
Letter to all members of the House of Lords

I have sent the letter copied below to all members of the House of Lords because I do not feel that Lord Bassam of Brighton's comments should go uncontested in the place where decisions could be made for our future. Let them all hear the other side of the coin with my opinion.


Dear Member of the House of Lords,

I am emailing to correct Lord Bassam of Brighton’s comments in the House of Lords debate on mobile phone masts, as follows:

Lord Bassam of Brighton: My Lords, there will of course be some revision of the guidance, because the planning policy guidance process is turning into a different form of planning guidance. There have been recent reviews of PPG8 and I understand that it is widely understood. The problem is that local residents sometimes do not like what they hear; one has to be realistic about that. The noble Baroness makes a point about the number of appeals. It is certainly true that there was a large increase in appeals and in the quantity of written representations on planning applications. Thankfully, that appears to have peaked and may well now be tailing off, but it is of course open to local political activists to stir up such issues. It is in their interests to do so; one can well understand that.

I am a great-grandmother and I have never been a political activist in my life.

Since March 2004 I have been an active campaigner agaist the Airwave Tetra for police forces and the siting of masts near schools and residential areas.

The only reason for this is that I have witnessed the suffering and illness caused by this mm02 Airwave TETRA amongst my family members, friends, and other normal, well-balanced people.

That I also suffer near TETRA, either in passing mast sites, or along the directional paths of the radiation to and from each mast, also hardens my resolve to call for this system to be halted and replaced by another form of tetra, perhaps Tetrapol?

I make no excuses for mentioning directional paths! There is no scientific proof but I feel pain in my head and neck etc on these directional paths and so despite what scientists say, there is microwave radiation interferring with my body!

Omega: there is scientific proof. See: "The inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines govering human exposure to the microwave emissions of GSM/TETRA Base-stations": http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/dr_hyland_dec03.pdf
and "Report on TETRA" http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/report_on_tetra.doc


How many must die before you do? And who will accept responsibility?

Or will you just call them all accidental deaths instead of corporate manslaughter?

I have met and spoken to many normal, decent people who campaign against TETRA.

I have never met or spoken to any activists or trouble makers, they are all genuinely concerned about the health of their families, or friends or fellow human beings. A lot are also concerned for wild life and domestic pets, who also suffer near these masts.

MM02 Airwave, government bodies and associated scientists all declare this TETRA to be safe.

How is it then that thousands/ hundreds of thousands? of people have become ill around these mast areas, and further from the masts than guidelines suggest?

Do you truly know the extent of this illness? Do you even consider it?

Even Mast Sanity, a voluntary organisation helping the general public with problems around masts, can only guess, yet this organisation collates information from groups and individuals across the UK.

I recently joined Mast Sanity because I realised that this is not a problem associated just with my backyard. It is a national problem and needs to be addressed at national level, preferably by those who were elected by us to take care of us and our nation.

I speak to new people every week answering mast Sanity’s Advice Line one day a week My heart goes out to them if they are around TETRA or 3G masts, but I now also know that phone masts, long term, can also be harmimg them, especially if they have children or elderly parents.

They, and we, are just normal decent people looking for help.

We do not plant bombs, break into houses, instigate riots or break the law.

We have asked for help and understanding and have met brick walls, deceit, lies, and underhand practices that we would never consider – all for material gain!

Yes, we are angry that our trust has been abused and that we are treated so badly by this government and businesses with no morals or scruples. No, we do not respect, or believe, government bodies because they have proved to be false for self-interested reasons –


We are not local political activist and we resent attempts to discredit us as much as we resent the way independent scientists are discredited for speaking out and saying what we know is true.

Microwave transmission does harm human and animal life and TETRA can KILL!

These are my own personal opinions and I do not in this letter represent, or attempt to represent, Mast Sanity. My views are not necessarily those of Mast Sanity which speaks for itself.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Sandi Lawrence

Message from Mast Network

Letter and attachment to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

The saga of Lord Bassam of Brighton

A sick police force will be of no use to anyone

From Karen Barratt, 27 Byron Ave, Winchester SO22 5AT tel: 01962 864388

Dear Sir,

I can understand why Hampshire Chief Constable, Paul Kernaghan finds criticism of TETRA inconvenient but he is on dangerous ground when he accuses dissenters of telling lies. (Letters 3 December) Having been involved in researching mobile phone technology, including TETRA, for the last four years, I’m sorry to say that most of the misinformation emanates from the Government and the telecom industry, both of which have a vested interest in seeing the technology succeed. The Home Office won’t admit its mistake in choosing TETRA because, as Mr. Kernaghan confirms, the current radio frequencies have been sold. Airwave, a subsidiary of mmO2 has a lucrative contract to install the system.

Statements concerning the safety of the technology have been demolished by people, who have nothing to gain from seeing TETRA fail. Most are far better qualified to pronounce on the issue, than the average minister, Airwave spokesman or chief constable. Policemen, I have spoken to, are extremely worried that they are being put at risk. I can’t give their names for obvious reasons so Mr. Kernaghan will presumably add it to his list of “lies.” I can assure him, however, that we all want well-equipped emergency services but, apart from the health issue, there are “concerns as to whether it will fully capitalise on technological advances.” (Mr. Kernaghan’s own words.) In brief, the over-hyped merits of the Airwave TETRA system have been sold to a gullible Home Office which has, without prior consultation, “directed forces ” (Mr. Kernaghan) to accept it.

Finally I would like to remind Mr. Kernaghan that however politically embarrassing it might be for him to disagree with Home Office policy, his first duty is to ensure the health and safety of his officers. How can anyone have confidence in a system, which is still the subject of ongoing health research. A sick police force will be of no use to anyone.

From Mast Network


Evidence to the Power Inquiry

As promised, here is a first draft of evidence on Tetra to the Power Inquiry - http://www.powerinquiry.org :

It needs more work. Much is a reworking of Jay Griffith's excellent article in the "Ecologist" and as such needs more explicit attribution in places.

There are areas that need more justification. I need a rest from it. Any offers to improve it? Any suggestions?

David Smith

From Mast Network


Tetra Moves to Ireland

THE IRISH TIMES, Friday, Dec 3, 2004, Page 6


[By] Jamie Smyth, Technology Reporter

The Government is to install a new communications system for the Garda at a cost of up to 100 million [euros] over the next four years. The system will be a digital-trunked mobile radio - probably Tetra - which offers far more security than existing systems.

Based on digital rather than analogue technology, Tetra would offer the Garda a more reliable system which is less prone to gaps in network coverage. Tetra handsets are also more flexible than older radio receivers and can be used as two-way radios, mobile phones or data receivers.

The Minister for Justice, Mr. McDowell, said the capital allocation in the Budget for 2005-09 would enable the Garda to proceed with the roll-out of a digital radio system, which would be extended for use
by other emergency services.

A decision on the exact type of digital system to be installed is expected to be made shortly by the Department of Justice.

The decision to go ahead with a digital system follows years of delay over a funding shortfall and was welcomed by the Garda Representative Association yesterday. "We welcome this decision as it was a huge issue at our a.g.m. earlier this year when the current radio system was highlighted as a health and safety and security issue," a spokesman for the association said. "Gardai have been forced to use their own mobile phones rather than use the current radio system."

Perhaps the biggest problem with the current analogue radio system is that it can be scanned and messages intercepted easily by criminals. The Garda published a tender yesterday for the supply of Tetra terminal equipment.

Informant: Imelda O'Connor

Omega: TETRA, a new police communication system, is being linked to a cancer epidemic among both cops and civilians living near transmission masts. The government, meanwhile, is rolling out the system as if nothing is wrong:


The Masts Crusaders

TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring

Police blame health crisis on radio mast

Report on TETRA

The danger of chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields


Cancer on the Beat - Test on Police Station Tetra Mast


NEWS September 14th 2004

Cancer on the Beat

TETRA, a new police communication system, is being linked to a cancer epidemic among both cops and civilians living near transmission masts. The government, meanwhile, is rolling out the system as if nothing is wrong.

By Jay Griffiths

“If people want to know how it feels to have your brother die in your arms, fighting for 48 hours for every breath, then I’ll tell them. It was a death you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.” Those are the words of Dr. Ian Dring, whose brother Neil, a police officer from the Leicester constabulary, died in agony of oesophageal cancer this summer. Neil, he said, was convinced that it was TETRA technology which caused his death. TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) is a new digital communication system for a national police radio network.

Dr. Ian Dring, himself a scientist, monitored his brother’s condition. “As soon as he started using TETRA, he got severe headaches. And the site of the tumour was where he mounted the handset.” Neil had none of the preconditions for oesophageal cancer; he was only 38, was a non-smoking, light-drinking triathlete with no stomach problems and whose diet was good. “To us,” said Dr. Dring, “that’s suspicious. And then another officer of similar age and equally healthy has been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in the Leicester force and in the same place.” Dring quotes the U.S. Cancer Society as saying that for a man under forty without preconditions, the incidence rate would be one in 100,000 and, they added, the chances of two people getting that kind of cancer simultaneously would be millions to one.

This is one tragic chapter in the staggering story of TETRA. A story which involves science being “perverted for political ends”; technology which is not properly tested; a company which openly confesses to taking no responsibility for the safety of what they produce; a whistleblower; a political scandal and a health scandal above all. And it involves you directly, if you live near a TETRA mast. And considering that at least 3,200 such masts will be erected in the UK, there will be one near you.

At Drumcarrow Hill in Fife, Scotland, a TETRA transmitter has been “live” since the late ‘90s. Only about two hundred people live around the mast but there are at least seven recent cases of cancer and five cases of Motor Neurone Disease diagnosed over the past five years (the normal yearly rate for diagnosis with MND is one person in 50,000 to 100,000). Scientist Dr Neil Cherry researched the potential health hazards of low frequency radiation: he died of MND in 2003, convinced he contracted it as a consequence of his long exposure. Research suggests MND as being potentially linked to TETRA technology. Other illnesses thought to be caused by long-term low level electromagnetic radiation include: depression; difficulty in concentration; neurological illnesses; headaches; fatigue; miscarriage; infertility; and a reduction in melatonin.

Brain-level Frequencies

The feature of TETRA that is considered potentially risky is that the modulated part of the signal comes in bursts with a frequency of 17.6Hz, close to the 16Hz at which the brain “loses” calcium (calcium efflux) and also within the frequencies used by the brain’s beta waves. The first warning over this came in the influential independent “Stewart Report” on mobile phones in 2000, which stated that frequencies around 16Hz “should be avoided, if possible.” Because of that caution, the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) was commissioned to write a report on TETRA’s possible health effects in 2001. This report includes worrying statements such as this: studies “do not exclude the possibility of a risk of cancer that appears only after many years of exposure, nor of a hazard from RF radiation modulated specifically at around 16 Hz.”

The Police Federation commissioned independent research scientist Barrie Trower to write a report on the possible risks of TETRA, completed in September 2001. Trower was a courageous whistleblower. “I believe,” he says, “that the government, government scientists and this industry will be responsible for more civilian deaths in peacetime than all the terrorist organisations put together.” Dr. Gerard Hyland, expert in low level radiation and biophysicist from the International Institute of Biophysics, and a prominent TETRA critic, states: “With the TETRA roll-out, we could be seeing a pandemic of brain tumours in ten years.” Low frequency radiation, says Hyland, affects brain function and the blood/brain barrier and degrades the immune system.

When a TETRA mast was switched on in Dursley in Gloucestershire, people reported being “shocked awake” up to fifteen times a night; migraines; sleeplessness; nose bleeds, none of which they had routinely suffered before. At a school in Littlehampton, Sussex, eleven children had to be sent home from school on the day that a nearby TETRA mast was switched on, because they were ill with severe headaches, nosebleeds and dizziness. (Interestingly, residents did not know the mast had been switched on, so the children’s reaction could not have been psychosomatic.)

Low frequency electromagnetic and microwave radiation were identified in the 1960s as a potential anti-personnel weapon and the Pentagon has confirmed that it has developed microwave crowd control weapons. Can a system which is developed as weaponry be considered safe for the police and public?

Let’s ask those canniest of all arbiters of public safety. The insurance companies. Lloyds of London and Swiss Re have recommended to other insurance companies that exclusion clauses should be written against paying compensation for illnesses caused by exposure to continuous long-term low level radiation.

Some call it the Precautionary Principle. Some call it common sense. If something may have risks, and has not been proved safe, it must be assumed that it may be dangerous. Green MEP Jean Lambert has said: “Reports of TETRA being responsible for tumours, leukaemia, motor neurone disease and other cancers must be taken seriously... With risks like these the precautionary principle must apply.”

Clever in Hindsight

Astonishingly, the Home Office is rolling out TETRA nationwide without proper studies being done first: an act which is in Hyland’s words “totally irresponsible.” The NRPB admits: “No epidemiological study as yet has explored the risks associated with telecommunications systems such as TETRA which use RF radiation modulated at frequencies around 16Hz” and says that “Human volunteer studies should be carried out”. The Home Office last year commissioned a five million pound study from Imperial College, London, to study the effects on police officers – not volunteers – over a ten year period. The study will look at the effect of handsets (though not masts) and is being done while the system is already in use nationwide.

The TETRA handsets for the police are considered potentially dangerous because the handset is a brief but intense source of radiation close to your head. When the technology was first used in Lancashire, 177 police officers (out of 246 respondees to a questionnaire) reported symptoms including migraine, nausea, sleeplessness and lack of concentration. Norfolk Police have confirmed that six people including a chief inspector at North Walsham police station have become ill, with dizziness and headaches, since a mast on top of the station went live in late February/early March this year. Twenty five people living near the mast have reported similar illness.

In spite of people’s direct experience, the NRPB insists that TETRA is safe. The NRPB exists to regulate radiation and is half government-funded. Like many regulatory bodies, it has unhealthily close ties to the industry which it claims to regulate, and there are clear conflicts of interest.

Dr. Keith Baverstock, who was the World Health Organisation’s senior radiation adviser in Europe, addressed a conference on low-level radiation in July 2004, accusing the NRPB of “misusing” science (in studies of nuclear test veterans). He said science has been “perverted for political ends” by government agencies which should be protecting public health. Baverstock alleged a “serious flaw” in the NRPB’s methodology in these studies.

Skewed Standards

There is a yawning discrepancy between the NRPB and others over safe levels of this kind of radiation. If you compare the NRPB’s recommendations with others, in terms of miles per hour, it is as if in the UK an acceptable speed limit would be 2847mph while the EU recommends a limit of 9mph.

Why the difference? Crucially, the NRPB sets their standards only taking into account thermal effects. Dr. Hyland says: “That’s not the problem” – the non-thermal effect of radiation from TETRA handsets and masts “is far more serious.” (“Thermal effects” means that there is enough energy to heat tissue. “Non-thermal effects” means other effects on biological structure and the body’s communication systems.

The contract for TETRA was given by the Home Office to a consortium headed by BT. BT has since hived off the contract, called the "Airwave" contract, to 02 and their subsidiary mm02. One important component of the system is made by the US-based Motorola. 02’s response to public disquiet has been cavalier, saying: “The safety of what we supply is nothing to do with us.” The Home Office, meanwhile, is gung-ho for TETRA, although there is a similar system (TETRAPOL) which is both cheaper and “safer” than TETRA. But it is thought that the US government put pressure on the UK government to take the TETRA system, since TETRAPOL does not use Motorola components.

The industry dearly wants to sell the TETRA system to many countries around the world, and to do so seeks the endorsement of the British police force, seen as conservative, safety-conscious and well-equipped. For the industry, it is a kind of celebrity endorsement: a very cynical use of the police.

As I research this subject, I’m shown extracts of e-mails about TETRA from a Crime Scene Examiner in Lancashire which grow increasingly desperate over the weeks, describing how all but one member of their team “are suffering from symptoms ranging from headaches/toothache/neuralgia to high blood pressure and even a cancerous tumour in the throat...It is the tumour which has finally been the last straw...” This officer, says his colleague, had been “very pro TETRA radios – needless to say he’s changed his mind since finding out he has cancer.”

Then an e-mail arrives. The officer is now dead. As his colleague remarks: “We are a group of people who love our job and we are not 'trouble makers' – but we are genuine in our belief that these radios are killing us.”

This article is part of a longer report for The Ecologist magazine, to be published in October.




Who would be daft enough to stick a guinea pig in a microwave oven and expect it to pay for the privilege? No one, you would have thought, but think again!

What is the technology used for the new communication system, called Airwave Tetra, rolled out for the 51 police forces across the UK? Microwave transmission!

Is this system tried and tested on humans? No! The police forces and also, indirectly, the general public are the guinea pigs for the next 15 years, but only the police forces get a health survey of sorts…but not directly for health issues, which I understand are discouraged.

Who is to pay for this? The government? No! MM02 Airwave? No! Who then?

We, the general public, of course, through the police quota of the council tax.

As I understand it, we will be paying for it for fifteen years and the cost is predicted to go up from original figures quoted.

Already police forces are declaring they have not got enough money to provide for the present services and the tetra roll-out is not yet complete! Can we afford to pay for this tetra system and, more importantly, should we be subjected to it, since it is untested and untried on humans?

In view of all this, do we really need a tetra mast in any local area this Xmas?

If you think not, take a look at the http://www.mastsanity.org website or write to your MP.

Sandi Lawrence

From: Mast Network



This was sent to me via email coord for our information. Maybe he needs plannig info from one of you?? I have all his details.


Douglas Sinclair, CBE, Chief Executive,
Fife Council
Fife House
North Street
Fife KY7 5LT

18 November 2004

Dear Mr. Sinclair,


I refer to my previous correspondence with Mr. Jim Birrell, Development Manager (Development & Regeneration) regarding the above, copies of which you should have received.

Twice now I have requested information from Mr. Birrell about complaint procedures so that I may pursue a complaint regarding the Council¹s act of discrimination against the citizens of Pittenweem as expressed in the above petition.

I also wish to pursue a complaint about the misinformation promulgated by various Council officers regarding the assertion that as a planning authority the Council is not able to legitimately concern itself with possible health effects when dealing with planning applications to erect TETRA masts.

There is much to question about the Council¹s assessment of its own role as being 'restricted' in relation to possible health risks associated with TETRA masts, balanced against its duty of care towards the citizens of Fife, especially towards our children and our elderly population.

There are also serious issues concerning the way in which Fife Council¹s mechanisms for 'decision making' have undermined and eroded some very fundamental democratic principles, so it would seem. Initially the wishes of many communities were reflected in their local councillors decisions to refuse planning permission for the erection of TETRA masts. Those wishes were then thwarted by a central Fife committee, the Environment & Development Committee, which took control and approved those planning applications, contrary to the wishes of the communities and their elected representatives.

As I have received no information from Mr. Birrell about the Council¹s complaint procedures regarding the above, I would be grateful for some clear guidance on how I may use whatever complaint procedures are in place.

I feel you should know that there are many of us in and around Pittenweem who remain deeply unhappy about the Council¹s role in siting a TETRA mast so close to peoples¹ homes and to the Primary School. Judging from the response we had from local residents and visitors to the petition referred to above, the concern is shared by an overwhelming majority of Fife citizens.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Alexander
East Neuk Campaign Against Tetra

Cc Cllr. Anne McGovern, Leader of the Administration
Cllr. Mike Scott-Hayward
Cllr. Elizabeth Riches
Cllr. Mike Rumney, Chair, Environment & Development Committee
Sir Menzies Campbell, M.P.
Pittenweem Primary School Board
Pittenweem Community Council

From: Mast Network



Just yesterday I received news that a TETRA had been refused retroactive planning permission in Hove.

Congratulations are due to two Brighton women for single (well double!) handedly being responsible for planning consent being refused for the TETRA mast at Court Farm, Upper Dyke Road, Hove, thereby saving hundreds, possibly thousands of people from serious adverse health effects and possibly worse. They simply sent two letters of objection.

What has really surprised me is that just two people have been able to get a mast refused planning permission. One of the women told me that the case didn`t have to go to committee as there were no letters of support, only their letters of objection, and under Delegated Powers officers can refuse an application on this. Does this mean ANY mast can be refused if either (1) objections outnumber support letters or (2) there is only ONE objection and no support? If so, why is this not mentioned in MS? Am I missing something?

The other is that not one other person wrote either to object to or even support the mast. This is quite disturbing - especially in view of the countless anti TETRA letters written by me and published in the local media over the past year.

However, if this method of mast rejection is effective, it's amaxing news...the message would be: keep an eye on local planning applications and if you see a mast in the pipeline, write a letter of objection and get a friend to do the same. Then PUBLICISE.

Gary K


Tetra from Cumbria

Chris, who has just joined us, gave me permission to post this so that others can identify, or look out for tetra, in view of the current haste to roll out more tetra and 3G masts across the UK.


I was looking at the excellent TETRAWATCH site again today and came across the following:

(O2) Employ agents to find mast sites around the country where landowners are dysfunctional, anti-social, selfish, bull-headed and influenced by money, drink or the need for solitude and remote from social contact. These are the best option because they will not be influenced by local opinion.

This EXACTLY describes the situation in Kentmere, Cumbria. The landowner, or rather barn owner since 'our' TETRA antenna is on a grade II listed barn, is a farmer, living on the 'edge' who is a loner and has little or nothing to do with local residents. Airwave mmO2 told him the installation would be safe and, presumably, paid him the money. He and his partner have an eight month old baby girl - the TETRA antenna is some 15 metres from their house.

They claim they have taken "a business decision". They claim to have no concerns at all about the 'health' aspects because Airwave told them it was safe. They say that local residents are in "a stew' about nothing because Airwave says it is safe. They refuse to talk to locals about the TETRA installation, they refuse to come to local meetings, and they tell local residents who stop on the public footpath that runs past the 'mast' to "move on". They carry on as if everything is fine. Meanwhile residents are suffering 'health' problems, are writing to their MP, are compiling a 'complaint' to the local planning authority, are concerned about their holiday businesses, the values of their properties, and their long term health.

What can you do in a situation like this - it seems so unfair that we can't use half our house (we can easily detect microwave hotspots in our sitting room and bedroom, and feel nauseous after about 30 minutes in these rooms) when the landowner next door is totally unconcerned about all the stress and concern he is causing us and the local community. Indeed HE has made the decision regarding 'health' for the rest of us.

Have there been any situations where TETRA sufferers around the UK have written to identified landowners explaining about TETRA in their own way and expressing their concerns, etc. I know that if I were asked then I certainly would!?

Incidentally, I can add to the list of Airwave mmO2's misleading practices, e.g.

Have a PR meeting, including a police spokesman, about a submitted planning application for a 'collinear antenna', never mention TETRA or 'health' or alternative sites then claim it was a pre-application meeting in which alternative sites were fully discussed.


Have you told the landowner you hope he has insurance to the tune of £56000000. I believe that is what barry trower said landowners will need for future claims against devaluement of houses near to masts and health problems if it is proved masts cause health problems.

sue g

p.s. On 'look east' news this morning a piece about masts going up near houses in Felixstowe, Suffolk and I believe they are saying compensation will have to be paid if it goes up in this particular place for houses that are devalued. Unfortunatley my husband sneezed at a crucial moment in the broadcast so missed a bit of it.

I am asking a couple of business / psychologist friends of mine to help on this. Masties can do psychological profiling too! I think the answer below is the right way forward but in case we are missing a trick lets see what the "professionals" would say about a nasty landowner (Type 2 Retentive Sociopath???). No point masties wasting time trying to appeal to better nature. But interesting that telling "normal landowners2 about the health and business risks does work and makes them refuse permission - hence O2 seeking out nasty landowners who will not listen to reason.

Best Yasmin

I wouldn't mind putting a few of them through an EPQ (make 'em listen to Hans Eysenck while they're at it, that should finish them off!). According to some social psychologists (Brown, Allport and that lot), when you know that something is bad, like fags or mobiles, but you still 'have to' have them, the arising internal conflict causes cognitive dissonance, which affects subsequent attitudes and values etc.

To achieve consonance and avoid going completely mad, you have to either give up smoking or the convenience of your mobile, or convince yourself completely that what you know is wrong, ie, there are no harmful effects!

So you see, as the greedy, grabbing ignorant landlords and operators will not relinquish the revenue from masts, they refute the facts more vehemently than ever, to the point where they begin to actually believe themselves, even when they are presented with concrete evidence.

And that, my friends, is how they sleep at night!


Informant: Mast Network



Useful TETRA links

Useful TETRA links: Find where masts are


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