by Russell Campbell
November 2008
Calls are growing for the use of wi-fi internet systems in schools here to be halted while more in-depth study of its possibly harmful effects can be undertaken.
Youngsters throughout Northern Ireland may be experiencing the harmful effects of microwave radiation on a daily basis, thanks to the ongoing installation of wi-fi networks in primary and secondary schools all over the country.
Thats the stark message which was driven home to a concerned group of MLAs, school principals and parents who attended a briefing at the Long Gallery in Stormont at the end of October. The gathering, organised under the auspices of Strangford MLA, Jim Shannon, heard from Professor Olle Johansson, a recognised authority on the alleged dangers of wi-fi networks who lectures at the Nobel prize-winning Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
From Mast Sanity/Mast Network