
Electro Sensitive Questionnaire July 2006

We are circulating the attached questionnaire to encourage all ES in UK to respond with details about their case for a compendium which will be circulated this autumn to raise awareness in the media about ES. Naturally all respondents will be treated confidentially and their names and locations coded for circulation.


Sarah Dacre MSc ACIB
London, UK

Nam Laser, Tsawwassen: Urgent Plea For Your Help!


Informant: Hans Karow


I am sorry for sending you e-mail so often. However, there is a last minute change in the e-mail address for Mr. Truscott as follow. CC addresses are the same as before. The deadline is still September 15, 2006. Thank you very much for your patience.


Send your Statements to:

MR. Joe Truscott / BC EAO
E-mail - eaoinfo@gov.bc.ca

CC to:

Berni R. Claus / Environmental Canada
E-mail - berni.claus@ec.gc.ca

Kyong H. Nam
E-mail - namlaser@yahoo.com


Hi Friends: You remember that I sent an urgent plea for help. In response I received the letter in attachement from Iris, Haifa, Israel. Iris wrote this letter in spite of the danger of rocket attacks in Haifa just to save Tsawwassen people from the EMF hazards. She knows the misery of being attacked. Praising her courage and compassion, I am sending this letter as a sample. More than 10 letters like this may change our situation and more than hundred will give BCEAO (BC Environmental Assessment Office) a pressure to assess the project independently from BCUC (BC Utility Commission) and BCTC (BC Transmission Corporration). This global effort will bring a sure victory to us and to you.

Remembering that your effort will save human lives, please write letters as I suggested in my plea. If you know any prominent scientists and officials, please relay my plea to them too. Many people from many countries will have super power and effects. Anybody knows the scientists in Russia and China who believes in non-thermal EMF effects?

Thanks you again,


Dear MR. Joe Truscott / BC EAO

I apply to you with regard to the case of Tsawwassen, B.C., Canada, where the residents are exposed in the houses to magnetic fields at high levels of 25 - 50 mG on chronic basis as a result of powerlines. I wrote a book about the health effects of the electromagnetic fields and published it in Israel, but I researched alot about the international regulatory systems in order to see how the subject is managed in the world. I would like to draw you attention to several facts before you allow to the company to expose the residents to higher levels:

A level of 2-4 mG is defined as possible human carcinogen by the International Organization of Cancer Research, while the residents are exposed already to 25-50 mG on daily basis. Moreover, BCTC (BC Transmission Corporation), is going to upgrade the lines to 230 kV with 5 times more power capacity than that of the present. With the upgraded lines, their exposure will be much higher. If 2-4 mG is possible human carcinogen, of course 25-50 mG is a real threat on chronic basis of exposure. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you would agree to live in such a place instead of these people. The basis for the 2-4 mG definition is the studies done in from the '80 until today, on people who live close to transformers and powerlines, and the studies show consistent increased risk for leukemia and brain tumors.

The current international standards (exposure guidelines) cover only protection from acute effects - electric shock, and do not consider what happens to people after a chronic exposure of years. In other words, the current standards don't protect against cancer. (World health organization standard is 1000 mG for ACUTE effect only). By contrast, in Israel the standard is 10 mG (on average of 24 hours), far less than the chronic exposure of people in Canada.

It is important to notice that the european World Health Organization has lately started working very closly with the power industry, and a doctorat work was published lately and documented how this is done. The most important point in the doctorat work is that the WHO set health standards with the industry together. I attach the paper http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/maisch_who_icnirp.pdf and would like to ask you, after you read it: if the World Health Organization protects the industry's interests, who protects the public's interest? If government officials ignore the above facts, it is very severe and the residents will have no choice but to go to the higher courts. I urge you to give the above arguments serious consideration and to release the residents from imposed health risk.

Best regards

Iris Atzmon. Israel.


Here is a response from BC Environmental Assessment Office to the Iris's input letter. As I mentioned before, if many people submit comments to EAO, there will be favorable results for us. Please do not forget your comments by the deadline of September 15, 2006.

Thanks, Kyong

Note: forwarded message attached.

RE: a health threat in Tsawwassen, B.C.
From: Truscott, Joe
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 16:32:28 -0700
To: Iris Atzmon
CC: Nam Laser

Dear Mr[s]. Atzmon:

Thank you for your information on EMF which we are referring to our EMF Steering Committee as technical information.

As you know, the BC Environmental Assessment Office (BCEAO) is currently conducting a review of an Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate, and an Addendum to that Application, from the BC Transmission Corporation (BCTC). These documents propose the reinforcement of an existing transmission line to Vancouver Island through Tsawwassen and across the Strait of Georgia and two major Gulf Islands via an overhead transmission line and submarine cable. The public review of the Application ended on August 1st, 2006 and the public review period on the Addendum (which addresses the Tsawwassen section) ends on September 15, 2006. For your information, both documents have been posted on the Environmental Assessment Office Website at: http://www.eao.gov.bc.ca/epic/output/html/deploy/epic_project_home_250.html under the title of "Application and Supporting Studies".

The EMF Steering Committee is a sub-committee of a broader technical working group composed of government agency staff, local government and First Nations, who are providing technical review comments on the Application and Addendum. The EMF Steering Committee comprises several technical people familiar with EMF issues who also consult with other professionals well-versed with EMF and its effects, and we will be relying on the input from these people in the completion of our EA review.

Your email made clear your concern about EMF with regard to Tsawwassen. However, you have not explicitly indicated how you would like us to treat your note relative to the public review of the VITRP proposal. Would you like us to accept your note and post it on our website as a formal comment based on your review of the Addendum? Please note that in order for us to be able to post formal comments the commenters must also be prepared to have us post their names along with their comments. Would you please let me know before the midnight, September 15th, 2006, comment deadline if you would like us to post your note and attachment as a formal comment along with your name ?

You also asked me to comment on the content of your attachment. Please note that I am not in position to do that as we are immersed in the review itself, which is not yet complete. All the formal information we receive during the review, including that received from the public and posted during the formal public review period, will be considered together during the review. In addition, BCTC will be preparing issues tracking tables that include its response to formal comments and issues that the EAO has received from the public, agencies and First Nations. These issues tracking tables will be considered by the Environmental Assessment Office in consultation with its technical reviewers from the government agencies and First Nations.

Based on our review, comments from our working groups and responses from the proponent, the BC EAO will prepare an Assessment Report for review and decision by the Ministers of Environment and Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. Ultimately, the Assessment Report will be posted on the EAO Website and will represent the results of the intergovernmental assessment of the effects of the proposed project, including any that might relate to EMF. I encourage you to take the time to read the Assessment Report, once posted.

Again, thank you for your email and attachment.


Joe Truscott,
RPBio Project Assessment Manager Environmental Assessment Office
Tel: 250-387-2445
Fax: 250-356-7440


Hi Friends: Here is another supporting letter. Many of such letters will help us for winning our case.

Deadline Reminder: September 15, 2006.


Thanks, Kyong


Here is Dr. Olle Johansson's supporting letter for your reference:

He stated "As a result, in Sweden, the recommended maximal exposure level from powerfrequent magnetic fields is only 2 milliGauss (!).". This is very powerful statement.

There is only 15 days left until you can express your knowledge and belief on EMF health hazards to the Environmental Assessment Officers of the BC government. They have 60-year fate of the power line EMF affected people in Tsawwassesn, BC, Canada in their hands. Your supporting effort will save those (Tsawwassen) people from the misery of power line EMFs.

Thank you,

Kyong Nam of Tsawwassen.


Tsawwassen, B.C., Canada....powerline upgrade (2006)....



Revise power lines proposal, Canadian Cancer Society recommends

Maureen Gulyas,
Delta Optimist
Published: Saturday, September 16, 2006


The Canadian Cancer Society is recommending the power lines proposal through Tsawwassen be revised, if possible, due to the possibility that electromagnetic fields cause or promote cancer.

The society's B.C. Yukon chapter submitted its recommendation of "practical avoidance" to the Environmental Assessment Office this week. The EAO is reviewing health and environmental impacts of the proposed Vancouver Island Transmission Reinforcement Project.

The plan is to increase power from 138 kv to 230 kv along a right-of-way in Tsawwassen that passes over 147 residential properties, schools and parks.

"Basically our position is, even though there isn't a huge basis of evidence, there's enough to be concerned," said Barbara Kaminsky, the society's chief executive officer for B.C. and the Yukon. "Obviously when it comes to children and cancer, this strikes a very emotional chord in the community."

In July, the B.C. Utilities Commission approved a plan to install high voltage overhead lines through Tsawwassen despite residents' concerns over EMF.

"We recommend the EAO revise the transmission plan, if practical, in relation to power line routes directly over private residential property and school property," Kaminsky said.

The society's new policy of prudent avoidance was developed after watching the debate in Tsawwassen. Kaminsky said it has now been adopted nation-wide.

The cancer society recommends individuals limit their exposure to EMF, including limiting the amount of time children spend playing directly underneath power lines, updating household wiring and sitting at arm's length from computers. "There is some evidence that suggests there is a link between childhood leukemia and EMF, but it's not really definitive," Kaminsky said.

© The Vancouver Sun 2006



Please send responses to Health Canada's email below to the following government officials


Those in a position to protect the public must be encouraged to do so. Please send your response to Bradley's letter, with a cc to Milt, and forward to others to do the same, to:

Minister of Health: Tony Clement, clement.j@parl.gc.ca

Deputy Minister of Health: Morris Rosenberg, dm_sm@hc-sc.gc.ca

Liberal Health Critic: Ruby Dhalla, dhalla.r@parl.gc.ca

Liberal Associate Health Critic: Jean-Claude D'Amours, damours.j@parl.gc.ca

Liberal Environment Critic: John Godfrey, godfrey.j@parl.gc.ca

NDP leader Jack Layton, laytonj@parl.gc.ca

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, info@greenparty.ca


Milt Bowling

Consolidated Reply to concerns raised by Tsawwassen residents


Tsawwassen residents try to fight the power


Lung disease among workers exposed to a common ingredient in microwave popcorn

Limits Sought on Worker Exposure to Flavor Agent

Emergency safety standards are needed to counter a widening outbreak of lung disease among workers exposed to a common ingredient in microwave popcorn, health experts and labor unions said Tuesday. The Teamsters and United Food and Commercial Workers plan to file an emergency petition today demanding that the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration set exposure limits for diacetyl, a flavoring agent used in the manufacture of artificial popcorn butter, dog food and other products.



Radioactive Byproducts of Depleted Uranium (Uranium-238)


Informant: Doug Mackenzie




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