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Die Suche nach »telecom operator« hat 136 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
EU Court Rules Most Mobile Phone "Mast Taxes" Are Legal
LUXEMBOURG -(Dow Jones)- The European Court of Justice ruled Thursday that most taxes imposed on mobile phone masts are legal. The case involves the Belgian communes of Fleron and Schaerbeek, who imposed... ...
Starmail - 14. Sep, 12:35
Birmingham Council: City may lift phone mast ban - We are unlikely to overcome it in time to save ourselves and our children
Birmingham Council’s brave stand to refuse masts near schools is probably doomed to failure if it has to go up against Prescott. He could be reminded of his infamous legal challenge, but as we all know,... ...
Starmail - 7. Sep, 11:32
Mobile Phones Linked to Brain Tumors after Long Term Use
http://www.newstarget.com/ 022488.html Informant: Salvador Lourdes -------- Long-Te rm Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumor Risk http://aje.oxfordjour nals.org/cgi/content/abstr act/161/6/526 -------- Q uestioning... ...
Starmail - 15. Jan, 14:04
EU´s "Brave new world" and "1984" is becoming a reality
Has anyone seen this? And no-one wanted to believe in conspiracy. But it is a reality and is here now, and if you do not want to take part throw away your mobile phone, if you have not already done... ...
Starmail - 27. Aug, 14:28
The Citizen, Gloucestershire Be the first reader to comment on this story 10:30 - 24 August 2005 A Planning inspector has overturned Stroud District Council's decision to oppose permission for a mobile... ...
Starmail - 26. Aug, 22:53
MOBILE PHONE MASTS: The Awful TRUTH About Their Effects On Your HEALTH
We have finally put into motion our expose of the health risks involved with masts. We have got a certain amount of buy-in from the press here at the moment, plus with our own equivalent of prontaprint... ...
Starmail - 26. Aug, 22:34
The Greens support an opponent with the antenna-relays - Les Verts soutiennent un opposant aux antennes-relais
... the criminalisation of the launchers of alarm the Greens support an opponent with the antenna-relays Administrateur, 08/08/2005 - 22:22:34 01/08/2005 Marie-Anne Gairaud/Parisian the POLEMIC on... ...
Starmail - 15. Aug, 11:57
Masts and TETRA forum 19th July 05
Many of you are awaiting a report on Phone Mast and TETRA forum held on the 19th July 05. I found this on the Mast Action website, so that at least you have some idea of what happened. Sandi Mobile... ...
Starmail - 9. Aug, 14:48
Orange applies at CREST not the Principle of Precaution, but the Principle of Economy on the back of the health of the Residents - Orange, après s’être affranchie des réglementations d’urbanisme, applique à CREST
http://www.omega-news.info /antennes_drapeau.JPG http ://www.omega-news.info/708 2005_asl_drapeaux.JPG Thi s Sunday August 7 2005 of the thousands of French and Foreign tourists passed under the orange flags... ...
Starmail - 7. Aug, 14:36
Mast opposition: Angry residents unite to take on mobile phone giant
Falkirk Today 04 08.05 Angry residents unite to take on mobile phone giant UNHAPPY residents want to block a proposed mobile phone mast on their doorstep. People living in Lithgow Place, Denny, were... ...
Starmail - 4. Aug, 17:11