
Erfahrungen eines Elektrosensiblen mit einer HMO-Praxis


German Doctors against WiMax


Informant: Iris Atzmon


Signature action against the auction of the WiMax frequencies on 12 December 2006

KILLER ON THE ROOF: Cancer fears over phone masts


By Guy Basnett



SIX neighbours from the same floor of a block of flats have all been hit by cancer after two phone masts were installed on the building now dubbed The Tower of Doom. Two people died after the disease struck in six out of just eight homes on the top storey. Tenant Mike Cole, 70, said: "It's like living on Death Row. You're constantly worrying who's going to be next." And campaigners say the shock statistic, uncovered by the News of the World, flies in the face of government guidelines which maintain no link has yet been proved between mobile masts and sickness. Our investigation has also revealed local authorities around the country are raking in cash from mobile networks by allowing them to site masts on tower blocks, and council buildings. The cancer rate on the fifth floor of Berkeley House in Bristol is TEN TIMES that of the rest of the UK.Cancer Research say two per cent of people suffer from the disease. Yet on that floor alone it affects nearly 20 PER CENT. All the cases have occurred since the Vodafone and Orange masts were put up 10 years ago...and two women neighbours have already fallen victim to the killer on the roof. Barbara Wood, who lived at No 42, died two years ago, in her 70s, from breast cancer that spread to her stomach. Two years previously a Mrs Davies, of No 47, died of the same disease. Two more residents-Bernice Mitchell, 68, and 62-year-old Hazel Frape- have both had breast cancer. An 89-year-old woman moved out after she contracted the same disease. And 63-year-old John Llewellin, from No 48, is battling bowel cancer.


Other residents, such as Doreen Sheppard, 73, from No 45, have complained of headaches and other health problems. Doreen told the News of the World: "I get terrible headaches, and I've started suffering Meniere's disease, where I lose my balance. "I blame it on the masts. They're right on top of our homes." South Gloucestershire Council has been trying to get the masts taken down after its agreement with the phone companies ended in 2004. But the firms are fighting the move and the masts still loom over residents while legal wrangles continue.


Other residents are worried about the effect on children. There are three schools within 250 yards of the flats - Christchurch Downend Infants School, Christchurch Downend Primary and Staple Hill Primary. Last year the Government's chief advisor on mobile phone safety Sir William Stewart, the head of the National Radiological Protection Board, called for a ban on erecting masts near schools. Sir William - who bans his own grandchildren from using mobile phones unless it's an emergency - said: "I don't think we can put our hands on our hearts and say mobiles are safe. If there are risks, and we think there may be, the people who will be most affected are children. The younger the child, the greater the danger." The World Health Organisation says evidence "so far" shows no adverse short or long-term effects from mobile phone base stations. But in August the International Journal of Cancer Prevention published a report claiming people's risk of contracting cancer was FOUR TIMES greater if they live near a mast. The Bristol cancer cluster is not the only one being blamed on phone masts. Families in three streets surrounding an Orange mast in Shooters Hill, Stoke-on-Trent, claim the radiation has led to seven deaths. Four died from brain haemorrhages within three years. Three others succumbed to cancer. However an Orange spokeswoman said: "We're satisfied our base stations, operating within international guidelines, are safe and do not present a health risk."

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/


THREE children taught at a nursery school next to a mast developed leukaemia. And a further three living nearby also suffered the disease. Nurse Tracy Rimmer, 36, says her daughter Penny was diagnosed with leukaemia after attending the Kinderworld Montessori nursery, in Southport, Lancs. Penny, who attended the school for two years, was sent for treatment at Liverpool's Alder Hey Children's Hospital. "There we bumped into the parents of two other children from the nursery, both with leukaemia," said mum Tracy. "It was a staggering coincidence." Penny, now eight, beat the disease. But campaigners claim children-with their thinner skulls and developing brains-are most at risk from phone mast radiation. And Health Protection Agency chairman Sir William Stewart, has called for a ban on masts near schools "as a precautionary measure".

Informant: Dances Alone


News of the World: Cancer Cluster In Bristol Flats

Thanks to all of you who wrote a letter to the Bristol Evening Post re the above. The spineless editor printed none of our letters! The story has now hit the nationals i.e. the News of the World (see link below). I will write again to the BEP.


You can vote on an on line poll on the safety of phone masts at the bottom of the page. Lets get everyone voting.

John Elliott

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Stoke-on-Trent cancer cluster: Is this phone mast a killer?

Sunday Express Opinion

Sunday Express
page 26

[Full story of the Stoke-on-Trent cancer cluster on pages 6 and 7 under the title "Is this phone mast a killer?"]


Just who could fail to be moved by the plight of the families from Stoke-on-Trent who fear their lives are being threatened by a mobile phone transmitter. These folk live in a community centred around an 80ft mast which they believe is beaming deadly microwaves into their homes.

Since it was put up 13 years ago, seven residents have died and 20 others have fallen victim to debilitating illnesses. The neighbourhood is now at the heart of a cancer cluster which locals blame on the technology. The phone company says its mast is incapable of harming health. But why have there been so many deaths and illnesses in the area?

It is time the health authorities took action. All over the country people fear that mobile phone masts are doing them harm. independent scientists and doctors must tell us the truth and no more masts must be built near homes until we know the facts.

Informant: Dances Alone



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Dezember 2006

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