... in January this year with buckets full of dead and dying bees, complaining that the deaths were caused through chemicals being used inappropriately. ...
Imagine if that were a permanent scenario: if there are no British honey-bees, there’ll be no British honey on the shelves.” Concerned what the dying bees ...
Mass loss of bees threatens our ecosystem of food production
Scotsman - United Kingdom
Yet bees are dying out globally at an alarming rate. With no bees, we would be forced to live without products such as flowers, nuts, soya beans, onions, ...
Echols County Extension Agent Justin Shealey, "Its basically where the bees just begin dying in the hives, nobody really knows what's causing it right now. ...
Bestäubung durch Insekten schafft 150 Milliarden Euro
Französische und deutsche Wissenschaftler haben erstmals berechnet, welche Werte Insekten wie Bienen durch die Bestäubung von Agrarpflanzen schaffen. Der Studie zufolge hat der ökonomische Nutzen durch diese Bestäuber im Jahre 2005 etwa 150 Milliarden Euro betragen.
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