
Another instance of EMF-based harassment

I hesitated sending you for general release my most recent episode of EMF-based harassment when it happened a few weeks ago, but have now decided that it's in the interests of all of us who are targeted in this fashion that such episodes should be disclosed even if it is to achieve increased solidarity with others affected in a similar way.

So, this is what happened and for those who are sceptics among our readers I leave it up to them to make their own evaluation.

My letter below was published in THE IRISH EXAMINER on 22.01.2009. I didn't, of course, expect all readers to like the suggestion I put forward in my letter, neither did I feel it would be received with such hostility that I would be subjected to a severe hour or so or e-harasssment the very evening of its publication. Around 7.00 PM I grew aware that ambient EMR levels were severely increased in my home and I felt the electronic screech of frequencies being revved through my aural tract. It was extremely discomfiting but I did manage to keep pretty calm. I have not had such severe a bout of this kind of victimization for some years.

There was a repeat session where I was shot awake to an awareness of very high ambient EMR levels with frequencies being levelled at me, during the early hours of the following Monday morning, from between c. 2.00 AM to 5.00 AM which left me feeling raw-nerved, to say the least, right through Monday. And that was it! The covert torturers must have felt they had successfully made their point clear to me how much they disliked my letter!

I have documented with you previous instances of such harassment. Some of these can be retrieved quickly by googling. For the numerous people worldwide who have EHS - Victims of ...or Imelda O'Connor, Carrigaline, EHS

Imelda O' Connor, Human Rights Commission--.

Best, Imelda, Cork



Dreams from Moneygall: a tale of two gardens

22 January 2009

MONEYGALL in Co Offaly, with its newfound fame as President Barack Obama’s Irish ancestral home, could honour this gifted world leader in a way he might be really proud of while also showing commitment to the social values he holds dear. I suggest Moneygall’s residents should twin the village, and in particular its “Kearney’s Gardens”, which Offaly County Council had earmarked for social housing, with Altgeld Gardens, a community of approximately 3,400 residents on the southside of Chicago. This is where Obama began his career as a political activist — the kind of neighbourhood where his wife Michelle, (“a daughter of the southside”) grew up and described as “one of the first public housing developments ever built in the United States”.

Is it accident or fate that has decreed Moneygall and Altgeld Gardens should share so many similarities and now have so much potential for bringing together predominantly white and black communities in two widely separated locations?

As well as both now achieving fame due to connections forged with the first African-American president of the USA, both have the words “gardens” and “grove” embedded in their identities.

Muine Gall, the Irish name for Moneygall, means a grove or shrubbery of foreigners, strangers.

Barack Obama, when describing Altgeld Gardens in Dreams From My Father, noted in particular “a grove of trees just south of the project”.

He also chose the metaphor of a garden to describe how communites need care to grow up healthy and strong — they had to be “tended like gardens”.

Imelda O’Connor
Castle Hill



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Februar 2009

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