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Die Suche nach »fetal« hat 18 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
EMF-Omega-News 9. February 2008
Single Small-Scale Study in Japan Claims Mobiles Clear of Cancer Risk - Oh Yes? http://omega.twoday.n et/stories/4682150/ Mobil e phone use, exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic field, and brain tumour:... ...
Starmail - 9. Feb, 11:42
Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones
http://groups.google.com/g roup/mobilfunk_newsletter/ t/2d899664307cbf0d http ://omega.twoday.net/search ?q=mobile+phone+radiation ...
Starmail - 8. Feb, 11:09
Lifestyle-related factors and environmental agents causing cancer: An overview
Irigaray P, Newby JA, Clapp R, Hardell L, Howard V, Montagnier L, Epstein S, Belpomme D. Cancer Research Center, Association for Research and Treatments Against Cancer (ARTAC), 57-59 rue de la Convention,... ...
Starmail - 19. Dez, 00:07
EMF-Omega-News 26. May 2007
Cancer Risks from Microwaves Confirmed http://omega.two day.net/stories/3762355/ The Latest Reassurance About Cell Phones and Cancer http://omega.twoday .net/stories/3768702/ Ele ctromagnetic fields linked... ...
Starmail - 26. Mai, 10:03
Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/897539/ -------- T his is a brilliant book, must read for every expert and consumer, please read it and distribute it far far, very far, because in the past I read that... ...
Starmail - 29. Okt, 22:26
Alzheimers: we can't afford to wait 5-10 years for "truth"
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/alzheimers_we_cant_af ford_to_wait_5_10_years_fo r_truth.htm -------- Wha t's Causing The Rise In Most Brain Disorders? http://www.buer gerwelle.de/pdf/whats_caus ing_the_rise_in_most_brain _disorders.htm -------- A... ...
Starmail - 2. Mär, 22:35
Here are a couple of paragraphs from Roger Coghill's website re SIDS. These comments and references to other studies, help to support the vital need to evaluate and compare cases of SIDS, Leukaemia,... ...
Starmail - 26. Jan, 14:01
A Possible Association Between Fetal/neonatal Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Increased Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/grn/omega155.htm ...
Starmail - 7. Jan, 17:31
Aspartame Makers In A Tizzy
by Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum. Bettym19@mindspring.com 10-30-5 In July famous Italian scientists made world news by reporting an impeccable three-year study on aspartame proving it causes malignant brain... ...
Starmail - 31. Okt, 10:30
Vaccine Ingredients - Be VERY Aware
Subj: Press Release*Send your own demands in truth on this one*Media addies at the end Date: 10/29/2005 11:30:40 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Mofmars3 To: TIME2TELLTRUTH Most... ...
Starmail - 29. Okt, 19:02