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Die Suche nach »ICNIRP Guidelines« hat 130 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
The ICNIRP Guidelines: RF risk assessment built on a house of cards
http://www.emfacts.com/pap ers/icnirp_critique.pdf ht tp://www.emfacts.com/paper s/submissions.html http:// www.eubios.info/EJ54/EJ54H .htm http://www.goodhealth info.net/radiation/health_ efx_western.htm http://www .salzburg.gv.at/ICNIRP-Kri tik1.pdf -------- Dr.... ...
Starmail - 15. Jul, 17:49
Tetra & telecommunication masts
Can you help us here. Eileen O´Connor of Radiation Research and SCRAM is trying to promote a new bill on mobile radiation here in the UK. See attached. I am asking if you will publish and distribute... ...
Starmail - 30. Dez, 11:09
Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’
By Nic Fleming, Medical Correspondent http://www. telegraph.co.uk/news/main. jhtml?xml=/news/2005/11/29 /nfone29.xml&sSheet=/porta l/2005/11/29/ixportal.html A teddy bear-shaped mobile phone aimed at... ...
Starmail - 14. Dez, 13:52
WHO, EMF, Electromagnetic Radiation and Mobile Phones
Repacholi and industry money http://omega.twoday. net/stories/1230638/ How healthy is your world? http://omega.twoday .net/stories/1244867/ EHS Factsheet 296 https://omega.twoday.net/s tories/1381412/ Open... ...
Starmail - 20. Mai, 08:25
Haringey Supplementary Planning Policy
Glebelands Otterton EX9 7JJ 12th October 2005 Rep Nos. 3581.D4 & 3581.R1 Dear Mr Pritchard Thank you for your letter of 26th September 2005. As explained in our recent telephone conversation,... ...
Starmail - 21. Nov, 11:41
Mast Antiprotests at Cork University Hospital and in Co. Meath, Ireland
I am sending you along newspaper reports of recent anti-mast protests that have taken place in the eastern and southern parts of Ireland. Both were well-supported by local leaders, medical specialists... ...
Starmail - 21. Okt, 12:36
See you in court, mast protesters tell Orange
00:00, Oct 19 2005 By Mandy Little, The Mercury CAMPAIGNERS are considering legal action again a mobile phone operator because its masts are just 6m from their homes. Members of the Vanbrugh Park Residents'... ...
Starmail - 19. Okt, 22:59
Booster Boxes on Lampposts
To: Nigel Davies, Assisitant Director (Street Services) LB Bromley. Dear Nigel Davies I have had sight of your Report ELS 05289 regarding dual use lamp columns. I have some serious queries and comments... ...
Starmail - 14. Okt, 13:47
Dad’s mast concerns
06 October 2005 The maximum beam of a hotly-disputed mobile phone mast, under construction on the periphery of a Dundee playpark, will fall directly into the popular children’s facility, it has been claimed,... ...
Starmail - 6. Okt, 18:23
Cellular Discontent
A good review of the celluar situation in Israel. Iris Atzmon. Jerusalem Report http://www.findarticles.c om/p/articles/mi_qn4160/is _20050808/ai_n14806238 Israelis love their cell phones but are increasingly... ...
Starmail - 4. Okt, 16:29