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Die Suche nach »tumors« hat 235 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
EMF-Omega-News 7. February 2009
Assessment of radiofrequency/microwave radiation emitted by the antennas of rooftop-mounted mobile phone base stations https://omega.twoday.net/s tories/5494750/ Russian scientist: Cell phone use linked... ...
Starmail - 7. Feb, 11:19
Russian scientist: Cell phone use linked to brain tumors
17:18 | 05/ 02/ 2009 MOSCOW, February 5 (RIA Novosti) - A leading Russian scientist said on Thursday, citing a Swedish study, that the use of cell phones from an early age could lead to brain tumors. "We... ...
Starmail - 5. Feb, 17:31
A debate that doesn't go away
It's the old debate, that of mobile phones and their harmful effects. The Indian government recently decided to adopt the guidelines issued by ICNIRP, an international science body, writes M S S Murthy. Mobile... ...
Starmail - 13. Jan, 10:17
EMF-Omega-News 3. January 2009
Gerneration X'd out: An end to the human race as we know it? http://omega.twoday.ne t/stories/5417510/ Long Term Use of Cell Phones Linked to Brain Tumors http://omega.twoday .net/stories/5412667/ Dee p... ...
Starmail - 3. Jan, 09:52
Long Term Use of Cell Phones Linked to Brain Tumors
http://groups.google.com/g roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/3bf7bf7d8d7a34bb htt p://omega.twoday.net/searc h?q=brain+tumor https://ome ga.twoday.net/search?q=Tor onto+Public+Health ...
Starmail - 29. Dez, 10:54
The link between cell phones and brain cancer
by Mary Carter Published 11/18/2008 Major research initiatives are needed immediately to assess the possibility that using cellular phones may lead to an increased risk of brain tumors, according to... ...
Starmail - 15. Dez, 11:02
Always unwired youths of Manipur
Merinews - New Delhi, India Excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) may cause such undesirable effects as memory loss, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and even brain tumors. ... http://www.merinews.c om/catFull.jsp?articleID=1 48606 http://omega.twod ay.net/search?q=electromag netic+fields http://omega. twoday.net/search?q=memory +loss http://omega.twoday. net/search?q=Parkinson htt p://omega.twoday.net/searc h?q=Alzheimer https://freep age.twoday.net/search?q=Al zheimer http://omega.twoda y.net/search?q=brain+tumor ...
Starmail - 13. Nov, 19:03
How Safe Are Mobile Phones?
Thursday, October 30th, 2008 By Chanyut Phrukkumwong Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radio waves at certain strengths does cause brain tumors. Just like in the case of cigarette smoking, which... ...
Starmail - 30. Okt, 19:00
EMF-Omega-News 11. October 2008
HSP70 Expression in Human Trophoblast Cells Exposed to Different 1.8 GHz Mobile Phone Signals http://omega.twoda y.net/stories/5237175/ Ce ll Phones and brain tumors? Is there a link? http://omega.twoday. net/stories/5236518/ Bloo d-brain... ...
Starmail - 11. Okt, 10:25
Cell Phones and brain tumors? Is there a link?
Tampa - Teresa Mosley is a busy mother of three who relies on her cell phone to keep up with her kids. But she knows she's not the only one her kids are talking to. "On weekends they use it a lot because... ...
Starmail - 5. Okt, 18:08