
French Bill in the pipeline on wireless communication

French Bill in the pipeline on wireless communication French Bill in the pipeline on wireless communication omeganews
Please see enclosed much better translation for the French Bill providing details of the main points.

Thank you for your support.

Kind regards

Eileen O’Connor
Radiation Research Trust

Five members of the French Senate present a bill restricting EMF exposure


Reasons why the bill is required:

Wireless technologies are being rolled out without any coordinated study of the health risks. The French constitution stipulates in its first article: “Everyone has the right to live in a safe environment respectful of health”. Do we have to wait for another health disaster?

There is already a long list of environmental and health alerts which public authorities chose to ignore: asbestos, lead, dioxins, mercury, glycol ethers, radioactive pollution. All these cases prove that ignoring an early alarm call exposes the public to catastrophic multiple consequences. By anticipating health effects, a long cortege of victims, social and environmental repercussions and costs could have been avoided.

Article 1

Every person has the right to health and to protection from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Part I Reduction of exposure to EMFs produced by mobile phone masts

Article 2

Public exposure levels to EMFs emitted by mobile phone masts cannot exceed 0.6 v/m.

Article 3

Commissions will be established to follow and evaluate the implementation of article 2. They will be composed of elected members of local authorities, representatives of mobile phone operators, representatives of the State departments concerned, and representatives of environmental and health NGOs.

Article 4

The State will set up a department in the Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire de l’Evironnement et du Travail (AFSSET) which dealing with EMFs.

Article 6

Where possible new mobile phone masts will be shared between operators.

Article 9

Mobile phone masts can only be erected on multiply-owned buildings if there is unanimous agreement amongst owners.

Tenants must be consulted before a mobile mast is installed on any social housing.

Failing to consult means that any contracts are invalidated.

Article 10

The presence of a mobile phone mast must be indicated by the owner if the property, or part thereof, is sold or rented. The failure to communicate such information means that any contracts are invalidated.

Part II Prevention of health effects from mobile phone use

Article 11

Advertising mobile phones to children under 14 is prohibited, in whatever shape or form.

Article 12

All mobile phones must be sold with a reliable hands-free kit. Instruction booklets must contain clear and visible information encouraging users to employ the hands-free kit.

Article 13

All mobile phones are sold with clear and visible information about the health risks of prolonged use.

Part III Reduction of exposure to EMFs emitted by Wifi and Wi-Max technologies

Article 14

The Wifi function of all Wifi-equipped devices is deactivated by default.

Instruction booklets contain clear and visible information about the health risks of using Wifi and preventive measures to take when it is activated.

Article 15

Where possible, in public buildings wired connections will be obligatory for all new communications networks, except in special circumstances which are in the public interest.

Where possible, existing Wifi installations will be replaced by wired networks within 5 years of the promulgation of the present law.

Article 16

Wi-max roll-out is suspended for 5 years from the promulgation of the present law and will be replaced by wired broadband.

Part IV Electrohypersensitivity

Article 17

Within a year of the present law’s promulgation, a report on electrohypersensitivity will be submitted to parliament and will include an epidemiological study carried out with transparency.

The report will define the handicap and lead to the inclusion of electrohypersensitivity in the recognised list of handicaps (2007-1574, 6 November 2007).

Informant: Iris Atzmon


MEP Liz Lynne calls for action on mobile phone masts


Five members of the French Senate present a bill restricting EMF exposure Five members of the French Senate present a bill restricting EMF exposure omeganews


Electromagnetic Fields and Health

Electromagnetic Fields and Health Electromagnetic Fields and Health omeganews



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