
Military lawyers advised Pentagon two years ago to protect prisoners

ABC News reports that lawyers from the military's Judge Advocate General's Corps http://www.kwtx.com/home/headlines/693254.html , or JAG, had been advising the Pentagon for two years before the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib prison to ensure protection for prisoners http://abcnews.go.com/sections/WNT/US/JAG_detainees_040515-1.html . But the military lawyers say that political appointees in the Defense Department ignored their warnings, thus setting the stage for the abuse scandal that has undermined the US's standing in the Middle East http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_17-5-2004_pg4_3 , and much of the rest of the world.


Informant: Mike Conley

Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragter fordert Gesetzesänderung gegen "Schnüffel-Chips"



Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte Peter Schaar fordert im Interview mit dem Magazin Focus vom Montag eine Gesetzesänderung zur Regulierung von Funk-Chips, den sogeannten RFID-Chips. Die Gesetzesänderung soll festlegen, dass Produkte, die mit Chips ausgestattet sind zu kennzeichnen sind, die Verbraucher die darin gespeicherten Informationen einsehen können und dass der Chip nach dem Kauf permanent zu deaktivieren sein müsse. Zusammen mit der US-amerikanischen Verbraucherschützerin Katherine Albrecht habe der FoeBuD den in den Payback-Kundenkarten versteckten Chip im Metro Extra Future Store entdeckt. Nachdem die Datenschutzaktivisten eine Demonstration vor dem Future Store in Rheinberg angekündigt hatten, soll der Metro-Konzern versprochen haben, alle 10.000 ausgegebenen "verwanzten Kundenkarten" umzutauschen. "Der Umtausch und die jetzt geäußerte Forderung des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten sind erste große Erfolge," sagt Rena Tangens vom FoeBuD.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Bush Administration Attack on Peaceful Protest Goes to Trial Today

May 17, 2004

An unprecedented case that could stifle free speech and set the civil liberties back decades goes to trial today in federal district court in Miami, pitting the Bush administration against the nonviolent environmental activist group, Greenpeace.

The case stems from a peaceful protest staged two years ago, when two Greenpeace activists boarded a commercial ship off the coast of Florida that was delivering 70 tons of illegally harvested mahogany from a Brazilian rainforest.

The activists were detained before they could unfurl a banner that read, "President Bush, Stop Illegal Logging." The protest was part of an ongoing campaign -- in cooperation with the government of Brazil -- to bring international attention to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Shortly after the protest, a global treaty strengthening international protections for mahogany was signed.[1]

In keeping with a longstanding Greenpeace tradition, the two activists took responsibility for their actions by pleading guilty and serving time for the misdemeanor charges that stemmed from the ship-boarding incident.

But then, some 15 months after the protest, the Bush administration dredged up a long-forgotten 1872 "sailor-mongering" statute, enacted to prevent houses of ill repute from luring sailors off ships entering port, and brought charges against Greenpeace itself for authorizing the April 2002 protest.

"This is the first time in U.S. history that the Government has prosecuted an organization for the free speech-related activities of its supporters," wrote John Passacantando, executive director of Greenpeace USA, in a letter to supporters. "The stakes are extremely high – not only for the continued viability of Greenpeace but also for all Americans who value our tradition of free speech, peaceful protest, and civil disobedience, from the Boston Tea Party to Martin Luther King and beyond."

If the U.S. Justice Department prevails, Greenpeace could be fined up to $20,000 and its tax-exempt status could be in jeopardy. The organization’s future activities could also be subjected to intense government scrutiny.[2]

"If John Ashcroft had done this in the 1960s, black Americans would not be voting today, eating at formerly all-white lunch counters or sitting on bus front seats," NAACP Chair Julian Bond told BushGreenwatch last December. "This is a government assault on time-honored nonviolent civil disobedience as practiced by Martin Luther King and thousands of other Americans."[3]

The last court decision stemming from the "sailor-mongering" law dates back to 1890. U.S. District Judge Adalberto Jordan, who will hear the case, granted a Greenpeace motion requesting a jury trial on the grounds that "the indictment is a rare – and maybe unprecedented – prosecution of an advocacy group" for exercising its right to free speech.[4]

Although the importation of illegally harvested mahogany violates both U.S. law and an international treaty, the Ashcroft Justice Department has taken no action against the company that imported the illegal mahogany.

Tell Ashcroft to go after illegal loggers, not Greenpeace.

[1] Background memo from Greenpeace USA.
[2] Ibid.
[3] BushGreenwatch, Dec. 10, 2003.
[4] Greenpeace memo, op. cit.

Source: http://www.bushgreenwatch.org/mt_archives/000119.php

Omega-News Collection 17. May 2004

In the Shadow of Abu Ghraib: Death Row Prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal On Iraq Prison Scandal


Jail tactics broke rules: Wolfowitz

Medics witnessed UK Iraqi abuse

'They abused me and stole my dignity'

Sivits Describes Laughing Abusers

Photo may show intelligence officers in charge

US forces were taught torture techniques

A systematic process learned from Cold War

Prisoner Abuse: Patterns from the Past

CIA Training Manuals from 60s, 80s, and Investigative memos on earlier controversy on human rights abuses

The Wrong Direction

Leaking self-doubt

Prison Abuse: An MI Officer Sounds Off

The Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Scandal

Rumsfeld is the designated fall guy

Blair’s willingness to follow Bush into any torture chamber shames Britain

Blair faces mutiny over Iraq abuse scandal

The Prime Minister is in denial about the gravity of the situation in Iraq

Pope expected to tell Bush he is wrong

Holiest Shi'ite Shrine Seen Damaged After Battle

82percent of Iraqis oppose U.S. occupation

"Our Democracy is in Danger of Being Paralyzed"

The Rise of Pseudo-Journalism in America

Control In America

'They tied me up like a beast and began kicking me'

Photos Don't Tell Lies

US Pushes World Court Immunity Amid Iraq Scandal

When morality vanishes from the battlefield, the war is lost

Breaking The Silence

Tell us what this war is about

Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President

Dick Cheney’s Song of America

We Don't Want Your War

Oils ain't just oils, they're to die for

A new American dream

Iran leader condemns US 'stupidity'

When the ess hits the fan

Retribution or Reflection

"Sorry's" hollow ring

Where Are You Heading, America?

Vietnam all over again

Living hell of the deadly cocktail from the heavens

Torturing Liberty

From Information Clearing House


The Christian Dogs of War

Letting Go of America

Ugly America

State Terrorism and the United States


Killings of civilians in Basra and al-'Amara

Amnesty International

This report is based on research carried out by Amnesty International delegates in February and March. The organization interviewed families of the deceased and eyewitnesses to the killings, Iraqi police officers and Coalition Provisional Authority officials responsible for law and order. They concluded: "Armed groups strike with seeming impunity. Killings by UK armed forces, in situations where they should not be using lethal force, are examined in secrecy and behind closed doors. Instead of the UK Armed Forces deciding whether to investigate themselves when people are killed, there must be a full, impartial and civilian-led investigation into all allegations of killings by UK troops."


Iraqi Civilians Killed by UK Troops and Armed Groups

Electronic Iraq

May 11, 2004 -- UK Armed Forces in Iraq have shot and killed Iraqi civilians, including an eight-year-old girl and a guest at a wedding celebration, in situations where there was no apparent threat to themselves or others, says a new report from Amnesty International.


UNICEF Alarmed by US Detention of Children

Report, UNICEF

May 11, 2004 -- The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is profoundly disturbed by news reports alleging that children might have been among those abused in detention centers and prisons in Iraq. "Although the news reports have not been independently substantiated, they are alarming nonetheless," UNICEF spokesman Damien Personnaz told a news briefing in Geneva. Personnaz noted that any mistreatment, sexual abuse, exploitation or torture of children in detention is a violation of international law


Iraqi Silence Indicts U.S. Occupiers

Note this so that in the future, no one can say that this war was
lost because "the liberal press warped what was going on."

The war is already lost, it is just a matter of how long it takes the
U.S. government and public to recognize it and acknowledge it.

The L.A. Times ran a story today that finally catches up with the
Alternative Press, European Press, and Iraqi Bloggers have been
saying ever since Fallujah - The U.S. has officially lost the war for
the Iraqi hearts and minds.

The Coalition Provisional Authority commissioned two polls.
Here's the trend.

In October 43% of Iraqis saw the U.S. as occupiers instead of

In April 88% of Iraqis saw the U.S. as occupiers.

In October, 17% of Iraqis wanted the U.S. to leave immediately.
In April 57% wanted the U.S. to leave immediately.

In October 3% of Iraqis supported Muqtada Sadr

In April 50% of Iraqis supported Sadr

And this is before the Abu Grahib story broke, but if you have been
following the Iraqi bloggers, you will see that the Iraqi's consider
Abu Grahib small potatoes compared to what else they have suffered
under the American occupation. The lazy U.S. press is finally waking
up to that point.

What little chance Bush had of making this work has been lost forever.

If you register, you can see the story here:
under "Iraqi Silence Indicts U.S. Occupiers"

You might also want to get a hard copy for history.

Informant: Emergent Behavior

Hat Wasser ein Gedächtnis?

Arbeiten an Beweis für das Erinnerungsvermögen und die positive Wirkung von Wasserfällen bei den Salzburger Wassertagen

Salzburg - Hat Wasser ein Gedächtnis? Dieser Frage geht der Biologe Peter Christian Endler vom Interuniversitären College für integrative Gesundheitsförderung in Graz in seinen Forschungsarbeiten nach. Und der Forscher beantwortet sie mit Ja. Bei den Salzburger Wassertagen präsentierte er am Freitag Ergebnisse. Anhand zoologischer Versuche arbeitet Endler seit Jahren an einem Beweis für das Erinnerungsvermögen von Wasser.

Ausgangspunkt seiner Überlegungen ist die Homöopathie. Auch in extrem hoher Verdünnung, in der theoretisch keine Moleküle der Ausgangssubstanz mehr im Testwasser zu erwarten ist, zeigten sich Wirkungen auf lebende Organismen. Endler arbeitet in seinen Versuchen mit dem Schilddrüsenhormon Thyroxin. Es spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der natürlichen Entwicklung der Kaulquappe von der zwei- zur vierbeinigen Froschlarve. Thyroxin beschleunigt die Entwicklung: Normalerweise benötigen die Kaulquappen zehn Tage, um sich zum Vierbeinstadium zu entwickeln, erläuterte Endler. Setzt man die Tiere einer zusätzlichen Thyroxinbehandlung aus, dann verkürzt sich die Entwicklungszeit auf acht Tage. Ursache dafür ist eine Art "Thyroxin-Vergiftung", die in ihrem Symptomen einer Schilddrüsen-Überfunktion entspricht.


Endler hat nun für seine Versuche das Schilddrüsenhormon wie für eine homöopathische Lösung verdünnt und verschüttelt. Chemisch gesehen handelte es sich dabei um reines Wasser. In Analysen könnte Thyroxin nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden. "Wenn dieses Testwasser eine bestimmte Wirkung haben sollte, dann muss diese mit seinem Gedächtnis, seiner physikalischen Erinnerung an das Schritt für Schritt herausverdünnte Thyroxin zu tun haben", erklärte der Wissenschafter.

Das Ergebnis: Kaulquappen, die zuvor mit Thyroxin behandelt wurden und dann dem Testwasser ausgesetzt wurden, brauchten nicht acht, sondern wieder zehn Tage, um sich voll zu entwickeln. Die Erklärung des Forschers: Das Testwasser, welches Thyroxin in homöopathischer Verdünnung enthielt, "heilte" die Tiere von jenem Stress, den sie durch die "Vergiftung" mit dem Schilddrüsenhormon erlitten hatten. Sie konnten sich - im Gegensatz zu jenen Tieren, die nach ihrer Thyroxin-Behandlung in normalem Wasser aufwuchsen - wieder in der Normalzeit entwickeln. Fazit Endlers: Das Wasser scheine ein Gedächtnis zu haben.

Gestörte Information

Die Forschungsarbeiten, die seit zwölf Jahren laufen, stünden auf sehr breiter Basis und seien in Kooperation mit Zoologen, Zellbiologen und Veterinärmedizinern entstanden, sagte Endler zur APA. Nachdem man nun sicher sei, dass es ein Gedächtnis des Wassers gebe, wende man sich nun der Frage zu, wie dieses Gedächtnis gestört werden könnte. So habe man beispielsweise festgestellt, dass Elektrosmog solche Informationen im Wasser zerstören könne. Deshalb sollten homöopathische Lösungen Endler zufolge vorsichtshalber nicht auf Elektrogeräte gestellt werden.

Positive Wirkung von Wasserfällen

In den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren war die positive Wirkung von Wasserfällen auf die Gesundheit schon einmal Forschungsobjekt. Damals gelang es Wissenschaftern der Stanford University nachzuweisen, dass die negativen Luft-Ionen, die dort in sehr hoher Konzentration vorkommen, Allergikern und Asthmatikern helfen und Schmerzen von Brandwunden lindern können.


In einer Versuchsreihe, die im Sommer bei den Krimmler Wasserfällen geplant ist, will Maximilian Moser vom Joanneum Research Institut für Nichtinvasive Diagnostik, an die früheren Ergebnisse anknüpfen. Bei den Salzburger Wassertagen sprach er über die Wiederentdeckung des Wasserfalls als Gesundheitstank.

In Städten liege die Konzentration von negativen Luft-Ionen bei 500 pro Kubikzentimeter, erklärte Moser im Gespräch mit der APA. Im Wald könne man eine Anzahl von 2.000 pro Kubikzentimeter nachweisen. Bei den Krimmler Wasserfällen kommen sie in einer Konzentration von 70.000 pro Kubikzentimeter vor, weiß der Wissenschafter. "Auch Urlauber sagen, dass ihr Asthma sofort besser wird, wenn sie die Krimmler Wasserfälle besuchen", erzählt Moser. In den Versuchsreihen soll nachgewiesen werden, was sich durch die Konzentration der negativen Luft-Ionen im Körper verändert. Erste Ergebnisse werden im Herbst vorliegen.

Für eine neue Therapieform

Moser geht es darum, den gesundheitlichen Nutzen natürlicher Wasserfallelektrizität zu ergründen. Es gebe alte Berichte, dass die Krimmler Wasserfälle schon vor 200 Jahren als "Gesundheitstank" genutzt wurden. Dieses alte Wissen will Moser mit wissenschaftlichen Daten untermauern und so den Weg zu einer neuen Form der Therapie frei machen.

Der gesundheitliche Nutzen gelte im Prinzip für alle Wasserfälle. Durch die Fallhöhe der Krimmler Wasserfälle ergebe sich aber eine besonders hohe Konzentration der negativen Luft-Ionen. Bei kleineren Wasserfällen liege sie bei etwa 10.000 Luft-Ionen pro Kubikzentimeter. Die Wasserfallelektrizität entstehe durch die Bewegung der Teilchen in der Luft. Durch einen Aufprall entstehen die Ladungstrennungen, die für die negativen Luft-Ionen verantwortlich sind, weiß Moser. An den kleinen Tropfen könnten sich negative Luft-Ionen ansetzen und so ein Elektroaerosol bilden, das besonders wirkungsvoll sei. Es gebe "erstaunlich positive Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit", so der Wissenschafter. (APA



Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Versteckte Mobilfunkantennen - HIDDEN MASTS

Wir haben den Beitrag zu versteckten Mobilfunkantennen um weitere Fotos ergänzt:


Immer mehr getarnte Handymasten

Masten in Litfaßsäulen


Cross used as antenna

How mobile phone masts 'vanish'

Churches cash in on phone boom

Cross used as antenna

Homeowners paid to hide phone masts

Shell to reveal hidden phone masts

Keine Patente auf Gene, Pflanzen, Tiere

Gegen die Umsetzung der europäischen Bio-Patentrichtlinie in deutsches Recht:
Keine Patente auf Gene, Pflanzen, Tiere!

Weitere Infos und Musterbrief zum Herunterladen:

The Roots of Torture

Tough tactics: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld pushed for a Gitmo style approach to prisoner interrogations in Iraq

May 24 - It's not easy to get a member of Congress to stop talking. Much less a room full of them. But as a small group of legislators watched the images flash by in a small, darkened hearing room in the Rayburn Building last week, a sickened silence descended. There were 1,800 slides and several videos, and the show went on for three hours. The nightmarish images showed American soldiers at Abu Ghraib Prison forcing Iraqis to masturbate. American soldiers sexually assaulting Iraqis with chemical light sticks. American soldiers laughing over dead Iraqis whose bodies had been abused and mutilated. There was simply nothing to say. "It was a very subdued walk back to the House floor," said Rep. Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. "People were ashen."...

Read further under: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4989481/

Informant: Mike Conley

Resolution gegen die Steinigung von Frauen

Liebe Frauen, liebe Männer,

kürzlich hatten wir Mina Ahadi, die Gründerin des Internationalen Komitees gegen Steinigung, in der Frauenbibliothek zu Gast. Im Anschluss an den sehr bewegenden Vortrag von Frau Ahadi beschlossen die Anwesenden, eine Resolution im Sinne und zur Unterstützung der Arbeit von Frau Ahadi zu verfassen. Dies ist nun geschehen, wir haben heute die Resolution an VertreterInnen der Bundesregierung, an Frauen- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen und an die Presse - regional und überregional und Frauenpresse - verschickt und geben sie hiermit allen Interessierten zur Kenntnis.

Es ist im übrigen weiterhin möglich, Unterschriften gegen diese barbarische Praxis in bei uns ausliegende Listen zu leisten.

Wir danken für Eure Unterstützung!

Eure Frau Bib

Resolution gegen die Steinigung von Frauen

Im Anschluss an eine Informationsveranstaltung mit Mina Ahadi, Gründerin des Internationalen Komitees gegen Steinigung, am 29. April 2004 in der Saarbrücker Frauenbibliothek verfassten die Anwesenden folgende Resolution:

Steinigungen müssen sofort abgeschafft werden!

Verhinderung der Vollstreckung von Steinigungsurteilen!

Aufhebung von Steinigungsurteilen!

Steinigung heisst:
Die Frau wird bis zu den Schultern in die Erde eingegraben und solange mit Steinen beworfen, bis sie qualvoll stirbt.

Steinigung ist barbarischer Terror gegen Frauen. Diese Barbarei wird immer noch in verschiedenen Erdteilen, insbesondere in islamischen
Ländern, praktiziert. Als westliche Feministinnen sind wir empört, wie unter dem Deckmantel der kulturellen Toleranz akzeptiert wird,
dass Frauen in anderen, insbesondere islamischen Ländern, täglichen Demütigungen ausgesetzt und mit unmenschlicher Folter bedroht werden.

Wir fordern deshalb unsere Bundesregierung, die in vielen dieser Länder wirtschaftspolitisch und humanitär engagiert ist, auf, sich dafür einzusetzen, dass weltweit keine einzige Frau mehr dieser unmenschlichen Folter ausgesetzt wird! Insbesondere unterstützen wir die Forderung von Mina Ahadi und des Internationalen Komitees gegen Steinigung, den 11. Juli (Jahrestag der Steinigung von Mariyam Ajubi) zum Internationalen Tag gegen Steinigung auszurufen.

Als politisch Verantwortliche richten wir unseren Appell insbesondere
an Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, Außenminister Joschka Fischer,
Entwicklungshilfeministerin Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Bundesgesundheitsministerin Ulla Schmidt, Bundesfamilien- und Sozialministerin Renate Schmidt, Bundesjustizministerin Brigitte Zypries sowie den Menschenrechtsbeauftragten der Bundesregierung, Herrn Gerd Poppe.

Wir appellieren darüber hinaus an die politischen Parteien, die Medien sowie die Frauen- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen, dem Terror gegen Frauen nicht weiter tatenlos zuzusehen.

Für Rückfragen: Tel. 0681-93 88 023, Fax : 0681-93 88 025
Frauenbibliothek & Dokumentationszentrum Frauenforschung Saarbrücken, Bleichstraße 4, 66111 Saarbrücken

Nachricht von Cristian Pietsch - http://www.attac.de/saarbruecken

Human rights groups tell US to clean up own house

While this is not a recent report, with all that is happening today, I thought it appropriate to resend it. Note the comment about "unchallenged police brutality ".

Dean Ruby

By Peter Capella in Geneva

GUARDIAN (London)Tuesday April 13, 1999

Human rights groups, led by Amnesty International, have made an
unprecedented appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Commission to take action against abuses in the United States amid mounting irritation at a lack of US co-operation with international human rights institutions.

The appeal, launched during the 53-member commission's annual meeting, is part of a campaign by Amnesty to highlight an apparent US failure to comply with international standards which Washington helped create - and by which it judges other countries.

'When we use those standards, then clearly the US is failing that test
daily,' Pierre Sane, the head of Amnesty International, said. 'Amnesty International is not putting the USA in the same league as China; it is the USA which is putting itself in that league.'

Human rights groups cite a consistent pattern of violations 'that disproportionately affect racial minorities' in the US; unchallenged
police brutality; treatment of asylum seekers; prison conditions; and
the death penalty.

The appeal is likely to have little effect because other commission members traditionally shy away from formal action against specific countries. But Mr Sane's stance may improve Amnesty's standing among Asian and African countries, which accuse the organisation of being pro-Western.

UN committees and investigators that check compliance with human rights legislation have complained of a lack of US co-operation. The country is up to six years late in responding to queries about torture and other alleged violations.

In a report on freedom of expression in the US submitted to the UN
commission, Abdlefattah Amor, a special rapporteur, complained that for the first time since he was appointed and embarked on a series of missions (China, Pakistan, Iran, India, Sudan, Greece, Australia, Germany), he came up against a series of obstacles the aim of which was to get his mission put off.

Mr Amor said the obstacles were created by UN officials, apparently
acting 'either on their own initiative or in defence of state interests'.

Mr Sane said: 'We think the United States is shooting itself in the foot and is fast losing credibility. Amnesty is doing nothing more than holding a mirror.'

The US Congress has not ratified international treaties aimed at eliminating discrimination against women, or providing for economic and social rights. It is the only country, other than Somalia, that has not adopted the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Washington has also imposed reservations on human rights treaties that it has ratified - notably to stop US citizens making direct complaint at an international level.

Britain and other European countries are preparing a resolution against the death penalty which is understood to criticise US practice without mentioning the country by name.

The US is the only industrialised country to use capital punishment, and - along with Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan and Yemen - it still executes juvenile offenders.

Baghdad Burning

... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend...

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Last Few Days...

That video of Nick Berg is beyond horrible. I haven't been able to watch it whole. It makes me sick to my stomach and I can hardly believe it happened. His family must be devastated and I can't even imagine what they must have felt. With all of this going on- first Abu Ghraib and now this, I haven't felt like writing anything...

Read further under: http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/
Girl Blog from Iraq... let's talk war, politics and occupation.

Informant: Geraldo Cienmarcos

Atrocities in Iraq: 'I killed innocent people for our government'

By Paul Rockwell -- Special to The Bee

Published 2:15 am PDT Sunday, May 16, 2004

"We forget what war is about, what it does to those who wage it and those who suffer from it. Those who hate war the most, I have often found, are veterans who know it."

- Chris Hedges, New York Times reporter and author of "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning"

For nearly 12 years, Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey was a hard-core, some say gung-ho, Marine. For three years he trained fellow Marines in one of the most grueling indoctrination rituals in military life - Marine boot camp.

The Iraq war changed Massey. The brutality, the sheer carnage of the U.S. invasion, touched his conscience and transformed him forever. He was honorably discharged with full severance last Dec. 31 and is now back in his hometown, Waynsville, N.C.

When I talked with Massey last week, he expressed his remorse at the civilian loss of life in incidents in which he himself was involved...

Read further under:


Informant: Ken DeBusk




Remember, this is BEFORE 911.

1999 Seattle WTO protests: Staged riots to justify police state crackdown. Taken from Alex Jones' film Police State 2: The Takeover

(watch till the end... 1/2hr long.)


ACTION ALERT! President Putin - Please Ratify Kyoto Now

Ask Russia to Initiate International Cooperation to Stop Climate Change

By Forests.org - May 2004


President Putin will soon decide whether Russia will ratify the Kyoto Protocol. While far from perfect, the Kyoto Treaty represents hard fought and lengthy efforts by the international community to cooperatively address climate change. Kyoto represents an important first step towards establishment of a framework to limit emissions of greenhouse gases, which should and will be strengthened once in force. The issue has been pushed to the forefront as Russia now negotiates with Europe regarding European expansion and Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization, which the Europeans have linked to Kyoto ratification. Indications are the Russia's decision is imminent. Russia's decision regarding ratification of the Kyoto Treaty will determine whether international efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions commence. Climate change is not a theory - it is happening now - with impacts that continue to build in severity. Given President Bush and America's failure to lead, it is imperative that President Putin's Russia do so. Once Kyoto is in place, it is highly likely America will eventually ratify as well. Please ask that Russia immediately ratify the Kyoto Treaty.


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Mai 2004

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