
Handys erhöhen doch Tumorrisiko



Beitrag Nr. 90409 vom 05.04.2006

Bislang größte Studie zu den Langzeitfolgen von Mobiltelefonen weist auf Gefahr hin

Die bislang größte Langzeitstudie zu möglichen Gefahren der Langzeit-Handynutzung, die von Wissenschaftlern des Swedish National Institute for Working Life durchgeführt wurde, zeigt nun doch, dass vom Mobilfunkgebrauch gesundheitliche Gefahren ausgehen.

Die Forscher hatten im Rahmen der Studie 905 Patienten mit malignen Hirntumoren untersucht, die zwischen 20 und 80 Jahre alt waren. 85 von ihnen hatten das Handy hochgradig genutzt, das heißt, sie hatten frühzeitig und viel damit telefoniert. Tumore hatten sich auffällig oft an der Kopfseite gebildet, mit der gewöhnlich telefoniert wurde.



Hirntumorhäufung an australischer Universität

Nachdem in einem Gebäude des Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Melborne eine Häufung von Hirntumorfällen aufgetreten ist, wurde dort eine Untersuchung veranlasst und die obersten beiden Stockwerke geschlossen.


Quelle: EMVU-Informationsseite von Dipl. Ing. Ralf Dieter Wölfle

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Helmut Langenbach
57074 Siegen
Tel.: 0271-54220


People's Will letter to the Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson


Letter from Donald Forsberg/Peoples Will to the Prime Mininster of Sweden

To the Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson
The Government Office
Friday May 12 2006

Warning about imminent danger for the Swedish population

Swedish Television tells a story today about a cluster of seven brain tumors in a building in Melbourne, Australia. The cancer cases are feared, on solid reasons, to have a connection with a mobile telephony transmitter on the roof of the building.

People’s Will, which runs for the Swedish National Elections 2006 on the premise of the acute threat to people’s health and the environment caused by the rapid increase in wireless telecommunication systems, are aware of several other cancer cluster cases where mobile transmitters are suspected to be the cause of the serious diseases and where the transmitters have been consequently shut off:

- The school Quintana in Valladolid, Spain, where four children got cancer within one year

- St Cyr l’Ecole in Paris, where an abnormal number of children have contracted brain cancer

- Ruitz in France, where two small children contracted brain cancer in a very short time period

People’s Will wants to remind the Prime Minister that two independent studies now show that people living close to mobile phone antennas are 3-4 times more likely to contract cancer than the rest of the population. We also want to remind the Prime Minister that several studies show that people living close to mobile phone antennas are at a greater risk to contract the condition known as the microwave syndrome, with symptoms such as sleep disorders, headache, dizziness, heart-vessel symptoms etc. We stress that there are no studies that disprove the results of the previously mentioned studies. We would also like to remind the Prime Minister that a large number of people in Sweden are hopelessly testifying on the health problems caused by wireless communication radiation. They constitute an already serious warning signal, especially since no studies have been able to disprove their testimonies.

People’s Will also wants to remind the Prime Minister that several studies now confirm the increased risk of brain tumors from mobile phone use, both a larger risk for acoustic neuroma and malign brain tumor. We are also deeply concerned that the risk is greater for the youngest part of the population, according to the latest study by professor Lennart Hardell.

Our wish is that all of these obvious signs of an imminent danger for the entire Swedish population would not be real. However, everything indicates that it is a highly real and imminent danger. An increasing number of scientists and doctors have been tolling the warning bells increasingly louder during recent years, only to be ignored by the authorities. The most ignorant responses have been given by the Swedish authorities and the Swedish government, who give uneducated and foolish answers to anyone who testifies about health problems or who have conveyed their deepest concerns. Responsible Swedish authorities (The Swedish Radiation Protection Agency and The National Board of Health and Welfare) are lying and misleading about the serious research findings. The scientific experts of The Swedish Radiation Protection Agency are disqualified at a majority and not representative of the scientific community. They also do not present an account that can underlie an appraisal on the basis of Swedish environmental legislation.

- We demand that you immediately meet and listen to competent and critical scientists who constitute the majority of the scientific community in Sweden and who have not been previously allowed to participate in expert investigations in this matter. Their names are: Professor Bertil Persson, Lund, Professor Leif Salford, Lund, Professor Lennart Hardell, Örebro, Associate Professor Igor Belyaev, Stockholm, Associate Professor Olle Johansson, Stockholm.

- We demand an immediate reduction of the public safety limit for permissible radiation from microwave based communication technology so that it protects against effects of chronic exposure 24 hours a day. It must therefore initially be reduced to 1 microW/m², which is the level recommended by the Salzburg Health Department, in Austria. The current safety limit set by the Swedish Radiation Protection Agency only protects against acute effects and does not protect against the long term effects that the entire Swedish population is being heavily exposed to and to an ever increasing extent.

We demand that you read this so that you cannot, as with earlier catastrophes, claim in the future that you did not obtain any information. We fear a forthcoming tsunami in human suffering and illnesses, caused by unacceptable levels of microwaves in society, as a direct consequence of your administration’s politics. The recent quake in Melbourne should be taken very seriously.

Measures must be taken immediately. The increasing radiation may pose catastrophic consequences for Sweden. This is about the future for the Swedish children. You are highly responsible for this matter.

I demand a confirmation that you have read this letter.

Donald Forsberg
Chairman People’s Will
Telephone: 0498-22 18 22
Skriven av Erik D, layor den 05/12/06


Informant: Mona Nilsson


Congo's tragedy: the war the world forgot


DECT - Strahlenquelle in der Wohnung BfS: Schnurlose Telefone strahlen unnötig

Es handelt sich um diese Pressemitteilung, die bis zu Hintergrundinformation veröffentlicht wurde. Da frage ich mich, was nun, ist es schädlich oder ist es nicht, als Wischiwaschi-Aussage... Hauptsache, man hat vorsorglich gewarnt!


Marianne Kirst

Pressemitteilung 002 vom 31.01.2006

DECT - Strahlenquelle in der Wohnung
BfS: Schnurlose Telefone strahlen unnötig

Ein schnurloses Telefon des DECT-Standards ist oft die stärkste Quelle hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung im privaten Haushalt. Ein vorsorglicher Verzicht auf schnurlose Telefone trägt zur Minimierung der persönlichen Strahlenbelastung bei. „Allerdings könnte die Industrie DECT-Telefone entwickeln, die die Aspekte der Vorsorge und des Strahlenschutzes besser berücksichtigen als die derzeitigen Geräte“ sagt Rüdiger Matthes, Experte des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (BfS). Schnurlose Festnetztelefone mit DECT-Standard haben keine bedarfsgerechte Leistungsregelung. Somit senden die Basisstation und das Handgerät während des Telefonierens immer mit der gleichen Leistung, unabhängig davon, ob der Nutzer mit dem Handgerät 1 Meter oder 300 Meter von der Basisstation entfernt ist. Matthes: „Deshalb fordern wir, dass schnurlose Telefone mit bedarfsgerechter Leistungsregelung entwickelt werden, die die Leistung während des Telefonierens der Entfernung von der Basisstation anpassen“.

Um den reibungslosen Betrieb mit den Handgeräten sicherzustellen, sendet die DECT-Basisstation - wenn nicht telefoniert wird - außerdem ein kontinuierliches Kontrollsignal aus. Nach Ansicht des BfS sollten schnurlose Telefone so konzipiert sein, dass sie im Stand-By-Betrieb strahlungsfrei sind. „Erfreulicherweise gibt es jetzt neue Geräte, die genau diese Forderung erfüllen und so die Strahlenbelastung im Haushalt senken“, erklärt Matthes. Um möglichen gesundheitlichen Risiken vorzubeugen, empfiehlt das BfS, die persönliche Strahlenbelastung durch eigene Initiative zu minimieren. Dabei helfen die folgenden Tipps falls Sie nicht auf ein schnurloses Telefon verzichten möchten: Stellen Sie die Basisstation dort auf, wo Sie sich nicht ständig aufhalten, zum Beispiel im Flur. Stellen Sie sie nicht direkt auf den Schreibtisch. Führen Sie nur kurze Telefonate. Setzen Sie neu entwickelte DECT-Telefone ein, die strahlungsfrei sind, wenn das Handgerät in der Basisstation steckt.


Grundlage für die Beurteilung möglicher gesundheitlicher Beeinträchtigungen durch die hochfrequenten Felder der DECT-Telefone sind die von der Internationalen Kommission zum Schutz vor nichtionisierender Strahlung (ICNIRP) empfohlenen Basisgrenzwerte. Diese werden als Spezifische Absorptionsrate (SAR) angegeben. Die SAR beschreibt, welche Menge der Strahlungsleistung (W) vom menschlichen Köper (kg) aufgenommen wird. Die maximal zulässige SAR beträgt 0,08 W/kg für den ganzen Körper und 2,00 W/kg für Teile des Körpers, zum Beispiel für den Kopf. Bei DECT-Telefonen liegt der SAR-Wert für den Kopf unter 0,1 W/kg. Der empfohlene Grenzwert von 2,0 W/kg wird also um ein Vielfaches unterschritten. Nach dem Stand der Wissenschaft auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene gibt es zwar Hinweise auf biologische Wirkungen, aber keine Nachweise, dass hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder - die Grundlage der Funktionsweise der DECT-Telefone - gesundheitliche Schäden verursachen. Dies gilt unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Grenzwerte eingehalten werden. Auch eine besondere Gefährdung durch gepulste Signale, die immer wieder angeführt wird, konnte bisher auf wissenschaftlicher Basis nicht nachgewiesen werden.

Omega das stimmt nicht siehe „Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk“ unter:
http://omega.twoday.net/stories/293807/ und „DECT - Gesundheitsschäden durch DECT-Telefone unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/322063/

Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
Stand vom 31.01.2006

Report on very successful Toomevara (C.Tipp) mast protest rally

Below is one of the broadsheet reports of our national mast protest at Toomevara last Saturday, organised by B.E.S.T. (Better Environment and Safer Telecommunications). However, the numbers were vastly greater than the 300 mentioned toward end of article.

Following the actual protest march along the N7 (which runs through the town), invited speakers addressed the crowd outside the town hall. Among these was well-known disability rights campaigner and MEP (Ind) Kathy Sinnott. She acknowledges her full support of our EHS campaign for recognition and equally acknowledges that this physical disability is aggravated severely by radiation from masts. She said that she and the British MEP Dr. Caroline Lucas are committed to supporting our cause in Brussels. The primary objective, she pointed out, must be recognition of EHS and following from that would come acknowledgement of multiple illnesses caused by the same radiative source. She suggested that electrosensitives in Ireland should select among themselves a representative best example and then they should bring this case to her and she in turn would bring it to her committee in Brussels.

Michael Shine, one of the five Co. Mayo protestors against Shell Gas Corporation who spent months last year in a Dublin jail for their conviction that they had a democratic and fundamental right to safeguard their properties and health from being overun by Shell Gas, was another invited speaker. Incidentally, they won; Shell has had to reconsider its options. (Google "Rossport Five" for further info and the ballad composed to honour their David versus Goliath struggle).

Interestingly, the following day, in his regular weekly health column in the Sunday Independent, Dr. Maurice Guernet choose to mock the reality of electrohypersensitivity, Sweden's recognition of EHS and derided Sweden's humane protection of its disabled citizens. Dr. Guernet is editor of the Irish Medical Journal and c. five years ago refused I.E.R.V.N.'s (Irish Electromagnetic Radiation Victims Network) request to have its support association listed in the IMJ. I have pasted in below Dr. Guernet's satiric article on electromagnetic sensitivity. He appears to be totally unaware that the Irish Doctors Environmental Association (I.D.E.A.) has openly acknowledged on its website (see "IDEA Position on Electromagnetic Radiation" at: http://www.ideaireland.org/emr.htm ) its full support of our disability.

Should any of our supporters wish to educate Dr. Gueret on the reality of EHS and the scientific literature which supports our conviction that it is directly caused by EMR, his email address (posted on the internet) is: mgueret@imd.ie

Best, Imelda, Cork.



[by] Eugene Hogan

Mobile phone mast opponents have laid the blame for health problems they claim are associated with the masts squarely on the Government's shoulders. At a weekend rally in Toomevara, Co. Tipperary, the failure of the Government to introduce proper regulations for the mobile phone industry was identified as the biggest single problem. "Mobile phone companies will do what they are told to do, but it is the Government that we see is at fault for our problems," said John Cummins, chairperson of Better Environment & Safer Telecommunications. "At the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Communications in June last year, Deputy Noel O'Flynn said that there are people in Ireland suffering ill-health because of their proximity to phone masts. "Some 11 recommendations were made and we want all those recommendations implemented - but no progress is being made." Among the recommendations were that a panel of medical experts be set up to investigate individual cases where people living close to mobile phone masts are complaining of ill-health. The co-use of masts by phone companies was also recommended instead of the current situation where each company establishes its own mast. Another recommendation involved a set distance for masts from schools and hospitals. "Really, nothing tangible has been done by Government, despite those recommendations, so we really see a lack of willingness to address this problem," Mr Cummins told reporters. Some 300 protesters, well short of the 1,000 anticipated, turned up at the demonstration, causing tailbacks on the N7 route."




I'm old enough to remember a time when we were regularly lectured to by Babycham socialists about what a wonderful caring nation the Swedes are and how well we little Fir Bolg [an ancient Irish tribe]would do to emulate Viking society. All social ills could be eradicated if decent citizens gave up the bulk of their taxable earnings and allowed the government decide how best to lob its money hand over fist at the ills of society. At the time, the idea seemed as attractive as a late night with Agnetha and Frida. However, with the passage of time these noble aspirations bear more resemblance to a quiet night in with Benny and Bjorn. Sweden is not really at the lefty races any more and has been overtaken in left-wing lore by cigar-toting Cuba. Everyone's favourite Nobel-prize hosts and Eurovision singers are struggling to keep pace with the massive volume of illness and disability claims that a society overgenerous in benefits attracts. It was reported recently in the medical press that the Stockholm chapter of Hell's Angel motorcyclists had one of the highest rates of depression in the whole world. But the mood changed when the fraud squad were alerted by social services to the fact that just one doctor was doing all the diagnosing and had a full waiting room of hairy mollies looking for more bike time. Sweden is also one of very few countries in the world to recognise a phemomenon called electromagnetic sensitivity. Now, this is a newfangled disease in which patients describe vague symptoms that are attributed to everything from electrical gadgets to magnetic powerlines. EMS is categorised almost everywhere else as "medically unexplained" - code for the fact that most self-respecting doctors do not believe it actually exists. Not so in Sweden, where all reports of tingling, numb body parts and warm feelings are blamed on the toaster, kettle or whatever other household appliance is close at hand. The authorities even have a national support scheme to assist sufferers in their homes, their workplaces and -who knows? - perhaps on their motorbikes too. Belief in the existence of a medical condition called electromagnetic sensitivity is not peculiarly Swedish - in fact, support groups and internet forums exist across the world. A team from the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London had no difficulty recently when recruiting "sensitive" people to discern whether pulsing signals from GSM mobile phones might be the root cause of their medical problems. One hundred and twenty souls were rounded up - 60 of them were self-confessed mobile-phone hypersensitives who got headache-like symptoms within 20 minutes of taking a call, and the other 60 were the control group, who had no such problems. The design of the study, reported in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL on April 15 last, was fascinating but might cause some readers to suffer vague symptoms if I go into it here. Suffice it to say that it failed to show that any symptoms are associated with mobile-phone radiation. The sensitive group had more severe symptoms than the control group, but the symptoms occurred with precisely the same frequency during sham exposure, when all participants were tricked into believing they were being exposed to a continuous wave signal when they weren't. This research is the latest in a steady stream of studies which found no differences between active exposure or sham exposure to electromagnetic fields. The authors suggest that psychological factors may be at work and suggest a possibility for behavioural therapy rather than avoidance of modern life, which has to date been the mainstay of treatment. And speaking of mobile phones, it is interesting to note that Sweden is also the country which three years ago raised concerns that mobile phones raised the risk of high-grade brain tumours known as astrocytomas. A further study in the same issue of the BMJ mentioned above suggests that, in the short and medium term, there is no increased risk of mobile-phone users developing common brain tumours. It should be stated that some of the funding for this particular study was provided by mobile-phone companies, but the science behind it looks fairly sound, and while we can offer no guarantees about long-term effects of mobile-phone use, the evidence of the doomsday brigade looks rather shaky. What we do know about mobile phones is that there are one billion of them in the world today. One is in my pocket as I write and four more defunct models are somehwere upstairs in my attic. Their use in cars, hand-held or indeed hands-free, is an established accident risk. They are an intrusive, non-essential part of all of our lives and are every bit as difficult to give up as cigarettes. Those who manufacture them say it is good to talk. Those who cannot work in peace any more because the blasted things never stop ringing might disagree. Last year, during a short bout of insomnia, I convinced myself that I could only sleep at night when my mobile phone was switched off. Perhaps I need therapy. Or then again, maybe I should throw my Swedish model out the car window.


'Dirty electricty' out of bounds for students

May 18, 2006
Serena Willoughby,
Staff Writer

They're closing hallways, moving the basketball net and putting up fences at St. Monica Catholic School in Markham, all to protect students from a threat federal and provincial health authorities aren't sure exists.

An independent test ordered by the York Catholic District School Board found EMF levels as high as 10 milligauss near a transformer at St. Monica.

Some research links prolonged exposure to "dirty electricity" at levels higher than two to leukemia, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and attention deficit disorder.

But other research on EMFs, which are created wherever electricity is generated such as in cellphones, computers and power lines, indicated the link to health problems is unsubstantiated.

The board fenced off the transformer and closed other areas with high EMF readings at St. Monica, although spokesperson Chris Cable wouldn't speculate on whether similar precautions would be taken at other schools.

"Regardless of whether you believe (the research) or not, we at the board are following a precautionary principle," Ms Cable said.

Dr. Magda Havas, a professor of Environmental Sciences at Trent University, believes EMFs in schools are a major problem because schools use several kinds of equipment that emit EMFs such as older model computers, fluorescent lighting and public address systems.

Children are particularly susceptible to the effects of EMFs, she said.

But Gloria Rachamin, a toxicologist with the public health division of the Ontario Ministry of Health, denied the connection in a report to York public health, the school board and parents.

"Overall, the scientific evidence does not support casual association between EMF exposure and human health risks," she said.

"According to Health Canada . . . . there is no conclusive evidence of any harm caused by exposures."

At levels normally found in Canadian living and working environments. It further indicates that, at present, there are no Canadian government guidelines for exposure to EMF at extremely low frequencies since the scientific evidence is not strong enough to conclude that typical exposures cause health problems."

© Copyright York Region Newspaper Group


Hirntumor durch Handys




Von Menschen und Ratten

Erich Schöndorf

Der Mobilfunk ist nicht harmlos


In Memmelsdorf gründet sich die "Initiative für das Recht auf Gesundheit", um auf die Gefahren der elektromagnetischen Strahlung durch den Mobilfunk hinzuweisen. Der offizielle Grenzwert wird als viel zu hoch angesehen.

von alexander hirt, ft

Memmelsdorf - Bürgerinitiativen bilden sich immer dann, wenn aus ihrer Sicht eine Einflussnahme auf die öffentliche Meinung nötig ist. So auch in Memmelsdorf. Hier hat sich die "Initiative für das Recht auf Gesundheit" gegründet. Sie beruft sich auf Artikel 2, Absatz 2, des Grundgesetzes. Darin steht geschrieben: "Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit." Und dieses Recht sieht die Initiative massiv verletzt - durch den Mobilfunk in ihrer Gemeinde.

Anfang des Jahres kam es zu Messungen der elektromagnetischen Immissionen der Mobilfunksendeanlagen im Gemeindegebiet. Die Ergebnisse wurden im April von Prof. Dr. Matthias Wuschek vorgestellt. Das Fazit war: Die Strahlungen liegen weit unter den gesetzlich erlaubten Grenzwerten. Der höchste gemessene Wert liegt bei 15 567 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter in Weichendorf (Am Anger/Ortsende Einmündung in die Kreisstraße BA48). Der niedrigste Wert liegt bei 131 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter, gemessen im Außenbereich des Kindergartens in Memmelsdorf. Damit ist für Wuschek das Wesentliche gesagt, denn die gesundheitliche Bewertung der Messungen stecke in den Grenzwerten, "die nach nationaler und internationaler Expertenmeinung vor allen bekannten negativen gesundheitlichen Wirkungen schützen", so Wuschek.

Omega das ist eine Lüge. Siehe dazu "Prof. Dr. Matthias Wuschek" unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/460004/

Das sieht die Bürgerinitiative nicht so. Sie hält die Menschen durch diese Messungen für schlecht, ja sogar "falsch" informiert. Die Werte würden völlig außer Acht lassen, dass es neben den thermischen Nebenwirkungen auch so genannte athermische Nebenwirkungen gebe. Unter diesen verstehe man biologische Effekte, die nicht mit einer Wärmewirkung verbunden sind, wie sie der offizielle Grenzwert berücksichtigt. Die im Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit stehenden und in Teilen der Fachwelt diskutierten athermischen Effekte betreffen dagegen vorwiegend das zentrale Nervensystem.

Die Bürgerinitiative konkretisiert ihre Ansichten. Schon ab 10 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter können Nebenwirkungen auftreten, ist sich die Initiative sicher, je nach dem, wie sensibel ein Mensch auf elektromagnetische Strahlung reagiert. "Ab 20 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter können sich Schlafstörungen einstellen, ab 500 Mikrowatt Kopfschmerzen, Herz-Rhythmusstörungen und Blutdruckkrisen, ab 1000 Mikrowatt sind Hirnstromveränderungen im EEG nachweisbar und ab 1600 Mikrowatt leiden Kinder unter Störungen der Motorik und Konzentration." Die gemessenen 15 567 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter könne man daher keinesfalls verharmlosen und als bedenkenlos einstufen.

Die Initiative sieht diese Störungen durch wissenschaftliche Gutachten bewiesen und führt weitere Verdachtsmomente an. "Es ist doch bezeichnend, dass keine Versicherung mehr die Mobilfunkbetreiber gegen mögliche Nebenwirkungen versichern will. Das ist denen viel zu riskant", untermauert eine der Aktivistinnen. Die Initiative erinnert in dieser Hinsicht auch an den "Bamberger Appell", in dem sich viele Bamberger Ärzte für eine Einschränkung des Mobilfunks aussprechen. Gutachten, die angeblich das Gegenteil beweisen und den Mobilfunk als unbedenklich einstufen, werden von der Bürgerinitiative dagegen angezweifelt. "Viele Wissenschaftler stehen enorm unter Druck, da sind zudem Unmengen von Geld im Spiel."

"Die Schmerzen waren nicht mehr auszuhalten."
Rita Wittmann

Eine, die eigenen Angaben zufolge unter den Auswirkungen der Mobilfunkstrahlung litt, ist Rita Wittmann. Sie wohnte in der Nähe des Memmelsdorfer Sportplatzes und der dortigen Mobilfunkantenne. Die Beschwerden fingen langsam an: "Ich schlief zehn Stunden und war dennoch müde. Dann bekam ich ein Kribbeln in den Beinen, Schmerzen im Gesicht, nach zwei Jahren litt ich merklich unter Bluthochdruck und hatte schließlich nachts einen Puls von 150." Schließlich hielt sie es nicht mehr aus, die Schmerzen im ganzen Körper wurden unerträglich: "Es war, wie wenn ein ständiges Feuer im Körper brennt und jemand mit der Gabel in meinen Körper herumfuhrwerkt." Auf Anraten eines Heilpraktikers zog sie weg. Heute seien die Symptome zwar deutlich gemildert, aber leider noch nicht behoben..

"Wir wollen den Mobilfunk nicht abschaffen, sondern ein verträgliche Technologie."


Angesichts solcher Fälle sieht die Bürgerinitiative dringenden Informations- und Handlungsbedarf, gerade, weil es doch um das Wohl der Kinder gehe. "Wir sagen nicht, schafft den Mobilfunk ab, aber wir treten für eine verträgliche Mobilfunktechnik ein, das ist nämlich möglich. Wir dürfen nicht alles schlucken, was uns die Industrie vorgibt". Keinesfalls wolle man als hysterisch gesehen werden. "Wir werden gerne für verrückt erklärt", weiß die Initiative nur zu genau, "aber das wurden die, die vor Asbest und Amalgam warnten auch. Später waren alle schlauer, aber dann war es für viele zu spät."

17.05.2006 Infoveranstaltung

Am Donnerstag, 25. Mai, lädt die "Initiative für das Recht auf Gesundheit" um 19 Uhr alle interessierten Bürger zu einem ungezwungenen Treffen ins Gasthaus Hoh in Meedensdorf ein, um über die Risiken des Mobilfunks zu informieren.

© Fränkischer Tag 2006



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