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Die Suche nach »EMF Collaborative« hat 6 Resultate geliefert.
Senate Appropriations Subcmte. Hearing on the Health Effects of Cell Phone Use
Video footage is available to view from Monday September 14, 2009 U.S. Senate Congressional hearing on health effects of cell phone use. Washington, DC: 1 hr. 48 min. http://www.cspan.org /Watch/Media/2009/09/14/HP /A/23091/Senate+Appropriat ion+Subcmte+Hearing+on+the +Health+Effects+of+Cell+Ph one+Use.aspx Last... ...
Starmail - 15. Sep, 22:54
Two reports raise questions about cell phone radiation and cancer
http://groups.google.com/g roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/7c90fc5da6e311b0 htt p://omega.twoday.net/searc h?q=cell+phone+radiation h ttp://omega.twoday.net/sea rch?q=electromagnetic+radi ation http://omega.twoday. net/search?q=cancer http:/ /omega.twoday.net/search?q =EMF+Collaborative https:// omega.twoday.net/search?q= Environmental+Working+Grou p ...
Starmail - 10. Sep, 14:27
Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: Underplayed by Industry Giants
Targeted News Service (subscription) ... are calculated off a false premise--assuming that electromagnetic radiation from cellular phones have no biological effect other than heating. ... http://targetednews.c om/disp_story.php?s_id=998 555> -------- Cellphones ... ...
Starmail - 3. Sep, 22:12
Does Your Cell Phone Cause Cancer?
Newstalk 1450 KBKW The International EMF Collective (EMF stands for "electromagnetic fields") report, co-authored by Brian Stein, questions long-awaited research about whether ... http://kbkw.com/modul es/news/article.php?storyi d=845 -------- Does... ...
Starmail - 30. Aug, 22:11
Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors
15 Reasons for Concern. Science, Spin and the Truth Behind Interphone Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors http://www.radiati onresearch.org/pdfs/15reas ons.asp http://groups.goog le.com/group/mobilfunk_new sletter/t/35adc462f66c38e7 -------- Cellphones... ...
Starmail - 28. Aug, 11:27
Helsinki Appeal 2005
Please find attached the Appeal: https://twoday.net/ static/omega/files/helsink i_appeal_2005_r5.pdf Dist ribute it to your colleagues and return them with signatures to the address: EMF-team Finland P.O.Box... ...
Starmail - 6. Feb, 10:36