Dear Dr. Emilie van Deventer, head of WHO electromagnetic fields project
I wrote you a month ago with the following question. Although I have not yet received a reply, I still hope you will be so kind as to take a moment to look into this:
You gave a presentation at a governmental EMF conference in Copenhagen 27'th of may. After your presentation, I asked you why the WHO fact sheet on mobile-phone base-stations states there is no evidence of harm from such installations when 80% of WHO acknowledged studies on people living near mobile-phone base-stations show increased risk of impaired well-being, neurological diseases and cancer.
You replied that you were aware of the studies in question, but that they were not performed according to "correct protocol".
I am most curious to learn what protocol the WHO has developed for studies on people living near mobile-phone base-stations and therefore I trust you will have no trouble in referring me to the location on the WHO website where this protocol can be examined.
Best Regards,
Henrik Eiriksson
Solvation Consulting
phone: +45 36 17 34 04
Phone Masts and Protocol studies request to Dr Emilie van Deventer