
Tragic teens are laid to rest

Mar 6 2008 by Kerry-Lynne Doyle, Glamorgan Gazette

Council should meet scientist

A DENTIST says the council should meet a scientist who claims mobile phones and wireless internet waves can lead to suicide.

Dr Tony Fodor, of De Granville Place, Porthcawl, says he wants Bridgend County Borough Council to enter discussions with scientist Barrie Trower regarding his research.

As revealed in the Gazette in January, Mr Trower, who has investigated seven suicide clusters, wrote to the council and Bridgend Local Health Board (LHB) outlining his research.


... we have been suffering a spate of suicides among black kids in South Africa since 1994. It was absolutely unheard of in the old days for black kids to kill themselves. We have also had a huge spate of family suicides in the black community, also a new phenomenon -- whole families wiped out by the husband, who then commits suicide. Again, there are lots of reasons for this, but I suspect microwaves provide the final push in many cases.

Posted by: karlmuller30

Real horror story

Posted by: karlmuller30

Wed Apr 9, 2008 4:49 am (PDT)

How about this for a story to convince people that long cellphone conversations are *not* the smartest idea (this was Eileen O'Connor writing about cell masts near hospitals):

"Ex-Government Military Scientist Barrie Trower specialised in microwave radiation. Barrie Trower told me about a story in which appeared in the Sunday Mirror newspaper May 7th 2000, the article reported about a man who spent four hours on a mobile phone which made his face blow up so much doctors had to take his eyes out of his sockets to relieve the pressure. Barrie has the original news article and is willing to talk to any newspaper, scientist or investigator about the hospital radiation hot spots."


Barrie Trower is quoted also saying:

"Somebody, somewhere, must stop what could be the biggest cause of illness around the World since the plague. This must go public without fear/prejudice from those in a position of power. The evidence is already to hand and proof can be obtained experimentally in a few days. I will do it.

"It is time that the intelligence of the general public was recognized and their wishes were respected. As opposed to Governmental pressure from an intimate relationship with Industrial Power/Money, on planners."



Community's shock at latest Bridgend death

Sorry to say that there is further bad news....I have seen nothing on BBC.


On the delicate question of suicides - this (albeit elderly) article highlights the fact that we only really get to know about the "successful" incidents.

Child suicide bids rise to more than 4,000 | Society | The Observer

I wonder what the real statistics are - and how many human tragedies have to happen before the warning in the DOH leaflet will be taken on board.


Barrie Trower Open Letter

The following is a copy of an open letter, sent by Barrie Trower, to the Glamorgan Gazette, with reference to the recent Bridgend teenage suicides: it was in todays edition.


Open Letter Concerning Children's Suicides

Several years ago, I addressed your Council and warned of suicides. In my letter to you (Children's Suicides 24.2.08) I outlined reasons, with world-leading research, to support my claim. I suggested you ask Sir William Stewart (HPA) one question "Can low-level microwaves harm some children's brains?"

As I have received absolutely no communication from any investigating body, may I please predict what is going to happen next, in my opinion:

As research is showing damage to the blood-brain barrier from low-level microwaves, along with suppression of the immune system, you can expect an increase - very soon - in mental illness, specifically: Schizophrenia, Bi-polar, Autism, Alzheimer's disease and Tourette's syndrome.

The cause of this will be either damage to the neuregulin protein (coating axons) and/or microbes penetrating the brain, interfering with the level of cytokines (interleukin-8).

You may wish to contact the World's leading research scientists in this area - Prof. D Fields of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, USA and Prof. Melinda Wenner NY USA); ask the same question I suggested you ask Sir William. Each have published research recently which could be of interest to you.

If you are thinking that I must be incorrect because this is only happening in Bridgend - I can assure you it is not. You should see my World File of Children.

Once again, I ask to give evidence to your investigating committee.

Barrie Trower
Scientific Adviser to:
Radiation Research Trust
H.E.S.E International
Electrosensitivity (UK)

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Japan detergent suicide sparks panic

Posted by: Susan Clarke
Thu May 1, 2008 1:53 am (PDT)


Japan's Annual Suicide Rate Surpasses 32,000!

Posted by: Art Kab
Thu May 1, 2008 9:59 pm (PDT)

I had a friend in Japan whose wife one day went up to the top of their apartment building and jumped off for no apparent reason leaving a husband and two children behind. Many people can be quite dismissive regarding the effects of microwave radiation -- "Certainly it is not causing ALL these problems."as they stick their microwave transceivers up to their brains and then forget what they were just doing minutes earlier!

Unfortunately, when one understands the nature of the beast here, when one understands the mechanisms involved in the effects of microwave radiation, when one understands exactly what microwave radiation does indeed do to living organisms, then one realizes that "Yes, it is indeed causing all these problems."In a statement issued on April 14th, 2008, the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection stated

"Electromagnetic field is an important biotropic factor, affecting not just a human health in general, but also the processes of the higher nervous activity, including behavior and thinking. Radiation directly affects human brain when people use mobile phones."

As the twice-nominated for the Nobel Prize doctor and researcher, Dr. Robert O. Becker stated over twenty years ago in his book, *The Body Electric*:

"The dangers of electropollution are real and well documented. It changes, often pathologically, every biological system. What we don't know is exactly how serious these changes are, for how many people. The longer we as a society, put off a search for that knowledge, the greater the damage is likely to be and the harder it will be to correct." p. 304

Is it any wonder that exposure to microwave radiation changes every hormone in the brain? Is it any wonder that one of the main causes of death for people with CFS/ME is suicide? Is it any wonder that in one of the most electropolluted countries in the world we are also seeing increasingly one of the highest rates of suicides?

If Japan were truly serious about addressing their suicide problem, then they would be taking a very serious look at the effects all their electropollution -- especially digitally pulsed microwaves -- is having on its population -- especially its children!

However, at this point, it seems the government is more concerned with protecting the profits of its cell-phone industry! It's called Economism -- putting the economy before the welfare of its citizenry. They have earmarked 200 million to help people with depression and other mental problems but unless they really dig down to the root of the problem it will just be another waste of taxpayers' money!

Japan detergent suicide sparks panic http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080501/ap_on_re_as/japan_detergent_suicides



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