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Die Suche nach »in vitro« hat 91 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Adverse effects of microwaves from GSM/UMTS mobile phones depend on carrier frequency and type of signal
Symposium on “Coherence and Electromagnetic fields Thursday July 21st 2005, 8:40 pm Symposium on “Coherence and Electromagnetic fields in biological systems”, Prague July1-4, 2005 http://www.ure.cas.cz/even ts/cefbios2005 Among... ...
Starmail - 21. Jul, 12:04
EMF-Omega-News 16. July 2005
Does electromagnetic pollution cause illness? http://omega.twod ay.net/stories/830278/ No n-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800 MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat... ...
Starmail - 16. Jul, 17:56
Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800 MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go v/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Re trieve&db=PubMed&list_uids =15869902&dopt=Abstract ht tp://www.emf-portal.de/vie wer_expodata.php?sid=&sfor m=&pag_idx=&l=g&aid=11910 http://www.emf-portal.de/v iewer.php?l=g&aid=11910 ...
Starmail - 14. Jul, 11:02
Nichtthermische DNA-Bruchstellen durch Handy-Befeldung (1800 MHz) in menschlichen Fibroblasten und in transformierten GFSH-R17 Granulosazellen der Ratte in vitro
Eine neue und interessante Studie aus dem neuen EMF-Portal: "Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800 MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro." "Nichtthermische. .. ...
Starmail - 14. Jul, 10:55
Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts
This is an overview of all epidemiologic and provocative research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of masts for GSM and UMTS (3G) mobile communication. The object of the research... ...
Starmail - 19. Aug, 14:46
Ärzte-Fortbildung durch das Informationszentrum Mobilfunk e.V.?
Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 29.05.2005 (Auszug) Kurzwellen unterhalb der thermischen Schwelle können Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigun gen erzeugen wie: - starke Mattigkeit am Tag, - dafür in der Nacht unruhiger... ...
Starmail - 31. Mai, 18:16
EMF-Omega-News 21. May 2005
MAJOR STUDY SHOWS PHONE MASTS CAN LEAD TO CANCER: CANCER KILLS 7 IN TOWER OF TERROR http://omega.twoday .net/stories/692974/ Use of cellular telephones and brain tumour risk http://omega.twoday.n et/stories/696799/ Non-th ermal... ...
Starmail - 21. Mai, 17:46
Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go v/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Re trieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abst ract&list_uids=15869902 Informant: Iris Atzmon ...
Starmail - 17. Mai, 17:51
Nicht-thermische DNA-Brüche durch Mobilfunkstrahlung (1800 MHz) in menschlichen Fibroblasten und in veränderten GFSH-R17 Granulosazellen von Ratten in vitro
Studie Abstract: Rattenkulturzellen (diploide Fibroblasten und Granulosazellen) wurden in intermittierender und kontinuierlicher hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung (RF-EMF) mit verschiedenen... ...
Starmail - 14. Mai, 12:59
The Precautionary Principle and Regulation of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
http://www.terra.es/person al/kirke1/noti65/hrbc.htm Basic Considerations ICEMS (International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety) Regulation and limitation of exposure to nonionizing radiation was... ...
Starmail - 12. Mai, 10:15