
Dundee Council ignore Childhood Leukaemia risk for school

Dundee Council are planning to build large new primary school and nursery alongside high-voltage overhead powerlines. Despite the advice from both the UK Department of Health SAGE Process report, the Health Protection Agency and the Westminster Parliamentary Cross Party Inquiry Report (see below) into developments close to powerlines, Dundee Council rely instead on information gained from mis-interpreting an electrical industry "Fact Sheet". They have decided to build the new school and nursery right next to the powerlines when they have another site, well away from the powerlines, that would cost the same to develop and meet all their non-financial requirements.

Click here for the full news story



Row over illegal phone masts

By MOHAMMED AL A'ALI, Posted on Wednesday, September 02, 2009

MUNICIPAL councillors will vote today whether to seek an urgent court order to remove illegal phone masts on rooftops in Muharraq, which have caused violent clashes between neighbours.

Muharraq Municipal Council has been bombarded with calls from residents complaining about neighbours, who are paid by telecommunication companies to set up masts at their homes or buildings.

There have been violent clashes between neighbours amid rumours that emissions from the masts could poison food.


Die Auswirkungen elektromagnetischer Felder auf Tiere

EIN FORSCHUNGSBERICHT von Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Warnke

Eine Internetpublikation der Kompetenzinitiative e. V.

Der hier vorgelegte Forschungsbericht zur Schaedigung der Tiere wurde urspruenglich fuer die Positionsbestimmung des BUND Fuer zukunftsfaehige Funktechnologien. Begruendungen und Forderungen zur Begrenzung der Gefahren und Risiken durch hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder (2008) geschrieben. Die Ergebnisse der ausgedehnten wissenschaftlichen Recherchen konnten darin naturgemaess nur stark verkuerzt aufgenommen werden?.




Wi-fi: Why I Don't Think It's as Safe as We are Led to Believe

August 30th, 2009

Posted in blue jean


Informant: Martin Weatherall



Cell Phones and Health: Is There a Brain Cancer Connection?

Experts Convene in Washington D.C. Sept 13-15

Washington, D.C. (August 31, 2009) -- Are cell phones safe? Mounting concerns about the cancer risks of cell phone radiation will bring experts to Washington for an international conference on September 13-15.

The latest scientific evidence and the implications for public policy will be presented by many respected experts in the field, such as Dr. Ron Herberman, Director Emeritus for of the Cancer Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh; Dr. Siegal Sadetzki of Tel Aviv Medical University, who is Israel’s key researcher on cancer and cell phones; Dr. Margaret Offermann, national research deputy at the American Cancer Society; and Dr. Frank Barnes, a professor of electrical engineering who chaired a National Academy of Sciences study group that resulted in a 2008 report on the risks of low-level radiation emitted by personal wireless devices.

Along with cancer experts from the U.S. and abroad, health policy experts from the U.S. government as well as key Members of Congress and their staff are expected to attend. Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) is expected to chair a Congressional hearing on cell phones on Monday, September 14 on Capitol Hill, which is independent of the meeting.

Cancer researcher Dr. Devra L. Davis, Professor of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh and a primary organizer of the conference, explains: “Deeply troubling findings have been reported by researchers from countries outside the U.S. where cell phones have been widely used for longer periods of time. These findings show a doubling of the risk of brain cancer.” Dr. Davis points out that,” Many governments, including France, Finland, China and Russia, advise that children simply not use cell phones.”

Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski of the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, also a primary organizer of the conference, notes that “People want to believe that cell phones are safe, but at this point we cannot make that judgment. Some of the existing scientific evidence suggests that cell phones might harm human health. Given the current scientific uncertainty, we have to develop precautionary measures to reduce potential cell phone risks, while the new research is planned and carried out."

The goal of the conference is to propose a U.S. research agenda. Representatives of the cell phone industry were invited to the conference and asked to present research that they claim validates cell phone safety. All declined to attend.

The public is invited to attend this groundbreaking conference and can view the agenda and pre-register on the Environmental Health Trust website, http://www.environmentalhealth.org .The conference fee of $100 covers the two and one-half day event, including two lunches, two receptions, refreshments and handout materials.

Sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, National Research Center for Women & Families, The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, The Flow Fund Circle, and The Environmental Health Trust, the conference will be held at the historic Credit Union House, 4th and Maryland Ave. NE, near the U.S. Capitol.

Press contact:
Judy Katz
212-580-8833, 917-841-1843

Elizabeth Kelley, M.A.
International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety http://www.icems.eu


International Expert Conference on Cell Phones and Health



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