
HSP70 Expression in Human Trophoblast Cells Exposed to Different 1.8 GHz Mobile Phone Signals

Volume 170, Issue 4 (October 2008)

Radiation Research

Article: pp. 488–497

HSP70 Expression in Human Trophoblast Cells Exposed to Different 1.8 GHz Mobile Phone Signals

Silvia Franzellittia, Paola Valbonesia, Andrea Contina, b, Carla Biondic, and Elena Fabbria

a. Interdepartmental Centre for Environmental Science Research, University of Bologna, 48100 Ravenna, Italy;, b. Department of Physics, University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy;, c. Department of Biology and Evolution, Section of General Physiology, University of Ferrara, 44100 Ferrara, Italy

Franzellitti, S., Valbonesi, P., Contin, A., Biondi, C. and Fabbri, E. HSP70 Expression in Human Trophoblast Cells Exposed to Different 1.8 GHz Mobile Phone Signals. Radiat. Res. 170, 488–497 (2008).

The heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are important cellular stress markers and have been proposed as candidates to infer biological effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs). In the current study, HSP70 gene and protein expression were evaluated in cells of the human trophoblast cell line HTR-8/SVneo after prolonged exposure (4 to 24 h) to 1.8 GHz continuous-wave (CW) and different GSM signals (GSM-217Hz and GSM-Talk) to assess the possible effects of time and modulation schemes on cell responses. Inducible HSP70 protein expression was not modified by high-frequency EMFs under any condition tested. The inducible HSP70A, HSP70B and the constitutive HSC70 transcripts did not change in cells exposed to high-frequency EMFs with the different modulation schemes. Instead, levels of the inducible HSP70C transcript were significantly enhanced after 24 h exposure to GSM-217Hz signals and reduced after 4 and 16 h exposure to GSM-Talk signals. As in other cell systems, in HTR-8/SVneo cells the response to high-frequency EMFs was detected at the mRNA level after exposure to amplitude-modulated GSM signals. The present results suggest that the expression analysis for multiple transcripts, though encoding the same or similar protein products, can be highly informative and may account for subtle changes not detected at the protein level.

Received: March 22, 2008; Accepted: June 18, 2008

DOI: 10.1667/RR1405.1



Blood-brain barrier permeability and nerve cell damage in rat brain

Electromagn Biol Med. 2008;27(3):215-29.

Blood-brain barrier permeability and nerve cell damage in rat brain 14 and 28 days after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones.

Eberhardt JL, Persson BR, Brun AE, Salford LG, Malmgren LO.

Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Jacob.Eberhardt@med.lu.se

We investigated the effects of global system for mobile communication (GSM) microwave exposure on the permeability of the blood-brain barrier and signs of neuronal damage in rats using a real GSM programmable mobile phone in the 900 MHz band. Ninety-six non-anaesthetized rats were either exposed to microwaves or sham exposed in TEM-cells for 2 h at specific absorption rates of average whole-body Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) of 0.12, 1.2, 12, or 120 mW/kg. The rats were sacrificed after a recovery time of either 14 or 28 d, following exposure and the extravazation of albumin, its uptake into neurons, and occurrence of damaged neurons was assessed. Albumin extravazation and also its uptake into neurons was seen to be enhanced after 14 d (Kruskal Wallis test: p = 0.02 and 0.002, respectively), but not after a 28 d recovery period. The occurrence of dark neurons in the rat brains, on the other hand, was enhanced later, after 28 d (p = 0.02). Furthermore, in the 28-d brain samples, neuronal albumin uptake was significantly correlated to occurrence of damaged neurons (Spearman r = 0.41; p < 0.01).

Publication Types:

* Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 18821198 [PubMed - in process]


[ See also: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/5313778/ ]


Cell Phones and brain tumors? Is there a link?

Tampa - Teresa Mosley is a busy mother of three who relies on her cell phone to keep up with her kids. But she knows she's not the only one her kids are talking to. "On weekends they use it a lot because they like to get with their friends. They have a social life."

But there's a question about how much cell phone use is safe for children and whether or not the electromagnetic radiation that cell phones put off could cause brain tumors. Dr. James Orlowski is the Chief of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Intensive Care at University Community Hospital located at 3100 East Fletcher Avenue in Tampa. He says research in Europe and Asia is still being conducted on the issue there's a reason to be cautious right now.


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