
Request for help: lobbying on 7th Framework Programme for Research

Please see important request from Green Party MEP Dr Caroline Lucas, I would be most grateful if everyone could please help with this one.

Eileen O’Connor

Hi again Eileen,

You may be interested to know that we've also tabled the following amendment, which does not refer explicitly to electromagnetic radiation but could easily cover it - indeed it calls for population-based studies, the need for which was highlighted by Gerd Oberfeld.

However we think the amendment may have a greater chance of success if it is not linked to any particular set of emerging risk factors (such as EMW), and instead appears as a general and "innocent" request. For this reason, we think it's probably better if you DON'T draw it to MEPs attention when you ask them to lobby on 629!!

Thanks again,


Dear Eileen,

I hope you are well. I am writing to ask for your help with some lobbying, for san amendment to the 7th Framework Programme for Research which Caroline has tabled, with her Green colleagues - relating to our concerns about electromagnetic radiation.

As I'm sure you know, the 7th Framework Programme sets out the EU's research priorities for the next several years and thereby the funding allocation different activities will receive. As we discussed when you came out to Brussels, there is an urgent need for more research into the impacts of electromagnetic radiation on human health and wellbeing - which, as it stands, are not explicitly covered at all by the Programme proposal.

The amendment in question is number 629, pasted at the end of this message. It relates to the part of the Programme which talks about ICT research in general, and Caroline has proposed some additional text (in red) to try and ensure that health effects are closely monitored.

It is likely that this amendment will not be very popular which is why we are asking for your assistance in contacting MEPs to urge them to vote for it. It would be great if you could call on your contacts to write to the members of the Parliament's Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) - the lead Committee on this dossier - who are due to vote on this on 30 May. Naturally, please also write to MEPs yourself! The list of members of the Committee can be found at


They are most likely to take note of approaches made by citizens / groups from their own country, so if you have contacts in other countries who could target their own MEPs that would be even better.

Please let me know if you need any further information; otherwise any help you can offer on this would be much appreciated. The success of the amendments may depend on it!!

Best wishes,



Amendment of the Green/Efa Group - Amendment 629

Annex I, Chapter I 'Cooperation', subtitle 'Themes', point 3 'Information and Communication

Technologies', subtitle 'Rationale', paragraph 2

The escalating economic and societal demands, together with the continued mainstreaming of ICT and the need to push further the technology limits set a growing agenda for research. To bring technology closer to people and organisational needs means: hiding technology complexity and revealing functionality on demand; making technology very simple to use, available and affordable; providing new ICT-based applications, solutions and services that are trusted, reliable, and adaptable to the users’ context and preferences. Driven by the demand of more-for-less, ICT researchers are involved in a global race to achieve further miniaturisation, to master the convergence of computing, communications and media technologies, and the convergence with other relevant sciences and disciplines, and to build systems that are able to learn and evolve. From these diverse The escalating economic and societal demands, together with the continued mainstreaming of ICT and the need to push further the technology limits set a growing agenda for research. To bring technology closer to people and organisational needs means: improving usability; providing new ICT-based applications, solutions and services that are interoperable and reliable, and adaptable to the users’ context and preferences; using ICT for sustainable development, particularly in the management of transport, in conservation of energy and in natural resource use; monitoring closely any possible impact of ICT on human health and wellbeing, in particular, as regards the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Special emphasis shall be placed on overcoming barriers of jurisdiction, language and location. Driven by the demand of more-for efforts a new wave of technologies is emerging. ICT research activities will also draw on a broader range of scientific and technological disciplines including bio- and life sciences, psychology, pedagogy, cognitive and social sciences. less, ICT researchers are involved in a global race to achieve further miniaturisation, to master the convergence of computing, communications and media technologies, and the convergence with other relevant sciences and disciplines, and to build systems that are able to learn and evolve. From these diverse efforts a new wave of technologies is emerging. ICT research activities will also draw on a broader range of scientific and technological disciplines including bio- and life sciences, psychology, pedagogy, cognitive and social sciences.

Erica Hope

Parliamentary Assistant / Researcher
Office of Dr. Caroline Lucas MEP
Green Party MEP for South East England
The European Parliament
rue Wiertz
1047 Brussels, Belgium
Brussels Tel: +32 2 284 5153
Fax: +32 2 284 9153
UK Tel: +44 207 407 6281
Fax: +44 207 234 0183

Who Says You Cannot Change Codex from Inside Codex?

Stunning victory: Health Freedom Establishes Ottawa Beachhead


1. an area in hostile territory which has been captured and is held awaiting further troops and supplies

2. an initial accomplishment which opens the way for further developments

Who Says You Cannot Change Codex from Inside Codex?

We Just Did!

The Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) is one of two Codex committees which were tasked with determining how Codex will implement the World Health Organization Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Exercise and Health (WHOGS) (Codex Alimentarius Commission [CAC], July 4-9, 2005) prior to the upcoming CAC meeting (Geneva, Switzerland, July 3-8, 2006). The other one was the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU).

CCNFSDU met last November but Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, its Chairman, refused to allow any meaningful discussion of the topic, leaving the field open to CCFL to provide the only input at CAC this coming July.

The Natural Solutions Foundation was in Ottawa, Canada for CCFL (May 1-5, 2006). South Africa's Antoinette Booyzen, with our support and input, fought enegetically and succeeded in securing the most potent pro-health position our side has ever had in Codex, despite US opposition: the Ottawa Beachhead:

In line with the WHOGS, Codex is now directed to implement the following principles:

1. Nutrients are not toxins.

2. Nutrients are generally safe and sold as "dietary supplements" including optimum potency levels, throughout the world;

3. All trans fats derived from industrial sources should be eliminated from the food supply

4. Industrial toxins should be eliminated from the food supply.

5. Enrichment of foods through dietary supplements should be encouraged to optimize nutrient density of foods and compensate for the decline in micronutrients in agricultural produce

6. Development of national and international policies which enhance local, national, regional and global optimal nutrition through life-style modification (including diet), fortification and supplementation with dietary supplements at all levels, including optimum potency levels should be encouraged

7. Healthy life styles and life style choices, including diet and supplementation should be encouraged

8. Foods that do not contribute to, which conflict with or are not essential for, a healthy lifestyle ("junk food") should be identified and discouraged. Nutrition and health claims in labeling and advertising for those foods that do contribute to a healthy life-style should be encouraged while nutrition and health claims for foods which do not contribute to a healthy life styles should be banned in order to encourage health-supporting foods and discourage ones that do not support health

9. Encourage truthful, full and accurate labeling and advertising on all foods which contribute to health and ban advertising and health claims on those that do not

10. Advertising of junk food to children (birth to 18 years) should be banned

11. Require that the Chairpersons of Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) and Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) report to the Codex Alimentarius Commission every other year on the status of the implementation of the WHO/FAO GLOBAL STRATEGY ON DIET, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND HEALTH and items 1-10 listed above.

The next step is that the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will jointly summarize what happened at CCFL and present it for comment. The result will create the terrain for the Battle of Genva '06 at the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Geneva, CAC, July 3-7, 2006) when the other side will try to evade the WHO/FAO requirement to implement WHOGS. In the meantime, it is essential to build the strategic and tactical strength for these WHOGS principles in preparation to for extending Beachhead Ottawa to the critical Battle of Geneva '06.

While there is genuine cause for jubilation, should we fail to provide the troops and supplies needed to exploit the advantage that the Ottawa Beachhead gives us, our hard-won advance will become totally meaningless in the long run. Whether that happens depends upon what WE do and what YOU do.

The health freedom war is, in fact, a grass roots/grass tops insurgency. The Natural Solutions Foundation is reaching out to the grass tops by providing essential information and meeting with Congressional leaders, Ministers of Health, National Codex Committee members and other decision makers in the US and around the world.

We are working the grass tops.

YOU are in charge of the grass roots. You have a circle of influence. Recruit it.

Here's what you can do to set the grassroots growing so we can assure victory at the Battle of Geneva '06 and win the Health Freedom War:

* Disseminate these emails to your whole circle of influence (COI).

* Urge everyone tin your COI to sign participate in the war

Nutricide: the DVD http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/aboutcodex/dvd.shtml

* Arrange showings in your area

* Send it to your Congressmen/women

* Make sure your health food store/natural health professional/local coffee house/ food co-op, etc. sees Nutricide: the DVD and shares it with their COIs

* Bring a copy with you to leave with your Congressman/woman when you visit them

Codex eBook http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/resources/books.shtml

* Read it

* Send the link for download to your COI

* Bring a printout of the Codex eBook when you visit your Congressional member

Multiple links increase search engine ratings and help more people find Natural Solutions Foundation's accurate, up-to-the minute intelligence on the Codex battles and how they can help secure eventual health freedom victory

Participate in the Health Freedom Civic Campaign

* Sign the Citizens Petition
http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/action/step3/petition-letter.shtml , a legal challenge to US harmonization with Codex pro-illness nutrient policies

* Urge everyone in your COI to sign the Citizens Petition

* Email the Citizen Petition link,
http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/action/step3/petition-letter.shtml and urge your entire COI to sign it

* Write to Congress
http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/action/step2.shtml to tell them how important your health freedom is to you

Visit members of Congress when they are in their district offices (or in Washington, DC) with a group of friends. Give them a copy of Nutricide: the DVD and the Codex eBook. Tell them what is important to you.

In military terms, it is called exploitation. This means that you put your essential forces and fire power on the enemy's weakness to expolit the breakthrough.

South Africa, the Natural Solutions Foundation and others have secured have secured the Ottawa Bridgehead. As in any beachhead operation, securing the perimeter of the beachhead provides freedom of movement to bring in essential suppliess, additional forces to continue and extend the attack, create a breakthrough and expolit the opportunity.

You are an essential soldier in this war. Every soldier is a precious asset.

It is up to YOU to keep this incredible and absolutley unprecedented opportunity moving forward: to keep Health Freedom from loosing the most powerful position Health Freedom has ever achieved in Codex and to expolit it for future gains.

JOIN, SUPPORT, ACTIVATE as we take prepare to win the Battle of Geneva '06!

Yours in health and freedom,

Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
Natural Solutions Foundation


Stop Codex Alimentarius - Protect health freedom from Codex Alimentarius. Website contains information, resources, and calls to action.



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Mai 2006

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