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Die Suche nach »chronic exposure« hat 206 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Appeal to U.S. Repr. Michele Bachmann on behalf of EMF Cause
To: The Honorable Representative Michele Bachmann: Capital Office: United States House of Representatives 412 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-0001 Phone: (202) 225-2331 Fax: (202)... ...
Starmail - 13. Apr, 10:23
EMF-Omega-News 10. March 2007
Microwave exposure decreases brain hormone Norepinephrine, decrease in Norepinephrine linked to Autonomic Nervous System Disorder, Memory Disturbances, ADHD, and Depression http://omega.tw oday.net/stories/3410808/ The... ...
Starmail - 10. Mär, 13:51
Is there a connection between the rise in electrosmog and the weakening of the immune system?
https://freepage.twoday.net /stories/3375463/ New York Times: Honeybees Vanish The question that begs to be asked is "Is there a connection between the rise in electrosmog and the weakening of the bee's... ...
Starmail - 3. Dez, 10:38
Dr George Carlo claims it has new data that indicates that use of mobiles are damaging to humans
George Carlo Interview in London, 22 February 2007 Way to go, George Carlo! "We understand that these information-carrying radio waves trigger protein membrane responses at the cell membrane level leading... ...
Starmail - 3. Dez, 10:41
The radiation from mobile phones and masts cannot cause cancer?
Last Tuesday, Dr Harry Comber, director of the Irish National Cancer Register made these very dangerous statements: the radiation from mobile phones and masts can not cause cancer because the radiation... ...
Starmail - 27. Feb, 16:15
Autism rates increase as sources of electro magnetic radiation increase
The information on this internet link and also a page that I send you, show the dramatic and very tragic increase in autism over the last fifteen years. http://www.buerger welle.de/pdf/autism_increa se.doc You... ...
Starmail - 24. Mär, 09:08
Here are a couple of paragraphs from Roger Coghill's website re SIDS. These comments and references to other studies, help to support the vital need to evaluate and compare cases of SIDS, Leukaemia,... ...
Starmail - 26. Jan, 14:01
Meeting at the World Health HQ
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/meeting_at_the_world_ health_hq.htm http://www.b uergerwelle.de/pdf/base_st ation_emissions_and_health _concerns_3.pdf http://www .buergerwelle.de/pdf/carlo _eileenoconnor_response.pd f Please... ...
Starmail - 24. Jan, 22:43
Computer and TV-CRT high frequency emissions are received in the head, and modulated into irregular patterns
Recently I studied, by a spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope, how PC and TV screen emissions, were absorbed at 'safe' distance, in human head and modulated to irregular patterns. http://www.buergerwelle. de/pdf/computer_high_frequ ency_emissions_are_receive d_in_the_head.htm Zamir. .. ...
Starmail - 27. Jan, 19:19
http://www.transparency.or g/policy_research/surveys_ indices/gcb/2006 http://ww w.buergerwelle.de/pdf/glob al_corruption_barometer_20 06_report%5B1%5D.pdf ---- ---- Study finds no cancer risk from cellphones http://omega.tw oday.net/stories/3030612 The... ...
Starmail - 25. Dez, 10:09