World Without Waves



"World Without Waves"won a gold at the Santa Fe Film Festival in New Mexico

Just wanted to let you know that the independent dramatic film, "World Without Waves" that centers on the life of an EHS sufferer won a gold at the Santa Fe Film Festival in New Mexico in the states. We are very proud and appreciative of your continued support. Other film festivals are being considered so that the film will have a chance to win further awards internationally. And while reviews are still coming in, and considerations being made for some sort of limited theatrical release, we have plans to begin selling the film from the website in a couple of months.

Thank you again for your support and the wonderful news service. I have become a better informed person from it.

My best,

David W. Jones
Media Consultant/Producer
301 Oakwood Trail
McKinney, TX 75069


World Without Waves (WWW) debuts in Moscow to packed theatre

Moscow report

Dear friends,

Thanks to all of you for your support and kind words. I'm sorry to send a group letter.

It's difficult for me of course to give a completely objective account of yesterday evening, but I am pleased to report that last night was really a pretty big success. I was really surprised that the screening was sold out..people were turned away, and actually people were standing in the theater. I estimate the theater holds about 250..maybe more.

I was given a generous introduction by the head of the film museum of Russia, a really great and famous man of cinema here named N.I. Kleiman.

I made short introductory speech, then Will Stewart, the actor made a few comments. Will and I were presented flowers. Then I found a seat and the film rolled on.

It went really well. I felt the audience was brought into the film and
stayed with it. Afterwards we got a really good round of applause. I'm told that audiences here are very honest about their fact I attended films here where there were no applause afterwards.

I was approached afterward by many people asking lot of questions and giving great feedback. I was surprised how insightful the comments. One woman actually recited word for word the Doug dialogue about electricity..I was shocked.

Another young man very much wanted a sound track cd..he thought the music was great.

Another commented that the reason the film is great for the Russian and European audiences is that is shows that American people have the same problems which they have....that the film was honest and didn't use a grandiose story, technical tricks, or other distractions to entertain.

We have not yet been written covered by the Moscow times, so this has been so far a goal not met. More about this later. Monday we'll see if nick holdsworth comes through. I'm hoping.

In summary, I think we're now on the map, and that the festival organizers will hear good things about this evening.

Mitchell Johnson

Informant: David Jones


Converge on Moscow for the premiere of "World Without Waves"


You and Imelda have been wonderful to help. Somehow we must get some interested parties to converge on Moscow for the premiere of "World Without Waves". The show of support for the film in Moscow will help immensely to begin to move against the inertia of cultural animosity/indifference to our problem of addiction to electricity and wireless technology as well as the fallout of EMF/EMR sensitive humans and their nearly insurmountable problems.

I am not sure how we can go about getting one person in Europe to just say they are going, and someone else decide to meet them there. This is a start. I realize we are asking a lot from people, but there is an international debate at stake. If this film makes "waves", we will keep on pushing to the next venue where we will make even more news and again, with greater global news coverage. Moscow is just so important since it is the first official public screening - the film's birth.

If there are any activists or sympathizers who are willing to host visitors in their homes in Moscow, we need to hear from them. This type of commitment and co-operation may be necessary at first to get this effort moving toward creating an international stir. We have a publicist connected to this effort who will be able to work with the press in this regard.

Strength and best wishes to you and yours,



Here is a link to the information about screening time and place in Moscow from the Moscow Film Festival site:

It relates that the showing is on the 25th of June at 21:00 at the Muzey Kino.

David Jones


John Ryan: Phone mast wrecks my life

Print media coverage of Irish farmer John Ryan

With an Irish General Election taking place on Friday, June 11, and the promises of desperate-for-votes Irish politicians becoming increasingly reckless, the mast issue here has elbowed its way into the limelight.

Con Colbert, Dublin, current secretary of our Irish EHS support group, IERVN (Irish Electromagnetic Radiation Victims Network, founded in August, 1999), has alerted me to the following.

There is big media focus right now on the Irish EHS farmer, John Ryan, of Cashel, Co. Tipperary, who had to flee his farm due to the severe bioeffects he suffers from the mast he allowed to be erected on his land. You have posted Klaus on 5/12/2003 (Citizens Initiative Omega) a report I sent you of John and his wife Rosie being interviewed by a prime time Irish T.V. farming programme.

Last Sunday (May 30, 2004) John's tragic experience with masts featured in three Sunday newspapers:

SUNDAY WORLD ( , Journalist: Karl Hanlon);

THE STAR ( also: Karl Hanlon);

Karl Hanlon.

I will transcribe the NEWS OF THE WORLD article.

Please note while reading it the similarity of John Ryan's obervation that the signal power appeared to be turned down while official testing was in progress on his farm with that made by Cathy Hawk about the Doe farming family official testing in your entry "Occupational Exposure to RF/MW and Microwave Sickness" of Citizens Initiative Omega, dated 13/2/03.

And a vital fact in the second last paragraph for ALL mast-affected farmers, wherever they reside, is this:


I am including toward end key email addresses for making supportive contact with IFA (Irish Farmers Association) and IFJ (Irish Farmers Journal). I have also listed above email contacts for the three newspapers. John and Rosie Ryan have asked that similarly affected people contact those newspapers for max support on the issue. There may be more Irish media accounts appearing shortly.

Best, Imelda, Cork

From: NEWS OF THE WORLD 30/5/04

"Phone mast 'wrecks my life' by Karl Hanlon

Farmer John Ryan puts a silver-plated mesh on his head when he strides off to work. And in the middle of the night he gets up and drives away from home to sleep in his 4 by 4 vehicle.

He claims a mobile phone mast on his land in Daingean, Tipperary, is giving him headaches, nosebleeds, dizzy spells and burning sensations.

Mr Ryan said: 'As soon as the mast went up I started to feel the effects. After putting serious pressure on Vodafone it was switched off for three weeks and everything was fine but the minute it was switched back on my symptoms returned.' His wife Rosie and daughter Linda get similar symptoms when working outside. Mr. Ryan wants the mast shut down and has offered to return the 10,000 euros Vodafone paid him to erect it. But the firm won't remove it unless he pays the 50,000 euros it cost to put up the mast.

Medical tests support Mr. Ryan's claim that he is being exposed to some form of microwave radiation. He wears the headnet to block out 99 per cent of microwave emissions. He said the net is 'like a pair of ladies' tights.'

Vodafone says its equipment complies with current limits on emissions set by the International Radiation Protection


They reject Mr. Ryan's claims that the mast causes his problems. Tests have been carried out at the site, but Mr. Ryan insists: 'When the tests were done you could hardly get a single bar of signal on a mobile phone even when standing right next to the mast. In dry weather, the problems are not too bad but when it rains the power on the mast is turned up to make up for the loss of the signal.'

The Irish Farmers' association is backing Mr. Ryan, and has called on Vodafone to cease transmission from the mast. A spokesman said: 'Mr Ryan is unable to stay on his farming premises. His farming is being neglected and dairy cows are going unmilked.



The Irish Farmers Association,
Irish Farm Centre, Bluebell, Dublin 12.
Telephone: 00 353 (1) 4500266 Fax: 00 353 (1) 4551043
Fax: 00 353 (1) 4565146 Email :

Below are contacts for REGIONAL IFA representatives

Teresa Curran
FBD House, Fels Point, Dan Spring Rd, Tralee,
CO. KERRY Tel: 066-7123279

Una Keane
Livestock Mart, Athenry,
CO. GALWAY 091-844268

Brenda Ryan
40 Kenyon Street, Nenagh,
CO. TIPPERARY 067-32213

Noelle Rogerson
Stonecourt House, Roscommon.
CO. ROSCOMMON 090-6625235

Denise Wilson
The Diamond, Raphoe,
CO. DONEGAL 074-9145658

Barbara Martin
Farm Centre, Mill Park Road, Enniscorthy,
CO. WEXFORD 054-33090

Emer Barry
Unit 2A (Rear), University Technology Centre, Curraheen Road, Cork. 021-4545944

Ann Rose
Barrack street, Kilkenny.
CO. KILKENNY 056-7763404

Teresa Walsh
Harbour Street,
CO. OFFALY 0506-41447

Sinead Hoare
1 Church Street,
St. John's Square,
CO. LIMERICK 061-314196

Geraldine Duffy
Main Street, Ballybay,
CO. MONAGHAN 042-9744870

Maria Meegan
Bective Street, Kells,
CO. MEATH 046-9240436

Irish Farm centre,
DUBLIN 12. 01-4500266



Staff Contacts
Irish Farmers' Journal Contacts
EDITOR: Matt Dempsey
Tel: 01-4199500

Tel: 01-4199530
Fax: 01-4520876

NEWS: Pat O’Keeffe
Tel: 01-4199539

NEWS: Paul Mooney
Tel: 01-4199527

Tel: 048-91-812054
Fax: 028 9182 0946.

Northern Diary email:

Tel: 01-4199528


The aptness of Russia for a launch of "World Without Waves"

Hi Klaus: It is so apt that the/our film “World Without Waves” is being launched in Russia. Here are another couple of reasons why this is so:

1. I have finished rereading Karl Maret, M.D., M.Eng, report of Dr. Yuri Grigoriev's presentation at a Kazkhstan conference on "Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health" (Sept. 4-12, 2003) which I will paste in below. Dr. Grigoriev's, as we know, is chairing the upcoming Sept. 2004 Moscow venued International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health. You placed the announcement and details of this upcoming Russian conference, Klaus, right beside that of “World Without Waves” in your last group posting.

Please take particular note of these statements in Dr. Maret’s report of Dr. Grigoriev’s presentation:

"Many people in Russia are now electrosensitive, many from second-hand irradiation who don't even own these devices."

"He [Dr. Yuri Grigoriev] felt that EMF represented perhaps the greatest danger facing humanity at this time."

"He stressed the negative influence of cell phones and the irradiation patterns of the brain. He cautioned children from being exposed to these devices due to their greater absorption of EMFs."

"He talked about . . . how an international alliance is now forming to warn more people of these radiation problems. 42 countries now have reported in Geneva as part of WHO regarding non-ionizing radiation effects and an active need to fight the existing electropollution is now being recognised."

The following is excerpted (pp. 6-7, total 16) from "Report on the Travel to Almaty, Kazakhstan to attend the International Conference ‘Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health’ September 4-12, 2003 by Karl Maret, M.D., M.Eng. On behalf of National Foundation for Alternative Medicine Washington, DC.” Archived online at:

"2. Yuri Grigoriev : "EMF as a Risk Factor for the Population's Health (Current State of the Problem)”

He described the most scientific data of the conference reporting on Russian research with EMF exposure over the last 20 years. He stated that the former Soviet Union had done research for the last 50 years on the damaging effects of EMF exposure. He is part of the World Health Organization which is aware of the increasing EMF problems and 40 countries are working together to develop better standards for safe exposure. He reported both his personal views and those of the official Russian position on this topic.

He felt that EMF represented perhaps the greatest danger facing humanity at this time. Exposure of magnetic fields greater than 0.2 microTesla (2 milliGauss) at 50 Hz power line frequencies has definitely been shown to cause leukemia in populations. He showed how various devices commonly used exceed the safe magnetic exposure levels as shown in the table below:

[Request original pdf if you wish to see photos and graphs.]

Clearly many of our common household devices exceed the recommended magnetic field intensity at close range and many even at 1 foot distance. He also showed many graphs of the magnetic field distribution in room and offices showing especially the influence of computers and workstations on the increased EMF now being experienced.

He stressed the negative influence of cell phones and the irradiation patterns of the brain. He cautioned children from being exposed to these devices due to their greater absorption of EMFs. Many people in Russia are now electrosensitive, many from second-hand irradiation who don’t even own these devices. He mentioned the assessment procedures used for cell phones with phantoms used to ascertain absorption levels. He talked about the Salzburg meetings on Cell Towers and how an international alliance is now forming to warn more people of these radiation problems. 42 countries now have reported in Geneva as part of WHO regarding non-ionizing radiation effects and an active need to fight the existing electropollution is now being recognized.

He showed several very impressive slides on animal studies they had done to show the effect of EMFs on chick embryos. This data is shown below shows that there is a 50% mortality in chick embryos after 21 days of cell phone exposure compared to only 10% in control animals.

The radiation patterns from cell phones are also important and he showed data of the usage pattern throughout a typical day which clearly illustrates that we have different levels of electromagnetic microwave exposure at various times of the day. This data is reproduced below.

He also stressed the importance at looking at low frequency modulation patterns of microwave radiation because of the powerful biological effect this causes. Below is reproduced one of his slides showing the effect of low frequency modulated microwaves on isolated frog hearts. The microwave frequency used was 9.3 GigaHertz which is somewhere between a cell phone (in US around 2 GHz and a satellite TV signal 12 GHz). The modulation frequencies used were between 1-100 Hz and are similar to brain wave EEG frequencies (0.5 –30 Hz) and other biological signals. He also compared these modulated signals to continuous wave (CW) signals which were very much less effective in causing slowing of heart rate (bradycardia) or cardiac arrest. This research is very important because there has not been very much investigation of the impact of low frequency modulation of microwave signals. Every digital cellular telephone sends these type of low frequency data signals out continuously when making calls.

He mentioned the great danger confronting the present population with these cell phones since insufficient research had been done to date. To support the magnitude of the challenges facing us, he mentioned how widespread the use of cell phone technology has become. For example in Great Britain 56% of children now had cellular phones and 70% of German children in certain age ranges. He warned against putting cell towers near kindergardens. He emphasized the neurological effects and the reproductive impacts of EMFs. In Russia children younger than 16 years were told to avoid cell phones as well as all pregnant women.

He made numerous references to scientific studies and invited the Kazakhstan government to develop a good program of protection for its population."

2. I also reread this morning the paper “Theoretical and Experimental Evidences where Present Safety Standards Conflict with Reality” by Dr. Vladimir Binhi and M. Fillion-Robin published in “Electromagnetic Environments and Health in Buildings” pp. 391-403 (ed. Derek Clements-Croome, 2004; based on conference held in Royal College of Physicians, in May 2002). Dr. Binhi is Head of Radiobiology laboratory, General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. This is what he writes in his introduction:

“ Both experimental findings and theoretical approaches indicate that EM fields--even when they are too weak to heat tissues--may result in a variety of different biological effects some useful and some probably noxious. In this article, we show that hyperweak fields--even of intensities very much less than those emitted by cell phones--affect biology; thus it cannot longer be maintained that cell phone radiation cannot cause harmful biological effects. Accordingly, existent Western EM safety standards afford a totally inadequate level of protection, unlike those in Eastern Europe (and in the Russian Federation in particular) which are much more stringent, having been developed with the benefit of experience with non-thermal biological effects rather than solely heating. Here we will discuss in more detail the inadequacy of thermally-based guidelines, and study a new theoretical approach via which electromagnetic biocompatibility might be realized.”

Best, Imelda, Cork



Following the suggestion of Imelda O'Connor, I am writing you this email to describe an opportunity for activists and interested parties to help make a difference while enjoying a fine film in it's debut at the Moscow Film Festival the evening June 25th. This dramatic film's story centers around a man who rapidly develops an allergy to EMF. The synopsis for "World Without Waves" is below:

Louis Bowles, a television news director in New York City, develops a sudden and disabling allergy to electromagnetic frequencies(EMF) emanating from his workplace during his nightly newscast which results in Louis being thrown out of the news studio, management believing he must have cracked under the pressure of his job and is no longer mentally fit. Louis, sick and confused, becomes a wanderer, trying to escape the "awful buzzing" in his head. We follow his exodus from NYC and the tsunami of EMF into rural Texas where he makes a desperate stand by chopping down the local power line in an effort to gain relief. In so doing, he stirs up the entire town, a place we see through the eyes of Louis, as a town of dependant people, addicted not only to electrical power, but to drugs, alcohol and unhealthy relationships. At this point, the film begins to examine our electrical dependences and associated health effects as another addiction that must be overcome to continue on our journey toward self realization. As the story progresses, a love triangle develops between Louis, and Sarah, a young lady with a failed acting career resulting from an addiction to amphetamines, and Doug, the spiritual son of an Indian medicine man who is a recovering alcoholic. Each person in this triangle struggle to leave their past habituations behind and move on. In the end, thanks to Sarah, Louis makes a life for himself in Brazil's "EMF free zone" where he can think clearly again, though he can still "hear the stars each night".

We believe this film can help create a "synergy" of increasing public interest in EMF/EMR health issues. While we are focusing on bringing this story into the public mainstream via theatre, and wish for a successful debut in Moscow, any activists groups that can show up to support the film will be able to increase their and our visibility there causing more press coverage for this important health issue.

Both the film and the cause would profit from an apparent groundswell of public interest.

If you can help us with contacts in Moscow or by posting this appeal we would be very grateful. We are calling for attendance in Moscow of the film, of increased activism in Moscow during the time surrounding the premiere date, and any ideas and help that we can get. This has been a grass roots effort from the beginning when the film's director and writer, J. Mitchell Johnson began raising money for its production three years ago. It has been a long and hard road to get it this far. It is a very fine dramatic film, a world effort already, shot by a Hungarian crew in Texas with an incredible musical score supplied by Englishman Paul Foss.

The website for the film is

For further info on the world premiere of "World Without Waves" in Moscow, contact David Jones at

Best regards,

David W. Jones, Producer
VisualWorks in association with Abbamedia and "World Without Waves"


Dear David,

thank you very much for your post. This is our story. This is no myth like many films and no fiction. This is real and happens every day around the world. We are the Louis Bowles, the EHS victims throughout the world. The only difference is that Louis has the ability, strength and health to flee from these awful waves. Most of us EHS sufferers around the world are to weak to flee. We need all attention and help from the world we can get.

As sample for many other victims of this torture (torture exists not only at Abu Ghraib prison) you can read our story under

Best for you and this film!


"World Without Waves" is about a man who develops a sudden and disabling allergy to EMF.

Wake up call for Americans

"World Without Waves" is about a man who develops a sudden and disabling allergy to EMF

We hope this film helps to serve as a cinematic start, a theatrical wake up call for Americans to consider our over dependency and overexposure to EMF.

* All those who wish to join us in Moscow which is one of the most happening, progressive cities on the planet, are encouraged to contact me at

From an email to Roy Beavers:

Dear Roy, Just for those who are curious about what the film is all about - "World Without Waves" is about a man named Louis Bowles, who develops a sudden and disabling allergy to EMF during a nightly newscast which results in Louis being thrown out of his position as an important television news director in New York City. Management believes he must have "cracked under the pressure of his job and is no longer fit. Louis, quickly becomes a vagrant, a wanderer, trying to think clearly and escape the "awful buzzing" in his head. We follow his exodus from NYC and the tsunami of EMF, into rural Texas where he makes a desperate stand by chopping down the local power line in an effort to gain relief. In so doing, he stirs up the entire town, a place we see through the eyes of Louis, now an EMF "junkie" in recovery. This is a town of dependant people, addicted not only to electrical power, but to drugs, alcohol and unhealthy relationships. At this point, the film begins to examine our electrical dependence as just one more addiction/distraction that must be overcome to continue on our journey toward self realization. As the story progresses, a love triangle develops between Louis, and Sarah, a young lady with a failed acting career resulting from an addiction to methadrine, and Doug, the spiritual son of an Indian medicine man who is an alcoholic in recovery. Each person in this triangle must struggle to leave their past habituations behind and move on. Thanks to Sarah, Louis ends up making a life for himself in Brazil's "EMF free" zone where he can think clearly again, though he can still "hear the stars each night".

We hope this film helps to serve as a cinematic start, a theatrical wake up call for Americans to consider our over dependency and overexposure to EMF. Perhaps we can help move this important issue into "pop" culture - what you can't see CAN hurt you. Many anti-EMF enthusiasts may be disappointed that this film, World Without Waves" is not focusing 100% on EMF problems, but we felt this is the better way- to ensconce this problem in the greater story, so that it is not seen so much as a political issue, but a health issue, based on over usage/overexposure. This broader storyline also deals with questions about the feasibility of returning to simpler times with less EMF, and the idea that human spiritual growth is possibly pitted against, or hampered by continued EMF proliferation. Can we hear our own selves, know our own natures better when out in nature, away from cities, noise, distractions - EMF?

All in all we are very proud of the film, and feel we are on the edge of a wave of growing spiritual and health consciousness movement, but know at the same time that this subject matter today will appeal only to a minority of interested parties without a great deal of press and fanatical word of mouth. We need all the support we can get to spread the word - let people know that this issue is starting to hit the mainstream culture and must be supported. The film will debut worldwide at the Moscow Film Festival on June 25th in the evening.

All those who wish to join us in Moscow which is one of the most happening, progressive cities on the planet, are encouraged to contact me at Also spreading the word to friends that might be able to attend whether in Moscow or close by would help. We would like very much to generate excitement about the project and to fill the theatre with caring interested people. Any ideas or possibilities are most welcome.Together we can change the world, David W. Jones Producer, VisualWorks in association with Abamedia. Please visit our website in progress at

Informant: Dr. Miguel Muntané


Omega related addresses and links:

4025 Tamworth Road
Fort Worth, TX 76116
Tel: 817-336-0777
Fax: 817-737-2906
J. Mitchell Johnson, President

Google search:

N.B. contact emails for the film:



J.Mitchell Johnson,

See also "World Without Waves" under



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