
Antennes relais: ECOUTER le Témoignage de Jean-Luc


Dr George Carlo: Portables en accusation

ONCOLOGIE: VOIR les extraits vidéo: Analyses, et Témoignages


Mobile phone emissions and human brain excitability


Comments on Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF)

Read message from Hans Karow.

Eileen O'Connor

You might want to spent a few minutes reading Dr. John W. Gofman’s comments on NIEHS Working Group Report.


…who is Gofman…? Read his by direct clicking on CV .

Best, Hans


Curriculum Vitae of Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D.

UK Economy and GDP associated with the mobile phone industry

Please see important message from Alasdair Philips, Powerwatch, UK.

Best wishes

Eileen O’Connor

Message from Alasdair Philips below:

I think this is the reason - and any political party in power will have problems with it!

From the MOA website:

UK Economy and GDP associated with the mobile phone industry:

The continual increase in demand for mobile communications has contributed significantly to the welfare of the UK economy. In 2003 the number of employees dependent on the mobile phone sector rose to around 197,000. The industry contributes £15 billion a year to government finances.

£1.3 billion

£4.6 billion

£5.2 billion

£22.0 billion

The UK is one of the most advanced telecommunications markets in Europe and provides the lowest prices for mobile phone usage. With the speed of new technology within the telecoms industry, the swift introduction of the new third generation (3G) over the next few years will be key to maintaining the UK's competitive edge.


Please see enclosed news reports with regards to Tony Blair, read his views about phone masts.


He says there is no evidence. This is the same man who stopped a phone mast from going up in his own constituency some years ago.

I have tried to present Tony Blair with the overwhelming evidence that is available on many occasions. I have requested many meetings through Labour MPs Mike O’Brien and Claire Curtis- Thomas. The last message I got back from Clair Curtis Thomas was on 26th July 2005, she said that Tony Blair’s correspondence secretary e-mailed to say that a meeting with the Prime Minister has been turned down not once, but twice. Once on June 10th and again on June 22nd, Claire Curtis Thomas followed this up with a phone call to 10 Downing St with a final request, this request was also refused.

How can Tony Blair say there is no evidence if he is not prepared to listen?

Kind Regards

Eileen O’Connor Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust http://www.radiationresearch.org


Tony Blair's best mate is at it again and they call this democracy?????No wonder people are disillusioned with politics.

Eileen O'Connor

Information from YubaNet.com.

ApplyRefer 2.3

10,000 EPA Scientists Protest

Library Closures Loss of Access to Collections
Will Hamper
Emergency Response and Research By: Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
Published: Jun 29, 2006 at 08:41

In an extraordinary letter of protest, representatives for 10,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientists are asking Congress to stop the Bush administration from closing the agency's network of technical research libraries. The EPA scientists, representing more than half of the total agency workforce, contend thousands of scientific studies are being put out of reach, hindering emergency preparedness, anti-pollution enforcement and long-term research, according to the letter released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

In his proposed budget for FY 2007, President Bush deleted $2 million of support for EPA's libraries, amounting to 80% of the agency's total budget for libraries. Without waiting for Congress to act, EPA has begun shuttering libraries, closing access to collections and reassigning staff. The letter notes that "EPA library services are [now] greatly reduced or no longer available to the general public" in agency regional offices serving 19 states.

The letter signed by presidents of 17 locals of four unions (the American Federation of Federal Employees, the National Treasury Employees Union, the National Association of Government Employees and the Engineers and Scientists of California) representing more than 10,000 EPA scientists, engineers and other technical specialists was sent to Congressional appropriators yesterday evening and states:

. "The ability of EPA to respond to emergencies will be reduced" due to a diminishing access to "the latest research on cutting-edge homeland security and public health" topics;

. Approximately 50,000 original research documents will become completely unavailable because they are not available electronically and the agency has no budget for digitizing them; and

. The public and academic researchers may lose any access to EPA library materials as services to the public are being axed and there are no plans to maintain "the inter-library loan process."

"Eliminating library access is an absolutely awful way to run an agency devoted to public and environmental health," stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch. "For example, important research on the Chesapeake Bay is locked away in boxes since EPA closed its Ft. Meade library this February, yet EPA still maintains that restoring the Chesapeake is a top priority."

The dogged insistence by the Bush administration on a $2 million cut in an overall EPA budget of nearly $8 billion is particularly curious. EPA internal studies show that providing full library access saves an estimated 214,000 hours in professional staff time worth some $7.5 million annually, an amount far larger than the total agency library budget of $2.5 million.

"The Bush administration apparently decided that it was politically easier to close the libraries than to burn the books, although the end result will be the same," Ruch added, noting that the EPA Administrator brushed aside an earlier request by the scientist unions to bargain about the library shutdowns internally.

In their letter, the EPA scientists cite library closures as "one more example of the Bush administration's effort to suppress information on environmental and public health-related topics." At the same time, other outside observers, such as the Chair of EPA's own Science Advisory Board, are expressing growing concerns over the viability and coherence of EPA's research program.

An extremely low frequency magnetic field attenuates insulin secretion from the insulinoma cell line, RIN-m

Bioelectromagnetics. 2004 Apr;25(3):160-6.

Sakurai T, Satake A, Sumi S, Inoue K, Miyakoshi J.

Department of Organ Reconstruction, Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

In this study, we investigated the effects of exposure to an extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELFMF) on hormone secretion from an islet derived insulinoma cell line, RIN-m. We stimulated RIN-m cells to secrete insulin under exposure to an ELFMF, using our established system for the exposure of cultured cells to an ELFMF at 5 mT and 60 Hz, or under sham exposure conditions for 1 h and observed the effects. In the presence of a depolarizing concentration of potassium (45 mM KCl), exposure to ELFMF significantly attenuated insulin release from RIN-m cells, compared to sham exposed cells. Treatment with nifedipine reduced the difference in insulin secretion between cells exposed to an ELFMF and sham exposed cells. The expression of mRNA encoding synaptosomal associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) and synaptotagmin 1, which play a role in exocytosis in hormone secretion and influx of calcium ions, decreased with exposure to an ELFMF in the presence of 45 mM KCl. These results suggest that exposure to ELFMF attenuates insulin secretion from RIN-m cells by affecting calcium influx through calcium channels. Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

PMID: 15042624 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Informant: Shivani Arjuna


An extremely low frequency magnetic field attenuates insulin secretion from the insulinoma cell line, RIN-m

Blood Glucose Levels: A Study of Correlation Factors

Informant: Patsy


Leukemia and Diabetes Increase with Electrical Exposure (EMF)


Informant: Shivani Arjuna


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