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Die Suche nach »brain heating« hat 68 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Are cell phones, grid the next cigarettes?
San Francisco Chronicle As many as 9 million people in the United States - 3 percent of the population - may have severe reactions to electromagnetic fields (EMF), an invisible ... http://www.sfgate.com/cg i-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2 009/11/17/EDG91AM0PF.DTL -------- ALL... ...
Starmail - 18. Nov, 22:24
International EMF Conference Stavanger 2009
International EMF Conference Stavanger 2009 Important information! "Internation al EMF conference in Stavanger, Norway On November 17th there will be an international conference in Stavanger, Norway.... ...
Starmail - 5. Nov, 12:41
Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: Underplayed by Industry Giants
Targeted News Service (subscription) ... are calculated off a false premise--assuming that electromagnetic radiation from cellular phones have no biological effect other than heating. ... http://targetednews.c om/disp_story.php?s_id=998 555> -------- Cellphones ... ...
Starmail - 3. Sep, 22:12
Does Your Cell Phone Cause Cancer?
Newstalk 1450 KBKW The International EMF Collective (EMF stands for "electromagnetic fields") report, co-authored by Brian Stein, questions long-awaited research about whether ... http://kbkw.com/modul es/news/article.php?storyi d=845 -------- Does... ...
Starmail - 30. Aug, 22:11
Visit to Montreal
I just spent 36 hours in Montreal - my first trip back here since summer '03. I wonder how anyone who is electrosensitive can survive in this city. I am now in the lush green mountains of Massachussets... ...
Starmail - 4. Aug, 08:47
Mobile phones, cordless phones and the risk for brain tumours
Mobile phones, cordless phones and the risk for brain tumours Mobile phones, cordless phones and the risk for brain tumours omeganews... ...
Starmail - 12. Jun, 05:18
The action of pulse-modulated GSM radiation increases regional changes in brain activity and c-Fos expression in cortical and subcortical areas in a rat model of picrotoxin-induced seizure proneness
J Neurosci Res. 2008 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print] López-Martín E, Bregains J, Relova-Quinteiro JL, Cadarso-Suárez C, Jorge-Barreiro FJ, Ares-Pena FJ. Morphological Sciences Department, University of... ...
Starmail - 11. Jan, 14:34
Microwave Radiation Levels Along An Israeli Roadway
Interview with Iris Atzmon and Zamir Shalita http://news.nana10 .co.il/Article/?ArticleID= 524627&sid=126 (in Israel) Informant: Agnes Ingvarsdottir -------- M icrowave Radiation Levels Along An... ...
Starmail - 3. Dez, 10:05
Mobile Phones 'May Cause Brain Damage'
Radiation clue to brain-cell damage by mobiles ANGUS HOWARTH MOBILE phone radiation may cause serious damage to the brain by triggering a chemical reaction that leads cells to divide, say scientists. The... ...
Starmail - 30. Aug, 11:02
Cell users throw safety measures to the winds
HT Correspondent Kanpur, February 19 AROUND 4,000 Kanpurites are suffering from various ailments because of injudicious use of cell phones, claimed ENT specialist Dr Devendra Lalchandani. Despite repeated... ...
Starmail - 1. Mär, 09:42