
Many cancer patients in Taman Subang, says study

HARIAN Metro front-paged a report that more than eight per cent of residents interviewed in Taman Subang in Kelana Jaya were found to be suffering from cancer compared to under one per cent for Malaysians in general.

The cases were reported after a telecommunications tower was put up in the residential area 10 years ago.

The study was done by UiTM medical faculty Associate Professor Dr Adlina Suleiman and 10 university students.



Cancer Rates -- and Perhaps also Herpes Viral Rates -- Increase Arou

Posted by: Art Kab
Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:01 pm (PDT)

*While the symptoms of Microwave Syndrome are remarkably identical to those found in CFS/ME, this is interesting that this doctor also made the connection of her daughter developing Herpes Zoster while living in the vicinity of a cell-phone tower. People who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encelphalomyelitis -- as well as Autism and ADHD -- usually are almost always plagued with a number of reactivated viral infections in the Herpes Family (Epstein Barr Virus, Cytomegalo Virus, Human Herpes 6 Virus, and so on). Is there a connection? I think so!*

Art Kab

Many cancer patients in Taman Subang, says study *HARIAN Metro *front-paged a report that more than eight per cent of residents interviewed in Taman Subang in Kelana Jaya were found to be suffering from cancer compared to under one per cent for Malaysians in general.

The cases were reported after a telecommunications tower was put up in the residential area 10 years ago.

The study was done by UiTM medical faculty Associate Professor Dr Adlina Suleiman and 10 university students.

Dr Adlina, who is a Taman Subang resident, was prompted to do the research after her son was warded in hospital because of a growth that recurred after treatment while her daughter began to suffer herpes zoster*.*

The research carried out on 170 respondents showed that 8.23 per cent of them were suffering from cancer compared to not even one per cent of the country's population.

Most of the cases appeared after the telco tower, with more than 50 antenna and satellite or transmitter discs, was built.

Dr Adlina wanted to ascertain the effect electromagnetic radiation had on the residents at the cellular and molecular level.

"According to a study by the European Union, exposure to extremely low-frequency and radio-frequency electromagnetic fields could damage chromosomes, alter gene activity and accelerate cell proliferation," she was quoted as saying.

She said the study indicated that there was a possibility that anyone with cancer cells at an early stage risked having cancer proliferated on entering Taman Subang and being exposed to EMF.

*>* *Utusan Malaysia* reported that an RM1.6bil Space Science University would be set up in Johor with an overseas partner, quoting Next Systems Sdn Bhd Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Noor Faizal Abdul Samad.

The proposed university, to be known as UniSam, will be sited on 1,000ha in Kota Tinggi.

There are only two such universities in the world now - Embry Riddle Aeronautical University of Florida in the US and International Space University in Strasbourg, France.


Art Kab

"A 'Good Student' answers questions - but does not question answers."


Ex-engineer wants to make tool for cancer research use

A FORMER engineer wants to make an instrument to measure electromagnetic wave radiation to help UiTM medical faculty Associate Professor Dr Adlina Suleiman strengthen her research on the risk of cancer on those living near telecommunication towers in Selangor.





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