
Dr Lisa Nagy's electrical sensitivity story

Please see enclosed information with regards to the Dr Lisa Nagy's sensitivity to chemicals and radiation.

Eileen O'Connor EM Radiation Research Trust

Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 2:02 AM
Subject: Lattitudes Story

A Doctor Afflicted by Mold and Oral Galvanism

Successful Treatment of my Chemical and Electrical Sensitivity

Lisa Nagy, MD

Dr. Lisa Nagy received her medical degree at Cornell Medical College. She followed that with training in surgery and later in emergency medicine, in which she is board certified. She is currently studying environmental medicine. We asked Dr. Nagy to share her incredible story of chemical and electrical sensitivity and recovery, and of the dental metals that were behind her problems.

The science and art of medicine is much more complex than we presumed in medical school. Although disbelieved, environmentally ill patients are becoming a very large percentage of the population. Many of us go unrecognized because we are 'masked' and cannot tell we are ill from the detergents, perfumes and chemicals we are wearing everyday.

I developed chemical and electrical sensitivity while living in a house in Los Angeles. Initially, I only knew I was sad, had weak muscles and couldn’t stand up for very long—it soon seemed I was crying all the time. I couldn’t bear to use the telephone or to be under fluorescent lighting. Exposure to smells, chemicals, many foods (like wine, cheese, and nuts) and even antique wood—which is faintly moldy—gave me a headache and made me feel exhausted. Clothing tags became extremely irritating, and perfume and diesel odors were intolerable. I had grown hypersensitive to my surroundings. Adrenal insufficiency was eventually diagnosed in myself and later in my husband.

In time I was fully disabled and my incredulous husband and I sold our house and moved to a rental nearby. We were hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. A year later I found that I had been suffering mold poisoning, primarily due to mold in a huge fish tank that was built into the living room wall of that first home. The toxins in the air had overloaded my system and made me intolerant of all chemicals, especially pesticides. A muscle biopsy showed that I had severe damage to my mitochondria, the energy producer in all our cells.

What I had is called chemical sensitivity or environmental illness. It is common but somewhat invisible. And this medical condition is not rare. Prevalence studies in California and New Mexico found that 16% of the respondents reported being chemically sensitive. Additionally, in New Mexico 2% of the respondents reported having been diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)—the more severe form of chemical sensitivities. I California, 3.5% reported having been diagnosed with MCS. Although women report being chemically sensitive twice as often as men, which contributes to its “hysteria” label, those reporting chemical sensitivities are otherwise evenly distributed with respect to age, education, income, and geographic areas. Chemical sensitivities are also evenly reported among ethnic and racial groups, except for Native Americans, who reported a higher prevalence in both studies.

Further, about 15% of those who are chemically sensitive have electrical sensitivity as well. Electrical sensitivity sounds wacky, I know, but when you have it, it is very real and quite uncomfortable. My hand would heat up while holding my cell phone. My ear would burn from the ear piece. Gadgets that spin, like fans or tape decks, have high electromagnetic fields and they made me weak. Just picking up the regular phone could make me need to urinate, or cause chest discomfort and sweating—I wanted to hang up! Even more bizarre and scary: while swimming in a salt water pool I would get electric shocks in my fingers as I swam by the underwater pool lights!

Another condition is diagnosed: dysautonomia

At this time I was also diagnosed with an interesting neurologic condition called dysautonomia, which occurs in 85% of people who are “environmentally ill.” Crossing ones legs while standing is an early sign, or wrapping the legs around each other (called “pretzel legs”). These moves are done to keep the blood in the head and chest, otherwise the blood would pool in the legs and cause weakness or fainting.

Exposure to chemicals in stores (like formaldehyde while shopping in Home Depot) would make me dysautonomic and electrical appliances would make me even more dysautonomic; I would need to lie down. I was prescribed a vasoconstricting (causing the blood vessels to narrow) medication called Midodrine to remedy this condition, as well as a volume expander (Florinef; a corticosteroid).

Finding help

Near the end of my rope, I eventually figured out that I needed to be treated by an environmental physician, and I went to The Environmental Health Center of Dallas to see William Rea, MD. I was encouraged that after this treatment I was partially better. (You can find a local physician at http://www.aaem.com/. I suggest you consider this if you suffer from chronic illness or obvious environmental illness such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, allergies, adrenal fatigue as well as chemical sensitivity. They look into the genetics of your detoxification capabilities, study your autonomic nervous system and hormone levels, do food and other allergy testing and treatment (neutralization), prescribe vitamins and nutrients orally and intravenously, and test your immune system scientifically. Most importantly, they get you away from that which is making you sick!

Sauna treatments are often an integral part in the treatment process for detoxification. It is important to start with a short time interval (such as five minutes) initially and build up as needed. Saunas should be used under the care of a doctor, as the detoxification process can result in increased symptoms if it is pursued too aggressively.

Oral galvanism uncovered

Oral galvanism is a state in which two dissimilar metals in the mouth result in abnormal electrical charges. I had already had all of my amalgam (“silver”) fillings removed, or so I thought. But then I went to a holistic dentist (see http://www.iaomt.org/ ) for an assessment. An oral potential meter (made by Pertec) was used to measure the voltages and currents in my teeth. I had a number of crowns with porcelain over metal. Most crowns had currents of 1 micro ampere or so. But one of my crowns showed a current of 11 microamperes—and a very high electrical voltage of 420 millivolts!

I had that crown removed first, because one is supposed to remove the highest ones first. Voila! I hadn’t anticipated any immediate response but when I reached home and I was able to talk on the phone for three hours instead of three minutes! I no longer needed Midodrine to get up out of bed! I had required it to raise my blood pressure for two years straight—and now none! Other improvements: the smell of cigarettes seemed almost pleasant instead of making me run for the hills. I could tolerate car exhaust and perfume immediately! I contacted many environmental physicians and patients to tell of the amazing positive change in my illness over night!

The dentist discovered that I’d had an amalgam filling under the metal crown that had been placed just before I became really ill back in 2000. The two dissimilar metal materials touching had created a strong battery effect, causing the oral galvanism that seemed to short out my autonomic nervous system. Somehow, fixing the autonomic nervous system also led to a more normal central nervous system interpretation of odors and electrical fields, allowing for a return to a more normal life! My adrenal function also returned, thanks to the decrease in stress or total body load. In retrospect, getting away from the ‘bad’ house was essential, but removing the crown and the amalgam under it was the last step in getting well.

Advice from Dr. Nagy

I have ended up on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, where the air is clean and the mold is everywhere! I write articles on the subject and help people who are referred for environmental illness get to an environmental physician before they end up so mentally impaired that they won't be able to cooperate with the treatment. Initially, people tend to deny that they have chemcial sensitivities. It takes a couple of months to grasp it. Lay people are much better at: getting it”—doctors are incredulous and rude. As Sherry Rogers, MD, advises: “Don't waste your time trying to convince every physician you meet about this. It is a waste of your limited energy!”

This is very important. Most doctors won’t listen to you, so don't even try. Many family members will abandon you. Many people reading this newsletter will have already experienced this, I’m sure.

Don’t forget to look into dental issues. I have interviewed many patients, especially those with psychiatric issues or symptoms of electrical sensitivity, who have become well after removing their high voltage dental work. Bizarre, eh? I guess too much electricity next to the brain is not a good thing. It is easy to check one’s dental currents, and I suggest that all chronically ill patients consider removing their amalgam fillings, any crown with an underlying amalgam, and any crown or filling with an electric current greater than 1 microampere.

My advice to you is: Do not give up on your health until you get well. Each practitioner (alternative therapist, environmental physician, or holistic dentist) has something different to offer. I was helped, and someone can help you as well.

Although not currently practicing, readers may contact me with brief questions: Lisa_at_nagy1.com .)

de Salles papers

Please find enclosed interesting papers from Dr Alvaro Agusto Almerida de Salles from Brazil. Mike Bell and I met Alvaro at the conference in Benevento earlier this year, he gave an impressive presentation. Mike spoke about this interesting research at the EMF DG meeting.

Kind Regards

Eileen O'Connor Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust http://www.radiationresearch.org

-----Original Message-----

From: Alvaro Augusto Almeida de Salles
Sent: 02 March 2006 22:17
To: info_at_radiationresearch.org
Cc: Michael Bell
Subject: de Salles papers

Dear Drs. Bell and Oconnor,

It was nice to meet you in Benevento last week. I was also happy for your interest in our presentation and in our papers. Please find enclosed the copies of a few papers. Please inform if you need any further information.

Best regards,

Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles.
Electrical Eng. Dept., Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS Av. Osvaldo Aranha 103, Porto Alegre, RS, CEP 90.035-190, Brazil.

P. S. - Attached:

1.) Galley_proof_Ann_Telecom_19_5_04.pdf : in Annales des Telecommunications, Sep/Oct 2004, tome 59, No. 9/10, pp. 1012-1030.


2.) UFRGS_child_SAR_IMOC2005.pdf : in the 2005 International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Brasilia, Brazil, July 2005.


3.) UFRGSits2002_final.pdf : in the 2002 International Telecommunication Symposium, Natal, Brazil, September 2002.


A clarification about ICNIRP

ICNIRP clarification

Eileen, Please could you forward this letter to all of those on your circulation list, in other words the entire universe.

Take care, Lynn.

Dr Gunde Ziegelberger
Scientific Secretary and Committee, ICNIRP,
c/o BfS Arbeitsgruppe Nichtionisierende Strahlung,
Ingolstädter Landstr. 1,
85764 Neuherberg,

18th July 2006.

Dear Dr Ziegelberger and collegues,

As you are probably aware, the Mobile Phone Industry, when challenged on the safety of their masts, and in particular their relationship to biological affects and electro sensitivity,(both reported at levels way below ICNIRP), endorse their equipments safety by stating that it complies with ICNIRP Guidelines. I believe this statement to be misleading and inaccurate.

My understanding is that ICNIRP guidelines relate to Thermal Heating only, and that these guidelines were intended for short term exposure, nothing else.

I would be extremely grateful if you were able to clarify the following points please.

Do those guidelines put forward by ICNIRP cover biological effects?

Do those guidelines put forward by ICNIRP cover electro sensitivity?

Were the guidelines intended for long term exposure?

Were the guidelines intended for short term exposure only?

What do you mean by short term?

Do the guidelines cover an accumulation of radiation from 24 hour exposure to a phone mast?

I appreciate the attention given to these questions, and welcome your prompt reply, as it has become imperative that we ascertain what exactly the guidelines in their present form do cover, to clear up a lot of uncertainty, and to prevent others from using ICNIRP’s name to endorse anything other than that which is contained within the guidelines.

Yours sincerely,

Lynn Insley,
vice chair, scram charitable trust

Informant: Eileen O'Connor


A clarification about ICNIRP

From Tom Unrelated:

Impressum ICNIRP.org is provided by ICNIRP e.V.
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
85764 Oberschleissheim

The point is "e.V.", meaning "eingetragener Verein" -> "declared club". Anyone can register "e.V.", any hobby sports or even chess club has this legal form in Germany, tens of thousands. Not to forget the beekeepers who use it. It doesn't cost more then 50,- Euro to register one. It doesn't say anything at all, beside you might get quite some tax exemption.

Of course legal personal bond is pretty limited to "e.V." executives...

Sounds crazy, the WHO bases its EMF standards on a German "eingetragener Verein" (declared club)! But then WHO has zero legitimation as well, all constructed to fool us people.

But then, if people do not grasp the source of all the problems, it is unlikely mankind will ever be free again!

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?


Drawing the line on power: Help needed for Your Supportive Opinion

Hi Friends:

We, people in Tsawwassen, B.C., Canada need your supportive comments based on your knowledge on power line health hazards.

At present, 138 kV power lines are going through over 150 backyards which are also right-of-way. Most of houses are right against the edge of the easement line resulting in the distances from the lines to the houses less than 30 feet. The EMFs range from 25 - 50 mG in houses.

Now utility company, BCTC (BC Transmission Corporation), is going to upgrade the lines to 230 kV with 5 times more power capacity than that of the present. People fought hard against the project for the last one and half years without success. A couple weeks ago BC Utility Commission (BCUC) concluded as follow " The Commission Panel concludes that EMF concerns do not warrant actions beyond the very low cost measures that BCTC has included in its VITR design". VITR stands for Vancouver Island Transmission Reinforcement. Next day the editorial of the Vancouver major news paper, The Vancouver Sun, supported the BCUC decision. General public also seem to agree with the decision to avoid rate hike.

We are short of local EMF experts to educate general public. Therefore I would like to plea for you to write your opinions or comments on non-thermal EMF effects to The Vancouver Sun.

LETTERS: Include your name, address, daytime number and maximum 200 words. Your Photographs are welcome. E-mail: sunletters@png.canwest.com

ISSUES & IDEAS: Include your name, address, daytime number and maximum 750 words. E-mail: sunopinion@png.canwest.com - No attachment.

Affected people's response to the UBUC decision is in the attachment.

Drawing the line on power

Some Tsawwassen residents don't want 12-storey power towers -- in anybody's back yard Neil Atchison and Cecil Dunn, Special to the Sun Published: Thursday, July 20, 2006 Two weeks ago the B.C. Utilities Commission approved a project to run 12-storey tall high voltage transmission lines directly through the privately owned backyards of 150 homes in suburban Tsawwassen. They will be visible from many parts of Tsawwassen, and will define its skyline. By anybody's measure the twenty-one 120-foot tall steel towers (11 feet in circumference at the base) carrying 1.2 billion watts of electricity is major industrial infrastructure. The lines for this $231 million project to supply new power to Vancouver Island will carry one third more power than the entire output of BC Hydro's proposed Site "C" Dam. Critics of the project -- notably Delta's municipal council and 3,300 local residents who signed a petition -- favour alternative routes that are not in anyone's back yard. They even coined a new catch-phrase to describe their position -- calling themselves NIABY's, a play on the word NIMBY. In proposing alternative routes the Tsawwassen residents never doubted Vancouver Island's need for more power, nor suggested that the project simply be relocated from their own residential backyards to someone else's. They wanted BCUC to look at alternatives that avoided residential properties altogether. Tsawwassen residents proposed several alternative routes avoiding residential properties in Tsawwassen, and costing less than the project's $17 million contingency cost. These proposals would require some work and negotiations to finalize, but the two supported by the locals could be done at a cost to consumers of less than 12 cents extra on their monthly hydro bill. The utilities commission simply dismissed these alternatives out of hand. The roots of this controversy go back to arrangements made in the 1950s when BC Hydro acquired the right to construct a transmission line across private property in what was then farmland. Locating high voltage electric transmission lines across residential back yards may have been "business as usual" 50 years ago. Today, however, it is difficult to imagine any municipal council in British Columbia approving this kind of land use, especially one that the community will have to live with for another 50 years or more. Unfortunately, the Tsawwassen decision is not in the hands of an elected municipal council, but rather an appointed BCUC. The Commission's decision in Tsawwassen reflects an outdated view of urban planning -- a view that is totally out-of-touch with 2006 community values. We are confident that an overwhelming majority of our fellow British Columbians would agree that it is simply bad public policy to build new industrial infrastructure in residential back yards. We believe that British Columbians in 2006 have come to expect that one of the duties of government regulatory bodies is to ensure that public infrastructure decisions do not create benefits for some of its citizens on the backs of others. With its recent decision in Tsawwassen, the BCUC failed to carry out that duty. We believe that government agencies should not be allowed to transfer risks from public infrastructure projects to private citizens. In the case of the transmission lines, the Commission dismissed concerns about risks to the health and property values of private citizens, amongst others. This despite the recently publicized statement of the Canadian Cancer Society that people should not "let children play directly under power lines" for health reasons, and the fact that the 2006 property assessments (a proxy for market value) of those homes in Tsawwassen most directly affected by these lines actually declined, while they increased elsewhere. So, if time proves the Commission wrong, who will pay the price? It will be private citizens. We are confident that the vast majority of British Columbians would agree that it is quite fair -- in an age where people willingly pay extra for "fair coffee" and "blood-free-diamonds" -- to ask consumers to pay an extra two or three cents a week, if that is what it takes to avoid ruining someone else's community and someone else's quality of life. The Tsawwassen residents who mobilized themselves and others in Delta to oppose this decision want the provincial government, the BCUC and the Crown-owned BC Transmission Company (which will build and operate the towers for BC Hydro) to be creative enough to enlarge the power grid without imposing major new industrial infrastructure projects on residential back yards -- anywhere in B.C. Such a solution requires political will, it requires a great deal more imagination than the recent decision, and it requires a commitment by provincial agencies to 2006 standards of land-use planning -- the kinds of standards already in place that guide virtually every municipal government in the province. It is time for provincial agencies charged with making decisions on our behalf to understand that we are not in 1955 any more. Neil Atchison and Cecil Dunn are the co-chairs of the Tsawwassen Residents Against Higher Voltage Overhead Lines.

Please help us by sending your expert opinions from all of the world. Supportive of course. I thank you in advance.




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