

In der Zeitschrift PC-Professionell - 6-05-2004- wurde der Bericht "Mobil-Terror" gefunden:


Alfred Tittmann

Keine Chance für Schweinswale



"Die Chance, Kleinwale in der EU zu schützen, wurde wieder einmal verspielt", so das Fazit der Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine (GRD) über die neue EU-Verordnung zum Schutz von Kleinwalen. Die wirtschaftlichen Interessen der fischereiorientierten Länder hätten, wie üblich, Vorrang vor dem Naturschutz. Eine Analyse der Verordnung durch den GRD hatten erschreckende Fakten aufgedeckt. Wesentliche Punkte des ursprünglichen Verordnungsentwurfs seien verwässert wurden.

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Rau warnt vor zügelloser medizinischer Forschung



Bundespräsident Johannes Rau warnt vor einer zügellosen medizinischen Forschung. Die Freiheit der Forschung sei "nicht frei von Bindungen", sagte Rau am Dienstag in einer Rede vor dem 107. Deutschen Ärztetag in Bremen. Die "Unantastbarkeit der Würde des Menschen" müsse das Leitbild sein, das der medizinischen Forschung "Richtung vorgibt und ihr Grenzen setzt". Embryonen etwa dürften nicht als "Experimentiermasse" verwendet und "nach Gebrauch" verworfen werden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Neue Zulassung: Genmanipulierter Süßmais anscheinend fehlerhaft


Morgen will die EU-Kommission über eine neue Zulassung für den Import von Gen-Pflanzen entscheiden. Es wäre die erste Zulassung seit 1998. Beraten wird über einen genmanipulierten Süßmais der Firma Syngenta (Bt11), der für den menschlichen Verzehr vorgesehen ist und in den ebenfalls ein Insektengift eingebaut wurde. Nach Informationen von Greenpeace kam es bei der Produktion der Pflanzen im Labor offenbar zu Fehlern: So enthalte die Pflanze aufgrund der Manipulation auch mehrere falsche Genabschnitte. Sowohl Greenpeace als auch der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) kritisieren die angekündigte Verkaufszulassung.

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Irak-Krieg: Ansehen der USA sinkt


Das Ansehen der USA und ihres Präsidenten George W. Bush ist bei den Bundesbürgern seit Beginn des Irak-Kriegs weiter gesunken. Nach einer Forsa-Umfrage im Auftrag des Hamburger Magazins stern haben 75 Prozent der Befragten nur geringes Vertrauen in den US-Präsidenten. Erheblich verschlechtert habe sich außerdem das persönliche Bild der USA. Für nur noch 12 Prozent geben die Vereinigten Staaten derzeit ein gutes Bild ab. Im Februar 2003 waren es noch 21 Prozent. Über zwei Drittel der Befragten waren zudem der Meinung, dass der Einfluss der USA auf die deutsche Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur zu groß sei.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Temporary Setback for Bush Plan for Roadbuilding Across Wilderness

May 18, 2004

The first test of a controversial Bush Administration rule designed to ease highway construction through wilderness areas, national parks, and other protected federal lands suffered an embarrassing setback last week. The rule opens the door for states to claim that long-abandoned trails and paths are under state -- not federal -- jurisdiction, meaning that states could therefore develop them as highways.

It turns out that a "state" roadway, which Utah seeks to take over under the new Interior Department rule, was built in the 1930s by the federal Civilian Conservation Corps for the U.S. Grazing Services.

Until this revelation, the case had been widely regarded as the perfect test for the new "disclaimer" process, which could in effect block wilderness protection and open millions of federal acres to road development, off-road vehicles, and oil and gas exploration. Last January at a news conference announcing the filing of the state's claim, Utah Governor Olene Walker predicted that the return of the 99-mile-long Weiss Highway would have "national significance." [1]

Utah's claim has proved to be considerably off the mark. By reading a widely-available history of Juab County, where the Weiss Highway is located, Kristen Brengel of The Wilderness Society http://www.wilderness.org got the first hint of the road's federal history. Her research even turned up the irony that the highway carries the name of the federal employee who supervised its construction-Henry L. Weiss of the Department of the Interior. With notable understatement, Brengel observed that the state of Utah missed "key evidence".

Whatever the fate of this particular bid, the state of Utah intends to pursue at least 10,000 other claims. Alaska is reportedly pursuing at least 2,000 claims, and other western states will make similar bids to obtain ownership of old right-of-ways, which often don't amount to more than old wagon ruts, cow paths, and stream beds.

This surprising discovery in such a high-profile claim underscores the irresponsibility of the rule change-- a prime example of many administration moves to undermine environmental protection quietly but powerfully through changes in arcane rules and regulations.

In this case, the administration resorted to an 1866 mining law -- known as R.S. 2477-- to circumvent the need to prove the validity of a claim in court or undergo environmental review and public participation. The new rule shifts the decision-making from the courts to the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management, and eliminates the public's traditional right to challenge whether a valid right-of-way exists. [2]

Last year more than 80 members of Congress sent a letter to Interior Secretary Gale Norton protesting that the new rule was not only objectionable but "directly contrary to law." Such claims, the letter noted, "are seen by some as the vehicle of choice for those who would bulldoze thousands of miles of new roads across some of the country's most sensitive Federal lands." [3]

Email Interior Secretary Gale Norton to show that you do not support the erosion of environmental protection and public involvement with changes to arcane rules: Gale_Norton@ios.doi.gov.

[1] "Road ownership test case hits a bump," The Salt Lake Tribune, May 10, 2004.
[2] Letter from House Members to Secretary of Interior Norton, Apr.16, 2003.
[3] Ibid.

Source: http://www.bushgreenwatch.org/mt_archives/000120.php

Sodas Raise Cancer Risk, U.S. Study Finds

May 17, 7:50 PM (ET)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Carbonated drinks may raise the risk of esophageal cancer, a usually fatal disease, researchers reported on Monday.

Several studies presented at a meeting of cancer and gastrointestinal experts in New Orleans showed that what people eat and drink could affect a range of cancers.

"This research supports the widespread medical recommendations for healthy eating," said Dr. Lee Kaplan of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.

A team at Tata Memorial Hospital in India found a strong correlation between the rise in per capita consumption of carbonated soft drinks in the past 50 years and a documented increase in rates of esophageal cancer in the United States.

Team members studied U.S. Department of Agriculture data to find that per capita consumption of carbonated drinks rose by more than 450 percent, from 10.8 gallons on average in 1946 to 49.2 gallons in 2000.

And over the past 25 years, the incidence rates of esophageal cancer have risen by more than 570 percent in white American men. Esophageal cancer affected 13,900 U.S. men and women in 2003 -- more than 10,000 men -- and killed almost all of them, according to the American Cancer Society.

The number of esophageal cancer cases clearly followed the rise in intake of carbonated soft drinks, the researchers found.

That could be coincidence, but they also found research that showed a possible biological basis for the effect. Carbonated soft drinks cause the stomach to distend, which in turn causes the gastric reflux associated with esophageal cancer.

The researchers found similar trends worldwide. Countries with per capita annual consumption of more than 20 gallons of fizzy soft drinks also had rising rates of esophageal cancer.

"The surprisingly strong correlation demonstrates the impact of diet patterns on health trends," Dr. Mohandas Mallath, who led the study, said in a statement.

But another study showed a potential benefit from drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages.

A team at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease studied people with a high risk of liver problems and found those who drank more caffeine had fewer liver abnormalities.

They surveyed 5,944 adults at high risk for liver damage because of heavy drinking, hepatitis infection, iron overload or obesity.

The more coffee they drank, the more likely they were to have normal liver function, the researchers found.

"These results warrant further study," said Dr. James Everhart, who helped lead the study.


Informant: NHNE

Chemtrails geben Rätsel auf

Chemtrails: William Thomas

Quelle: http://ecolog.twoday.net/stories/221436/

Omega-News Collection 18. May 2004

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We are the Majority


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Atrocities in Iraq: 'I killed innocent people for our government'

Baghdad Burning

Human rights groups tell US to clean up own house

Bush Administration Attack on Peaceful Protest Goes to Trial Today

Iraqis, US GI's & Babylon D.U. poisoned -- CLEAN UP NOW!


A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment



Congress told of Iraqi prisoner abuse months before photos

US guards "filmed beatings" at terror camp

The secret of Abu Ghraib

If we sacrifice our ideals, the terrorists have won

The Bush Administration's appalling ineptness

The other war: One year later

A duty to disobey

Culture clues

Where are you heading, America?

How to lose a nation

On Abu Ghraib and war itself: See through relativism of abuse

Powell Admits False WMD Claim

Allies accused of breaking Geneva Conventions on civilian losses

100 Iraqis Held Outside Control of Top General

U.S. holds huge network of secret terror prisons

Prison abuse resulted from a memo signed by Bush: Newsweek

The Roots of Torture

Powell says Bush was 'informed' of Red Cross concerns

A failure of leadership at the highest levels

Abu Ghraib: the rule, not the exception

U.S. ignorance

The shadow of Aden

Soldiers Swap Sick DVDs of Iraqi Killings

Pointless apology

Prison Abuse Investigators Question Hiring of Former Utah Prison Boss

Galloway to prosecute Blair for war crimes

Berg Met With Shady Iraqi

Fahrenheit 9/11 could light fire under Bush

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Bush Knew of Rumsfeld's Torture Plans


Arctic temperatures are warming rapidly, says polar explorer

Summer temperatures in the Arctic have risen at an incredible rate over the past three years, and large patches of what should be ice are now open water, a British polar explorer said Monday.


Iraqis, US GI's & Babylon D.U. poisoned -- CLEAN UP NOW!

See these two articles from the cutting edge, then below see the list of articles from a truthout search for "uranium". Let's help stop this madness by pushing to commence clean up, redress, giving up truth for reconcilition and all the deeply festering issues submerged and left behind by the superimposition of, most costly distraction of war for imperialist gain. We must put a stop to the game they play with our lives, risking and sure to terminate all life if we don't get serious and look past "the next quarter" (the bottom line), the next election and all petty partisanshit and small turfmindedness :


NEWS1909 -- "Ancient Babylon Is Seriously Contaminated With Depleted Uranium Poisoning - DU Contamination Lasts 4.5 Billion Years

NEWS BRIEF: "Rise in birth deformities blamed on Allies' deadly weaponry", By Nigel Morris, Independent.co.uk, 13 May 2004

Searched pages from www.truthout.org for uranium. Results 1 - 10 of about 828.

truthout - GI's: Depleted Uranium Made Us Sick
... Charles Schumer (DN.Y.) to draw attention to medical problems experienced by those who may have been exposed to depleted uranium in Iraq and to ask the Army to... http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/041204F.shtml

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Go to Original. Warning of Toxic Aftermath from Uranium Munitions By Anthony Cardinale The Buffalo News. Tuesday 22 July 2003. The ... http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/072303I.shtml

truthout - CIA Rejects Blame for Missing Iraq WMDs
CIA Rejects Blame for Bush's Iraq Uranium Claim By Jim Wolf Reuters. Thursday 12 June 2003. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The ...

truthout - Depleted Uranium: What 'Support The Troops' Really ...
... Bush-Cheney have delivered upon 17 million Iraqis tons of depleted uranium (DU) weapons, a "liberation" gift that will keep on giving...

truthout - Kucinich: Cheney Must Explain Role in Iraq Uranium ...
... candidate Dennis Kucinich is calling on Vice President Dick Cheney to explain his role in how the now-disavowed claim that Iraq was seeking uranium in Africa...

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Go to Original. The Uranium Fiction New York Times, Saturday
12 July 2003. ... For more articles on the Bush Uranium Statements. ... http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/071303A.shtml

Pentagon: Uranium Didn't Harm NY Unit
Pentagon: Uranium Didn't Harm NY Unit The Associated Press. Friday 30 April 2004. Washington (AP) -- Members of a National ...

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... The Navy insists the use of depleted uranium off the coast poses no threat to the environment. Depleted uranium, known as DU, is ...

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By Larry Johnson Seattle Post-Intelligencer Foreign Desk Editor. ...
http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/11.15B.depleted.uranium.htm - 24k

truthout - Iraq Links Cancers to Uranium Weapons, US Likely to Use ... especially the 205,000 that have applied for medical help from the Veterans Administration, and the people of southern Iraq and test for uranium in their urine ...


Informant: Let's Make Change


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