
Review of the SWI ES UK Health Survey results

Dr George Carlo has invited all of us who responded to the Safe Wireless Initiative electro sensitivity Health Survey to a review of the results prior to publication. While I am aware that many of you will have to travel some distances we are hoping the the safe nature of the venue and access will prove favourable and that you will be able to join us on Sunday, 7th September, 10.30am - 5pm.

The full address is:

The Friars
Aylesford Priory
Kent ME20 7BX

Travel to J6 on M20 close to Maidstone or regular train service from London Victoria to Maidstone East.

Please feel free to circulate Dr Carlo's invitation on your various web sites and to colleagues. We are relying on several email lists and hope to reach everyone by early next week.

Once we have a better idea of numbers, we will finalize the menu and help with lift suggestions.

We do hope you can make time to meet up at this rare ES event. If you decide to drive to the venue and are happy to offer lifts to others perhaps you could make this known to one of us. We will run a list and circulate details closer to the date. We are also seeking out safe accommodation ideas for those travelling from further afield.

Very best wishes

Sarah Dacre
T 020 844 66878
Sarahdacre @aol.com
Patty Hemingway T 0208 333 0413 pattyhemingwayhomeopath@inbox.com

27 July 2008

Several months ago, you assisted our Safe Wireless Initiative-UK by participating in a study of the prevalance and characteristics of electrosensitivity (ES) disease in the United Kingdom. That work is now completed and is being readied for publication in the medical literature. It is our long-standing policy to present research findings to those who have participated in our studies in advance of the data being made public. Many times, the process of publication takes many long months, and we believe the burden of that delay should not rest on you. This is also important both so that there is no miscommunication about what the data say and more urgently, so that you are able to begin using the results of this work as soon as possible in making your own life more comfortable.

I will be in the UK during the early part of September to speak at the Radiation Research Trust (RRT) conference on EMR dangers, my travel being graciously paid by the RRT. That visit has given us the opportunity to provide a confidential and personal briefing to you about the ES study results. In addition, a number of clinician colleagues have offered to donate their time, so that we would be able to offer you an open consultation clinic at the time of the briefing. The consultation clinic will address ES and other membrane sensitivity related conditions such as Autism and Alzheimers Disease.

After careful consideration of the critical factors pertinent to your health needs, the Friars, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7BX has been selected as the venue for this data briefing and consultation clinic. The date is Sunday, 7 September. The event is private, free of charge to you (except for catering), and will run from 10.30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Friars is a working venue with a long history of hosting groups with specific needs. We have tested the location and have found it to be free of all e-smog. There is no WiFi and lighting will be turned off as much as is practicable during the sessions. The site has parking for several hundred vehicles, is located just three kilometers from the M20 J6, and is very well sign posted. It is a short taxi ride from Maidstone BR train station. The trek from downtown London to the venue has been clocked at a little more than one hour.

We have selected two rooms located on the ground floor so it will be possible to spend the entire time under daylight conditions. There are numerous windows and several doors into the presentation room which will be left open to accommodate those with multiple chemical sensitivities. There is a grassed, open-air quad which is accessible to those who are unable to tolerate any form of lighting. The catering provision is sensitive to the gluten-free needs of many in the group.

There will be cars traveling from many diverse locations in the country and we will do our best to make lifts available for those who are unable to travel by public transport. A friend of our program has volunteered her holiday camp/caravan site at reduced rates for those of you who travel down from North England and Scotland to attend. You can rest after your journey and come across to the Friars on Sunday.

This letter is your personal invitation and we ask that you bring it along with you on that day so that we are able to limit attendance to those for which this event is intended. If you have family or personal friends who would like to attend, they are invited so long as they enter with you. We would also ask that you let us know as soon as possible if you intend to join us (and the number of guests) by return mail.

We, and the public at large, owe each of you a debt of gratitude, as our study of your painful plights makes it possible to prevent others from suffering. It will be an honor for me to meet each of you and to thank you in person.

Dr. George L. Carlo
Science and Public Policy Institute
1101 Pennsylvania Ave, NW -- 7th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20004



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Juli 2008

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