate. Yes, Watergate. This is no Monica Gate. This is not the story of over-zealous prosecutors investigating crooked real estate deals or the sexual escapades of the chief executive. At its very core, Plame Gate is the story of an abuse of executive power, involving the critical national security matter of exposing a covert agent for political retribution. The through-line of both cases is the incredible arrogance of the White House...



Scapegoated, Exploited and Preyed Upon: Victims of a Wave of Anti-Immigrant Violence

by Nicole Colson

One of the most brutal murder sprees in recent U.S. history went largely ignored by the media. On the last night of September, six people were killed in their homes in southern Georgia -- five bludgeoned to death with baseball bats and one shot in the head. But because the victims were Mexican immigrants -- most of them undocumented -- they were easy to overlook. That’s why they were victims of these unspeakable crimes, too. In a system that views some people as “illegal” -- and where politicians and their corporate backers want undocumented workers for cheap labor, but don’t want to give them equal rights--immigrants will be scapegoated, exploited and preyed upon. Nicole Colson looks at the consequences of U.S. immigration policies on the lives of undocumented workers...


Fitzgerald Expanded Scope of Inquiry in 2004 to Probe Niger Forgeries

by Jason Leopold

The special prosecutor investigating the outing of a covert CIA agent expanded his probe last year to include intelligence information used by the Bush administration claiming that Iraq tried to purchase yellow-cake uranium from Niger. According to a court filing posted on the website of Patrick Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor investigating who leaked the name of undercover CIA agent to reporters, was interested in questioning New York Times reporter Judith Miller about the CIA agent or whether she discussed Iraq's alleged efforts to purchase uranium from Niger...


The Fitzgerald spinmeisters

Tom Paine
by Russ Baker


"Perhaps by the time you read this, you will know the outcome of Patrick Fitzgerald's inquiries into the so-called Valerie Plame Affair. Perhaps, up until that announcement came or comes, you have resisted planning, oh, say, a, cigarettes-in-prison fund for Karl Rove. But some won't wait. Everyone with a vested interest in minimizing the significance of any outcome -- i.e. anyone who goes down with the good ship Bushypop, from hack legislators to hack pundits to hack political hacks -- has spent the past week or so frantically digging through their chest of hoary excuses. Perhaps it is from a subconscious sense of guilt, perhaps it is just good political sense. Whatever, we're too far along in the public debate about honesty and trust to let the spin go unchallenged. So here are some examples of what we're already seeing, some things we might expect to see, and some reasonable quick-responses to them...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Overspending causes and cure

Washington Times
by Donald Lambro


Perhaps no issue, outside of Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, has angered conservatives more than the growth in federal spending during George W. Bush's presidency. Granted, Mr. Bush began his tenure by effectively slashing more than $1.4 trillion from the government's 10-year revenue projections through his tax cuts. Few of his critics see this as a spending cut, but if those tax cuts had not been passed, that money would have been spent, instead of remaining in the private sector where it fueled investment, job-creation and economic growth. That growth has paid off handsome dividends in the form of increased tax revenues that this year shrank the federal budget deficit by $100 billion. Still, there is no getting around the fact that spending has risen over the last five years, in many areas dramatically. But are the increases excessive or is there a reasonable justification for much of it?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Troops pay cost for Pentagon mismanagement

Frontiers of Freedom
by Diane M. Grassi


Staff Sergeant George T. Alexander, Jr. suffered injuries in an October 17, 2005 explosion in Iraq. He died of his sustained wounds on October 22, 2005 in San Antonio, TX near his home of Killeen, TX. Unfortunately, his death will be earmarked as the 2,000th United States soldier confirmed dead, serving in the War in Iraq. There have also been approximately 12,000 wounded soldiers who have returned home from Iraq and Afghanistan, many of them now permanently disabled. The U.S. military has called upon the media to refrain from making a political issue of the number of dead service members, but it is expected to remain a political hot potato on Capitol Hill...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

One more chance for sound energy policy

National Center for Policy Analysis
by staff


As debate begins in the U.S. Senate on an energy bill, government needs to remove barriers outside of Hurricane Alley that restrict domestic energy production and refining that would benefit consumers, according to NCPA Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett, noting that private firms both prepared for and responded to the recent hurricanes better and with more effectiveness than governments...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How to defeat Big Brother and reclaim your freedom

Strike the Root
by David MacGregor


In 1984, the ordinary people were completely subjugated because of the state's control over information. The control was total. In contrast, the internet bypasses the state information control apparatus. On the 'net, one has access to nonofficial news sources and opinions. It is literally impossible to censor the bulk of what goes on online. ... The internet can be your gateway to personal freedom. Your portal to the real world -- the world without the charade of state power. But you have to want freedom. You have to desire it intensely. If you want to be a prole, that is your choice and your right. But if you want to be FREE, then it's time to wake up and ACT...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No honor or glory


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Important lessons

Common Dreams
by Laurie Beacham and Amber Hard


Today we are appalled by the story told in 'North Country,' a film that chronicles the first class-action lawsuit brought for sexual harassment. The suit was led by Lois Jenson, a single mother trying to provide for her family, who became one of the first women to work at Minnesota's Eveleth Mines. ... Legal experts agree that because of the Eveleth case, for the first time employers across the country instituted policies to protect their employees from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment has not disappeared, but Jenson's legal case has made the workplace safer for women nationwide. Jenson's case was important for another reason. It showed how critical it is that we as Americans, even the most powerless, have the right to go to court when we have been harmed. And especially, it showed how vital the right to file class-action lawsuits can be, particularly for the preservation and enforcement of civil rights. Today these rights are under attack by America's biggest corporations. This year, for example, after enormous pressure from the world's biggest industries, Congress passed a law creating significant limits on class-action lawsuits...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Out of Iraq, now

Raleigh News & Observer
by Stan Goff


"The argument that those who have died will have died in vain is sophistry of the cruelest kind. We do not say when children are killed by drunken drivers that they died in vain. We honor their memories by organizing to ensure that the same thing doesn't happen to others. The way we support the troops -- as human beings, not occupiers -- and honor the memories of those who have already died is to bring them all home, and do it now...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bring on the mother of all judicial battles

Human Events
by Chuck Muth


It's time to right the wrong that was done to Judge Bork. It's time to use this 'swing' seat to right the direction of the Court. A court which reaffirmed special, rather than equal, treatment of minorities in college admissions. A court which said the government can take away your property and give it to someone else for economic reasons. A court which upheld a congressional law infringing on citizens' right to free speech 30 days before an election. A court which is out of control and out of line. If the President does, in fact, nominate someone like that, the left will be loaded for bear. They're gonna kick like mules and bite like crocodiles. It's gonna be an old-fashioned bar brawl, complete with mud, blood and beer. Oh, what a glorious constitutional fight it will be...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Novak report

by Jack Shafer


Robert Novak has only half-kept the vow he made two years ago not to talk about the Valerie Plame case until the Fitzgerald investigation concludes. Seeing as that hour is upon us, I eagerly await his version of events. But Novak won't have an easy time telling his story. Since publishing his infamous July 14, 2003, column that outed the covert CIA officer, Novak has made a mash of it every time he's discussed the subject. Tracking his many inconsistent statements about how and why administration sources leaked Valerie Plame's name to him and whether he would surrender the names of confidential sources have been the liberal watchdogs at Media Matters for America and others. To straighten the record, Novak will need an Ingersoll-Rand DD-70 tandem asphalt roller...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fear of dissent equals fear of freedom

Chillicothe Gazette
by McMasters


Late last month, a junior sociology major at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., silently stationed himself near a military recruiters' table on campus. The student, Tariq Khan, is a Pakistani-American and a four-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He held literature and wore a sign stating, 'Recruiters lie. Don't be deceived.' The recruiters, naturally, were not happy. Some bystanders weren't either. Words were exchanged. Campus police arrived, Tariq Khan was unable to produce identification, a scuffle ensued, and the student, bruised and bloodied, according to one news account, was taken to jail. He will appear in court Nov. 14 on misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and trespassing. ... Protesters off campus run into the same problems. On Sept. 26, 370 anti-war protesters outside the White House were hauled away to jail. Also that day, 41 demonstrators at the Pentagon were picked up and carted off for booking. Officially, authorities cite trespass, disorderly conduct, failure to obtain a permit and similar laws as reasons for arrests, threats of arrest and disruption of such demonstrations. Unofficially, they send a chilling signal that disagreement with government policy or majority opinion can get you in trouble with the law...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Protest limit runs afoul of free speech

Dickson Herald
by Leon Alligood


A resolution approved by the Clay County Commission in Celina was intended to squelch protests at funerals, a not-so-subtle ploy to deter disturbances at the funeral of Sgt. Wesley Tucker, a Clay County soldier who recently died in Iraq. But the wording of the measure that was passed last week, restricting protesters to an out-of-the-way spot at the local sanitation department, appears to put a damper on protests of any kind, whether associated with a funeral or not. That has raised eyebrows among First Amendment advocates...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Avoid Internet-era Big Brother

Des Moines Register
by staff


A federal order would force universities, online-communications companies and cities to upgrade Internet computer networks by spring 2007 to allow easier monitoring of Internet-based phone calls. The order has prompted a host of loud objections: An outrageous price tag. The potential for invasion of privacy. The fear that innovation will be stifled. Congress should listen and revise the law. Law-enforcement officers fighting terrorism and other criminal activity should not face unreasonable obstacles in carrying out court-ordered wiretaps in the Internet era. But law changes also should not impose an unnecessary burden on civil liberties, creativity or the bottom line...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

All the Vice President's Men - All the President's Men

by Juan Cole


As Washington waits on pins and needles to see if Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald hands down indictments, the focus falls on Dick Cheney's inner circle. This group, along with that surrounding Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made up what Colin Powell's top aide, Lawrence Wilkerson, called 'a cabal' that 'on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made.' Cheney is the first vice president to have had, in effect, his own personal National Security Council. This formidable and unprecedented rump foreign policy team, comprised of radical hawks, played a key role in every aspect of the war on Iraq: planning for it, gathering 'evidence' to justify it and punishing those who spoke out against it. It is not surprising that members of that team, and Cheney himself, have now also emerged as targets in Fitzgerald's investigation of the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson to the press, along with Bush adviser Karl Rove... [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


All the President's Men – The Sequel Is Here

A time for reconsideration

by Alan Bock


"From a military or strategic standpoint, to be sure, there's not that much significance to the figure of 2,000 U.S. military personnel -- Staff Sgt. George Alexander Jr., 34, of Killeen, Texas, was the sad milestone, although some will dispute whether he was # 2,000 or 'only' #1,993 -- who have died in Iraq. However, if, as the famed Prussian philosopher of war Karl von Clausewitz famously said, war is simply politics conducted by other means (and vice versa, I might add), the number might have genuine significance. Insofar as wars are inherently political, in a regime with vestiges of democracy, public opinion matters. ... Given that two-thirds of Americans now believe the Iraq war was a mistake, the milestone, especially inasmuch as it was reached the same week officials announced the approval of a draft Iraqi constitution, is likely to have some resonance. The challenge for those who do not relish future wars of conquest or imperial housekeeping is to move the conversation beyond the wisdom of this war to a discussion of a future foreign policy in which war is viewed as an absolute last resort instead of the first-reach option for political leaders with neither military experience nor much interest in the world beyond our borders. Reconsidering the wisdom of this war is the first order of business, of course...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

When patriots dissent

by David Weigel

If you asked the Republicans in 2004, Sen. Russ Feingold was a slow-moving target painting himself ever-brighter shades of red. The Wisconsin Democrat, who had barely won his last election with 51 percent of the vote, was running for re-election in a year the GOP would be marshalling all its forces to win the state for George W. Bush. Republicans had dislodged a number of Democrats in other states by casting them as weak-kneed in the war on terrorism. Feingold was the easiest mark yet: the only member of the United States Senate who had voted against the PATRIOT Act... (for publication 11/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The waiting game

Free Market News Network
by Thomas L. Knapp


OK, I admit it. I've been pinging Google News every 20 minutes or so, all day long. If you're a politics junkie, you've been doing the same thing. Mr. Fitzgerald has us all on tenterhooks. Will there be indictments? How many? Who? Republicans seem to be alternating between pulling their hair out and trying to pretend that it ain't no thang. Democrats aren't disguising their glee -- but they are keeping busy trying to extend the case from the Plame outing all the way to the whole Iraq war rationale...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

With Miers out, what's Plan B?

Christian Science Monitor


President Bush is getting a 'do-over' on his latest Supreme Court pick. White House counsel Harriet Miers's decision to withdraw her nomination electrified Washington Thursday morning, momentarily diverting attention from the intense speculation over possible looming indictments of White House officials in the CIA leak case. The news ignited a burst of speculation: Whom would Mr. Bush nominate next to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor? And would his next choice trigger the kind of battle royale with Democrats over the future of the court that many activists on both the left and the right seem to crave?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

White House braces for probe results



A curious and twisting episode that began in the sixth paragraph of a 2003 newspaper column could culminate Friday in criminal charges reaching to the top echelons of the White House. The special prosecutor in the CIA leak investigation, Patrick Fitzgerald, is expected on Friday to announce the results of his probe, including whether a federal grand jury will issue any indictments, an attorney involved in the case told CNN...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Supreme Court urged to consider Padilla appeal

Houston Chronicle


'Dirty bomb' suspect Jose Padilla has asked the Supreme Court to limit the government's power to hold him and other U.S. terror suspects indefinitely and without charges. The case of Padilla, who has been in custody more than three years, presents a major test of the Bush administration's wartime authority. The former gang member is accused of plotting to detonate a radioactive device...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New subpoenas in DeLay investigation

USA Today


A Texas prosecutor asked Thursday for all e-mail sent and received in 2002 by three indicted associates of U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay as part of an investigation into an alleged campaign finance scheme. The latest subpoenas issued by District Attorney Ronnie Earle request correspondence to and from e-mail addresses belonging to John Colyandro, Jim Ellis and Warren RoBold. He did not ask DeLay to provide e-mails...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

DC: 26 arrested for mourning Iraq dead

Common Dreams


Peace Action joined with other anti war groups in a day of action on Wednesday around the 2,000th unnecessary death of an American soldier in Iraq. Peace Action affiliates, along with allied antiwar groups and coalition partners participated in nearly 2,000 events nationwide. At the White House vigil, hundreds held candles calling for U.S. troops to be brought home from Iraq and for Congress to provide leadership to bring our troops home. Nearly fifty people laid head to toe on the sidewalk in front of the President’s home just like soldiers are laid to rest at Arlington cemetery. Park police arrested 26 mourners at the 'die in' including Cindy Sheehan -- the mother who lost her son in Iraq and camped at Crawford, TX asking the President why...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

White House braces for PlameGate charges

swissinfo [Switzerland]


The special counsel investigating the leak of a covert CIA operative's identity will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EDT (7 p.m. British time) on Friday to discuss the status of the probe, his office said in a statement. The statement said information on the case will be available at noon. The announcement came after the federal grand jury weighing criminal charges over the leak began meeting with special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, with the expectation of criminal charges in the long-running investigation. Legal sources said Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, appeared likely to be charged, and perhaps other officials also. But legal sources said Fitzgerald had informed President George W. Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, that he will not be indicted on Friday, although he will remain under investigation and in legal jeopardy. Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, had no immediate comment. Charges in the case would be the first in a two-year probe that began with an investigation of who disclosed CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Congratulations to our participants for taking the lead in opposing Miers as nothing more than a crony. The People's Email Network did the labor of transcribing the initial conference call where it was stated that any ruling against Bush would be seen as a personal betrayal by both him and Miers, and we posted it for the benefit of the whole community. It was the right thing to do, and the ideological greed of the right wing in helping to scuttle their own candidate will now leave them in a WEAKER position to clamor for another extremist. But only if we continue to demand what the majority of the American people want, a true moderate. We will have another action on this by end of the weekend.


We are starting to do more and more actions for other groups on their own sites, using the power of our dedicated submission server in the background. All the links for other action pages in this alert are examples of how we are helping other activists to achieve their policy objectives, please REVIEW THEM BELOW and support them all.

We are now ready to provide these same services at no charge for any candidate who wants to build a track record of being out there FIGHTING for the people. Having your own action pages now on issue after issue is the MOST powerful way for you to have demonstrated for your constituents come election day that you are an activist who means business. We have the code to empower you to create action pages on both state and nation issues at your own initiative and all you have to do is drop us an email and ask for it.


We have already done five action pages for the John Conyers web site. The latest is a demand to the president that he NOT preemptively pardon those in his administration who are indicted for the acts of treason related to the outing of a critical covert CIA operative. Conyers has already generated 10,000 submissions on this in just the last day or so using the form we created for him. With looming indictments a near certainty, NOW is the time to speak out and tell Bush that no interference in this nonpartisan investigation will be tolerated by American people.



For Velvet Revolution we helped them put together a campaign to support the Rush Holt bill to mandate voter-verified paper ballots and random audits for all elections. This is similar to SB 370 just passed and signed into law in CA, where the organizers of the California Election Protection Network credited the action page we created for them "in large part" for this victory over the opposition of Schwarzenegger's own Republican secretary of state. This proves we can get fair election laws enacted if only the people will speak out.



Dennis Kucinich has put forward a resolution of inquiry to demand access by Congress to all documents from the notorious White House Iraq Group, who rigged the case for war against Iraq. Just today we learn that Libby and Cheney, already implicated in the CIA leak treason scandal, were responsible for withholding evidence of their malfeasance in doctoring up the Powell U.N. speech from a previous Senate panel investigating the perversion of pre-invasion intelligence. With now more than 2,000 of our brave service people dead, it's time we finally got to the bottom of how we were all lied into this war in the first place. Here is the newest action page that Democrats.com created for themselves using our system.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Declaration of Dependence and the Fall of the American Empire

The United States currently has a military presence in 192 nations and troops stationed in 135 of them. This means the United States has a military presence in just over 70% of the world’s nations, making the United States far more influential and widespread than any empire before it.


From Information Clearing House

KPFA's Against the Grain - Iraq Confidential

Interview of Scott Ritter by Seymour Hersh:

The acclaimed journalist interviews weapons inspector Scott Ritter on KPFA's Against the Grain.

Audio. MP3

From Information Clearing House

Scott Ritter and Seymour Hersh: Iraq Confidential

Seymour Hersh and former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter discuss how the CIA manipulated and sabotaged the work of UN departments to achieve a hidden foreign policy agenda in the Middle East.


The Vice President's war on Saddam

In August 2002, Dick Cheney was doing his best to shock the nation into action.


The Real Indictment of Dick Cheney

The Vice President of the United States is actively lobbying for torture right now. Not in the 1800's. Not in the 1950's. Right now.


From Information Clearing House

Cheney, Libby Blocked Papers To Senate Intelligence Panel

Cheney had been the foremost administration advocate for war with Iraq, and Libby played a central staff role in coordinating the sale of the war to both the public and Congress.


Cheney, Libby Blocked Papers to Senate Intelligence Panel

Vice President Cheney and his chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, decided to withhold crucial documents from the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2004 when the panel was investigating the use of pre-war intelligence that erroneously concluded Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.


Mother of slain US soldier arrested in Iraq war protest

US police arrested Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq who has become a prominent war opponent, along with two dozen people for demonstrating without authoritization in front of the White House.


Cindy Sheehan

Sunni Arabs Launch Political Campaign to Kick U.S. Out

' "Our political program will focus more on getting the Americans out of Iraq," Hussein al-Falluji, a prominent Sunni who took part in talks on the constitution, told Reuters. "Our message to the American administration is clear: get out of Iraq or set a timetable for withdrawal or the resistance will keep slaughtering your soldiers until Judgment Day." '


Where is the Grand Inquisitor When You Need Him?

A Dead Civilian a Day Keeps the Terrorists at Bay?

By Jason Miller

"The new doctrine was not one of preemptive war, which arguably falls within some stretched interpretation of the UN Charter, but rather a doctrine that doesn't begin to have any grounds in international law, namely, preventive war. That is, the United States will rule the world by force, and if there is any challenge to its domination---whether it is perceived in the distance, invented, imagined, or whatever--then the United States will have the right to destroy that challenge before it becomes a threat. That's preventive war, not preemptive war."


Picture of the week - L'image de la semaine


Express your disgust that the Bush Administration wants to give the CIA carte blanche to torture people

United for Peace and Justice

Call congress to express your disgust that the Bush Administration wants to give the CIA carte blanche to torture people.

Call members of the House/Senate Conference Committee (listed below) about an important measure banning torture

On October 8, the U.S. Senate took a stand against torture, voting 90 - 9 for an amendment sponsored by Sen. John McCain banning cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees. The amendment, attached to the Defense Appropriations Bill in the Senate, now faces a battle in the joint House/Senate conference committee, the committee that will negotiate the final language in the bill. The House version of the massive military spending bill doesn't include any language banning torture.

The White House, led by Vice President Dick Cheney, is aggressively opposing the amendment. If it were to pass, the CIA would be forced to stop holding an unknown number of prisoners in secret detention centers abroad. Even worse, Cheney is requesting the conference committee to adopt language that would legally authorize human rights abuses and torture by CIA operatives and continue the practice of secret detention centers.

McCain and other amendment supporters would rather pull the amendment than have it weakened.

We can't let that happen. The Bush Administration should not be given the right to run more Abu Ghraib torture centers, where Arabs, Muslims, or others are denied basic rights granted to other human beings.

United for Peace and Justice urges you to call members of the House/Senate conference committee to express your disgust that the Bush Administration wants to give the CIA carte blanche to torture people. Demand that the House and Senate Conference Committee bring the McCain amendment to the floor AS IS - and with NO CHANGES.

Call members of the House/Senate Conference Committee
Members of the House and Senate Conference Committee are listed below. If your Senator or Representative is listed, call their office. If your Senator or Representative is not listed, call one or more of the members marked with *.

The conference committee will decide either to include the McCain amendment as written, to weaken it or to radically rewrite it to endorse torture as the Bush administration wants. Members of the committee are meeting informally this week, so immediate phone calls are necessary.

You can base your calls on these talking points, provided by Amnesty International USA:

Ask them to ensure the Senate anti-torture amendment is retained as is by the conference committee and to encourage the President to sign it into law.

Tell them the United States must stand without exception for the principle of human decency and against the use of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

In addition to a phone call, send an email. This email will reinforce your message, and help UFPJ keep track of the number of phone calls made in response to this alert.

Call members of the House/Senate Conference Committee
Members of the House and Senate Conference Committee are listed below. If your Senator or Representative is listed, call their office. If your Senator or Representative is not listed, call one or more of the members marked with *.

* Stevens, Ted (AK)-202-224-3004 - voted against McCain amendment
* Cochran, Thad (MS)- 202-224-5054 - voted against McCain amendment
Specter, Arlen (PA) - 202-224-4254
Dominici, Pete (NM) - 202-224-6621
Bond, Christopher (MO)- 202-224-5721 - voted against McCain amendment
McConnell, Mitch (KY)202-224-2541
Shelby, Richard (AL) - 202-224-5744
Gregg, Judd (NH) - 202-224-3324
Burns, Conrad (MT) - 202-224-2644

* Inouye, Daniel (HI), Ranking Member - 202-224-3934
* Byrd, Robert C. (WV) - 202-224-3954
Leahy, Patrick (VT) - 202-224-4242
Harkin, Tom (IA) - 202-224-3254
Dorgan, Byron (ND) - 202-224-2551
Durbin, Richard (IL) - 202-224-2152
Reid, Harry (NV) - 202-224-3542
Feinstein, Diane (CA) - 202-224-3841
Mikulski, Barbara (MD) - 202-224-4654

* Young, Bill (FL-10) - 202-225-5961
Hobson, David (OH-7) - 202-225-4324
Bonilla, Henry (TX-23) - 202-225-4511
Cunningham, Randy (CA-50) - 202-225-5452
Frelinghuysen, Rodney (NJ-11) - 202-225-5034
Tiahrt, Todd (KS-4) - 202-224-6216
Wicker, Roger (MS-1) - 202-225-4306
Kingston, Jack (GA-1) - 202-225-5831
Granger, Kay (TX-12) - 20-225-5071
* Jerry Lewis (CA-41) - 202-225-5861

* Murtha, John (PA-12) - 202-225-2065
Dicks, Norman (WA-6) - 202-225-5916
Sabo, Martin (MN-5) - 202-225-4755
Visclosky, Peter (IN=1) - 202-225-2461
Moran, James (VA-8) - 202-225-4376
Kaptur, Marcy (OH-9) - 202-225-4146
* Obey, David (WI-7) - 202-225-3365

http://www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545

Informant: Martin Greenhut

What Do You Know About The Separation of State and Church?


Informant: V L A

Bush Commission


Four short testimonies on four main issues of the day:


In the spirit of Nuremberg, the Bertrand Russell Tribunal, and the World Tribunal on Iraq The Not In Our Name statement of conscience is proud to sponsor this Commission

"When the possibility of far-reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity exists, people of conscience have a solemn responsibility to inquire into the nature and scope of these acts and to determine if they do in fact rise to the level of war crimes " from the Charter The First Session of the 2005 International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration Was Held Oct 21-22! On-line Video will be available later this week.

Barbara Olshansky from the Center for Constitution Rights presents evidence to the panel of jurists, Ajamu Sankofa, Dennis Brutus, and Abdeen Jabara. On the screen is George W. Bush's order to Donald Rumsfeld to use the military to seize U.S. citizen Jose Padilla and hold him outside the reach of the civilian courts.

Excerpt from Ms. Olshanky's testimony: "Immediately after [9/11], people were snatched from their homes all over the United States... On Oct. 26, the USA Patriot Act is passed... On Nov. 13, two weeks later, President Bush issues an executive order creating a military commission, or a trial system, for trying non-citizen detainees... December of 2001 is when George Bush authorizes George Tenet to create the Special Access Program... It is the first official foray into secret detention..."

Annette Addison, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina gives testimony to the Commission.

Excerpt from Ms. Addison's testimony: "I’m struggling. I have nightmares. My heart is broken. I’m aching as I’m speaking right now, because of the suffering. And during the struggle that me and my sister went through in waiting for my son [who was brutalized in Orleans Parish Prison], my sister had two nervous breakdowns when we arrived in Houston, because of the disaster and the way we were treated in New Orleans during this period. Many of my friends died in New Orleans because of this disaster. So I came here to speak freely just to let people know that what happened…So many Army trucks just was driving past us. We even waved for the Army trucks to help us because we were so desperate. We was dehydrated. They did not give us any assistance. We even asked the police for water, and where we could get gas to get out of the city. The police just looked at us like we was nobody, as though we were nothing. Many were going into the stores, and they said they were looters. But to be honest, they was going into stores to survive. It was people helping people. It was not the Army, it was not the police. It was not the ones that were in authority to help us. It was just the community helping each other to survive."

Camilo E. Mejia, GI resistor and member Iraq Veterans Against the War gives testimony to the Commission.

Excerpt from Mr. Mejia's testimony: "When we conducted missions, it became clear that there was no regard for the lives of the Iraqis. We conducted our operations in the cities. There are no trench lines in Iraq. The war is being fought in every corner of that country. Not in the deserts, not in the mountains, but next to the schools, the neighborhoods, the mosques... I could stand here for hours, go on and on about everything that I saw that was wrong. But I think that the main thing that creates violence in Iraq is that there is a sense among the Iraqi people that we are there to stay permanently to occupy and oppress them -- occupy and oppress their land -- and they are resisting that occupation. It does not matter if we have good feelings or we are acting out of fear or we are acting out of frustration. The fact is that we have no right to be there and they realize that…

Ted Glick of the Climate Crisis Coalition gives testimony to the Commission.

Excerpt from Mr. Glick's testimony: "We are in a very deep crisis....What's happening is the melting of glaciers, the melting of the arctic, the melting of the Antarctic, because of the burning of all the coal and natural gas that has gone on since the beginning of the industrial revolution, towards the end of the 19th Century, through the 20th Century.... The likelihood is that sea levels around the world will rise fifteen or maybe twenty feet... Bangladesh is in deep trouble as the sea level rises, which is what's happening as global warming takes place, as ice melts, as the water expands – which is what happens when it warms. Something like thirteen percent of Bangladesh will be inundated with water, and tens of millions of people will be forced to move... When the Environmental Protection Agency listed the potential effects of climate change on it's web site, in 2003, in a document known as the National Assessment on Climate Change, the White House ordered the EPA to remove or alter all references to the dangers of global warming. "

See and hear sections of testimony broadcast by Democracy Now!

Hear audio of other sections as it becomes available.

Join us in building for the Second Session of the Commission hearing in January! Click To DONATE Your contributions will make possible the second session of the Commission in January Please contribute generously. The lives of the people of the world are at stake. Sponsored by Not In Our Name Statement of Conscience


From ufpj-news

Protect Polar Bears


All the President’s Men

by John Tully

On one of the final episodes of HBO’s breathtaking Six Feet Under, a character named Vanessa gently consoles the grieving sister of an Iraqi war veteran who has just committed suicide after losing many limbs. She tells the woman of watching her kids; sleeping; just being. Right then and there it seems to take the woman’s pain and turn it to something beautiful. 2,000 dead soldiers, sailors and Marines, thousands more injured for life, and countless dead innocent Iraqis. It’s too much for the American people. America tortures and kills prisoners of war, lies about its soldiers' deaths, allows its citizens to starve for days after a hurricane and produces its own news. Meanwhile the press breaks a collective arm patting itself on the back for its gut-check Katrina coverage. Too little and too late...


Prosecutor Secures Indictment in CIA Outing Case

Lawyers Say

by Jason Leopold

The prosecutor investigating the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson has secured at least one indictment in the case from a majority of the 23 grand jurors, lawyers and intelligence officials close to the case said Wednesday. The final outcome of Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's 22-month federal probe is expected to end Friday with indictments of White House officials. The situation remains fluid, however, and several new scenarios have developed over the past 48 hours that could delay an announcement, lawyers close to the probe said late Wednesday...


Has America been abandoned by its elites?


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Stop the continual abuse, racism and violence against Native Americans


Informant: Aidger Mono

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price


Please forward

Folks, Please visit http://www.walmartmovie.com right now and buy this movie today. It will ship sometime around November 10, 2005, in time for a massive grassroots phenomenon, beginning on November 13. Join over 4,000 individuals who will volunteer their living room or local community meeting hall to hold a free screening (or three), for your friends, family and neighbors. We can all strike a very potent blow to Mall*Wart.

The film sells for 12.95 and its creator, Robert Greenwald, encourages YOU to make as many copies as you can possibly distribute.

On Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles, Greenwald recently said, "I'd love to see WalMart sell this film at a lower price..."


-------- Original Message --------
Thu Oct 27 16:12:19 2005
From: scotch.democracyinaction.org
by bourbon.democracyinaction.org
From: Robert Greenwald

Well the attacks have begun, no surprise there, but the fact they are attacking so hard, so early and so personally vicious is a sign of how seriously they are treating the film. And they should, the film combined with the expose in the New York Times about their duplicity, they say one thing, they do another, should be a one two punch in the butt of corporate hypocrisy.

And we need your help, they have a high priced, expensive PR machine that is in full throttle. But we have you, so write, call, visit your local newspaper, radio, tv station. Tell them how Wal-Mart has affected you, your family, your job, your health care, your community. Tell them why you are working to host a screening and spreading the word. Show them the trailer and talk them through why Wal-Mart is DEAD WRONG. You can find all the latest on Wal-Mart's Fear and Smear Campaign here:


They just released a video smear job and backgrounder, ON THE TRAILER. And they don't even get the attacks right, claiming snowfall in Ohio proves Wal-Mart did not crush H&H Hardware. The movie is quite clear on what crushed H&H Hardware, and it's got nothing to do with snow. It's a poignant example of the Wal-Mart effect, and you'll all get a chance to see it soon.

The other two attacks on the trailer are nothing but Wal-Mart's multi-million dollar spin machine at work trying to refute very well documented facts about Wal-Mart's discriminatory practices against women and minorities, and their stubborn refusal to pay a living wage.

And now Wal-Mart wants us to take down the trailer! Send a message to Wal-Mart by sending the trailer to everyone you know, and inviting them to a screening.


This is the perfect time to counter them, quickly, strongly and completely. They are spending millions hiring expensive PR firms to fight us because they are scared out of their minds at what you can do. They are messing with the wrong folks, and lets go right back at them. Thanks for your support and your efforts. We have aleady made an impact, and it will grow.

Robert Greenwald producer/director, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

P.S. Just 6 weeks ago, Wal-Mart's top spokesperson, Mona Williams said: "I guess we will pretty much ignore it -- because to all but a handful of anti-Wal-Mart activists, it simply will be irrelevant." Mona guessed wrong.

P.P.S. Check out some extended bonus scenes with a former Wal-Mart manager Weldon Nicholson. He talks about the culture of fear and retaliation. Confessions of a Wal-Mart Hit Man.



Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, the newest film from director and producer Robert Greenwald, will celebrate it's world premiere tonight in New York City before a sold-out audience.

The film takes the viewer on a deeply personal journey into the every day lives of families struggling to fight against a goliath. From a small business owner in the Missouri to a preacher in California, from workers in Florida to a poet in Mexico, dozens of film crews on three continents bring the story of an assault of families and American values. Current and former employees, managers and executives will tell all about the corporation's inner-workings. Wal-Mart is based on individual human beings, all over the world, at all levels of society, telling their story in very personal terms.

CommonDreams.org has teamed up with MoveOn.org, the Center for American Progress, Progressive Democrats of America, CODEPINK, Co-Op America, NOW, Global Exchange and other progressives to help distribute DVDs of Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price via the internet.

Get a copy of the film and show it everywhere you can. Give copies away. Make sure churches, schools, libraries and workplaces all have copies and play them loud and regularly. Call the office of your elected official and ask what they are doing to fight Wal-Mart.

Get your copy for $12.95 here


'The High Cost of Low Price'

New film exposes just how low Wal-Mart will go



Informant: Hopedance

Bush Administration Pushing Domestic Surveillance Envelope




Record Profits Peaking


The School of the Americas (WHINSEC): Military Training and Political Violence in the Americas

School of the Americas Watch - http://www.soaw.org/new/

Vheadline - http://www.vheadline.com Published: Friday, October 28, 2005 Bylined to: Elizabeth Nadeau

US School of the Americas (WHINSEC) is still a terrorist training camp

Minnesota University student Elizabeth Nadeau writes: Being a spin doctor for a well-funded government project is apparently an excuse for the smoke-and-mirrors defense of a military base that has both proven and alleged connections to violations of human rights, democracy and sovereignty that have occurred in the past century in the Western Hemisphere.

It’s curious to me why the School of the Americas, re-named the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation finds it necessary to reply to a piece written by a student journalist at the University of Minnesota.

While we are flattered by Lee A. Rials’ attention, on behalf of the critical community here in the Twin Cities, we don’t buy what Rials is selling.

What threat does SOA/WHINSEC perceive that you rush to respond with your kind offer of an “official tour” and a question and answer session with the very people who are heavily invested in protecting the image of the institution? Could this be part of the strategy that we saw at play in January 2001 when, as the result of legislative action by Congress, the School of the Americas closed down, only to reopen the next day as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation?

The participants and graduates of this school are clearly not intended to be figures in the public spotlight. This is what makes the SOA/WHINSEC’s influence particularly insidious: It serves the interests of certain foreign policy programs in the United States without explicitly being connected to (or accountable to) any official body.

Rials can play with words, but eventually those who seek the truth will find it, and this is why for the past 15 years School of the Americas Watch has been diligently researching and peacefully demonstrating to remove this institution from the taxpayers’ bill and create accountability for those who are trained therein.

It is true that the coup to unseat the democratically-elected Hugo Chavez in Venezuela did not succeed. But this was not for lack of trying.

* The reason the coup did not succeed was that the soldiers in that country recognized the beauty and power of “government by and for the people” and when it comes down to it, no amount of training can unseat the desire for this in the human heart.

Good prevailed in this case ... however, that neither exonerates the SOA nor pardons the actions of those people who have participated in these campaigns. We at the University can discover the truth for ourselves, without even visiting Fort Benning, though many community members will, as we have been doing for the annual vigil every November.

Anthropologist Lesley Gill has written a well-researched book about SOA/WHINSEC after being granted unique access to all aspects of the institution and spent time speaking with SOA/WHINSEC representatives as well as many of the past and present students.

The School of the Americas: Military Training and Political Violence in the Americas is available everywhere, and I would urge everyone to read it. The SOA Watch Web site does have links to the evidence Rials claims is missing, as well as the official rosters of your graduates as released by the institution.

Clearly, SOA/WHINSEC has an agenda to maintain, and a strategy to protect.

But we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. Not only we, the community at the University, but those fighting for sovereignty and rights in Louisiana, Georgia, El Salvador, Venezuela, Iraq and throughout the world.

* Elizabeth Nadeau is a University of Minnesota student.

Informant: Cort Greene

"Ich sehe mich in der Mitverantwortung dafür, den Ausstieg aus der Atomindustrie politisch durchzusetzen, und werde das mir Mögliche dazu beitragen"


Freitag, der 28. Oktober 2005

Die nächsten Tage sind entscheidend Atomlobby macht massiven Druck auf Koalitionsverhandlungen. Wer aus der Atomkraft raus will, sollte dem jetzt etwas entgegensetzen. 7 Möglichkeiten aktiv zu werden.

Eine Vorbemerkung: Bisher wurde im .ausgestrahlt-Newsletter ein eher distanziertes „Sie“ als Anrede benutzt. Wir wollten niemanden vereinnahmen und niemandem zu nahe treten. Doch jetzt, so mein Eindruck, wo in Berlin die Atompolitik auf der Kippe steht, sollten wir AtomkraftgegnerInnen enger zusammenrücken. Deshalb biete ich Ihnen mit diesem Newsletter das „Du“ an, in der Hoffnung dass Du Dich davon genauso oder sogar noch direkter angesprochen fühlst. Denn darum geht es mir: Ich will ganz konkret Dich ansprechen, jetzt aktiv zu werden und hoffe auf Dein Einverständnis und Deine Handlungsbereitschaft. Es kommt auf jede/n an, auch und gerade auf Dich!

Weit mehr als 2.000 Menschen haben inzwischen die .ausgestrahlt-Erklärung unterschrieben und fordern darin die Stilllegung der Atomanlagen. In dieser Erklärung steht auch folgender Satz: „Ich sehe mich in der Mitverantwortung dafür, den Ausstieg aus der Atomindustrie politisch durchzusetzen, und werde das mir Mögliche dazu beitragen".

Ehrlich gesagt: Als wir diese Erklärung Anfang Mai formuliert haben, war uns nicht klar, dass es noch in diesem Jahr einen Zeitpunkt geben würde, an dem es so sehr darauf ankommt, dass möglichst viele Menschen diese von ihnen unterschriebene Ankündigung wahr machen. Jetzt ist dieser Zeitpunkt. Und wir fordern Euch dazu auf, genau jetzt alles euch Mögliche zu tun, um dem Ziel eines wirklichen Atomausstiegs näher zu kommen.

In einer bombastischen Lobby- und PR-Offensive setzt die Atomwirtschaft im Bündnis mit einigen Gewerkschaften, mit dem BDI, dem Industrie- und Handelstag usw. SPD und Union unter Druck, um eine Verlängerung der AKW-Laufzeiten zu erreichen. Noch sind aus der SPD hauptsächlich Stimmen zu hören, die sich gegen Laufzeitverlängerungen oder eine Übertragung von Reststrommengen auf die ältesten Schrottreaktoren wehren. Aber der Druck steigt. Viel zu wenig ist in der Öffentlichkeit dagegen von den Positionen der gesellschaftlichen Mehrheit zu hören, die weder ein Mehr an Atomkraft noch ein weiter so wie bisher, sondern einen wirklichen Atomausstieg wünscht.

Wir alle müssen nun dafür sorgen, dass auch die Stimme derer hörbar wird, denen nicht kurzfristige Profitinteressen, sondern eine lebenswerte Zukunft für unsere Nachkommen am Herzen liegt. In Berlin wird in den nächsten ein bis zwei Wochen die Entscheidung fallen, wie die Große Koalition atompolitisch vorgeht. Nehmen wir gemeinsam aktiv auf diese Entscheidung Einfluss!

Jede/r kann eigene Wege des Engagements gehen. Wir von .ausgestrahlt schlagen Euch sieben konkrete Schritte vor:

1. Komm zur bundesweite Demonstration gegen Atomkraft und für Erneuerbare Energien am 5.11. nach Lüneburg!

Nie war eine Demonstration zu einem besseren Zeitpunkt angesetzt: Unter dem Motto „Atomkraft Nein Danke – Erneuerbare Energien Jetzt!“ ruft ein breites Bündnis von Anti-Atom-Initiativen, Umweltverbänden, Förderern Erneuerbarer Energien, Gruppen aus der Friedensbewegung und den GlobalisierungskritikerInnen von attac zur bundesweite Demonstration in Lüneburg am 5.11. auf.

Beginn ist pünktlich 13 Uhr „Am Sande“ in der Innenstadt, fünf Gehminuten vom Bahnhof. Lasst uns gemeinsam ein deutliches Zeichen setzen, damit die neue Bundesregierung merkt, woher der energiepolitische Wind wirklich weht. Lasst uns von Anfang an klarstellen, dass Merkel, Müntefering und Co keine Ruhe bekommen, wenn sie weiter auf Atomkurs fahren.

Die Zeiten werden kurzlebiger und spontaner. Deshalb entscheiden sich unserer Erfahrung nach viele Menschen erst sehr kurzfristig, ob sie sich an einer Demonstration beteiligen. Deshalb unsere Bitte: Kommt nach Lüneburg! Und nutzt die nächsten Tage, um in Eurem Umfeld ganz kräftig die Werbetrommel für den 5.11. zu rühren. Bildet Fahrgemeinschaften! Verabredet Euch mit FreundInnen, die Ihr schon lange mal wieder sehen wolltet! Schickt E-Mails herum! Telefoniert! Mehr Infos zur Demo gibt es unter


(Last-Minute-Tipp: Anti-Atom-Demonstration in Karlsruhe, 29.10., 13 Uhr, Marktplatz. Infos: http://www.castor-stoppen.de/demo.htm

2. Fordere ver.di-Chef Bsirske zum Umdenken auf!

Mit am meisten Furore hat in der atompolitischen Debatte der letzten Tage die Tatsache gemacht, dass die bisher eher atomkritische Gewerkschaft ver.di in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung mit den Stromkonzernen den Weiterbetrieb der AKWs fordert. Ver.di-Chef Bsirske hat zwar inzwischen allgemein erklärt, er halte am atomkritischen Kurs fest, verteidigt aber im Detail fatalerweise jede einzelne Forderungen der Atomstromer. Das hat nicht nur innerhalb von ver.di zu Empörung geführt. Fordern wir Bsirske dazu auf, seine Unterschrift zurückzuziehen. Schreibt ihm eine persönliche E-Mail an frank.bsirske@verdi.de


3. Unterzeichne den Offenen Brief an die Verhandlungsführer!

Noch ist nichts beschlossen. Fordert mit unserem Offenen Brief die Verhandlungsführer in Sachen Atom Sigmar Gabriel und Klaus Lippold dazu auf, ein Comeback der Atomenergie zu verhindern und sich für einen raschen Atomausstieg einzusetzen! Beteiligt Euch unter:

4. Misch Dich persönlich in die öffentliche Debatte ein! Schreib jetzt Leserbriefe!

Derzeit wird täglich in den Zeitungen vom atompolitischen Ringen in den Koalitionsverhandlungen berichtet. Die Argumente der Atomkraft-Befürworter aus den Stromkonzernen und dem BDI nehmen dabei viel breiteren Raum ein als die Argumente der GegnerInnen. Tragt dazu bei, dass sich das ändert und schreibt Leserbriefe an Eure Tages- oder Wochenzeitung. Schiebt das nicht auf, sondern tut es jetzt, denn jetzt ist das Thema heiß. Noch nie einen Leserbrief geschrieben? Ein besserer Anlass kommt nicht. Kurz und knackig ist besser als langatmig. Wenn Ihr den Leserbrief auch an info@ausgestrahlt.de schickt, können wir Euren Leserbrief auch auf der Homepage veröffentlichen. Bitte gebt an, an welche Zeitung Ihr ihn adressiert habt und ob er dort veröffentlicht wurde.

5. Beteilige Dich an den Protesten gegen den Castor-Transport nach Gorleben vom 19. bis 22. November!

Hin- und Herkutschieren von Atommüll löst das Entsorgungsproblem nicht. Die Castor-Behälter werden in Gorleben oberirdisch in einer Leichtbauhalle gelagert. Der unterirdische Salzstock ist für die Endlagerung denkbar ungeeignet. Trotzdem setzen Union und Teile der SPD weiter auf diesen Standort. Und trotzdem wird tagtäglich weiter Atommüll produziert. Der Protest gegen den Castor-Transport wird zu einem wesentlichen Gradmesser dafür, ob die Bevölkerung die Atompolitik der Großen Koalition mitträgt oder nicht. Merkel wird wahrscheinlich am 22.11. zur Kanzlerin gewählt. Geben wir ihr ein klares Signal mit auf die Reise! Mehr zu geplanten Protesten
unter http://www.castor.de

6. Spende jetzt für die Finanzierung der Aktivitäten von .ausgestrahlt!

In diesen ereignisreichen Tagen versuchen wir vielen AtomkraftgegnerInnen mit .ausgestrahlt die Möglichkeit zum Einmischen zu geben. Das kann aber nur gelingen, wenn viele Menschen mit kleinen und großen Spenden dazu beitragen, dass .ausgestrahlt handlungsfähig bleibt.

Spendet mit dem Webformular unter https://www.campact.de/atom/donate oder überweist auf folgendes Konto: Campact e.V., Konto 698 100 0040, Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, BLZ 251 205 10, Stichwort: "ausgestrahlt".

Eingehende Spenden werden ausschließlich für die gemeinsame Kampagne .ausgestrahlt verwendet. Die Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar. Für Spenden bis 100 Euro reicht dafür der Abbuchungs- oder Überweisungsbeleg. Für Spenden über 100 Euro schicken wir Euch im Januar nächsten Jahres selbstverständlich eine Spendenbescheinigung zu.

7. Mache andere auf .ausgestrahlt aufmerksam!

Wir können nur dann erfolgreich sein, wenn jede/r Einzelne möglichst aktiv wird und wenn wir möglichst viele aktive Einzelne sind. Deshalb muss die .ausgestrahlt-Kampagne noch bekannter werden. Dazu gibt es zwei einfache Möglichkeiten: Zum einen kannst Du diese Mail an Menschen weiterleiten, von denen Du annimmst, dass sie sich für einen wirklichen Artomausstieg einsetzen wollen. Zum anderen gibt es auf
http://www.ausgestrahlt.de/atom/help/home diverse Möglichkeiten, andere auf .ausgestrahlt hinzuweisen.

In der Hoffnung, dass all unser Bemühen Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg führt

grüßt Euch aus dem schönen Wendland

Jochen Stay

Fitzgerald could torpedo the whole administration

An Activism Alert from the Cultural Workers Consort...

Below is a fwd that arrived to me via the good people at United for Peace & Justice. I have left on it the original opener from UFPJ's Bob Reuschlein and then the actual article from Actspeak which includes a link for you to submit your name to not only this petition but, (if you wish) for Actspeak to send in your own statement to local papers in your area. I am not familiar with this organization, but in the groundswell of activism coming out of the (soon to be) constitutional crisis occuring, I am sure many new groups will be popping up. This one seems to be doing some good work already. Viva impeachment!

In Solidarity,

John Pietaro

-----Forwarded Message----- From: Bob Reuschlein Sent: Oct 28, 2005 6:58 AM To: ufpj-news Cc: madpeace-discuss Subject: [ufpj-news] Fitzgerald investigation

Very advanced thinking here. Ray McGovern on Joy Cardin's show today said Steven Hadley was in Italy one month before the Niger forgeries about yellowcake "appeared" there, and Fitzgerald is even investigating that. We now know that Bush knew about (he got angry at them) the Rove and Libby "outing" of Valerie Plame two years ago, so he has been perjuring himself all along, covering it up. Too bad Bush jr. didn't have Nixon around to warn him. Fitzgerald could torpedo the whole administration. Bob Reuschlein


As always we feature the action link first, this one to call for the impeachment of George Bush


There is a storm of historic proportions headed for the United States, one that will make Hurricane Wilma (also en route) look like a small splash in the pond by comparison. It's been building and gathering strength in the increasingly hot waters of the Special Counsel's office for almost two years, and in a matter of days it may lay waste to the entire political infrastructure of Washington, D.C., from one end to the other.

We start with the understanding that the crime of the century (so far) has taken place in Iraq. Lies and forged evidence duped the American people into waging preemptive war against a country that posed no threat to us -- all for the cynical and greedy purpose of enriching a handful of the Bush administration's closest cronies. In the process, over 100,000 people have been senselessly murdered and maimed, including many thousands of our own service people. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been looted from the treasuries of two countries, mostly our own. Even worse, many believe that the attack of 9/11 was not only foreseen by the inner circle of our government, but that orders for a deliberate "stand-down" allowed it to occur. Why? So that the horrific resulting tragedy would justify all that followed.

The magnitude of these crimes is so monumental that their perpetrators were obsessed with suppressing any evidence of it. They ruthlessly smeared all critics, purging and intimidating any dissenting voices. For them the treasonous acts of exposing (and thereby destroying) one of our most critical intelligence assets (a front company secretly working to prevent the spread of WMD), were just another day's collateral damage. Having lied successfully for so long, having corrupted their mainstream corporate media lap dogs, and having made eunuchs of many in the "opposition" party, they considered themselves unassailable. Such arrogance has seldom been equaled.

What they did not count on was Patrick Fitzgerald. The letter which appointed him as Special Counsel granted to him the "authority of the Attorney General . . . independent of the supervision or control of any officer of the Department." Careful to confirm the extent of his mandate, he further inquired and was advised that

"[It] is plenary and includes the authority to investigate and prosecute violations of any federal criminal laws related to the underlying alleged unauthorized disclosure, as well as federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, your investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted . . ."

"Plenary" means "absolute and unqualified." In a word, Fitzgerald has all the power of the attorney general, the top law enforcement officer of the federal government himself, to pursue the facts wherever they may lead. It therefore appears he now possesses his own authority, and cannot be legally removed from his position, even by Bush. He has his own operating budget too, direct from the GAO.

For the criminal purposes of the Bush administration, Patrick Fitzgerald is their worst nightmare come true. He is a career prosecutor with a reputation for being not only "frighteningly" brilliant but fearless, and with a driving passion for determining the truth, their most mortal enemy. Indeed, the fastest way to get Fitzgerald's fur up is to try to lie to him as a witness. See, he's a workaholic already, and liars just make him work harder. And if you've committed a federal crime like maybe . . . oh gee, maybe like perjury . . . says an old attorney friend, "Pat Fitzgerald's gonna get ya." Oh, and did we mention that he always goes for the person at the top of the conspiracy?

For those who are still trying to get their minds around the possible indictment of Rove and Libby, now a near certainty, consider that no one in the Bush camp is capable of telling the truth under any circumstances. As for Bush himself, one of his Harvard Business School professors said that Dubya was "famous" in his class for being a "pathological" liar. Bush has known all along who the leakers were, and he's been lying all along. Fitzgerald interviewed Bush for over an hour, and it's unlikely that he told the truth in any respect. Bad move, George. Fitzie don't play that.

But wait, you say; that interview wasn't under oath. Try telling that to Martha Stewart who just got out of prison from her conviction for deceiving an investigator. Likewise with Dick Cheney. Even if two of his bag men had not cut deals with Fitzgerald already. And as for those who did testify untruthfully to the grand jury under oath, ask Li'l Kim what heinous lie she told to keep her in federal prison for a year. All she did was deny that she knew somebody that she did, in fact, know.

So let's put it together. We have a president who seems unable to tell the truth. We have an independent prosecutor of immaculate integrity who will not tolerate a lie. The INESCAPABLE conclusion is that Bush will be indicted, along with each and every member of his administration who participated in this. There has been talk on the web of 22 indictments. Rove and Libby -- (that's two), add two for Hannah and Wurmser (already cooperating but not given immunity), plus Bush and Cheney -- that gets us up to six . . . why don't we just say conservatively for the purposes of the pool . . . that 12 people will be indicted.

Besides perjury (and false statements), Fitzgerald has conspiracy and obstruction of justice to pick from as well, and those are just a couple of the technical crimes. Remember that he has the authority to pursue this investigation wherever it leads, and he is driven to do just that. He was born for this. Among other things, he requested from the Italian authorities the files on the forging of the Niger documents themselves. That was what Joe Wilson's trip was all about. And why they were so compelled to "out" his wife in the first place in their clumsy attempt to discredit him. What do you think the chances are that the most zealous prosecutor they could have appointed won't get to the bottom of that one, too? He may even expose what really happened on 9/11. Wouldn't that be the "coup de grace"?

So what happens next? What happens if Bush tries to preemptively pardon everyone, INCLUDING himself? Even Nixon wasn't that shameless. But don't put it past Bush to trigger the greatest constitutional crisis of all time. There are a couple of wrinkles involved here, beyond even the public outroar that would result. The constitution states that the president has the power to pardon "except in Cases of Impeachment." That's why it is important that you act now to demand the impeachment of

Bush for all the high crimes and misdemeanors that he has committed already. In the end it may be the only way to restrain him.

TAKE ACTION NOW AT http://www.actspeak.com/impeach.htm

If Bush tries to pardon himself AND cling to power, expect winds of historic intensity for change. And in the center of it all there will be a vacuum of power. For those politicians who have shown no courage so far, this will be their last chance! Don't be surprised to see the conspirators running to Roberts, their latest crony appointment, to try to find a way out. And eternal shame on any member of the senate who lets that one slide without demanding each and every document that could help reveal the truth.

Or to get no more simply email to no_more@actspeak.com


Well, I don't want to get my hopes up, or anyone else's, but as long as others have shared articles from www.tomflocco.com , here's the latest that was e-mailed to me.


Earlier today the District of Columbia Appellate Court threw out a Bush administration suit against its own Justice Department, attempting to block the issuance of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's indictments against White House officials.

For the article, see:

D.C. Appellate Court throws out Bush suit against DOJ to block Fitzgerald indictments



From ufpj-news

The Million More March

Here is the link for Part 1 of the Million More March.

Here is the link for Part 2 of the Million More March.

FREE Download : Real Alternative 1.43 - Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install the RealPlayer/RealOne Player.


Informant: Dan Gonzales



Mr. "Bring ‘em on" - 2001 US Dead in Iraq


We are coming for the corrupt: Time to choose sides




Official GAO Report Confirms "Irregularities" In Voting Machines May Have Improperly Elected Bush

MWM: Wow. Now here is some first class ammo for the revolutionary brigades.

http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19 Election 2004

Powerful Government Accounting Office report confirms key 2004 stolen election findings by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman October 26, 2005

As a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling.

The latest critical confirmation of key indicators that the election of 2004 was stolen comes in an extremely powerful, penetrating report from the General Accounting Office that has gotten virtually no mainstream media coverage.

The government's lead investigative agency is known for its general incorruptibility and its through, in-depth analyses. Its concurrence with assertions widely dismissed as "conspiracy theories" adds crucial new weight to the case that Team Bush has no legitimate business being in the White House.

Nearly a year ago, senior Judiciary Committee Democrat John Conyers (D-MI) asked the GAO to investigate electronic voting machines as they were used during the November 2, 2004 presidential election. The request came amidst widespread complaints in Ohio and elsewhere that often shocking irregularities defined their performance.

According to CNN, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee received "more than 57,000 complaints" following Bush's alleged re-election. Many such concerns were memorialized under oath in a series of sworn statements and affidavits in public hearings and investigations conducted in Ohio by the Free Press and other election protection organizations.

The non-partisan GAO report has now found that, "some of [the] concerns about electronic voting machines have been realized and have caused problems with recent elections, resulting in the loss and miscount of votes."

The United States is the only major democracy that allows private partisan corporations to secretly count and tabulate the votes with proprietary non-transparent software. Rev. Jesse Jackson, among others, has asserted that "public elections must not be conducted on privately-owned machines." The CEO of one of the most crucial suppliers of electronic voting machines, Warren O'Dell of Diebold, pledged before the 2004 campaign to deliver Ohio and thus the presidency to George W. Bush.

Bush's official margin of victory in Ohio was just 118,775 votes out of more than 5.6 million cast. Election protection advocates argue that O'Dell's statement still stands as a clear sign of an effort, apparently successful, to steal the White House.

Among other things, the GAO confirms that:

1. Some electronic voting machines "did not encrypt cast ballots or system audit logs, and it was possible to alter both without being detected." In other words, the GAO now confirms that electronic voting machines provided an open door to flip an entire vote count. More than 800,000 votes were cast in Ohio on electronic voting machines, some seven times Bush's official margin of victory.

2. "It was possible to alter the files that define how a ballot looks and works so that the votes for one candidate could be recorded for a different candidate." Numerous sworn statements and affidavits assert that this did happen in Ohio 2004.

3. "Vendors installed uncertified versions of voting system software at the local level." 3. Falsifying election results without leaving any evidence of such an action by using altered memory cards can easily be done, according to the GAO.

4. The GAO also confirms that access to the voting network was easily compromised because not all digital recording electronic voting systems (DREs) had supervisory functions password-protected, so access to one machine provided access to the whole network. This critical finding confirms that rigging the 2004 vote did not require a "widespread conspiracy" but rather the cooperation of a very small number of operatives with the power to tap into the networked machines and thus change large numbers of votes at will. With 800,000 votes cast on electronic machines in Ohio, flipping the number needed to give Bush 118,775 could be easily done by just one programmer.

5. Access to the voting network was also compromised by repeated use of the same user IDs combined with easily guessed passwords. So even relatively amateur hackers could have gained access to and altered the Ohio vote tallies.

6. The locks protecting access to the system were easily picked and keys were simple to copy, meaning, again, getting into the system was an easy matter.

7. One DRE model was shown to have been networked in such a rudimentary fashion that a power failure on one machine would cause the entire network to fail, re-emphasizing the fragility of the system on which the Presidency of the United States was decided.

8. GAO identified further problems with the security protocols and background screening practices for vendor personnel, confirming still more easy access to the system.

In essence, the GAO study makes it clear that no bank, grocery store or mom & pop chop shop would dare operate its business on a computer system as flimsy, fragile and easily manipulated as the one on which the 2004 election turned.

The GAO findings are particularly damning when set in the context of an election run in Ohio by a Secretary of State simultaneously working as co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign. Far from what election theft skeptics have long asserted, the GAO findings confirm that the electronic network on which 800,000 Ohio votes were cast was vulnerable enough to allow a a tiny handful of operatives -- or less -- to turn the whole vote count using personal computers operating on relatively simple software.

The GAO documentation flows alongside other crucial realities surrounding the 2004 vote count. For example:

The exit polls showed Kerry winning in Ohio, until an unexplained last minute shift gave the election to Bush. Similar definitive shifts also occurred in Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico, a virtual statistical impossibility. A few weeks prior to the election, an unauthorized former ES&S voting machine company employee, was caught on the ballot-making machine in Auglaize County Election officials in Mahoning County now concede that at least 18 machines visibly transferred votes for Kerry to Bush. Voters who pushed Kerry's name saw Bush's name light up, again and again, all day long. Officials claim the problems were quickly solved, but sworn statements and affidavits say otherwise. They confirm similar problems in Franklin County (Columbus). Kerry's margins in both counties were suspiciously low. A voting machine in Mahoning County recorded a negative 25 million votes for Kerry. The problem was allegedly fixed. In Gahanna Ward 1B, at a fundamentalist church, a so-called "electronic transfer glitch" gave Bush nearly 4000 extra votes when only 638 people voted at that polling place. The tally was allegedly corrected, but remains infamous as the "loaves and fishes" vote count. In Franklin County, dozens of voters swore under oath that their vote for Kerry faded away on the DRE without a paper trail. In Miami County, at 1:43am after Election Day, with the county's central tabulator reporting 100% of the vote - 19,000 more votes mysteriously arrived; 13,000 were for Bush at the same percentage as prior to the additional votes, a virtual statistical impossibility. In Cleveland, large, entirely implausible vote totals turned up for obscure third party candidates in traditional Democratic African-American wards. Vote counts in neighboring wards showed virtually no votes for those candidates, with 90% going instead for Kerry. Prior to one of Blackwell's illegitimate "show recounts," technicians from Triad voting machine company showed up unannounced at the Hocking County Board of Elections and removed the computer hard drive. In response to official information requests, Shelby and other counties admit to having discarded key records and equipment before any recount could take place. In a conference call with Rev. Jackson, Attorney Cliff Arnebeck, Attorney Bob Fitrakis and others, John Kerry confirmed that he lost every precinct in New Mexico that had a touchscreen voting machine. The losses had no correlation with ethnicity, social class or traditional party affiliation---only with the fact that touchscreen machines were used. In a public letter, Rep. Conyers has stated that "by and large, when it comes to a voting machine, the average voter is getting a lemon - the Ford Pinto of voting technology. We must demand better."

But the GAO report now confirms that electronic voting machines as deployed in 2004 were in fact perfectly engineered to allow a very small number of partisans with minimal computer skills and equipment to shift enough votes to put George W. Bush back in the White House.

Given the growing body of evidence, it appears increasingly clear that's exactly what happened.

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d05956.pdf GAO Report

Revised 10/27/05

Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman are co-authors of HOW THE GOP STOLE AMERICA'S 2004 ELECTION & IS RIGGING 2008, available via http://freepress.org and http://harveywasserman.com . Their WHAT HAPPENED IN OHIO, with Steve Rosenfeld, will be published in Spring, 2006, by New Press.

Best Wishes, Michael Wells Mandeville,
The Hills of Arizona USA at mwman@earthlink.net

Need for Drastic Changes in Food Aid


To the media industry: "Show the War, Tell the Truth!"

Join Us In A "Show The War, Tell The Truth" Campaign

"If You Believe in What You Are Doing, Give Me Your Stiffest Sentence, If You Don't, Then Resign"


Cindy Sheehan

The Loss of Utopia


Fat? Over 40? Don't Bother Applying for a Wal-Mart Job


Exxon Mobil Posts New Record for Profit


Bush Aides and Allies in Congress Work on Strategies to Counter the Blow if White House Officials are Indicted


Coverage of Americans Wounded in Iraq War Leaves US Media Hurting


Rich Nations are Accused of Giving 'Nothing'


Halliburton belügt Arbeiter aus asiatischen Ländern

Halliburton/KBR belügt Arbeiter aus asiatischen Ländern über ihren Einsatzort

Die "Chicago Tribune" hat in einem zweiteiligen Artikel die Geschichte von 12 nepalesischen Arbeitern verfolgt, deren Ermordung durch bewaffnete islamische Kräfte weltweit Schlagzeilen machte. Die Halliburton Tochterfirma KBR hatte sie über ein Subunternehmen, eine Anwerbefirma - wie viele aus dem ärmsten Regionen vor allem Asiens - ins Land geholt, um Aufräum- und Reinigungsarbeiten zu leisten. Sie unterschrieben allerdings einen Vertrag zur Arbeitsaufnahme - in einem Hotel in Amman. Diese glaubliche Geschichte des freien Unternehmertums hat Dave Zweifel in "The Madison Capital Times" weiter verfolgt - und festgestellt, dass die ganze mafiöse Unternehmung auch noch aus Steuergeldern finanziert wird. Der (englische) Bericht "Halliburton's New Low in Treachery" von Dave Zweifelin der "The Madison Capital Times" vom 17. Oktober 2005, gespiegelt bei "Truthout":


Aus: LabourNet, 28. Oktober



Who forged the 'yellowcake' documents?


U.S. Representative McKinney Censored in Congress


Informant: Sasha Karlik

Mediterranean to suffer most in Europe due warming


Global Warming: The Signs and The Science


Informant: NHNE

Will the Bush Administration Implode?


The Beginning of Universe Politics


Aide to Cheney Appears Likely to Be Indicted, Rove Under Scrutiny

October 27th, 2005 11:04 pm

Aide to Cheney Appears Likely to Be Indicted; Rove Under Scrutiny
By David Johnston and Richard W. Stevenson / The New York Times

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 - Associates of I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, expected an indictment on Friday charging him with making false statements to the grand jury in the C.I.A. leak inquiry, lawyers in the case said Thursday.


October 27th, 2005 11:14 pm

Cheney, Libby Blocked Papers To Senate Intelligence Panel
By Murray Waas / National Journal

Vice President Cheney and his chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, overruling advice from some White House political staffers and lawyers, decided to withhold crucial documents from the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2004 when the panel was investigating the use of pre-war intelligence that erroneously concluded Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, according to Bush administration and congressional sources.


October 27th, 2005 11:28 pm

White House Fears Indictment for Libby
By Pete Yost and John Solomon / Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Working against the clock, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald weighed criminal charges against top presidential aides at the end of a two-year investigation that put the White House in a state of high suspense Thursday night.

The Hadley-Pollari meeting was a "courtesy call" that lasted fewer than 15 minutes and "no one present has any recollection of yellowcake being discussed or documents being provided," Jones said.

Hadley would later approve using similar information about the alleged uranium purchase in President Bush's key speech that made the case for going to war, even though the CIA had reservations about its accuracy. Hadley later apologized when it was learned the Italian documents were fakes.


Informant: John Calvert

Why we rely too much on the military

Sir, Yes, Sir!

Alan Bock on The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced By War, by Andrew Bacevich.


The Epic Crime That Dares Not Speak Its Name

Remember the Nuremberg Tribunal?
John Pilger on aggressive war.


Confessions of a Right-Wing Peacenik


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Hands Off Syria: Stop the foreign-policy lunacy


The Macabre Cycle of the Human Herd


True Confessions


The Ethics of Aggression: spare us, Col. Boylan


Wal-Mart Warms to the State


CAMPAIGNERS in Kentish Town have lost their fight against a mobile phone mast

Read my text: rail users get new line

28 October 2005
Caroline McClatchey

CAMPAIGNERS in Kentish Town have lost their fight against a mobile phone mast which will allow rail commuters to chat uninterrupted.

Mobile phone giant O2 has been granted permission to install a 10-metre high pavement mast - the borough's first - in Bartholomew Road.

02 made the application after commuters travelling on Silverlink trains near Kentish Town complained of a poor signal.

It means there will be two masts - Orange has already put one up - just yards from each other.

Campaigner Annie Moser from Gaisford Street said: "We are extremely disappointed. There were obvious problems such as the look of it and where it's going to be placed. There's also the health risks which the planning department don't take into account.

"It's near several schools and Cantelowes Park, which Camden Council is spending lots of money on.

"A safe and unseen service in the tunnel, using proven picocell systems and broadband technology, is the obvious answer and this could be done most efficiently by the networks cooperating.

"But there has been no effort by the council to bring the mobile networks together."

More than 130 residents signed the petition against the O2 mobile phone mast last month.


U.S. totally unprepared for disaster


Informant: NHNE


Speicherung von Telefondaten geplant


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Zehn Prozent aller Handys sind in Kinderhand


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Kinder und Mobilfunk

Appeal for support: Kevin Benderman imprisoned at Fort Lewis


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Grand Jury Hears Summary of Case on CIA Leak Probe

The down-to-the-wire moves in Fitzgerald's investigation have made for a harrowing week at the White House, where officials are girding for at least one senior administration official to be indicted, according to aides.


Driving Blind as the Deaths Pile Up


Fabricated Links?

A CIA report casts new doubt on links between Iraq and al Qaeda. Plus, tensions between FBI Director Bob Mueller and his predecessor, Louis Freeh.


Bush Melt Down: So What's New?


Fabrikation der Beweise für den Irak-Krieg

Möglicherweise werden heute oder in den nächsten Tagen hohe Regierungsvertreter im Weißen Hauses von einem Sonderermittler wegen Geheimnisverrats angeklagt, eigentlich aber geht es um die Kriegslügen der Bush-Regierung.


Searching the Weapons of Mass Disinformation

Ronda Hauben

The Internet and the Ongoing Investigation into the White House Leak Probe.


Honoring the Fallen

Cindy Sheehan writes that "Juan, Beatriz Saldivar and Julie Cuniglio, who have all had loved ones killed in this war, had brought pictures of their dead loved ones with them to Arlington. We were told by the administration of the cemetery that they couldn't take the pictures into the cemetery because they were "political statements!!"


Informant: John Calvert

Cindy Sheehan

Conservatives give Bush an earful

San Francisco Chronicle
by Cinnamon Stillwell


Leftist Bush-bashing is certainly nothing new, but recently the president has been getting an earful from his right flank as well. For some time now, a lively debate has been raging among conservatives over a variety of Bush administration policies and decisions. For conservatives, criticism of the Bush administration centers not so much on style than on substance. Unlike the left's scattershot attacks, the president's appearance, past habits or religious beliefs are unlikely to figure in the equation. Disagreement exists over the war in Iraq, but conservatives are largely united in the belief that the war on terrorism is the preeminent struggle of our lifetime. Instead, contentiousness tends to center on domestic and security issues on which the administration seems inconsistent...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hold your elation in check

by Joshua Frank


[B]efore you get too excited about a potential Bush collapse and a Rove resignation, let's not forget that their accomplices, many of the same folks so excited about the potential charges, will still be lurking. If Republican power topples in the next few years, the party waiting in line to replace them has no plan to change the crooked course in Iraq. The enabling Democrats aren't about to be held accountable for embracing the scandalous neocon agenda, either. Even if the Democrats miraculously take back the Senate and make in-roads in the House of Representatives in the 2006 mid-term elections, nothing in Iraq will change. The neocon policies will persevere...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ten questions and answers, with Karen Kwiatkowski

Unknown News
by Don Nash


Q. How would you describe current military and civilian leadership at Defense for all branches of U.S. service? A: Politicized, emasculated, obedient to the bureaucracy and ignorant of the Constitution. There may be exceptions, but I can't think of any among those still serving...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bust this state, Mr. President

Human Events
by Terence P. Jeffrey


When he signed the Homeland Security funding bill last week, President Bush vowed to track down illegal aliens inside the U.S. and enforce the law against employers who hire them. 'If somebody's here illegally, we've go[t] to do everything we can to find them,' said Bush. 'We've go[t] to crack down on employers who flout our laws.' Well, I have two pieces of information the President might find useful. The first is that I know where he can get excellent intelligence that could help DHS agents simultaneously find a great many illegal aliens and crack down on employers flouting the law. The second is that if DHS uses this information it may well end up busting a state government for hiring illegal aliens...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Democratic Party's indefensible position on Iraq

The Mix
by Cenk Uygur


Democrats blame the Bush administration for misleading the country into war, and then when given the opportunity to say they would have done otherwise, they refuse. They say they would have done the same thing. I'm trying to not get angry, but this is as frustrating as it gets. Is there no one who will speak up for us? Is there no one who will speak reason in this country? These sadly misguided Democrats think they're being 'strong' by saying they would still have authorized the invasion of Iraq knowing what they know now. In fact, they're being painfully weak. No one would mistake their vacillating position for strength. Strength is having the courage of your convictions. And fighting for what you believe...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is the conservative movement dead?

Intellectual Conservative
by Vincent Fiore


Principally -- and that is the optimum word here -- conservatives wonder what has happened to the bedrock principles of conservatism that were founded and nurtured during the 1950s through the 1990s? Has the pioneering work of such conservative icons as Buckley, Reagan, and Gingrich gone for naught, in this, the beginning of what was supposed to be GOP dominance for decades to come? Right now, the political reality would seem to say exactly that. Reinforcing this belief -- or head-shaking disbelief -- among conservatives and Republicans in general recently were two of its most astute and prolific members, Robert Bork and Bruce Bartlett...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Republicans promised to change the culture

Pigging out
Town Hall
by John Stossel


The Republicans promised to change the culture. Democrats sold panic. 'Don't vote for them! They're going to shrink government and take away your favorite programs!' They needn't have worried. The Republicans got elected, but if the Democrats' goal was to expand the government, they were the real winners. Once Republicans were in power, they started spending money even faster than the Democrats did. Big spender Ted Stevens responded to Coburn's good suggestion to kill a 'Bridge to Nowhere' with a tantrum on the Senate floor: He threatened to resign and 'be taken out of here on a stretcher.' Good! Sen. Stevens, please go. I'll even help carry the stretcher. Unfortunately, Congress has an unwritten code: 'Don't threaten the other congressmen's loot.' The Senate reprimanded Coburn by voting 82 to 15 to save the Bridge to Nowhere...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The suppression of dissent

Strike the Root
by Jim Davies


[T]he Federal Government has demonstrated with abundant clarity that whenever its financial survival is at stake, it will not hesitate to ignore any paper restraints that may stand in its way, and will use its monopoly over what passes for 'justice' for its true purpose, which is to provide a veneer of morality over its monstrous exercise of raw power...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's October surprise

by Tom Engelhardt


As for the implosion of this administration, we have no idea what implosion would actually mean under the present circumstances. Even with a Republican Congress partially staffed with the American version of the Taliban, will whatever unravels over many months or even years, post-Fitzgerald indictments, lead to hearings and someday the launching of impeachment proceedings? Or is that beyond the bounds of possibility? Who knows. Will this administration dissolve in some fashion as yet undetermined? Will they go down shooting (as, points out Robert Dreyfuss in a striking if unnerving piece at TomPaine.com, they already are threatening to do in Syria)? Will Daddy's men be hauled out of the pages of the New Yorker magazine and off the front lines of moneymaking and called in to save the day? Again, who knows. (Where is Bush family consigliere James Baker, anyway?)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

FBI infractions since 9/11 raise civil liberty concerns

Christian Science Monitor


On Sept. 26, 2002, a Special Agent in the FBI's Pittsburgh office had an 'uh oh' moment, according to newly disclosed bureau records. The agent had been in continual contact with a potential counterintelligence source since March. But under FBI rules, that contact required proper authorization -- and the paperwork OKing the operation had expired in July, a detail the agent had overlooked for several months. The extended communications hadn't amounted to much -- one e-mail scheduling a security briefing, and two others that were social in nature. But under agency rules the violation had to be reported up the chain of command, all the way to then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, and Ret. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, chairman of the Intelligence Oversight Board. ... This mistake -- though inadvertent -- may have been far from an isolated case. Records released this week indicate that the FBI has investigated hundreds of possible violations of the laws that govern secret surveillance operations...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Court issues surveillance smackdown to DoJ

Electronic Frontier Foundation News


Agreeing with a brief submitted by EFF, a federal judge forcefully rejected the government's request to track the location of a mobile phone user without a warrant. Strongly reaffirming an earlier decision, Federal Magistrate James Orenstein in New York comprehensively smacked down every argument made by the government in an extensive, fifty-seven page opinion issued this week. Judge Orenstein decided, as EFF has urged, that tracking cell phone users in real time required a showing of probable cause that a crime was being committed. Judge Orenstein's opinion was decisive, and referred to government arguments variously as 'unsupported,' 'misleading,' 'contrived,' and a 'Hail Mary'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

All US passports to be RFID chipped



All US passports will be implanted with remotely readable computer chips starting in October 2006, the Bush administration has announced. Sweeping new State Department regulations issued on Tuesday say passports issued after that time will have tiny RFID chips that can transmit personal information including the name, nationality, sex, date of birth, place of birth and digitised photograph of the passport holder. Eventually, the government contemplates adding additional digitised data such as 'fingerprints or iris scans'...


Homeland Security implements rule on digitized passport photos
Gov Exec


A Homeland Security Department rule that went into effect Wednesday requires visitors from certain countries to carry passports with digital photos and punishes carriers that transport people to the United States without the new passports. Under the rule, the 27 countries that are part of the U.S. Visa Waiver Program must issue their citizens passports with digitized photographs, rather than photos that are glued or laminated onto the document. The requirement comes as part of U.S. efforts to crack down on the use of fraudulent passports and close a loophole that DHS officials say could be exploited by terrorists...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

DeLay acknowledges failure to report legal fund donations



Tom DeLay failed to comply with House requirements that he disclose all contributions to a defense fund that pays his legal bills, the Texas Republican acknowledged to House officials. He wrote officials that $20,850 contributed in 2000 and 2001 was not reported anywhere. Another $17,300 was included in the defense fund's quarterly report but not in DeLay's 2000 annual financial disclosure report -- a separate requirement...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cheney leads White House fight against torture ban

Houston Chronicle


Congressional negotiators are feeling heat from the White House and constituents as they consider whether to back a Senate-approved ban on torturing detainees in U.S. custody or weaken the prohibition, as the White House prefers. Led by Vice President Dick Cheney, the administration is floating a proposal that would allow the president to exempt covert agents outside the Defense Department from the ban...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senators in GOP Voice New Doubt on Court Choice

The drumbeat of doubt from Republican senators over the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet E. Miers grew louder Tuesday as several lawmakers, including a pivotal conservative on the Judiciary Committee, joined those expressing concerns about her selection.


The Strange Saga of Cheney and the "Nuclear Threat"

Jim Lobe: What still remains to be fully grasped is the wider pattern of propaganda that underlay the administration's war effort - in particular, the overlapping networks of relationships that tied together so many key figures in the administration. Why do I think that Cheney moment on March 24, 2002 - that particular barrage of statements about Saddam's supposed nuclear program - remains so significant today, in light of the Plame affair?


Miers Withdraws as Supreme Court Nominee


Council powerless to prevent phone mast getting taller

Oct 27 2005

More than 20 objection letters were sent to Bracknell Forest Borough Council about mobile phone giant 02's scheme to extend its mast at the junction of Cressex Close and Terrace Road South.

Bracknell MP Andrew MacKay also wrote to support objectors against the scheme, which was to replace the current 12-metre mast disguised as a telegraph pole with a 12.5-metre one to include 2G technology.

Objectors had concerns that the mast would be:

* damaging to neighbours' health n too close to a school and a residential area

* ugly and affect the village's character

* an inappropriate location.

Objectors also said the extra equipment cabin would block drivers' views at the junction.

Binfield and Warfield councillor John Harrison told Thursday's planning and highways committee that the new mast was opposed by many residents and the parish council.

He said: "It will certainly affect the amenity of local residents by virtue of the anxiety it will cause them in that it is already causing them real worry."

He also said that the original mast was designed like a telegraph pole to blend into the background, but that the new mast would be "more visually intrusive".

And he said that an extra equipment cabinet could block drivers' views going around the bend in the road.

But planning committee chairman Cllr David Worrall said that argument was invalid because the cabinet would be further away from the corner and therefore would not affect road safety.

He said: "There are very limited powers by the council when dealing with masts to siting and design.

"The siting has been already virtually taken care of because there's one already there.

"I see no alternative but to go along with the officer's recommendation for approval."

The committee unanimously approved the application.


051027 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


ConocoPhillips Profit Rises 89% to Record $3.8 Bln

ConocoPhillips, the No. 3 U.S. oil company, said third-quarter profit jumped 89 percent to a record $3.8 billion as supply disruptions and rising demand lifted prices to unprecedented highs.


From Information Clearing House

China, Russia Oppose U.S. Threat to Punish Syria Over Hariri

China and Russia oppose the U.S. proposal to threaten Syria's government with economic punishment for refusing to cooperate with a United Nations probe of the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.


Russia opposes UN action on Syria:

Russia, a long-term ally of Syria and a permanent Security Council member, has the power to veto any draft resolution.


Mike Whitney: Assassinations in Lebanon:

Syria poses no threat to America's national security. We have no dog in this fight. The real threat is those who now operate freely within the foreign policy establishment, using the US military to further their own self-serving objectives of controlling Middle East oil.


Old whine, new bottle:

The UN ‘report’ on the assassination of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese PM, bears all the hallmarks of yet another set-up, no doubt ‘inspired’ by US pressure as part of the build-up to yet another Middle Eastern ‘adventure’.


From Information Clearing House

Dialectics of the Plame Affair

The neocon-dominated Bush administration opted for generalized Southwest Asian war after 9-11. "S.H. and U.B.L.; things related and unrelated," penned Rumsfeld the day after. The meaning of this shorthand is clear in retrospect: the administration would use the opportunity to link unrelated phenomena, most notably Iraq (S.H. = Saddam Hussein) and al-Qaeda (U.B.L. = Usama bin Laden), but also 9-11 with a whole range of unfriendly forces that could be targeted in the new situation.


From Information Clearing House

Italian faces pre-war intelligence probe

The head of Italy's military secret services will be questioned by a parliamentary commission next week over allegations that his organization gave the United States and Britain disputed documents suggesting that Saddam Hussein had been seeking uranium in Africa, officials said Tuesday.


Michael Ledeen’s Fingers in the Niger Yellowcake:

Some of us, those who pay attention, have suspected for some time the fraudulent Niger yellowcake documents—so crudely slapped together as to be laughable—are tied to Michael Ledeen, the neocon’s neocon, who is connected to the neofascist Italian military intelligence agency, SISMI.


From Information Clearing House

The new Pentagon papers

A high-ranking military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the truth to drive the country to war.


Prosecutor in leak case seeks indictments against Rove, Libby, lawyers close to case say

Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has asked the grand jury investigating the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to indict Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and Bush’s Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, lawyers close to the investigation tell RAW STORY.


Grand Jury in CIA Leak Case Adjourns:

The federal grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA officer's identity met for three hours Wednesday with Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald and his deputies, adjourning for the day without announcing any action.


Leak grand jury meets prosecutor:

The federal grand jury investigating the leak of a covert CIA operative's identity met on Wednesday with special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald amid signs the prosecutor was preparing to seek criminal charges.


Indictments in CIA leak ‘about to be handed down’:

On Tuesday night, news reports, supported by a source close to the lawyers involved in the case, said that target letters to those facing indictment were being issued, with sealed indictments to be filed today and released by the end of the week.


CIA leak illustrates selective use of intelligence on Iraq:

The grand jury probe into the leak of a covert CIA officer's name has opened a new window into how the Bush administration used intelligence from dubious sources to make a case for a pre-emptive war and discarded information that undercut its rationale for attacking Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Legalized Torture, Reloaded

Cheney's proposal - Would give the president the power to allow government agencies outside the Defense Department (the administration has in mind the C.I.A.) to mistreat and torture prisoners as long as that behavior was part of "counterterrorism operations conducted abroad" and they were not American citizens.


Detainee says he wishes to die

A detainee on a hunger strike at the U.S. prison for terrorism suspects at Guantánamo Bay wants a judge to order the removal of his feeding tube so he can be allowed to die, one of his lawyers said Tuesday.


Saddam's defense team wants to put Bush on trial

"We shall contact international and Arab lawyer associations and will put forward the proof allowing for a trial of the criminal Bush at the same time as the fake trial takes place in Iraq," Saleh Armouti told a meeting of the Amman-based Saddam defense committee.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern To Introduce Bill Ending Funding For Iraq War

As the number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq reaches 2,000, U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) this week will introduce legislation to prohibit the use of taxpayer funds to deploy United States Armed Forces to Iraq.


Civil war is a U.S. option in Iraq

The U.S. is now in fact feeding violence in Iraq by using the country’s disparate sectarian, ethnic and religious factions in a way that will eventually help it realize some of its aims of coming to Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan plans arrest to protest Iraq war

Cindy Sheehan, said that she planned to be arrested outside the White House on Wednesday to protest against US troops presence in Iraq as US military deaths hit 2,000.


Cindy Sheehan

A war without casualties? A war where only the evil get hurt?

Bitter Fruit: A photo essay on the soldiers killed in Iraq:

From Information Clearing House

We Burn Corpses, Don't We?

War Crimes in Afghanistan

By Erid Ruder

For the people of Afghanistan, fed up with U.S. atrocities and support for regional warlords, there's growing talk of ejecting U.S. troops--just as the former USSR's military was kicked out in 1989 after a decade of occupation. "Their future will be like the Russians," said Zahidullah, a resident of Kabul.


What Reagan Started, Bush Is Finishing

by David Martin

After eight years of the Gipper, four years of Bush I, eight years of Republican Lite under Clinton, and five years of Shrub, we see the truth of the Reagan Revolution. The gradual withering away of the welfare and regulatory state has not unleashed the American entrepreneurial spirit. Rather, it has set loose the predatory greed of the 19th century robber barons, the class cannibalism of Social Darwinism, and the winner-take-all rapacity of laissez faire capitalism.


Excellent dossier de vulgarisation du mensuel gratuit

Biocontact "Ondes et Santé" n°151 Octobre 2005

The Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act would make it impossible for anyone to seek compensation or pursue any legal action whatsoever


Informant: Paul

Dozens of secret gulag detention centers are operating completely without oversight and hold an undetermined amount of prisoners


Imminent Execution Based on Flawed Conviction


Tax Cuts: Report Finds Much Harm, Little Good


License to Abuse Would Put CIA Above the Law


How Ruling Powers Distort Morality So That It Does Not Restrain


Casualties of a War a World Away


Plamegate: Worse than Watergate


For Whom They Toll


Dozens of Abu Ghraibs


Katrina Survivors Refuse to Be Forgotten


2000th U.S. Death in Iraq Sparks 'Bring Them Home' Protests


Cheney Looms Large in Latest Twist of CIA Leak Drama


Wal-Mart Memo Suggests Ways to Cut Employee Benefit Costs

An internal memo sent to Wal-Mart's board of directors proposes numerous ways to hold down spending on health care and other benefits while seeking to minimize damage to the retailer's reputation. Among the recommendations are hiring more part-time workers and discouraging unhealthy people from working at Wal-Mart.


Congress Weighs Overriding Organic Ruling

Food producers are asking Congress to change standards for organic food to allow synthetic and non-organic ingredients after a strict court ruling reduced their options.


Wilderness Bill Is Another Teapot Dome

Conservationists oppose the White Cloud-Boulder Mountains Wilderness bill because of the pork attached to it. The bill brings with it giveaways of federal land to municipal and county governments that would start a destructive precedent knowing no bounds.


Gas Taxes: Lesser Evil, Greater Good - The automobile, a wound for our planet

Cheap gas is no longer compatible with a secure nation, a healthy environment or a healthy economy, says the NYT. A gas tax would encourage conservation and keep profits away from the Saudis and other producers while providing funds to invest in alternative energy and replace SUV gas guzzlers with more efficient vehicles.



All Car, No Future

It's up to the government to reduce our dependence on the automobile, a wound for our planet, argues the assistant mayor of Paris.


Only US Seeks to Justify Torture

Human Rights Watch said that under President George W. Bush, the United States has become "the only government in the world to claim a legal justification for mistreating prisoners during interrogation."


FEMA Extends Michael Brown's Contract by 30 Days

Rep. Gene Taylor, D-MS, whose coastal district was among the hardest hit by Katrina, told Chertoff at a House hearing last week that it was a "gross mistake" to have put Brown in charge of the agency in the first place. "He doesn't deserve to be on the government payroll," Taylor said.




Informant: NHNE

Daily death fear for US soliders in Iraq


Informant: Steven L. Robinson

From ufpj-news]

Powerful Government Accounting Office report confirms key 2004 stolen election findings


Informant: NHNE

Troubled world full of missiles

Cameron Miller woefully failed to deliver the goods on the Peacekeeper missile in his Oct. 14 column.

This system was tested four times at Vandenberg AFB from July through September in order to collect data for an upgraded system, a refurbished Minuteman III that will carry one 600-pound nuclear weapon. The refurbished Minuteman IIIs will have improved guidance system reliability, and will be contained in the existing 500 silos placed throughout the Midwest.

The upgraded Minuteman III is expected to remain in service until 2020, at which point it will be replaced by a new missile design. The range is expected to be about 10,000 kilometers.

Our friend Russia has also worked to improved ICBM's precision and lethality. On Sept. 27 of this year, Russia launched the first test flight of the new Bulava ballistic missile, which it claims is capable of evading our ground-based midcourse missile defense and is equipped with hypersonic maneuverable warheads.

Other nations, too, continue to test missiles as we increasingly become a troubled world riddled with missile weapons. We may be at a dangerous point in our civilization. Don't worry, though. Relax, grab a bag of popcorn, and pop the movie “The Day After” in your video/DVD player. Warning: You may not be able to sleep.

Sheila Baker
San Luis Obispo


Bush's 16 Words Exposed as Blair's Big Lie


Vice President for Torture


Vice President for Torture

The Washington Post: Vice President Cheney is aggressively pursuing an initiative that may be unprecedented for an elected official of the executive branch: He is proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans. He will be remembered as the vice president who campaigned for torture.


Aides to Be Indicted, Probe to Continue


Peace activists to "die symbolically" outside white house


Cindy Sheehan

Bush Doomed, The Republican Party Is Shipwrecked

Blumenthal: Bush Doomed, The Republican Party Is Shipwrecked - Important Dossier On the Historical Creation Of The Mess


Bush has so thoroughly destroyed the Republican establishment that no one, not even his dad, can rescue him now.

By Sidney Blumenthal Pages 1

Oct. 27, 2005 | There is no one left to rescue the Republican Party from George W. Bush. He is home alone. The Republican-establishment wise men whose words were once quiet commands are shouting unheeded warnings. The Republican leaders of Congress are distracted and obsessed with their own
http://www.salon.com/opinion/conason/2005/09/30/GOP_corruption/index.html crises of corruption.

Suspended House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is under indictment for criminal campaign practices while Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for insider stock trading in his family-owned Hospital Corporation of America. The only revolt brewing in the Senate is on the right against President Bush's nomination of his White House legal counsel, Harriet Miers, to the Supreme Court; some Republican senators fear her potential for secret liberal heresy despite the president's protestations of her conservative purity.

On Aug. 7, 1974, three Republican leaders of Congress made a fateful journey down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. Sen. Barry Goldwater, tribune of the conservative movement; Sen. Hugh Scott, the stalwart minority leader from Pennsylvania; and Rep. John Rhodes, the minority leader in the House, informed President Richard Nixon that as a result of the Watergate scandals he must resign the presidency in the interest of the country and the Republican Party. Two days later, Nixon quit.

On Nov. 25, 1986, Attorney General Edwin Meese announced at a White House press conference that tens of millions of dollars from illegal sales of weapons to Iran had been siphoned to Contra guerrillas in Nicaragua by a far-flung conspiracy centered in the National Security Council. National Security Advisor John Poindexter immediately resigned and NSC military aide Oliver North was fired. Within the next month, President Reagan's popularity rating had collapsed from 67 to 46 percent; it did not recover until a year and a half later, in May 1988, when he negotiated an arms control treaty with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and traveled to Moscow to declare the Cold War over. After the revelation of the Iran-Contra scandal, Reagan purged his administration of right-wingers and neoconservatives in particular. The Republican establishment in all its aspects took control. Former Sen. Howard Baker, who had been the Republican leader at the Watergate hearings, became White House chief of staff; Colin Powell was named national security advisor; neocon protector and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger was forced out and replaced by pragmatic bureaucratic player Frank Carlucci; and Secretary of State George Shultz was given charge of foreign policy in order to negotiate terms with Gorbachev.

The storm enveloping President Bush is a consequence of his adoption of the vicious smear tactics of the Nixon political operation, learned there by Karl Rove, who was called as a witness to testify about them before the Watergate inquiry, and of Bush's elevation to power of the neoconservatives removed by Reagan and excluded from office by Bush's father. Bush is haunted by the history he insisted on defying.

The elements of the Republican establishment that Bush brought into his first administration as a sort of symbolic tribute were gone by his second. By their nature, these people are discreet, measured and private. It is not their impulse to voice disagreement in public. Their sweeping and emotional jeremiads against what Bush has wrought are extraordinary not only in their substance but in having been made at all. Those expressing their disquiet about Bush are more than simply losers in bureaucratic struggles for primacy of place. Once representative of the heart and soul of the Grand Old Party, they are historical castaways. They stand for another Republican Party that has been supplanted by Bush's version.

Paul O'Neill, the former CEO of Alcoa, was shocked at the degradation of policymaking he witnessed as Bush's first secretary of the Treasury. He had anticipated that the councils of government under Bush would be no different from those he had experienced as an economic aide under Nixon. Nixon had rigorously insisted on objective analysis, hearing all sides and considering all options. In Cabinet meetings, O'Neill wrote in his memoir, "The Price of Loyalty," Bush was like "a blind man in a roomful of deaf people." The White House struck back at O'Neill by falsely charging him with leaking classified materials and subjecting him to an investigation, which had the desired effect of silencing him. In retrospect, the accusation of leaking classified information can only appear ironic.

Christine Todd Whitman, former Republican governor of New Jersey, was stunned by her denigration and the suppression of science when she was Bush's first director of the Environmental Protection Agency. After her resignation, she compared Bush unfavorably to Reagan, who, she said, "didn't reach out in a way that indicated that there was no room for others." Whitman's book, http://www.salon.com/books/review/2005/01/27/whitman/

"It's My Party Too," was a meek plea for attention from the "social fundamentalists" she claimed had seized control of the family firm. She would not name names, as though she might have another go at riding the tiger that had already devoured her.

John Danforth, for 18 years a U.S. senator from Missouri, served briefly before resigning as Bush's ambassador to the United Nations. He did not stipulate the reasons for his departure, but he did publish an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times on March 30 of this year decrying how "Republicans have transformed our party into the political arm of conservative Christians." The GOP, he wrote, has become "a party that has gone so far in adopting a sectarian agenda that it has become the political extension of a religious movement." Danforth, an old friend of George H.W. Bush's, lamented the loss of the party's heritage: "Our current fixation on a religious agenda has turned us in the wrong direction. It is time for Republicans to rediscover our roots." Danforth was replaced at the U.N. not with a believer in old-fashioned bipartisan internationalism but with John Bolton.

Lawrence Wilkerson, the former head of the Marine War College who had served as chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, revealed the inner struggles of the Bush administration http://www.salon.com//politics/war_room/2005/10/20/wilkerson/index.html
in a speech before the New America Foundation on Oct. 19. A "Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal" ran U.S. foreign policy for a president "not versed in international relations and not too much interested." Wilkerson defined the Bush doctrine as "cowboyism." Condoleezza Rice as national security advisor was "extremely weak" and more interested in "her intimacy with the president" than in acting as an honest broker. Cleaning up after Bush's tarnishing of America's image in the world was an impossible task. "It's hard to sell shit," said Wilkerson.

Powell, Wilkerson's principal, has remained publicly quiet since his September outburst, in which he said that his speech before the United Nations arguing the case for the existence of WMD and an invasion of Iraq, which subsequently was revealed to be filled with disinformation, was a "blot" on his record and continues to be "painful now." Behind the scenes, however, Powell has been active in countering the Bush torture policy, which he opposed from the beginning. Powell sent personal letters and made telephone calls to Republican senators urging them to support the amendment to the military appropriations bill that would end the torture policy. As a result of Powell's lobbying, 90 senators voted for it. It was a stinging rebuke to Bush, who has threatened to veto the entire military appropriations package if the amendment is attached.

Brent Scowcroft, perhaps more than anyone else, personifies the realist, bipartisan Republican tradition of internationalism. He is also the former national security advisor to the elder Bush and among his closest friends. President Bush dismissed him early this year from the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, having ignored his advice through the first term. Scowcroft's candid views appear in an article in the current issue of the New Yorker, in which he details his rejection by Bush at length. "I don't want to go there," Scowcroft replied when asked about the difference between the father and son. He said dismissively of the Iraq policies of a leading neoconservative, former Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, "He's got a utopia out there." On Cheney, Scowcroft sounded perplexed: "The real anomaly in the Administration is Cheney. I consider Cheney a good friend -- I've known him for thirty years. But Dick Cheney I don't know anymore."

But Scowcroft the foreign policy mandarin may not have been exposed to the partisan Cheney when he served as secretary of defense in the administration of Bush Sr. He may have missed Cheney's tenure as a representative in the House leadership, where he compiled a far-right voting record and, as House minority whip during the 1980s, was the hidden hand behind the rise of Newt Gingrich and his band of radicals. When he was slated to be Bush's running mate, it was widely assumed that Cheney would act as a stabilizing and moderating presence. Only those who understood his congressional career knew of his affinities with the radical right, his vengeful instincts and his mean-spiritedness. His emergence at the center of the "cabal" now under investigation by special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald should not surprise those who have penetrated his avuncular image to see the hard man beneath. Cheney was not the substitute father figure but the false father.

Bush's highhanded treatment of the few Republican moderates of his first term all but eviscerated what was left of the establishment that once controlled the party. The story of the old party's fall from grace and Bush's part in it is a well-known bildungsroman, a family saga that begins with the father.

The son of Prescott Bush, a patrician moderate Republican senator from Connecticut and a Wall Street investment banker, George H.W. Bush traveled to Texas to make his fortune in the wildcat oil industry. He was hardly a roaring success, but he took up his father's line of work, getting elected to the House from suburban Houston. It was then that he opened the negotiations of his Faustian bargain. His father had been the head of the United Negro College Fund; he and his wife were prominent members of the local chapter of Planned Parenthood. But George Bush Sr., seeking political advantage in Texas, declared his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Bush spent the next decade advancing himself as a consummate Republican loyalist in positions ranging from chairman of the Republican National Committee under Nixon to Gerald Ford's CIA director and United Nations ambassador. After losing the Republican presidential nomination to Ronald Reagan in 1980, he swallowed his criticism of Reagan's supply-side nostrums as "voodoo economics" when he became his running mate.

The Faustian negotiations deepened. In 1988, he ran for president as Reagan's anointed successor. Faltering on his own, with unenthusiastic backing from Reagan's evangelical supporters, he ran a series of nativist and racially charged attacks on his Democratic opponent. Bush won that election with the right-wing Republican base voting for him but still doubtful of his authenticity. As president his compromises on taxation and realism in foreign policy led to their open disillusionment.

His son George lost his first campaign for the House from Texas, tainted by association with his father, who was tarnished by the right as a member of the Trilateral Commission international conspiracy. From then on, Bush was never outmaneuvered on his right flank. His political field marshal, Karl Rove, managed the right wing for his benefit. The Faustian bargain of the father became business as usual for the son.

Now the old establishment is faded. Its remnants largely consist of his father's superannuated retinue. Not even the old Texas establishment in the person of James A. Baker III, Bush's father's field marshal and the former secretary of state (among his many official posts), who managed the Florida contest that gave the presidency to the son, is welcome in this White House.

The Republican Party after Bush, minus its traditional establishment, threatens to become the party of its irreducible base, the party of the old Confederacy and the sparsely populated Rocky Mountain states. But this base, however loyal and obsequious to Bush, regardless of any crisis, does not offer statesmen to step in to handle his shaken White House.

A sharp reversal of policy and turnover in personnel are the only actions that may enable Bush to salvage the shipwreck of his presidency, as they did for Reagan. But bringing in the elders, even if they could be summoned, would be psychologically devastating to Bush, a humiliating admission that his long history of recklessness and failure, from the Texas Air National Guard to Harken Energy, with rescue only through the intervention of his father and his father's friends, has reached its culmination.

Best Wishes, Michael Wells Mandeville,
The Hills of Arizona USA at mwman@earthlink.net

Iran-Contra II?


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Bush nominated Ben S. Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board


Informant: Lew Rockwell


Monetary Policy in a World of Mobile Capital


Bernanke and the Bubble

Paul Krugman writes that by Bush administration standards, the choice of Ben Bernanke to succeed Alan Greenspan as chairman of the Federal Reserve was just weird. For one thing, Mr. Bernanke is actually an expert in monetary policy, as opposed to, say, Arabian horses.


The GSE Crisis


The Secret Government Implodes


Future Shock at the Fed


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Losing Ground

We are the majority and we are everywhere

Make your voice heard now...Been up all night sending the last press release "Open Letter To O'Reilly" to all the media in Washington

I'm not finished but I wanted to get all of you to follow suit with an email blitz

I'm pasting the last press release here for those who misssed it

What ever you say please demand truth behind 911 and the fact Iraq had no connections what so ever to the demolition of the Twin Towers...

War for lies and we are the enemy...Demand safety for the war protesters...Let them know you count and hold them accountable.

I know O'Reilly will be the talk of his peers in media as well as all media in Washington.

I'm positive that we're all going to be the talk, too...Especially in Washington.

Use the following signature so everyone sees we are everywhere and put it to them...Use your own words and not my press release...They all have it or will and need hear from you too>>>

"We The People United Movement"

We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

Our day has come!

Shoot them with bullets of truth coming from all directions at the same time...Ask everyone you know to join in the blitz.

That other site for media and elected officials I sent you did not work for me...It always had before but this time they wanted a code and it kept saying I entered wrong numbers and to try again...over and over again.

This one will work better anyway>>>

Click here: WASHINGTON NewsConnect - Washington state daily newspapers and televison news stations

> http://tinyurl.com/cdqr3

This is a little...no...it's very time consuming because each paper has so many on staff.

You need paste your message in each persons email to make this work...and there's a lot.

This will insure that all will have "US" and O'Reilly on their minds and tongues...Big Time!

Here's our introduction and demands to the media...I added a preface that wasn't on the original press release sent to you as you will see...So if you read it already...Be sure to see the added note.

Here it is>>>

We would like to align with you...We want you to know we exist...We are 300 groups that network throughout cyberspace...We have no idea how many groups, organizations or individuals we actually pyramid out to...We average 200,000 as total members combined before networking out to where we can't track.

A multitude of VIP's are standing with "US" that are separate from the groups...Radio Hosts, Legal Eagles and every issue important to the people is represented.

Very Important Patriots and Very Important People are among our activists...We are willing to show you, we are many...

Will you will join forces and efforts with "US"?...This last press release is being sent for your review and hopefully use.

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga falls, Ohio


Date: 10/27/2005 1:42:17 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mofmars3
To: postman@truthout.org

Dear Group Owners and Activists...No matter what cause you represent now is the time to come together.

It's time to shake the very foundations of earth with the loud voice and strength "We The People" now realize we have.

This is a press release I'm sending as an open letter to Bill O'Reilly and the challenge he asked for and said he would not back down from.

Thank those of you who are joining in these blitzes because he mentioned tonight how people are sending to other networks just to smear and embarrass him.

So let's all help and encourage our members to join in this one, please?

We all will return the favor for your specific cause or issue in due time, if you will join forces with "US" now.

Let's all shoot bullets of truth at them big time this time...Forward to all you know and add your own comments.

I will not detail every word and the mistakes Bill made this time...No time to bloviate more than necessary.

Tonight Bill O'Reilly interviewed Tim Graham from the Media Research Center<<<so called far right...and he also brought my attention to Media Matters<<<so called left, which I suggest you google them both and possibly add them to your own media lists.

You have to email them from their sites.

For you diehards>>>Click here: all media, newspaper and magazines

> http://tinyurl.com/9lbt

Don't forget>>> Click here: News Hounds: We watch FOX so you don't have to. http://www.newshounds.us/

"We The People United Movement"

We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand".

Subj: ***Open Letter To Bill O'Reilly***
Date: 10/27/2005 12:24:24 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mofmars3
To: Oreilly@foxnews.com
CC: dowd@nytimes.com, Frank Rich frrich@nytimes.com, action.news@organizerweb.com, 19tips@woio.com, bfinnell@raycommedia.com, pkrugman@Princeton.EDU, akingaction@abcactionnews.com, Today@NBC.com, WT@nbc.com, viewerservices@msnbc.com, warstories@foxnews.com, abramsreport@msnbc.com, 19Latest@daily.misleader.org, pjnyden@wvgazette.com, ellengoodman@globe.com, shadowland@newsweek.com, news@reedbusiness.com, REvans@mercurynews.com, JHubner@Mercurynews.com, Malibunews@malibutimes.com, Margolis@foreigncorrespondent.com, jim.mills@foxnews.com, latenight@nbc.com, tdp@nt.net, letters@nypost.com, Moneyline@CNN.com, cushman@nytimes.com, evening@cbsnews.com, weekends@cbsnews.com, tonightshow@nbc.com, Questions@MSNBC.com, Joe@msnbc.com, Question@msnbc.com, MTP@NBC.com, Crossfire@cnn.com, Wolf@CNN.com, CapReport@cnbc.com, Reliable@cnn.com, newsroom@bergen.com, Jeff.newsstand@cnn.com, Rwallace@herald.com, Arobinson@herald.com, babingtonc@washpost.com, newhnews@ncia.net, Letters@prospect.org, letters@cmonitor.com, inquirer.letters@phillynews.com, letters@detnews.com, dheidt@citynet.net, DYJackson@tribune.com, SKuczka@tribune.com, pbriant@globeandmail.ca, ddefenoyl@globeandmail.ca, op-weblog@guardianunlimited.co.uk, features@independent.co.uk, valley@latimes.com, business@latimes.com, ventura@latimes.com, metrodesk@latimes.com, news-tips@nytimes. com, the-arts@nytimes.com, bizday@nytimes.com, metro@nytimes.com, national@nytimes.com, washington@nytimes.com, online.editor@thetimes.co.uk, rcribb@thestar.ca, foreign.news@thetimes.co.uk, dbrazao@thestar.ca, ldiebel@thestar.ca, 2020@abc.com, thisweek@abc.com, mike@mikemalloy.com, rrhodes@airamericaradio.com, info@alternativeradio.org, info@alternet.org, talk2us@americasblackforum.com, feedback@ap.org, newsonline@bbc.co.uk, BTBTALK@aol.com, anita@mindgallery.com, jfetzer@d.umn.edu, hprzybyla@bloomberg.net, hrosenkrantz@bloomberg.net, ombud@globe.com, kcooper@globe.com, oliphant@globe.com, brelis@globe.com, lettersbwol@businessweek.com, richard_dunham@businessweek.com, buzzflash@buzzflash.com, query@cambridgeforum.org, 48hours@cbsnews.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, bpc@cbsnews.com, ftn@cbsnews.com, sundays@cbsnews.com, grain@cbsnews.com, David@TheDavidAllenShow.com, GaynorMike@aol.com, greta@foxnews.com, Rush@EIBNet.com, info@fox16.com, nytimesreporter@nytimes.com, buchananandpress@msnbc.com, chronfeedback@sfchronicle.com, CNN@cnn.com, comments@foxnews.com, contact@altermedia.info, countdown@msnbc.com, dan.abrams@msnbc.com, Dateline@nbc.com, ed@latimes.com, editor@globe.com, editor@nytimes.com, editor.reuters@reuters.com, editor@usatoday.com, feedback@nytimes.com, frontline@pbs.org, gazette.emailsrv@wvgazette.com, general@hbo.com, greg@gregpalast.com, hardball@msnbc.com, headliners@msnbc.com, imc-news@lists.indymedia.org, letters@latimes.com, letters@MSNBC.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, Imus@msnbc.com, media@gregpalast.com, moveon-help@list.moveon.org, MSNBC_BreakingNews_NewsMail@MSNBC.COM, msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com, msnbcreports@msnbc.com, nachman@msnbc.com, news@globe.com, newswatch@foxnews.com, newshour@pbs.org, newsroom@herald-coaster.com, news@worldnetdaily.com, newsroom@4bypass.com, news-tips@nytimes.com, Nightly@NBC.com, niteline@abc.com, oliver@gregpalast.com, Press@moveon.org, rsanders@journal-spectator.com, speakout@foxnews.com, Special@foxnews.com, staff@nytimes.com, starnews@fortbendstar.com, Studiob@foxnews.com, TheNews@msnbc.com, webnews@washingtonpost.com, World@MSNBC.com, world@washingtonpost.com, Hannity@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, Foxnewsonline@foxnews.com, Afterhours@foxnews.com, Foxreport@foxnews.com, Atlarge@foxnews.com, Bullsandbears@foxnews.com, Colmes@foxnews.com, Cash@foxnews.com, Heartland@foxnews.com, Cavuto@foxnews.com, Ontherecord@foxnews.com, Dayside@foxnews.com, Forbes@foxnews.com, Friends@foxnews.com, Beltway@foxnews.com, Foxmagazine@foxnews.com, Myword@foxnews.com, Feedback@foxnews.com, FNS@foxnews.com, Newswatch@foxnews.com

No Bill, you don't lie...You're the spin master and master of deception....That's why "We The People" focus on you...You're just too good at what you do and that worries and angers "US".

This is because we recognize truth from spin, you help so well to hide from some people.

You can't be that good and ignorant, too, so we figure, you a bad guy...We don't hound you to make you look stupid as you stated tonight and we are not dishonest as you stated.

You're dangerous!

It's because we know "you" know better and you're the meanest man on the news, we know.

The spin starts with you and that's truth.

Get off the left and right political terms, and tell all your buddies, too...We are interested only in 'Truth" and right and wrong.

We don't care about fair and balanced views or opinions from both sides...the far left or right.

We are the voice of the correct and moral side of this war, we are all in and up against, together.

The racial stuff you spin is the same nonsense...All these labels mean nothing...They just misdirect the people in their thinking, as is their intent to divide.

All people are either basically good or bad...If the bad guys want to kill, that's plain evil and wrong...not something to be blamed on a whole race...the blacks, whites, Muslims, Mexicans, etc.

This trick to spin and divide "US" will no longer work...The thinkers have been educating the non thinkers and/or the deceived, for years.

We are now the majority and we are everywhere...We are now the majority compared to all the corrupt in control and those that follow them, like you, Bill.

As far as the unknowing, the ignorant, only because they are void of facts, those being fooled...they are the pawns we don't count yet.

They will be choosing their sides wisely and carefully, we're sure.

Be very afraid being on the wrong side...We are on the move and we demand Truth, Peace, Liberty and Justice for All.

Local news stations are covering the peace vigils and movement in Washington but not a word from main stream media...Now that's even worse than the spin the lying media is scripted and hostage to.

There was ruckus at Kent State University today, in Ohio...It was reported locally.

Remember Kent State and Vietnam?...The police shooting and killing the students?...They "are" getting riled again (students and our young everywhere) because they are getting weary and impatient...

The soldiers are still dying and 2000 is not believed to be even close to the actual number.

I believe they said the recruiters were thrown off campus...Heard it second hand so don't quote me.

What "We The People" are saying right now...For your sake and all the others who could be helping "US" but choose to keep their heads in the sand.


You don't dare touch the truth behind 911 either now, do you?...When the rest of our people learn...and they are learning and waking by the masses, Bill...when they learn the demolition of the Twin Towers had absolutely nothing to do with Iraq...It will be very bad for those on the wrong side of this horrid war...You can be assured.

The "good" hearts are about to lie down in the street to represent a fallen soldier in Washington...Some won't be getting up.

Cindy Sheehan won't be getting up and they will go for her first...

Hers is the noble cause, Bill, so come to think of it, I have met your challenge to point out a time when you lied...And this is a biggy, too.

Right there you are caught in a lie...and you said it couldn't be done?

When you used the words "Noble cause" and defined the lying meaning...It was just like when you used "We The People" it sounded vile coming from you.

You do not have our permission to use "We The People".

Our activists subscribe to Click here: News Hounds: We watch FOX so you don't have to. http://www.newshounds.us/

We don't want you to help the network with the ratings...You are so good that we worry about that...Anyway, we're way too busy to watch everyone.

Therefore because of you, Fox has been bocotted, along with the many other deserving forces that will soon feel the impact.

We are angry, awake and alert...When you are ready one of our representatives will gladly stop your spin in it's tracks, as should be.

Your ridiculous item was ridiculous, tonight...The millions of allies you claimed with you, naming one organization, then showing a partial list of, you said, one hundred thousand people who appreciated you?

Allow "US" to show you our lists, sometime, huh, Bill?

You said a lot about not letting this go unchallenged tonight...You can't back down now...You hereby are counter challenged.

Very Sincerely,

Marsha McClelland...representee of the "We The People United Movement"
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

We are many Political and Patriot Groups joined together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand".

Christians should speak out about the corruption in our government

Frist, Rove, DeLay: Who's looking the other way?

Christians should speak out about the possibility of corruption in the highest ranks of government.

Dateline: Sunday, October 16, 2005
by David Batstone, for Sojourner News

Tom DeLay and Bill Frist, the two political operatives in Congress with arguably the deepest support among Christian churches, both face serious allegations of financial trickery. Karl Rove, the Bush administration power broker who speaks almost daily with Christian leaders to coordinate political action, is under investigation for divulging classified information, then covering up his misdeed.

The details of each case can be pursued in most major media outlets. In brief, DeLay was indicted by a Texas grand jury of illegally funneling corporate campaign contributions into Texas legislative races. DeLay, who has stepped down at least temporarily from his position as majority leader of the House of Representatives, is also under federal investigation for his questionable relationship with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Many Christians express blind allegiance to these men.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, on the other hand, has fallen under serious investigation by federal prosecutors and the Securities and Exchange Commission for possible insider trading (what got Martha Stewart in trouble), not to mention legislative conflict of interest.

White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove personally assured President Bush in the fall of 2003 that he had not disclosed to anyone in the press that Valerie Plame, the wife of an administration critic, was a covert CIA employee, according to Associated Press reports. It now appears possibly Rove was the source of the leak that destroyed Plame's career and potentially put her life at risk.

I find it more than a bit disturbing that Christians who back Rove, DeLay, and Frist in their political efforts express so little concern about the possibility of corruption at the highest ranks of government. Worse still, many Christians express blind allegiance to these men. Is this what we have come to, when we sell our birthright for a pot of political porridge?

The Jerusalem Post reports DeLay appeared publicly for the first time after his indictment at a Sept 28 event hosted by "Stand For Israel," an organization of evangelical Christians and Jews who support a Zionist future for Israel. The Post reports that DeLay received a standing ovation, saying, "It's really good to be here among so many old friends and brothers and sisters in the cause for justice and human freedom." Some participants called out, "We love you, Tom," according to the Post.

I grant that the aforementioned misdeeds are only allegations, so a measured response would be appropriate. DeLay, Frist, and Rove should receive due process. I do recall, however, that many Christian leaders and the religious media did not manifest any such restraint during the moral ineptitude of the Clinton era. At the time, we at Sojourners joined others in the religious world to express our concern — for example, go back to a piece written by Jim Wallis in 1998 titled, "Seeking Moral Consistency." At the time, Jim chided liberal religious leaders: "Why have churches and church leaders been so quiet in this crisis of morality? ...Could it be that this too falls out along political lines? Are those church leaders most sympathetic to Clinton's agenda unlikely to offer much comment on the many ethical issues involved here? Are only those opposed to the president's political agenda ready to speak challenging words to the White House? What are our primary colors?"

It would be comforting to observe that same desire for moral consistency in our body politic at the moment. To be frank, I do not expect Focus on the Family, The 700 Club, or any other influential media network of religious conservatives to raise a red flag about political corruption in the Republican Party any time soon. The specter of political power seems too enticing, too close within reach, to be held back by traditional values such as honesty and integrity. Oh, woe to us, that we shall we gain the whole world, yet lose our own soul.

David Batstone is Executive Editor for Sojourners.

Informant: Andrea Ball

Infineon-Streikposten von Polizei mit Schusswaffe bedroht: brutaler Einsatz gegen Beschäftigte

„Der gestrige Polizeieinsatz gegen die Streikenden beim Chiphersteller Infineon in München war brutaler als bisher bekannt. Wie de.internet.com aus der Belegschaft erfuhr, wurde Gesternmittag erneut ein Großaufgebot der Bereitschaftspolizei eingesetzt, um den Zugang von Streikbrechern zum Werk zu erzwingen. Der Einsatz wurde von der Belegschaft auf Fotos festgehalten. So ist zu sehen, wie ein Infineon-Mitarbeiter von mehreren Beamten zu Boden gedrückt wird. Sein Arm wird umgedreht. "Das ist eine Provokation für die Streikenden", sagte ein Vertreter der Streikleitung heute gegenüber unserer Redaktion. Ein Beschäftigter erklärte am Telefon: "Der Polizeieinsatz zeigt, wie nervös die Infineon-Geschäftsleitung ist, aber auch, in wessen Interesse der Staatsapparat agiert."…“ Meldung von de.internet.com vom 25.10.2005


Infineon provoziert Streikende - Ingenieure im Stechschritt mittels Polizeischutz ins Werk

„Als große Provokation bezeichnete Horst Lischka, zweiter Bevollmächtigter der Verwaltungsstelle München und Mitglied der Streikleitung bei Infineon, das Verhalten von Fertigungsleiter Hanebeck. Dieser organisierte unter Mithilfe der Polizei - entgegen der bisherigen Absprache - dass Arbeitswillige einzeln zum Infineon-Werkstor kommen. Ein Pulk von rund 15 arbeitswilligen Ingenieuren, die stechschrittartigartig und Flankierung der vor Ort stationierten Polizeikräfte hat demonstrativ das Werk betreten…“ Pressemeldung der IG-Metall Bayern vom 25.10.2005. (pdf)


IG Metall Dresden – Vertrauensleuteausschuss: An die streikenden Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Firma Infineon in München-Perlach

„Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, wir Dresdner Vertrauensleute freuen uns darüber, dass ihr nicht widerstandslos die Pläne der Infineon-Geschäftsführung, das Werk München-Perlach platt zu machen, hinnehmt. Wir wünschen euch bei euerem Kampf viel Kraft und Erfolg…“ Soli-Schreiben der IG Metall Dresden – Vertrauensleuteausschuss vom 25.10.2005 (pdf)


Uns liegen bereits weitere Solierklärungen vor: von der Betriebsräteversammlung der IGM in Berlin und vom VEM Sachsenwerk…

Aus: LabourNet, 27. Oktober 2005

The Dead Ends of Technicalitarianism


The Presidency as Public Trust


The Conservative Bind: on Russell Kirk's mistake


The Truth Behind Tom DeLay's Indictment


The Revolution Really Did Begin

The Next Skirmish Begins NOW

MWM: Temporarily Upstaged By The Weather, the Street Movement To Stop Bush Literally Begins Tomorrow

From: wolfman communications Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 14:07:50 -0700 (PDT)

2000, Why? Not One More by Cindy Sheehan

Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the State becomes lawless and corrupt. -- Mahatma Gandhi

Unfortunately the 2000th American death in Iraq is tragically coming up too soon. In addition to the wasted young lives in Iraq, 246 of our brave men and women have been killed in Afghanistan. Our troops and the war in Afghanistan get even less attention than Iraq, if possible. I am in Washington, DC now and along with a coalition of peace groups and local activists, we will be holding vigils at the White House for the rest of the week from 12 noon to 8 PM. Each day we will be passing out black wrist bands and we will have each person who picks one up write a KIA troops' name and number on it. Each wrist band will also stand for 50 innocent Iraqis killed. Everyday at 6 PM we will have a "die-in." We will ask everyone who is present at 6 PM to lie down and represent a dead soldier. At that point, the park police will give us 3 warnings before they arrest us. We are not encouraging people; to get arrested is a very personal decision. I am planning to not get up on the day after the 2000th soldier is killed. I may be arrested. Then when they let me out, I will go back and lie back down. We in America have let this criminal administration get away with murder for too long. Enough is enough. It's time to start practicing non-violent civil disobedience (C.D.) on a large scale. On Tuesday the 25th we will be fasting for the length of the vigil in solidarity with the hardships that Americans and Iraqis are enduring on a daily basis. We are asking America to fast in solidarity with us. On Wednesday the 26th at 10:30 AM, we will be going to Arlington Cemetery to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Then to the White House for our vigil. On Thursday the 27th at 10:30 AM we will be delivering a wreath and signed sympathy cards to the Iraqi Embassy. We are asking people who come out to our vigil on the Lafayette Park side to bring sympathy cards. Then to the White House for our vigil. On Friday the 28th at 10:30 AM we will be delivering flowers and get well wishes to Walter Reed Hospital and we are asking people to bring get well cards to our vigil. Then off to the White House for our vigil. Tomorrow I will be calling on President Bush to answer my original question: "What Noble Cause?" There is absolutely no noble cause. Our children and the Iraqi people are dying and suffering for no cause except for power and money greedy criminals. The numbers are staggering. More American soldiers have been KIA in the first 32 months of Iraq so far then in the first 4 years of Vietnam. This isn't another Vietnam people, this is worse. We cannot allow the people who are running our country to keep on running it into the ground. It is time to exercise our sacred duty as human beings. Let's get peacefully radical.

Best Wishes,
Michael Wells Mandeville,
The Hills of Arizona USA at mwman@earthlink.net


"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." (Benjamin Franklin)

"We must obey GOD rather than men." (Bible; Acts 5:29)

"Those people who are not governed by GOD will be ruled by tyrants." (William Penn)

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." (George Washington)

Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. ---Thomas Paine, "Common Sense" (Feb 1776)

Cindy Sheehan

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