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Die Suche nach »masts cancer« hat 490 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.
Phone masts health fears: US president asks for views of Midland woman
Jan 29 2009 by Neil Elkes, Birmingham Mail US PRESIDENT Barack Obama has turned to a Midland anti-mobile phone mast campaigner to help the fight against cancer. Eileen O’Connor, as a founder member of... ...
Starmail - 31. Jan, 18:58
EMF-Omega-News 10. January 2009
EMFs and Their Potential Harm https://omega.twoday.net/s tories/5426842/ Don't you think that EMF are introducing several modifications in our genome? http://omega.twoda y.net/stories/5423721/ Mu tagenic... ...
Starmail - 10. Jan, 09:52
EMF-Omega-News 3. January 2009
Gerneration X'd out: An end to the human race as we know it? http://omega.twoday.ne t/stories/5417510/ Long Term Use of Cell Phones Linked to Brain Tumors http://omega.twoday .net/stories/5412667/ Dee p... ...
Starmail - 3. Jan, 09:52
Do Mobile Phones Cause Cancer?
http://www.mastsanity.org/ index.php?option=com_conte nt&task=view&id=270&Itemid =136 Informant: Martin Weatherall -------- Do mobile phones really cause cancer of any kind? http://groups.google.com/ group/mobilfunk_newsletter /t/64dc606343a3cd17 ----- --- Childhood... ...
Starmail - 15. Mai, 10:32
EMF-Omega-News 20. Dezember 2008
The link between cell phones and brain cancer http://omega.twoday .net/stories/5387647/ Fau lty DNA Repair May Explain EMF Role in Childhood Leukemia https://omega.twoday.net/s tories/5390892/ Melatonin ,... ...
Starmail - 20. Dez, 08:19
EMF-Omega-News 13. Dezember 2008
Microwave Technology: An End to the Human Race http://omega.twoday.n et/stories/5380436/ Inter phone: BioInitiative Working Group Offers a New Approach http://omega.twod ay.net/stories/5373014/ C ellphones... ...
Starmail - 13. Dez, 05:42
The Belgian Foundation against Cancer issued a warning concerning mobile phone use
The Belgian Foundation against Cancer ( http://www.cancer.be ) issued a warning concerning mobile phone use: http://www.expatica.com/be /news/local_news/Calling-i n-the-car-increases-risk-o f-cancer.html... ...
Starmail - 12. Dez, 14:28
EMF-Omega-News 25. October 2008
The proclamation of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) is ignored http://omega.twoda y.net/stories/5272795/ Mi sleading Press Reports on Cell Phone Cancer Risks http://omega.twoday. net/stories/5269056/ MIND ... ...
Starmail - 25. Okt, 08:57
EMF-Omega-News 18. October 2008
THE USE OF MOBILE PHONE IS CANCEROGENIC http://omega. twoday.net/stories/5254506 / Summary of American Legal Actions Regarding Mobile Phones and Health Effects http://omega.twoda y.net/stories/5249766/ Pe nang... ...
Starmail - 18. Okt, 09:48
Cellphone use may trigger skin allergy, doctors warn
Mobile Phone Dermatitis VIDEO - CTV http://ca.youtube.com/ watch?v=PR7axP4wbHs Reute rs http://tech.yahoo.com/n ews/nm/20081016/tc_nm/us_p hones_rash CBC http://www .cbc.ca/health/story/2008/ 10/16/cell-phones-allergy. html Telegraph... ...
Starmail - 27. Okt, 06:30